• Published 4th Jul 2019
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Dragonball MLP: Buu's Calamity! - ultrapoknee

An evil wizard named Babidi unleashes a terrifying monster bent on universal destruction!

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episode 45: Evil Evolves!!!

(New Intro!)

Amidst a torn and broken landscape, Goku proceeds to walk forward with a fierce look of determination on his features. Image of his latest battles flashes above before he transforms into a Super Saiyan. Spike lands beside his master. The top portion of his Gi is gone, allowing two new sets of wings to expand from his back. He is noticeably taller and more muscular than before. Images of the remaining dragons and Ember roll in Spike's mind while his aura flares. It is now green with a shimmering gold outline. On Goku's left, an alicorn sharing some aspect of Scootaloo's features lands. She is as tall as Princess Celestia with a vibrant wingspan as long as Spike's. Flashes of the elements having a slumber party with the crusaders appear. Her aura flared out, and her magic as the trio came to a stop. The trio glare into a haze as Majin Buu emerges with Cozy sitting on his shoulder and several shadow figures behind them.

On The Supreme Kai planet, Gohan vigorously trains with the Z sword under the watchful eyes of Kibito and Supreme Kai. However, the sword begins to emit a bright light before the appearance of an Elder Supreme kai shocks the group. He holds his hand towards the boy as Gohan releases a bellow while his aura towers into the sky. Back on Equis, Chrysalis scoffs at the new Changeling kingdom as she starts to turn away. However, Ocellus grabs her hand and pleads with the former queen. The minor nymph points to the ominous aura in the distance. Chrysalis's features soften for a moment before she sighs and flies off. Sombra holds a box containing stone fragments from somewhere else while he stares at them. A hand grips his shoulder as he turns to his wife and daughter. He hugs them before his loving smile turns stoic at the Glow over the horizon. He breaks the hug and flies over to it.

Sombra and Chrysalis land next to Goku's group as they power up. The shadows behind Buu begin to morph into a slender shape as it smiles sinisterly at our assembled heroes with red eyes. It crosses its arms as its clothes flowing in the wind with the prominent Majin insignia upon its belt shines. However, several shadows from behind our heroes as well. The first is a boy sporting a cocky smile before a golden aura forms around him. Next to him were various other creatures native to Equis. Finally, another figure with spiky hair floats to meet the other shadow. The sparkle of its earrings catches the light as the opposing forces face each other. Buu made silly gestures with his tongue while Cozy flashed a cute smile before it turned manic. Goku narrows his eyes but sports a confident smile as he becomes a Super Saiyan 3 and leads the charge.

[Planet Earth - Ruined Landscape - Third Person POV.]

Gohan panted heavily after vomiting out a fresh glob of blood. The horrible sensation would build up again every time he moved an inch. Realizing the danger, Gohan focused his ki and summoned his aura through a violent shockwave. Buu leaps back in mock surprise. But, Gohan's gambit did the trick. The sensation was gone, and his body was his once more. Buu gave the Saiyan a round of applause. "Congratulations, Gohan. You managed to break Sand Streams water blood manipulation. A good one, too; I was starting to get bored. So, how about we move things along. Do you have any requests?"

"Shut up! I won't let you abuse my friends and family anymore!!!" Gohan roared.

"Family? Ah, yes, excellent suggestion. Even I must admit that this technique gave me some problems. Let's see how you fair?" Buu tilts his head back as he takes a deep breath. A moment later, he spews out a white glob from his muzzle. The glob pulses and shifts until its head pops out. Gohan gasped in her at the pale white clone of Buu. It giggled in a creepy tone as Buu floated side by side with it. "Now, attack!"

The ghost lunges at Gohan was incredible speed. Gohan overcame his shock and prepped an attack. However, as he moved his hand and made contact, Twilight shouted at him. "Gohan! No!!! Please don't touch it!!!"

"Huh?" Gohan said in confusion before a bright light enveloped the ghost. "Wha--" That was all Ggohan had time to see until a massive explosion rocked the vicinity. Gohan can fall limply to the ground as he lands on a rock bed with smoke coming off him.

Buu follows suit and lands near Gohan's feet. "You really should pay more attention, Gohan. Even with your friends' warning, you still went swing away. My super ghost could've launched a dozen different moves at you. But you made it so easy. Truly pathetic,"

"..." Gohan's silence made Buu frown before he coughed.

"Aw. You had me worried for a moment. I didn't want our fight to be over so soon. It's nice to see that resilience. However foolish and futile, it is still amusing,"

"Now, hold on, Mister Buu. I think you should stop," Cozy Glow called out, flying over to the pair.

"Hmm? What is it?" Buu asks.

"Well, you've thought this boy, and winning, for a while now. I think it's time to give him a chance to surrender. We don't want creatures thinking you're a bully. But, only if he gets on his hands and knees and apologies for all the trouble,"

Majin Buu couldn't help but chuckle. "That's very cute, Cozy. What do you say, Gohan? Do you know how to grovel?"

Buu kneels and hoists Gohan up by his neck. All the while, Twilight and the others watch in horror. "Why are we still here?" Blueblood said in a harsh whisper. "That human has lost! We need to leave before that monster comes after us next!"

"We are not abandoning our friend!!" Rarity spat.

"And what do you propose we do against this beast!?" Blueblood shot back.

"Both of Y'all quiet down! Arguing amongst ourselves won't solve anything!" Applejack interjected.

"I am afraid the prince speaks the truth. We are powerless against that monster!" Radiant Hope stated.

"I-I agree. We shouldn't be here. Who's to say that kid won't make a comeback? We're probably distracting him; that's all," Hercule offers from his fetal position on the ground.

"Wait. That's it!" Starlight said.

"What? You got a plan?" Rainbow asks

"The majority of Buu's power is coming from the fusions. It's already been more than fifteen minutes. All we have to do is distract Buu long for the time to run out," Starlight explained.

"You're right, darling!" Rarity exclaims.

"Oh my! But what about the other princesses and Scootaloo? Won't Buu still be using their power?"

"Not to mention, he has Spike as well," Ember reminded with a growl. "Even if the others spilled up, will that monster be weak enough for Gohan to fight in his state?"

"I can heal him while you all distract Buu. It won't take long," Dende said.

"Yes, yes. It's about time you take a proactive role. You have my full support!" Blueblood said. That remark earned him several reproachful glares.

"Thanks for lending us a hand, Prince Blueblood. I'll need all horns on deck for the spells I have in mind," Starlight said with a cunning smile.

"What!? I didn't--"

"I want to help too!" Flurry Heart exclaim cutting Blueblood off. "I want to save my mom!"

"And father!" Obsidian stated.

Twilight kneels to the two fillies with a gentle smile. "And you both will. You only have to give starlight your magic, understand?" The two fillies nod with determination. "Alright, what do you need, Starlight?"

"First off, everyone with a horn joins hands with me," All the unicorns and alicorns did as instructed. "I got the idea from Scootaloo's Kiao Ken technique. You girls are going to feel a slight tingle..." Starlight horn glows brightly as The elements' bodies start to illuminate. An aura matching the color of their fur shimmered over them as Starlight continued. "There we go. This spell enhances your magical attributes. But, it's normally only for a short time. With everypony else helping me power it, I can keep the spell going for a while. You girls should have enough power to annoy that guy,"

"I wouldn't call it annoying. I think pestering sounds better," Pinkie noted.

"More like a fly at the tail end of a Betsy," Applejack added, bringing out her rope.

"Well, it's a bit closer to nagging, darlings," Rarity said.

"Whatever. It's time for some payback!" Rainbow said, getting into a runner's stance.

Back on the battlefield, Buu had his foot planted on Gohan's chest as he leaned into it. The pressure on his sternum causes the Saiyan to cry out in pain. Buu bares a sadistic grin above while Cozy wore a cruel smile. "Golly, that doesn't sound good. I think I heard a crack. I'm sure Mister Buu would let up if you only apologize,"

"I AM SORRY I WAITED SO LONG TO DO THIS!!!" Rainbow cried out with an outstretched hoof.

"Huh-- Ugh!" Buu turned to the sudden voice only to feel the sting of a hoof against his cheek. The blow came roo fast, catching Buu entirely off guard. He quickly stood up before he felt another impact to the back of his that made him stumble forward. A growl escapes his muzzle before Buu whips around and grabs his offender. However, Buu arches a brow at Rainbow Dash, struggling with his hand at her throat. "Hmm? Rainbow Dash? Just what do you think you're trying to do?"

"H-Hehe, honestly? I wanted to get my licks in first," Rainbow said with a strained smile.

Before Buu could question further, a rope wraps around his neck. The Majin felt a sharp tug that made him release Rainbow as he flew off into a rock face. Groaning in annoyance, he saw Applejack at the other end of the rope. "Howdy, partner. I got some choice words for you, varmint!" Applejack tugs on the rope again and propels Buu into the terrain again. "Ya threaten my planet!" Another tug, and Buu felt himself dragging across the land. "Ya hurt my friends!" Applejack pulls the rope taut and flung Buu towards her, where she bucks the Majin in the face. Rainbow came in with some fly-by's before kicking Buu higher. "Ya ate my sister! I consider myself a level-headed mare. But..." Applejack pulls the rope back down, slamming Buu multiple times on the ground before leaping high. She several flips while spinning Buu in a circle. "I'm at the end of my rope!!!" She finished, slamming Buu hard enough into the ground to cause a tremor.

Buu emerges from the rubble, no worse for wear, as he dusts himself off. He spies the two elements before noticing the strange aura surrounding them both. "Well, that was unexpected. And, I think you managed to give me a crick in my neck. Now, how did you gain this power, I wonder? Does it have anything to do with that glow? Do you think that will help, give you and your friends the power to beat me? If so, when can I expect the other nats to buzz around and bother me?"

"Wow, deja vu!" Pinkie said, standing right next to Buu.

The pink terror arches his brow in surprise. "How did you--"

"I mean, the girls and I just had this conversation. But I said it was more like being a pest. Rarity said it was nagging. Starlight said annoyingly. And Applejack talked about flies around Besty. Fluttershy and Twilight were quiet about it. What do you think?" Buu's eyes twitched before he swiped his hand at the pink mare at blind speeds. However, Pinkie's form shimmered on contact and faded out. Buu corks another brow before Pinkie appears from his left side. "What would you call it?" Buu swipes again, only to get the same result. "Come on, tell me what you think of this? Your input is important too,"

"Grr! Frustrating!!!"

"Ooooh!" That's a good one! Here, a surprise pie for you," Pinkie held out a steamy hot pie in front of Buu's face.

The Majin instantly for his rage and ate the pie without hesitation. "Mmm! Delicious. That was better than anything I've made. I might spare you, Pinkie,"

"Wow. That's a shocker. I've never seen anyone eat my magma pies so fast,"

"Huh, magma?"

"Yeah, it's a huge hit with dragons! But it's not actual magma. Only all the spiciest ingredients in Equestria,"

Buu hunched over in pain as his belly glowed a visible red. He walked away from the crazy party mare before he screamed out, and fire spewed from his maw. The torrent of flames lasted for a few seconds while Buu fanned his tongue. With the pain subsiding, Buu faces Pinkie with a snarl. Buu quickly raises his hand to blast her while Pinkie gasps in fright as imminent death approaches her. However, Fluttershy touches down in front of her friend with the stare in full effect. As Fluttershy locked eyes with the pink terror for a brief moment, Buu's hand trembled. While the gaze forces the receiver to feel the regret of their actions, Buu smiles at the reminder. Fluttershy, despite her boost, buckles under Buu's pure malice. Buu fires his blast as initially intended, causing both mares to gasp out in fright. However, a diamond-shaped barrier redirects the shot. Buu swats his attack away, but more shields appear in its pathway. The blast ricochets from all directions while gaining more speed until barreling towards the pink terror. Buu had enough foresight to leap away. But, the moment he did, a massive ball of magic slammed into him—Buu grits his teeth as he kicks the ball away. Landing back on the ground, Buu frowns at all the element bearers standing in a united front before him. Majin Buu couldn't help but chuckle at the display of defiance towards him.

"Care to share what it is you find amusing?" Rarity spat.

"Now I understand the sudden bout of bravery from you all. That aura covering you all must be Twilight's doing. But, what would boosting your meager abilities accomplish? I had magic before I got more from your fellow princesses. All your efforts amount to nothing more than a distraction," Buu stated.

"Oh! Distraction. That's a way better word for this," Pinkie said.

"Good as any, I suppose," Applejack shrugs.

"Yeah, but we're one hundred percent awesome at it," Rainbow added.

"Oh, as long as we did a good job," Fluttershy said.

Buu arches a brow at these comments, whereas Twilight smiles. "Confused? I would've thought having some of the smartest ponies I know inside you would make our plan easier to figure out. Although, it is funny that you used the word distraction earlier,"

"Why is that?" Buu humored.

A sudden surge of Ki burst from a distance before shooting into the air and down in front of them. Gohan re-enters the fray, fully healed and ready for battle once more. "Because it worked!"

"Tsk," Buu sucks his teeth in disappointment as he glances to the side. He sees Dende scurrying back to a safe position from the battlefield. "Ah, Dende's healing abilities. An excellent ploy, if a bit redundant. All this means is I can have a little more with the boy. And a few extras-- Huh?" Buu looks toward the sky, prompting our heroes to do the same. Shock dominated everyone's features as two people never thought to see again hovered above them.

"D-Dad?" Gohan said in and awe. "And Chrysalis?"

"Whew, it looks like we made it in time. Hey, Gohan! Put this on!" Goku calls out, holding the Potara. "We can fuse our bodies and finally end this madness!"

As Goku throws the earring, Buu flaps his wings to release a gust of wind. The air current blows away Gohan, the girls, and the Potara. Goku cries out in shock while Chrysalis groans. "Good one, you moron! Why don't you yell out all our plans to the enemy!!!"

Buu floats up to greet them with a broad smile on his face. "I remember you, Goku. You did all those transformations to make yourself stronger. Since your son turned out to be a disappointment, and your little plan is gone with the wind, I am eager to play with you again,"

A beat of sweat drips from Goku's brow, but he remains confident. "You might have gotten a lot stronger, Buu. But it won't last. One way or the other, we'll stop you here!!!".

"Big words from a weakling!!!"

Buu charges ahead as Goku takes a stance. "Alright, here goes-- HA!" Goku flips over Buu as the Majin makes his past. " Chrysalis! Get that earring!!!"

Chrysalis groans as she teleports down to Gohan and the others. "Tch. The world is in peril, and you are all lazing on the job. It truly was blind luck that my invasion failed,"

"We could always kick you sorry flanks back to the dead!" Rainbow stated as the elements got back to their feet.

"I hate to say this, darling, but we don't have the time," Rarity reminded.

"Yeah, Sonny's not looking too good up there," Pinkie said.

The battle in the sky was even more one-sided than with Gohan. What the mares could follow was Goku taking more hits in each exchange. It was a harrowing sight considering Goku was in his most potent form to date. "How much more time until those fancy dances wear off?" Applejack asks with concern.

"Another few minutes," Gohan stated. He noticed the shocked looks on the girls' faces as he explained. "Dad gave me the gist of it on the Supreme Kai's planet. I was holding out until then, but we don't know if that's true now that they're inside Buu," Gohan narrows his eyes as Goku takes a nasty hook across his face. "I'll help my dad. Find that earring and hurry!"

Gohan shot back up into the air and flickered from sight. He reappears with his fist in mid-thrust. Buu's eyes widen as he tilts his head back to dodge. Goku was momentarily confused at his son's sudden rescue. He looks down to see the elements frantically searching below for the earring. Father and son nod at each other as they both attack. Buu was back on defense during a flurry of punches and kicks. The orange and blue clad duo's teamwork was impeccable. Goku would aim his attacks high while Gohan would go low. Neither of them dropped out of sync and left little room for error. Goku threw a straight right toward Buu's face that the Majin was able to block. When h tried to counter, Gohan scored a blow to his midsection. Majin Buu was growing frustrated. While he was still stronger, Goku and Gohan somewhat closed the gap. Buu sends a pulse that pushes Goku and Gohan away, growing angrier by the second. Then, he claps his hands together as a black aura encompasses them. Buu opens his hands, revealing a dark crystal spins rapidly before Buu tosses it into the battlefield. The Sons readied themselves as the crystal grew in size and shape, resembling the form of Majin Buu.

"What the!?" Gohan exclaims.

"That's Sombra's technique," Goku stated.

"A blast from your past, isn't it? Since I've grown tired of all the outnumbering, I thought it's time to give you a taste of your own medicine," Buu holds up another crystal as it becomes another copy. The two crystal copies engage the father-duo while Buu hangs back. Goku notices that the Crystal golems are far more durable than when Sombra employed them. However, that just meant they had to hit harder.

"Gohan! Focus your Ki at the point of impact!"


Goku and Gohan infused their fists with Ki as the golems charged. Both struck the torso in perfect unison. The crystal structures shattered into a million pieces. "Well, that won't do," Buu said as he watched. Buu holds out his hand as Goku and Gohan charge him. Instantly, their movements stopped while a blue aura bound them. "You might not know this, but Luna's telekinesis is much stronger than her sisters, given that the moon is denser than the sun in this system,"

"D-dad! I can't move!!!" Gohan grunted out.

"Keep trying, son!" Goku strained.

Despite their efforts, neither of the Saiyans could move an inch. Buu waves his hand again to erect a barrier, just as several magic beams strike it. He smiles at the frantic looks of the elements and changeling queen before turning back to his captives. "It looks like your friends found your earpiece. Too little too late," The two Saiyans struggled intensified, but to no avail. "It's such a shame that a father must witness the demise of his son. But, at least take some solace that your other son will live on in the greatness of Majin Buu," Goku and Gohan snarl at that remark while Buu takes a thinking posture. "I suppose I should give you a parting gift. I know..." Buu cups his hands and brings them to his side as a familiar orb of Ki begins to gather. Buu noted the intensity of the Saiyan struggle increased and the number of magical attacks from behind. But, it was of no genuine concern. "Ka. Me. Ha. Me..."

"Focus, Gohan! Raise your power as high as it can go!!!" Goku said in a panic.

"I-I'm trying!!!" Gohan shouted.

"HAAAA!!!!" However, the moment Buu thrust his hands forward, a purple bolt of magic cuts through the Majin's antenna. Buu's Kamehameha wave was slightly off course. The intervention was enough for Goku and Gohan to break free. The blast narrowly misses both of them as they land on the ground. The elements quickly regrouped with them as Buu hovered down slowly with a look of irritation. "That was rude, Twilight,"

Twilight allowed herself a smug smile. "I bet you didn't know magical shields could be broken from the bottom by a fine point!"

"Hmm, and what did that accomplish? Separately, or altogether, you're no match for me,"

"Maybe that is true. At least, for the next few seconds,"

"Ha, stalling will-- Urk -- UH!?!?" Buu stumbles as he hunches over and clutches his head. Several veins pulsate over Buu's skull as he wailed in pain. Everyone watches on with tradition as Buu's garb changes. A yoke forms around his neck while his body adopts several purple scales. The scales snake across from his left arm, across the upper chest, and down his right arm.

"Ha! The fusions have worn off. Now, you only have power from the princesses, Spike, and Scootaloo!" Twilight said triumphantly.

"Wouldn't he still be pretty strong?" Pinkie ponders.

"Yeah! My sister isn't a slouch. Scoots power alone might make him fifty percent more awesome," Rainbow said.

"Now's ain't the time, RD," Applejack facepalms.

"That may be true, but the power drop was significant. Do you plan on beating us like that, Buu?" Goku stated confidently.

"Ha! It would be in your best interest to release the nymph! I don't care about the others," Chrysalis spat. She looked around to see several scornful gazes focused on her. "What?"

Cozy Glow flew protectively in front of Buu. She was about to go on another tirade before Buu patted her head. He gently pushes her aside while sending an amused smirk at our heroes. "It's okay, Cozy. I am far from beaten,"

"Oh yeah? What are you going to do? Whine and blow yourself up again? We're ready for any of your tricks," Rainbow taunted.

"It's incredible to see that false bravado in action. You get lucky with your little villain of the week, and you believe you have what it takes to stand against real power," Buu throws out his hands and shakes his head. "Well, I suppose I'm the reality check all of you needed. There will be no friendship reports and after-party singalongs. Nor will there be any more lesson planning at that ridiculous school. There will only be me!"

"I think you're the one spewing false bravado. The sudden loss in power has affected you more than you thought. Your antenna hasn't healed!" Twilight pointed out.

Buu flips the appendage in question out for everyone to see. "Oh, you mean this?" Unbeknownst to everyone, the severed antenna was shifting through the rubble, inching closer to its new victim. "Poor Twilight, you tend to have tunnel vision and miss the finer details. Come on, think about it; why haven't I bothered to heal this wound?"

Before Twilight could answer, another pink blob shot out from the ground and latched itself onto Gohan. The sudden move was so fast that the Saiyan teen had no chance to react. The rest of our heroes jumped back in shock before the blob shot off to Majin Buu, who waited with open arms. Like the previous absorptions, Buu's body morphed to resemble his new occupant. A familiar orange and blue Gi covered his torso while his face took on more human-like features. With the transformation complete, Buu lets out a triumphant laugh.

"Amazing. I have way more power than I did before!"

"Amazing. You keep getting better and better, Mister Buu!" Cozy Glow exclaimed, flying around Buu.

"That's not-- You can't do that!!!" Pinkie shouted.

"Now what, dullard!? You should've used this stupid earring the moment we came here!!!" Chrysalis scolded, a beat of sweat dropping.

"Goku, please tell me you have another plan!" Twilight pleaded desperately.

Goku powers down as he gasps at Buu's new power increased. "It's okay. I'll fuse with someone else..." He looks around for a suitable partner but finds his choices severely lacking. 'No! How could I let things come to this? None of the girls are near strong enough. I can't use Dende. We need the Dragonballs. And, Hercule and that prince guy is a no-go as well!' Goku's eyes landed on Chrysalis, who immediately recoils.

"Don't you even think about it!!!" The former queen spat.

Goku deeply groaned as he took the earpiece from Twilight. "I'm sorry, Chrysalis. But it has to be you,"

"I would rather die!!!"

"You've already been dead," Pinkie reminded.


Majin Buu couldn't help but laugh at the scene before him. "Oh, the worries of the weak and helpless. Tell you what; I will allow this fusion to happen. I have to break in my new strength after all. But, you better decide before the count of ten!"

"Chrysalis, please!!!" Goku pleads.

"No, fuse with one of the ponies. A majestic queen as myself should never sully her body with the likes of a barbarian!" Chrysalis refused,

"One!" Buu said with a crack of his knuckles.

"Please, Chrysalis! We need you!" Fluttershy begged.

"Two!" Buu said with another crack.

"Think about our worlds! They'll be in mortal danger!" Rarity offers!"

"You mean the world that betrayed me? Bah! They deserve whatever fate that's coming!" Chrysalis did not relent.

"Three!" Another crack.

"Four!" Cozy Glow joined in on the fun.

"Forget this! Fuse with me, Goku! Our combined levels of awesome will trounce this chump!" Rainbow offers with a cocky smile.

Goku laughs nervously at the offer. "Uh, sorry, Rainbow. But, I don't think my wife would appreciate all the feathers..."

"And, you think a hard carapace would be better?" Chrysalis said.

"Well, at least you can change your body. So, technically, I'd still be me,"

"Chrysalis. I know you don't much care about the world. But I know you still care for the changelings because they never stopped caring about you! It's all Ocellus ever talks about at school during private sessions. Yes, Thorax and his brother deposed you. Yes, you're no longer a queen. But, to every changeling on Equis, you are still their mother! Please, help!!!" Twilight said passionately.

"Five, six," Buu chimed in again.

"Seven, eight!" Cozy said while rubbing her palms with a devious smirk.

Chrysalis finally relents and holds out her hand. "...Just hand me the blasted thing..."

Goku smiled and was about to do just that before he stopped. A Ki signature flooded his senses as a broad smile began to form. Looking up to the skies, everyone followed his gazes and stared in awe at the familiar figure. All the while, Buu continued counting. "Nine-- Hmm?"

"N-no way! Vegeta!!!" Goku exclaimed.

"What?" The elements called out in shock as well.

The Saiyan prince narrows his eyes at the assembled masses before locking eyes with Buu. A heavy frown adorned his features as his Super Saiyan aura flared outward. Taking in Buu's changes, Vegeta scoffs. "Hmph, at least you're not a tub of lard anymore!!!" Vegeta huffs before taking a battle stance.

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