• Member Since 12th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

SCP Pinkamena

Escaped SCP: Always running, never stopping


In a time of war, a single soldier is sitting behind cover. Arrows flew, steel clashed, and then all was silent. He knew he was the last one, fighting for the Mountain of Sol. The Griffon army was on the other side, and all he had was shield and a sword. But little do they know, the old phrase used so many times before: "Fortune favors the bold."

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 4 )

that statement is purely western, eastern philosphy has the inverse for warriors, a warriors soul is contained within there weapon, to loose it or to have it broken is to loose or break there soul.

and of course in certain game continuites this is doubly not true, take for example soul edge and soul caliber the twin swords of destruction in the soul caliber games (and if you think soul caliber is suposed to be the 'good guy' weapon you havent played the more recent games..it like soul edge before it has been corupted by the conflict its basicly soul edges inverse, soul edge wants to watch the world burn, soul caliber wishes to see all things in perfect order...both are willing to do anything to acheive there goals, including devouring the very souls of there weilders.

Actually the author is right, however, vikings did believe something similar to what you're saying.
Vikings believed that your weapon is a part of you soul and if you die as a warrior in battle, you must die while holding your sword, otherwise you don't go to Valhalla. (Norse heaven)

I seem to be confused, as you may be looking to hard into it. I chose that title as a sort of nod to the Spartan Phrase "Come back with your shield or on it."
Hmm, that is interesting.

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