• Published 7th May 2019
  • 2,637 Views, 106 Comments

Pokémon Let’s Go! Woona version - Ausbrony

When Princess Luna awakes, she finds herself in a strange land, filled with strange creatures and trapped in a most unbecoming form. With no memory on how this happened, she travels in search of answers... and likely finds more about herself as well.

  • ...

How do you do the things you do

Red and Luna were busy exploring Viridian City. Their first stop was a place called the PokéMart. Apparently they sold products useful to Pokémon trainers.

One was that lovely alchemical potion. It's properties were quite useful and Luna managed to somehow commune the boy to buy some.

Some were those infernal imprisonment devices. And to her great displeasure, he bought some of those too.

It did make Luna wonder how they came up with such devices. Or why these Pokémon seemed alright with being encapsulated in such things. Then again, she doubted any of them spent a thousand years locked away in her own darkness…

She shook her head to clear that line of thinking, wincing as they stepped out into the sunlight once again. No sense in dwelling on the past now. That had resulted in the Tantabus and the destruction of reality…

“Hey,” Red’s voice broke through her introspection. “You okay up there?”

She exhaled, this one was rather perceptive wasn’t he? “Woona Woon,” she murmured to him and pat his head. He seemed to be rather kindly, given he was burdened with being her guide in this odd world.

“Well, if you say so,” Red said and looked around. “Now, they say there’s a Pokémon Gym here. Wanna go and check it out?”

A gym? That was one of those, new-fangled thingies where ponies exercised yes? What was even the point of that? Just go outside and run around. And if it was raining, then go outside and run around. That built character!

How is it that they managed to turn the art of getting fit into being so lazy about it? It boggles the mind.

“Oh, I guess you might not know what they are huh?” Red said as they walked through the quiet streets. “A Pokemon Gym is where a trainer and a Gym Leader compete in a Pokémon battle. If the trainer wins, they get a badge that’s proof of their victory.”

Luna blinked, taking this new information into account. So, a Pokémon Gym was a place one fought for dominance, for little more than a trophy and glory?

How wondrously barbaric. She could really see herself liking this world, at least for a time.

Red and Luna stared at the closed doors and darkened interior just beyond.

“Closed?” Red murmured as he read the sign on the door.

“Eeyup,” a man approached them. A tall, broad man with a mop of messy blonde hair. “This gym’s been closed fer a while now. The Leader ain’t ‘round too often.”

“Ah, that sucks…” Red sighed as he rubbed his chin. “Now what do we do?”

“Well,” the stranger said. “Most folk jus’ carry on through th’forest and on to Pewter City to challenge the Gym there. Reckon that’s yer best bet.”

“Huh, well… got no choice really,” Red said and looked at him. “Thanks for the info.”

The man tipped his hat and headed off. Odd, Luna was having the strangest sense of deja’vu right about now. He seemed… familiar somehow. Oh well.

“Okay, so this turned out to be a total bust,” Red sighed as he started heading back towards town. “I don’t think we’re quite ready for a Gym anyway.” Not while Woona barely knew how to battle and wouldn’t follow commands. Heck, he didn’t even know what moves she knew. What he needed was some more Pokémon,

“Okay, I think we should try catching another partner,” Red said aloud. “Especially if we get into a battle with another trainer. I can’t expect you to defeat every opponent single-handedly.”

Luna furrowed her brow. She’d beaten that little vermin quite easily has she not? Still, his words held merit. If Twilight and her friends had taught her anything, there was strength in numbers. And having a good friend by your side, you could surmount even the impossible.

It meant that he’d likely capture one in one of those horrendous balls, but… if that’s how things worked. “Alright human, let us go make a new friend.”

Red looked up and smiled. Well, whatever she said, it sounded positive.

“...You really dislike Rattata don’t you?” Red sighed as he looked at the unconscious rats that Woona had utterly thrashed. She didn’t even use any moves! Just, knocked them out with her bare hooves.

“Tch! Vile little vermin,” Luna spat and furrowed her brow. “Surely there is a Pokémon worthy of joining you?”

“Whoa? What happened here?” a voice spoke up as a new Pokémon emerged. It kind of looked like a furless, pale blue rabbit. Kind of. Luna considered most of these Pokémon to be very odd-looking.

“Oh? A Nidoran?” Red said with a surprised voice. “Woona, let’s try and catch it!”

“Hrm, a trainer huh?” the Nidoran said as she turned to face them. “Well then, let’s see what you’ve got.”

“Okay, Woona! Use Confusion!” Red called out. The petite mare blinked and turned her head to look at him like he’d grown a second head. Use what now?

“Oh dear, they look like rookies,” The Nidoran chuckled as her little horn lit up and she fired some Poison Sting, the purple needles pelting the area as Luna yelped as several stung her flank painfully.

She blinked as she suddenly felt sick to her stomach. Urgh… what the hells was going on here? Why did she suddenly feel so ill?

“Crap, did she poison you?” Red asked. “We’ll end this fast. Use Tackle!”

Well, he wanted her to tackle it? Why not. Luna pawed at the ground and charged with considerable speed, body-checking the surprised Nidoran. The little rabbit-like Pokémon was sent tumbling across the ground as Luna stopped and coughed. She was feeling worse now. Was she really poisoned? Dammit. She tried casting a general detoxifying spell, but nothing happened.

“Okay, so you’re a bit tougher than I thought,” Nidoran said as she got up and shook her head. “Though that poison will knock you out soon enough dear.”

“So you did poison me!?” Luna shouted and frowned. “Monster!”

“...Well, technically yes, all Pokémon are,” Nidoran blinked. Was this one alright in the head? "It's honestly a common mo-eeh!?" Nidoran found herself lifted off of the ground, the little mare's horn and eyes glowing with light. "Oh dear… you're a Psychic type."

Then she was slammed into the ground, the wind knocked out of her,

"Now you use Confusion?" Red sighed as he took out a Pokéball and tossed it. The red and white sphere connected with the dazed Nidoran and opened, engulfing her in light and sucking her inside.

The ball hit the ground as Red held his breath. Once… twice… thrice the ball wobbled, before pinging as the red warning light faded, signalling a successful capture.

"Alright!" Red cheered as he ran over and picked up the ball. His Pokédex bleeping as the Pokémon was registered as his. "Woona! We caught a Nidoran!" He turned and his expression fell. Woona was on the ground, panting weakly as the poison wracked her body.


When Luna awoke, she found herself lying in a large bed. Next to her, machines beeped softly in time with her heartbeat. She let out a groan and rubbed her head. She… knew this place yes? That hospital-like place that Red had brought her to before?

How had she gotten here though? She was… Luna paused and closed her eyes, thinking back. There was a battle. Against that spiky rabbit thing.

"The poison!" Luna sat up. She needed to see if there was an antidote or…

"Wait, I… I feel fine?" Luna pat her body down. She felt… amazing actually. Luna turned her head and looked out of the window, a bright, three-quarter moon shining down on her. It really was a lovely moon. It wasn’t her moon. But lovely nethertheless.

She stared at it, trying to draw power from the celestial body. Maybe it could at least give her enough magic go get home.

Or any magic at all.

It wasn't working though. She couldn’t feel a connection. With a small yell of frustration and anger, she threw her pillow to the floor, her brow furrowed with rage.

It was when she looked up again that Luna looked around the room. There were several other beds. Some bare, some holding more of those Pokémon creatures. One or two were inside glass capsules, looking more grievously injured.

"My word," Luna murmured as a door against the far wall hissed open, revealing the Chansey she met earlier that day. She looked about the room, before noticing Luna and her dishevelled bed.

“Oh my, are you alright?” Chansey asked, waddling across the room and picking up the thrown pillow. “Well, you certainly seem to be spirited hm?”

“My apologies medic… I am, frustrated,” Luna sighed and hung her head. “I am, I am very far from home I fear. And I have no way back. I… fear that I may never see home again.”

“Ah, quite the problem indeed,” Chansey said as she put the pillow up on the bed. “May I ask what your home is like?”

“It’s… very beautiful,” Luna said, closing her eyes as her mind drifted back to Equestria. “Tis, not the first time I’ve been away. The last time was for a very long time. Much changed in my absence that… that I’d feared it was my home no longer. It took, many moons to adjust. But, I made a few dear friends. And mine duties also kept my mind and body busy.”

Chansey sat patiently and listened to the little Pokémon. It was, odd. While she looked very young. The tone in which she spoke made her seem, far, far older. For some reason, Chansey was the one that felt like the child here.

“Change is… difficult,” the round Pokémon said once the Woona fell silent. “Yet, it is also one of the few constants in life. We all change, day by day. Even if only a little. And sometimes change happens drastically and suddenly. Much moreso for us Pokémon. You just need to keep putting your best foot forwards. Heehee, or hoof in your case.” Chansey reached over and pat Luna’s leg. “I’ve no doubt you’ll see your home again. Until that time, and perhaps beyond. Have faith in your trainer. He seems like a good and determined boy. He was very worried about you when he brought you in. Poor thing blamed himself for your condition.”

Luna recalled the battle with more clarity now. She recalled his odd commands, and her thusly ignoring them, dismissing them as gibberish words. Perhaps there had been more to it. “Nay fair medic. I believe the fault lies with me. There is, much I do not understand about this place. And that failure nearly cost me mine life.”

“Oh dear, you weren’t quite that far gone. Nothing a round of Antidote and some rest couldn’t fix,” Chansey giggled. “Now, since you seem to be feeling better. Shall I take you to your trainer?”

Luna took another look at the moon, her teal eyes glimmering in it’s gentle radiance. “Aye, I believe that would be best.”

Luna rethought her earlier decision. Red was certainly trying to crush her to death with his embrace. The young filly tapping his shoulder as she tried to draw in breath. If it wasn’t for the Nidoran poking his leg, she might have gotten to meet Goddess Epona in the afterlife after all.

“Ah, s-sorry,” Red chuckled as he set a panting Woona down on the bed. He’d been rather worried, despite the assurances of Nurse Joy that Woona would be just fine. Once Woona and his new Nidoran had been taken care off, Red had rushed to the Pokémon Center to stock up on Antidote and Potions. He’d never let something like this happen again.

Nidoran had been the first to recover and, well… she seemed kind of mellow. Red had decided to nickname her Marie. She seemed to like it well enough. Ever since, the pair had been waiting in his room for news that Woona had recovered.

“Honestly,” Luna sighed, rubbing her now sore chest and ribs. She looked past him, seeing Marie sitting on the floor. “Ah, you’re here?”

“Indeed,” Marie nodded. “I am named Marie now. My species is Nidoran, a Poison type.” She hopped up onto the bed, her ears twitching. “You’re a curious one though. Powerful, though rather clumsy in a fight. Never seen your species before. Our young trainer here says it’s ‘Woona’.”

“I’ve no idea where he heard that infernal name,” Luna growled and sighed. “My name is Luna. I’d appreciate you calling me that Miss Marie.”

“My my, how polite,” the Nidoran giggled. “Simply Marie shall suffice sweetie. As for how, it’s likely how you sound to them. Humans cannot understand us through speech. All they seem to hear is us saying our species name.”

“...that’s very weird. Why that off all things?” Luna said with a tilt of her head. She was no stranger to odd languages. But a language comprised on a single, repeated word? That was… how was that even possible? Languages were often very complex. This world made no bucking sense!

“That said,” Marie said to her. “Why did you ignore your trainer in battle? He doesn’t seem like a bad sort. Do you think him unworthy?”

“No I…” Luna rubbed her head. “I do not understand this ‘battling’. Or even how to do so without the aid my magic. Only my Telekinesis spell seems to work.”

“Your, magic?” Nidoran was the one to tilt her head. “What spell is that? Can you demonstrate?”

Luna nodded and looks around, before lifting a pillow in her aura. Her horn and eyes glowing as she did. Marie walked up to the pillow and touched it with a paw, before jerking it back like she’d burned herself.

“Are you injured?” Luna asked, dropping the pillow and killing the spell. It was weird, doing that seemed to make her head ache a little.

“That was definitely a psychic-type move called Confusion,” Marie said, licking her paw. “As a poison-type, I have a weakness to psychic. Hence why I was injured a little.”

“Psychic…? Nay, that was a common spell. Almost all ponies learn that spell at a very young age.” Luna was now confused also. What was going on here?

“Well, you also used Tackle on me,” Marie said to her. “Can you use any other moves?”

“I… do not think so?” Luna blinked as she looked at her trainer. Did he also think her magic was psychic power as well? Luna supposed that it might appear that way to someone that didn’t know what magic was, or that any unicorn could basically do it. She continued to stare into his eyes. And for some reason, he was staring back.

She felt an odd sensation, an inkling of power that seemed both foreign, and yet oddly familiar. She didn’t notice her eyes glowing softly…

She did notice her human suddenly drop to the bed, snoring away. He, he suddenly fell alseep!? Did he suffer narcolepsy?

“Oh dear, seems you used Hypnosis on him,” Marie giggled into her paw. “if you’d used that in our battle, it would have been much easier on you.”

“Hypnosis?” Luna put a hoof to her head. This was all so strange. They seemed to have different names for her spells. And she certainly didn’t feel like she’d used a sleep spell on him. What the hells was going on here?

“That said, it might be for the best. He was fraught with worry over you,” Marie said. “Help me move him onto the bed properly, then we shall retire ourselves. We can talk more in the morning.”

“Oh, very well,” Luna sighed as she lifted him with telek-er, Confusion? Either way, the moon’s light seemed to invigorate her. It made the task much easier as she tucked him into the bed. Marie took a spot near the end and curled up.

Luna saw the switch on the wall and flipped it with her powers, turning off the artificial light. Only pale light of night remained now. Unable to sleep, she turned and used her small wings to flutter-hop over the window and stare out at the night sky. “Sister… what should I do?” she murmured to herself. And as she expected, she received no answer.

Okay. So several things Luna made note of as they ate breakfast.

One, upon coming to this world, her body was changed. Not only stuck in the form of a filly. Something within had changed too. Robbing her or her magic, but somehow granting her other abilities in return.

Two. These abilities seemed to be common amongst creatures known as ‘Pokémon’. They were as varied as the wildflowers in the field. Magical creatures that came in countless shapes and sizes apparently. And from what Marie had said over the breakfast table, all were tired to one, or multiple elements. And perhaps now Luna was one of these creatures too. The idea wasn’t unheard of. Changelings could mimic the forms and powers of others. And polymorph spells existed too. Twilight Sparkle mentions that her trips to the humans world changed her into one of them against her will. Perhaps similar powers were at play here?

Three. If Luna was to find a way home, she would need to play by these worlds rules. She seemed to possess new powers, stemming from the psychic element. While Luna argued that psionic powers weren’t an ‘element’, like fire or water… Well, that argument with Marie had gone around in circles. So, just another rule to play along with she supposed.

Four. She could apparently also eat far more than her body should physically allow. Given she’d just consumed her own body weight and size in pancakes. Delicious, syrupy pancakes. Honestly, it reminded her of breakfast with her sister. Delicious pancakes, and Marie seemed to be wiser and older than her apparent appearance let on. Something she and Luna had in common.

In exchange for this information regarding this world. Luna shared her secret. That she was an alicorn princess. One that commanded the moon and has ruled for centuries. Marie of course, didn’t believe a word at first, insisting Luna was addled in the head. But the filly was eventually able to get her to admit it was plausible. If only because all her stories would be difficult to simply make up.

“I swear, your life sounds like a human’s television show,” Marie said as she sipped her milk. Her own food already gone. “So. You’re an immortal magical princess. And you’re somehow stuck in this world, and have become a Pokémon.”

“I… believe so?” Luna said with a sigh. “I am honestly unsure as to a lot of things. But so far, that seems to be the logical conclusion.”

“Literally nothing about that is logical,” Marie deadpanned.

“You creatures claim to undergo millions of years of evolution in a matter of seconds. That is far more illogical,” Luna sniped back.

“Of course, evolution is a fundamental part of our world and us as Pokémon,” Marie said and sighed. “Okay, we’re arguing in circles again. Let’s just, set that aside for now. No matter the truth, you need to learn how to battle if you intend to keep your trainer safe.”

As yes, that brings us to Five. Red was a Pokémon Trainer. Thusly, as his partner Pokémon, it was Luna’s duty to see him safe and bring him glory and victory through gladiatorial battle! It honestly kind of excited her. Apparently this bloodsport had ‘rules’ and such. And she would have to learn her new powers. As other Pokémon would surely defeat her otherwise. If what Marie had also told her was true. Through training, she could learn greater skills. And perhaps even retake her true form again.

Could that be it? Perhaps if she were to grow and… urgh, evolve. She could unlock her original powers and return home to Equestria. Well, it was better than her original plan of absolutely nothing.

“Very well,” Luna nodded as she finished of her pancakes, her adorable muzzle coated in crumbs and syrup. “Then I shall endeavour to learn this was of battling.” Who knows, it could even be fun.

Once breakfast was done with, there was a place Red wanted to visit while they were here. After leaving the Pokémon Center, they headed off the route leaving the west side of the city. A sunny little road that went up a slight hill. As the trio walked, Luna could see more Pokémon frolicking about in the wild. More of those infernal purple vermin which she scowled at, along with some large brown birds and other Pokémon.

After taking a winding mountain path, they stopped in front of a large building built into the side of the mountain.

“Past here is where the Pokémon League lies,” Red explained. “The most powerful trainers in the Kanto region are here. And, well. It’s my dream to defeat them and become the Champion!”

“Woona?” the little alicorn tilted her head, getting a chuckle and a pat from Red.

“Well, not quite yet,” he smiled. “We’ve got a long way to go before we can challenge the Champion. For now, let’s head out to Pewter City and start earning Gym Badges.”


Red turned to see Trace walking up behind him. “Guess you had the same idea hey buddy?” the boy smiled and waved as he looked at the League. “Yeah, no doubt about it. You and I are gonna have an amazing battle in this place.”

“You seem confident,” Red chuckled. “Then again, you usually are.”

“Yup, no point in the what if’s right?” Trace grinned and looked at Red’s Pokémon. “Oh hey, you got a second Pokémon too? Wanna battle then? Two aspiring trainers. Standing before the Pokémon League? This’ll be epic!”

Red looked up at the filly on his head. He wasn’t sure if she could still battle properly. Maybe, Marie would be enough?

Luna looked at him and then jumped off of his head, landing on the ground. “I shall do battle,” she nodded. “This shall be a good start to learning how this body works.”

“Oh hey, she seems raring to go,” Trace grinned as he pulled out a Pokeball and called out his Pidgey. “Then let’s battle! Pidgey? Use Sand Attack!”

The little brown bird flew up, flapping its wings hard and kicking up a cloud of blinding sand. Luna coughed as the stinging dust got into her eyes, forcing her to close them and shy away.

“Woona! Use Confusion!” Red called. Okay, so that was her telekinesis spell yes? She reached out with the mag-move. Feeling around for the bird Pokémon. When she felt a mass, she snared it and slammed it towards the ground. As the sand died down, Luna saw that she did indeed snag the bird.

“Whoa…” Trace murmured as he recalled the fainted Pidgey. Maybe he shouldn’t use a Pokémon he only caught ten minutes ago. Taking out his second ball, he smiled as he called out his partner, Eevee.

The little fox popped out of her ball, shaking her fluffy tail and blinking. “Oh, hey there filly. We meet again.”

“Oh, it’s you,” Luna said, rubbing her eyes with her hooves.

“Eevee! Use Tackle!” Trace called.

“Sorry~” Eevee grinned as she lowered herself down then charged, tackling Luna and sending her sprawling. Luna grunted as she hit the ground and shook her head. Okay, that hurt.

“Woona! Counter with your own Tackle!” Red called back. Luna picked herself up and tried to tackle back. But the sand from before stung her eyes and blurred her vision, allowing Eevee to sidestep it as the filly faceplanted the ground.

“Now use Quick Attack!” Trace commanded as Eevee dashed forwards with a burst of speed, surrounded with a white light as she slammed into Luna while she was still recovering from the failed Tackle.

Seeing the concerned look on Red's face, that was the last thing Luna saw as her vision faded.

Damn it… she was really getting sick of losing.

Comments ( 32 )

Poor woona

Ouch, you'd think she'd have leveled up a bit more on all those rattata.

9666793 - She says thank you. It's not bad for a quick sketch and paint huh?

“...Well, technically yes, all Pokémon are,” Nidoran blinked. Was this one alright in the head? "It's honestly a common mo-eeh!?" Nidoran found herself lifted off of the ground, the little mare's horn and eyes glowing with light. "Oh dear… you're a Psychic type."

Love how chill this Nidoran is. Really hoping for some more fiery personalities to be added onto the team later on, if only for the hilarity of the interactions.

she might have gotten to meet Goddess Epona in the afterlife after all.

Is this a name in MLP canon? Or a reference to the greatest horse in video game history? :P

Could that be it? Perhaps if she were to grow and… urgh, evolve. She could unlock her original powers and return home to Equestria. Well, it was better than her original plan of absolutely nothing.

What an excellent way of driving this story and providing Luna an impetus to go along with the Pokemon Trainer route rather than simply a means of indulging in gladiatorial battles. Nicely put!

Edit: Just noticed the chapter titles too :twilightsheepish:, looking forward to what secrets may be inside next time!

Might final form Woona's Mega Evolution be Nightmare Moon?

“Oh dear, they look like rookies,”

This isn’t Digimon!

Luna rethought her earlier decision. Red was certainly trying to crush her to death with his embrace. The young filly tapping his shoulder as she tried to draw in breath. If it wasn’t for the Nidoran poking his leg, she might have gotten to meet Goddess Epona in the afterlife after all.

So she might have died if Nidoran hadn’t poisoned her? I’m confused.

I like Nidoran, and it’s great to see one in a fanfic. Also, I’m now going to predict that there will be non-Gen 1 Pokémon in this fanfic to subvert our expectations.

Conditions for evolution: power from six evolution stones!

Evolution train, Woona, Moona, Luna, Nightmare (Mega)

Gen 1 limited moves, or given the Nidoran, have Natures been included, which means Poffins, Berries etc are available for reprofiling IV, EV as required?

My favourite trick is to start at Pallet etc, and spend a coupel hours level grinding at the very beginning not only to unlock the next moves, but the next Evolution. Then catching more pokemon gets easier as only the strongest withstand the first hit and are left heavily weakend.

Pokemon gameplay was near perfected many years ago. Now its all about the story, characters etc. :twilightsmile:

I REALLY hope that Wonna will evolved.

How wondrously barbaric. She could really see herself liking this world, at least for a time.

Battle Princess Woona :rainbowlaugh:

Red should've learned already that letting Luna do her thing usually works best. She's the one with centuries if not millennia of battle experience, after all - even if he doesn't know about it.
Hmm can she just grab something and repeatedly slam them around until they faint with her magic? That'd likely work damn well for quite some time.

9667241 - You might have misread my dude. Red was hugging a bit too tight, Marie poked him to let Luna go. Though she's just being overdramatic. Our lil alicorn is made of tough stuff.

9667096 9667281 9667319

Already have everything planned out. Her Ability. Moveset and TM list. As for evolution... well, that's be spoilers darlings~

Luna blinked, taking this new information into account. So, a Pokémon Gym was a place one fought for dominance, for little more than a trophy and glory?

How wondrously barbaric. She could really see herself liking this world, at least for a time.


The man tipped his hat and headed off. Odd, Luna was having the strangest sense of deja’vu right about now. He seemed… familiar somehow. Oh well.

Wonder why :eeyup:

I rather wonder if that guy that caused Luna Dejavu was secretly DISCORD!

Luna is apparently a knocked back legendary, I suppose, and one might think telepathy would be in the cards for a "moonstone evolution"? 0U0

I could see Woona's evolution path being like this:
Base Pokemon: Woona (Filly Luna)
1st evolution (probably achieved by leveling or becoming stronger): Luna (Luna as she appeared after the Elements zapped Nightmare Moon away)
2nd evolution 1 (achieved by using a Moonstone while at high friendship/happiness): Princess Luna (Princess Luna as she appears after S1E2)
2nd evolution 2 (achieved by using a Moonstone while at very low friendship/happiness): Nightmare Moon (Nightmare Moon, obviously)

That said, really enjoying this story so far. :twilightsmile:

I mean logically with no time limit on turns when I could get out wipe her eyes first?

Red: Woona use Bite!
Woona: *bares fangs* WWWWWRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!:flutterrage:

Yes, i am aware that Woona probably wont learn bite.


Woona = Baby (Pichu, etc)
Luna [Pre recovery = Basic (Pikachu, Squirtle)
Luna [Post recovery] = Stage 1 (Wartortle)
{Moon Stone}
Luna [But Celestia sized] = Stage 2 (Blastoise)
Nightmare Moon = Mega Evolution
Lunar Eclipse = Z Move (Makes an eclipse in a small area nearby and does Dark damage.)

I expect conflict with Darkrai eventually.


Woona: *bares fangs* WWWWWRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!:flutterrage:

WaS tHaT a FuThErMuCkIn JoJo ReFeReNcE?

Khajiit had to. Khajiit is not sorry.

Is story dead? I hope not. :fluttercry:

9779619 - No its not. I've just had a rough time of things lately and haven't had the drive to write.

Oh. Khajiit is sad to hear that. This one hopes things start looking up for you.

need more

This was cool i enjoyed it!!!:derpytongue2:

Plz continue Ineedthisinmylifepleasecontinue

oi do more chapters

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