• Published 28th May 2019
  • 1,948 Views, 206 Comments

Changeling of the East - AF FireFly

A mutualistic changeling crosses the great ocean to observe the lifestyle of ponies in Equestria.

  • ...


"Scenario 53: A double backstab. She turns on us, the rival hive invades, then she has a change of heart and fights on our side."

Myst has been at this for hours. The damn jook came up with dozens of different theories and outcomes on accepting Arista. He then begged for the council to hear each and every one and Wave foolishly gave in.

The members of the council of nine consist of Wave, as the Princess of the hive, obviously. Myst, as the official record keeper. Kite Shield, as commander of the guardians. Honeydew, as the more experienced harvester. One Wing, as head of the workers. Ringworm, as the hive's medical expert. Sure Claw, because he asked to be here. Boomerang, because he was already sleeping in the room we are gathered in. Finally, myself, as the apparent advisor of changeling-pony relations. Basically, a fancy way of saying I live with ponies.

Hearing snoring from my right, I turn and find Boomerang asleep again. He must have passed out a while ago from Myst's constant droning. The other members aren't fairing any better themselves. Hopefully, Myst will wrap this up soon.

"Now the next 25 scenarios all have the same basic premise. Arista falls in love with one of us. I will be going through each changeling, one at a time, analyzing the possible outcome and consequences thereafter."

Nope! Not happening!

"Pass!" I shout. Boomerang jerks awake.

"Second," Sure Claw says.

"Aye!" Everyling agrees.

"Oh come on! This part gets good. Wait until you hear about her falling for you, Sure Claw," Myst says.

"The only outcome is me tearing her beating heart from her chest," He replies.

"Exactly! Think of the drama," Myst says.

"Myst, this isn't story time. Also, I think it's time I examine that head of yours," Ringworm replies.

"Fine. It was mostly the first seven scenarios I wanted to get out anyways," Myst says.

"With that out of the way, I'll get straight into matters. The greatest threat to any organization are insider threats," Sure Claw begins.

'How's Meadow?'

'I see your mind is already made up.'

'I still believe this to be for the best, yes. Back to my question...'

'She's awake, but very weak. Pitch took her to the hospital yesterday, but we both know they're not going to be able to do anything.'

'Does she know?'

'Last thing she remembers is leaving the bar. They at least spared her the trauma of witnessing what they were doing to her.'

"Which is precisely why she must be allowed to join," Sure Claw finishes. What did I just miss?

"You can't be serious? You saw what they did to Meadow!" Kite challenges.

"Yes, I did. But we can't go around making decisions based on emotions. Arista is an asset. One which we can use to prevent this happening again," Sure Claw replies calmly.

"You mean for us to fight back? The six of us against a hive of unknown size?" Kite asks.

"I'm not expecting us to fight them head to head. There's other ways to strike an overwhelming enemy and win. Ways which we are trained to do," Sure Claw states.

"Stay in their blindsides. Hit and run operations, ambushes, raids. It could work, but it's a gamble. Our fight could be endless, and should they find us..." Kite says.

"End of line," Sure Claw finishes gravely.

"I've come to a decision. Arista will be permitted to join the hive. However, I will not be interrogating her about her old hive, nor am I allowing aggressive actions against them," Wave declares. This successfully pleases noling and angers everyling.

"This is a mistake!" Sure Claw bellows.

"You do nothing but endanger us!" Kite adds.

"How can we just let her prance right in as if she did nothing wrong!?" Honeydew demands.

"Enough! All of you have been talking about how she can help us or how we can use her. Have you not stop to consider how we can help her? We have an opportunity like no other. I do not pretend that there are risks involved. But, I am confident in all of you to remain both vigilant and welcoming to truly bring her into our fold.

"I also do not condone her past crimes. I do believe her, however, when she says they knew no better way. Now here we are, able to teach her that way. We can help her get a new lease on life and change her from a vile, disgusting parasite into something beautiful. This is why my decision stands, she will be joining the hive. And I have high expectations on all of you to help assimilate her into our family!"

Everyling falls silent after that. Many are still unhappy, but now they understand. Everyling knew struggles were going to come founding this Sub-Hive. Now the first challenge has arrived. It's time for everyling to step up and embrace the suck. They're uneasy, but they follow the princess to the ends of the world. Doesn't mean they won't grumble along the way as Sure Claw will prove.

"Princess, your intentions are good if not shortsighted. I accept your decision with Arista, but her hive is still out there. Every moment that passes is another a pony can be taken from their home and drained within an inch of their lives. If you don't want to interrogate Arista so be it. But allow us to take action."

"I admire your dedication, but I will not. It's unfortunate, but as Kite stated earlier there are only six of you. Two of you will always be needed here, leaving only four of you to investigate. Plus, I must take into consideration that every operation will not go smoothly and injuries, including severe ones, can happen. The logistics simply do not afford me to spare you. I also do not wish to put everyling's lives on the line by antagonizing the rival hive," Wave counters.

"Everling accepted putting their lives on the line when they boarded the ship. I doubt anyling will back down now," Sure Claw says.

"My decision stands," Wave says sternly.

"Feh! What a waste of breath," Sure Claw says. He stands and departs the chamber.

"For what it's worth, Princess, I stand with Sure Claw," Kite says before he departs as well.

"There may only be six guardians, but there are more of us who know how to fight," One Wing says on his way out.

"Not all of us agree with them. I know Flower will be happy to hear Kite won't constantly be thrown in the fire," Honeydew says, following the others.

"Princess," Ringworm says leaving next. Myst joins him without a word.

"I have no strong opinions either way. I'll follow your lead, Princess," Boomerang says exiting.

"What have you to say, Arctic?" Wave asks.

"I've already voiced my thoughts. It's time for me to go check on Meadow. And Wave, keep me out of your plan for Arista. I will have nothing to do with her."

"That's disappointing to hear."

"I don't care. She hurt Meadow and Pitch. I will not tolerate such actions."

"Speaking of, I wish for you to keep what happen to yourself for now."

"What? Are you serious?"

"I know you trust them, but this is a delicate situation we're facing. I also think it is for the best that they never find out for sanity reasons. If Meadow ever finds out what truly happened, there's no telling what effect that could have on her psyche."

"I don't like it Wave. They have a right to know. Let them hear and come to a decision.
Let's not keep asking ourselves 'what if' type questions. "

"As a leader I have to think of every angle possible and make a decision. We have something good going here and I don't want it ruined because of one, unfortunate run in with a rival hive.

"I believe we can beat them by showing them how we work together with the ponies and have them do the same. Then the ponies will be spared of all the paranoia, fear, and distrust of learning what's happening. This is why it's very important for Arista to join and learn from us. If she is willing, then her old hive will be as well."

"You have a good heart, Wave. I've always known that. But your plan sounds overly optimistic and relies on too many assumptions. I also very much disagree with the idea of keeping everything under wraps until it's all fixed. I know your worried and just want everypony to stay happy, but there are times your going to have to make the hard decisions which go against what you desire in order to achieve something greater. Trust me, I found that out the hard way."

"This is hardly like getting struck by lightning."

"Is it not? It feels the same."

"I know this has been a shocking experience-"

"You didn't."

"-But I know we'll get through this just fine. I have a very good feeling about this."

"I hope you're right. You're not just gambling with our lives anymore. Out of respect for you, I'll keep what happen to myself, for now. I won't guarantee to do so indefinitely."

I saunter out of the room and ascend the stairs. Changlings both in and out of pony forms buzz around the main floor. One Wing and his workers have been hard at work preparing for the moment the doors open. Expectations are low for the amount of ponies we plan to attract, but the place is stocked full of supply nonetheless.

I shift into my pegasus form and exit the establishment. The cool Autumn breeze breathes over the city, sending a shiver down my spine. It may be time to lengthen the fur of my coat since it doesn't naturally grow. I'll keep this in mind for the next time I shift.

After trotting around the busy city streets for several minutes, I finally end up at the hospital's entrance. It's not the most elegant looking building. In fact, it looks as if somepony dumped a huge concrete block in the middle of the city, carved it out, and declared it architecture. It is efficient in space, to give some credit.

Entering the building does it no better. The walls are beige, the floor tiles are beige, and they went adventurous with the ceiling by painting it white. I locate the stairwell and ascend up to the 7th floor. I walk down the hallway to the 12th door on the right where Meadow is staying. I knock on the door and enter.

The small room doesn't have very much going for it. There's a single bed, a radio, a small bookshelf with very few books, a chair, and some monitoring equipment. The room is also fully decked out in the hospital's favorite color of beige. Keep doing you hospital.

Both chair and bed are occupied by Pitch and Meadow respectively. In the reverse of when I was last here this morning, it's Pitch who is fast asleep while Meadow watches over him.

"Hi, Arctic," Meadow says softly.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Better, but the doctors still don't have a clue what caused it. I'm worried it could happen again."

"I'm confident this is a one time deal."

"And how are you so sure Mr. Psychic?"

"Call it a gut feeling. Speaking of, I can sense yours getting stronger as well."

"What do you mean?"

"When you were out I could barely sense them. They've been strengthening as you recover. I take that as a good sign."

"Does that mean you may be able to sense if this happens again?"

"It possible."

"In that case, can I ask you to stay close by? Only for the next few days at most. I just want to be sure."

"I can do that, no worries. And should you ever have any doubts, just contact anyling at the hive and they can do the same."

"Thanks, Arctic. You really are a great friend."

"I am, aren't I? Imagine how boring your lives would be without me."

"It would be different for sure. Probably a whole lot less cuddling and kissing as well."

"Speaking of Pitch, has he not rested before now?"

"I don't think he has, no. Refuses to get anything to eat despite his stomach growling either. I told him all he's gonna do is end up having us trade places."

"A fact I'll accept in a heartbeat," Pitch suddenly speaks up.

"And I don't have the strength right now to knock some sense into him," Meadow continues.

"Pitch, go to the cafeteria and get something to eat. I can keep watch over Meadow in the meantime," I say.

"I don't know. With you around I think I have to stick closer so you two don't burn down the hospital," he says.

"Arctic, be a dear and smack him for me so he gets going," Meadow says.

"As you wish," I say.

"Alright, I'm going," Pitch says, turning his back to me while exiting. A playful smile emerges on my muzzle. "Seriously though, I would have been- OW! Arctic! What the-"

Pitch swivels back around rubbing his sore flank. What he sees sends him into a stupor. Arctic isn't there. Well, technically I am, but not as Arctic. Instead, Pitch develops double vision from seeing two Meadows in one room. One standing and smirking. The other laying down and laughing.

"Geez big guy. With how much you talk about Arctic, I'm starting to think you love him more than me," I say in Meadow's voice. I wrap a hoof around Pitch's neck and draw him in closer.

"Not okay! This is definitely not okay," he complains.

"I don't see you pulling away, handsome. Now aren't ya gonna make use of those firm, muscular legs, draw me close, hold me tight, and make out with me with your juicy lips?" I say, making kissing faces.

"Hey! Nopony kisses that colt but me!" Meadow declares.

"But I am you."

"Oh no your not. You may look and sound like me, but you got my personality all wrong. Besides, when have I ever spoken like that?"

"Mostly on long cold nights when I'm feeling lonely and sappy and just want my big furry coltfriend to press close to me when he gets home."

"That was... you were... Arctic! Those are private moments."

"Then why speak private thoughts out loud on the couch?"

"I didn't know you were around!"

"I was reading on the other couch. How could you not know?"

"Wait, how come I never hear you speak like that?" Pitch asks.

"Because it's soooooo sappy and cheesy and embarrassing," Meadow responds.

"So? I like sappy," Pitch says.

"Well I don't," Meadow says.

"Yes you do," I singsong.

"Shut up and switch back already. And will you get something to eat already, please?" I immediately comply with her demands. Pitch hesitates, but then smiles and leaves with one eye locked on me. Meadow sighs in relief.

"You really been having that much trouble with him?"

"Yes. I get that he cares about me and I love him for it. But he simply can't stop caring for himself until I'm better. It worries me."

"I'm sure that's not his intentions."

"I know it's not, but still. I'll talk to him about it later."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Speaking of plans. Tell me, when do you plan to ask out Silvia?"

"I don't? We're just friends you know."

"Oh for the love of... How is it you don't know by now?"

"What are you going on about?"

"Silvia has a crush on you, you oblivious beetle. Anypony can see that from a mile away as well as your own fondness for her. I don't even need to be able to sense emotions to figure that out."

"Silvia likes me?"

"Yes! Seriously, how can a species that detects emotion be so unaware of their own? In fact, how is it you can sense my feelings of friendship towards you, but not Silvia's feelings of- oh."


"You can, can't you? You've known the whole time haven't you?"

"Meadow, listen, it's not-"

"Answer the damn question, Arctic."



"Oh my gosh! How could you?"

"How could I what?"

"Keep leading her on like this? What is she, a game for you? She likes you so you subtly edge her on to see how far you can get?"

"Absolutely not! You know me better than that!"

"Then what's going on, Arctic? Why continue to act oblivious? You know she likes you and you speak to her as if the feeling is mutual"

"That's not an easy question to answer, Meadow."

"Well try anyways. Do you not like her in that way?"

"I... I mean... I do?"

"Then why keep her distant? Why break the barrier between Pitch and I while setting up your own?"

"Because I'm afraid! For the first time in my life I'm completely petrified by the unknown!"



"I know I'm being a hypocrite. I know I tell you and Pitch one thing but practice another. I know all of this, but I can't break free from it. Do I want to get closer to Silvia? Yes! I wanted to do the same with Vinyl as well. I even promised Vinyl I would, but I just can't! I can't. I can't..."

I don't remember the last time I ever shed tears. It must have been years and years ago. I don't miss the feeling that comes with them, that much is for sure. I can barely make out Meadow through blurry eyes, but I can feel her guilt. All that does is make me feel guilty for making her experience guilt. She's already been through enough recently. I wipe my face clear and force the tears back down.

"You have a good thing, Meadow. I can't say I don't envy you, but I'm happy you have what I can't. There's something about my family and lasting relationships that doesn't work. I just don't want to go all in, only to be the next victim."


"No, no more. It is what it is. Let's leave it at that, okay?"

"Arctic, come here."

I do what she asks. When I draw closer, she reaches out with her hooves. I lean in to let her wrap them around my neck.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to force you to share something so hard for you. I just wanted to understand what's going on."

"You have nothing to apologize for. I felt the concern you had. It's just not the right time right now." Meadow releases the hug, but keeps a hoof on my chin to force me to look at her.

"You know you always have Pitch and I. We'll listen to whatever you have to say and help in any way we can."

"Thank you. I'll keep that in mind."

Nothing more is said on the topic after that. Pitch returns soon after with his meal in tow. From there, the three of us just sat back and relaxed as if we were all just hanging at home together. I try to enjoy the small break from it all, but the simple fact that Meadow lies in a hospital bed is too much of a reminder of what happened.

First it's the Nightmare which haunts my dreams. Now all of a sudden, I discover we're not the first changelings to set hoof on this land, said hive follow a parasitic life style, the burden of bearing the secret of what happened, and having two friends dig out my greatest flaw. Any of these I can handle one on one. All of them at the same time? Even I have my limits.

Turns out, now truly isn't the right time. Maybe after the struggles cease I'll find a way.


Then again, for the first time in a long time, I start to hear the call of the sea. Life is simpler on the water. A lot more restful as well.

Crackling laughter echoes in my head.

Somehow sailing has a lot less darkness as well.

Foolish insect, do you not know? There is nowhere you can run to escape me.

I must have fallen asleep at some point. I can't even recall the last several minutes. The Nightmare roams just out of sight in the thick fog. Oddly, she isn't the thing that concerns me.

That presence is back once more, stronger than ever.

"Can you hear us?"

I startle awake to find myself back in my room. Looking out the window reveals the moon high in the sky. Pitch must have carried me back. Seems like it's going to be another restless night.

"We then continue to hold the pose until the last notes fade. We then-"


"Oh for the love of- ARCTIC!"

I snap my eyes open and dive under the table, bracing for the inevitable explosion. Only, there isn't one. removing the hooves from my face only reveals Shiny, Kelvin, Timber, and Limelight. Each one having emotions ranging from frustration to amusement.

"I fell asleep again, didn't I?" I ask.

"Only for the tenth-"


"Twelfth time! At this rate we're not going to be near ready enough for the next concert," Limelight says.

"Relax, Limelight, next concert isn't for another month at least," Kelvin says.

"Next month? Try this weekend," Limelight replies.

"What? When were we going to be told?" Timber asks. Suddenly, the door to our rehearsal room swings open with a bang. Gravy Train stands there with an all too wide of a grin. Oh great...

"Great news everypony! Wonderbolts are in town this weekend and I managed to convince their captain to perform in a show with us! With us and them together, we're sure to sell out of tickets in no time! No need to thank me. Just doing my humble job." As suddenly as he appeared, Gravy Train leaves. Typical.

"Wonder what kind of dirt he has on the bolts to pull that one off?" Timber asks snidely. I sense some distress and disbelief come off Kelvin. Interesting.

"I'm sure one of the bolts just happens to like our music and wishes to see everypony's favorite band member. That'd be me," Limelight says.

"Not for long if Kelvin's fan club has anything to say about it," Shiny says, dancing his way over to throw a hoof over said pony's shoulders.

"Please... his numbers are nowhere compared to mine," Limelight replies.

"You may want to look again this weekend," Timber chimes in.

"So. Many. Mares," Kelvin says, staring into the distance.

"And stallions. Don't forget the stallions," Timber says.

"Don't remind me. I'll never be able to understand how they can out high-pitch scream a mare. Tell you what, Limelight, you can have them all. Free of charge and everything," Kelvin says.

"Don't be that way, Kelvin. Fans are great!" Shiny declares.

"You would say that, Shiny," Kelvin says.

"Thirteen," Timber says.

"Arctic!" Limelight shouts.

"Ani o'hev et ha chad keren ha cachol!" I slam both hooves in my mouth. I did not just say that.

"What?" Kelvin asks.

"Nothing, it's not important. What did I miss?" I ask.

"We have a performance this weekend," Timber says.

"Oh, cool, fun times," I yawn, getting as snug as a bug on the couch. Which I am.

"Fourteen," Timber says. Next thing I know, I'm spitting out water from the glass Limelight tipped over me. Despite the very rude action, he is less frustrated than he is concerned.

"Okay, Arctic. What's going on buddy?" Shiny asks.

"Nothing, just a little tired is all," I say.

"A little tired?" Limelight asks, raising a brow.

"Yup, only a little..." I say, trailing off.


"I'm not asleep!" I shout, falling asleep immediately after.

They leave me be this time. Instead, they focus on talking among themselves on a familiar sounding topic. It matters little to me as I'm too busy trotting back home after a long day. Something is slightly off though. I should be able to see the house by now. The smell of charred wood is also filling the air. I sprint the remaining distance to where the house is and find... nothing. The lot completely bare. Void of any markings that a structure ever existed.

Faint sounds of sobbing carried by the wind reaches my ears. I turn around and find myself at the end of a long stretch of alleyway. The crying coming from the other end sounds familiar, so I investigate. I don't think I've ever heard Meadow cry before. I despise the sound. Reaching the dead end confirms my suspicion, as well as my worst fears. Meadow is hovering over the stiff, pale corpse of Pitch, drained to the point of no return.

"You did this," Meadow says without looking up.

"I would never," I say.

"You lead them here. Pitch would still be alive if it wasn't for you," Meadow says. She finally looks up at me. My veins go cold. She stares me down with green, cat-like eyes, the fires within burns my soul to ash. The sound of hoof steps reverberate around me.

"Do we know you?"


"Whoa, whoa! Easy, Arctic, easy. Your alright, your safe," Kelvin says. He's holding on to me for dear life to make sure I don't harm myself or others in a frantic frenzy. My brain catches up to me and I stop flailing while focusing on controlling my breathing.

"How long was I out?" I ask.

"Not even 10 minuets," Kelvin replies. Sure enough, scanning the room reveals that everypony is still present where they were. Only now every pair of eyes are dead set on me, completely absent of any form of annoyance or irritation.

"Yeah, that figures," I say spitefully. Now she won't let me rest at all. This Nightmare has gotten way out of hoof.

"No more excuses, lovebug. Tell us what's happening," Shiny demands.

"Nothing is- Ah screw it, everything thing is happening! More of my folks arrived who I'm trying to help. My best friend is making rash decisions which compound my stress. My other friend got hurt really bad. And to top it all off, I've been tormented by horrible nightmares every night for months now!" I finish my rant with a snort. I feel lighter after it, though, as well as a little lightheaded.

"That's a lot more than I pictured. No wonder you seemed on edge. I'm sorry," Limelight says. I'm shocked. Limelight never apologizes.

"All that and trying to keep up with us? Something is bound to give. It's not good having all these stressors," Timber says.

"Arctic, I need you to be completely honest right now. Do you think you can keep going with this? With the band I mean? I've seen GT's plans, he has us constantly on the road next year. It's about to become all or nothing moving forward," Limelight inquires. That's not something I wanted to hear.

"I... I don't think I can at this rate. But I don't wish to let you all down either. You all are good friends of mine," I say. Silence dominates for several moments.

"You know, the record company has been complaining about my lack of solo albums," Shiny says.

"I've been wanting to explore other genres of music myself," Limelight says.

"And I've been writing my own music which GT won't let me use," Timber says.

"I've been wanting to enlist with the pegasus shock trooper unit," Kelvin says. Everyone's jaw hit the floor at that.

"What?" He asks.

"You? A shock trooper?" Limelight asks.

"As strange as that may seem to you, it has been something I've been preparing myself for a while now," Kelvin says.

"But, you're you! The kind, small words member of the group who often times hides himself away after every performance," Limelight says.

"And? It's not like they're training me to talk my adversaries to death," Kelvin replies.

"It's always the quiet ones," I say. "Reminds me of Kite Shield in a way. Talk about anything outside the topic of guardians and you'll be lucky to get a full sentence from him."

"I don't know who that is? Are they good at what they do? Kelvin asks.

"He's arguably the best guardian of all time from what I've heard. The source may have been a tiny bit bias though," I say.

"I'll take the comparison as a compliment then," Kelvin says.

"So, this is it then? Only a few months in, one tour, and an award for Equestria's fastest rising stars and we're already breaking up?" I ask.

"We're a team, Arctic. If one of us can't keep going we're not going to force the issue nor are we going to leave them behind," Timber says.

"Besides, I wouldn't call it a break up. I'd say it's more along the lines of a hiatus. Evidently a long one due to Kelvin's plans, but a hiatus nonetheless," Limelight says.

"Heh, just to think, you were the most pessimistic when this whole thing started," I say.

"I admit, I was wrong. After our first show I knew I was going to enjoy this greatly, and I have," Limelight says.

"Which part? Kelvin asks, rolling his eyes. "The music, the attention, or all those one night stands you had?"

"I won't lie and say I didn't like all that, but I meant hanging with you guys," Limelight says.

"Yeah, you were a big stick in the mud at first. Figured you were just some entitled brat upset that all the attention wasn't purely focused on him for a change," Kelvin says.

"Hey! Uncool bro," Limelight responds.

"I'm happy that my first impressions were proved wrong. I'll miss you, Limelight. All of you," Kelvin says.

"Is this the part where we all hug?" I ask, cocking my head to the side.

"Yes!" Shiny declares.

"No!" Timber counters.

"I don't do hugs," Kelvin says.

"I don't mind, up to you, Arctic," Limelight says.

"Eh, why not?" I ask.

The first pony I latch onto is Kelvin so he can't escape. Shiny snags Timber and pulls him into our hug. Limelight chuckles and joins freely. All the while, Kelvin and Timber work together to escape. I'm reminded of that time after our first performance somepony sneaked a picture of all five of us smiling and laughing. I enjoyed my time singing and dancing to the masses with this group, but the time to move on is now. Shame we couldn't even last a year.

"Gravy Train isn't going to be happy," I state.

"He'll survive. Odds are he'll complain, yell at us some, play the victim, and then go out to sign another hotshot that can keep a tune and do what they're told. Trust me, I've seen it happen plenty of times," Timber analyses.

"Sort of like he did with you two," Limelight says, pointing at me and Kelvin.

"He's got us there," I say to Kelvin.

"Yeah, I'm not going to lose sleep over his dilemma. My sister on the other hoof? I may need to bunker down after today," Kelvin says.

"Why's that? She a big fan of ours?" I ask.

"No, she's not, but I'm pretty sure she was the one that swayed Spitfire to accept GT's proposal in order to help a brother out," Kelvin explains.

"You have a sister with ties to Spitfire?" Limelight asks.

"Yup. Good old Blaze, always looking out for her little bro," Kelvin says.

"Your sister is a Wonderbolt? Why are we just learning these things from you now?" Limelight asks.

"It never got brought up," Kelvin says.

"My best friend is a princess from a far away land," I cut in.

"What is this? A game of who can better one up the other?" Limelight asks.

"It could be. It's also 100% factual," I say.

"You're friends with an alicorn princess?" Limelight asks.

"No, not an alicorn. Equestria holds the monopoly on those," I say.

"Then it doesn't count," Limelight says.

"I'd love to see you tell her that," I chuckle.

"Alright, so if this is to be our last day together, I got a surprise," Kelvin says. He leaves the room and return moments later carrying a bag in his mouth. He gently lowers it to the floor and pulls out the contents. A bottle of scotch and five shot glasses. Now we're talking.

"You just carry that wherever you go?" Timber asks.

"Maybe... With you four around, it has come in handy many times," Kelvin replies.

And so, with practice a long forgotten memory, we toast the night away. Each of us sharing stories of this wild adventure. From the time a unicorn made Shiny's teeth go poof, to Kelvin getting chased down the street by a horde of fans and escaping them via dumpster diving. In the end, we perform one last song with each other.

"But before I go and hit the road

Tell me when

When can I see you again?"

Kite is not happy. The source of his displeasure trots just behind him. Arista purposely stays at least a length away from the towering changeling at all times.

"So, I see you're still a unicorn," she says.

"Observant," Kite says.

"Any particular reason why?"


"So why not shift back? There's no ponies around here."


"Can you say more than a single word?"





"No what?"


Kite and Arista arrive at the end of the corridor. Kite opens the door to the semi-circular chamber and pauses to let Arista trot in first. Several tables have been set up in the last couple of days, including the large oval one in the back where Wave sits. On the table are the beginnings of models being made to accurately portray the city of Manehatten in it's entirety. Wave pauses her work to greet the newcomer with a smile. Kite stands by to observe.

"Arista, happy to see you found the place. Do you know why your here?" Wave asks.

"You've come to a decision I expect," Arista says before she remembers exactly who she's talking to. "Er, your highness." She gives a small bow of respect. Kite snorts in anger at the insult, but Wave waves him off.

"I have. I am happy to welcome you to our little family," Wave says.

"Hive. You are welcome to our hive," Kite growls.

"Semantics really," Wave says.

"To most, but not all," Kite says.

"So he does say more than one word at a time," Arista says. Kite is now thoroughly annoyed. He dosen't rebuttal though, settling instead to taking a deep breath and keeping his eyes forward.

"Don't take it too personally, it's difficult for most changelings to get Kite to speak. Have the others treated you fairly so far?" Wave asks.

"Actually yes, your highness. Your hive is much more friendly than Queen Chrysalis's, though, if you don't mind me saying, it's much more stiffer as well," Arista says.

"How do you mean? Wave asks.

"Everling here is outrageously formal. Hello ma'am, how are you doing ma'am? Can I get the door for you ma'am. Can I help you with anything ma'am? I thought I get hisses and stare downs, not this," Arista explains. Kite allows a few small chuckles to escape. This nymph has a lot to learn. Wave shoots Kite a glare. He ignores it. They've done all they said they would. They're kind and welcoming as Wave wanted, but Arista is still nothing more than an unwanted outsider.

"I see. I was afraid of this," Wave says.

"What? Is there something I'm missing, your highness?" Arista asks.

"A few things. Listen, Arista, I can accept you into the hive, but I can't make the others accept you. If you wish to earn their respect and trust going forward then it must be you who strives to earn it, understand?" Wave asks.

"I think so, yes. But what does that have to do with earlier?" Arista asks.

"A lot, actually. Allow me to give a small demonstrate on how things work around here," Wave says. She then turns to face Kite, straightens her posture, turns her head up, and sounds off commandingly. "Kite, your Princess thirsts and demands that you fetch her a glass from the finest waters available. Promptly do so before I get impatient." Wave ends her demand with a firm stomp.

Kite shield breaks from his staring contest with the wall to examine Wave. After looking her up and down several times he continues his match with his very stubborn opponent. "You have four legs and two wings that aren't broken," he states unceremoniously. Wave buzzes her wings in annoyance.

"Fine, be that way. I'll get Lance to do it instead," she huffs.

"Ha! What a joke," Kite replies.

"Maze then," Wave says.

"It could work. Just overly exaggerate how this quest greatly affects the cause," Kite agrees.

"Which cause?" Wave asks.

"Dosen't matter. Just say the cause," Kite says. A moment of silence fills the room.

"FOR THE CAUSE!" Comes the distant shouting of Maze.

"That worked surprisingly well," Wave says.

"I know my guardians," Kite says.

"You see- Arista?"

"Under the table," Kite says.

Wave peers under the table. Sure enough, Arista is huddled to the ground, hooves protecting her face. She also managed to form a small bubble shield around herself. Wave taps on the shield a couple of times. Arista opens an eye to scan the carnage. Finding none, she lowers the shield and pops back up on four hooves.

"Are the fireworks over? Does the big guy still live?" She asks.

"Bevadie, why would he not?" Wave asks.

"Because he refused an order from a queen, then proceeded to insult you," Arista says.

"I'm starting to have major concerns about your last queen," Wave says.

"Starting?" Kite questions.

"I can take things from here, Kite. You can go about your business," Wave says.

"Not until I observe the link bond be formed. Non-negotiable," Kite says.

"Very well. Are you ready, Arista?" Wave asks.

"Uh, yeah, sure, the link bond that somehow isn't a myth. What do I do?" She asks tentatively.

"All you have to do is stand still," Wave says.

Lighting her horn, Wave leans in to touch Arista's forehead. Arista braces herself for the unexpected. Upon being touched, she temporary looses her balance and scrambles to stable her self. After finding her footing once more, she shakes her head and places a hoof on her temple as if she got a sudden case of migraine. Which is a very real possibility.

"Ugh, what just happened?" She asks. She opens her eyes as wide as they can go. "Where did that come from?" She snaps her head in Wave's direction. "You? How?" Wave giggles at Arista's reaction. "This is so weird." Wave grabs a model from the table. "Sure?" Arista picks up the object with her magic. "I don't se- WHY IS MY MAGIC BLUE!" Wave bursts out laughing at the frantic nymph. Admittedly, Kite is amused himself.

With the link formed and confident in the Princess's safety, Kite exits the chamber and trots halfway down the hallway. After reaching the midway point, he enters the office to the right, his office. He doesn't have much at the moment, just a desk and some lights. He sits down and examines the papers on the desk. Each page contains a different contingency plan for both dealing with the safety of the Sub-Hive, as well as hunting down the rival hive. Wave told him not to act, but he can still prepare for emergencies. Noling will distract him from his duties to the hive.

*Knock* *Knock*

There is only one who can distract him from his duties.


The door opens and Flower prances into the spacious room. Like Kite, she too is in her pony form, preferring the golden coat, white mane unicorn over her average looking changeling form. At least, that what she refers to her natural form as. If you ask Kite, he'd say her changeling form is gorgeous. Not to say her elegant pony form isn't an eye catcher as well.

"Need something, Flower?"

"Yes, my workaholic of a coltfriend."

"I apologize, but I'm a bit busy at the moment."

"Wrong answer." Flower jumps up onto Kite's table and sprawls out.


"Don't you 'Flower' me mister." Flower boops Kite in the nose. "You've been overworking again, leaving me unattended to."

"Flower, this is very important."

"Nope, not having it." She picks up one of the papers she laying on, reading it over. "Besides, didn't the Princess tell you not to seek out these parasites?"

"It's still important to have a plan in place."

"Well, it looks to me you have several in place already.

"Every situation needs to be accounted for."

"Do I need to break out the face?"

"Please, Flower. This is for your safety as well."

"That's it, I'm breaking out the face."

Flower sits up on the table and stares deep into Kite's soul. She shifts wings on her back, only to immediately droop them to the ground. Ears follow suit and she continues by slightly dipping her head, her bottom lip trembling. She looks upwards with big magenta eyes, a tear forming in one.

"Ah! alright, you win. Just, stop it! I can't take it when you do that."

"Yes! Twelve seconds, a new record. Yipe!"

The yipe comes when Kite picks up the celebrating nymph and gently places her on his back. She grips his sides with her hind legs, wraps her forehooves around his neck, and rests her head on top of his. Kite exits his office and moves to ascend the stairs.

"So, did you have something in mind? Or did you not think this far ahead?"

"I'll have you know that I do have a plan in mind. You and I are going to spend some quality time together."

"Any specific place?"

"That part, I'm unsure of. I'm still learning my way around the city."

"Well, if you don't mind me taking lead, I've been meaning to check out this one place I've been hearing so much about."

"I think I know what place you mean," Flower giggles. "Lead the way, oh valiant steed."

"Aye, aye."

And so, the brave sir Flower and her trusty mount leave the inn acting as the HQ for the Sub-Hive. They travel into the dangerous jungle, braving the unknown, in search for Kite's mysterious destination.

If you don't know where they're going, you haven't been paying attention.

"Welcome to Charlie Hops," says the blue unicorn behind the bar.

"Hi, Silvia!" Flower waves from Kite's back.

"Hey! Welcome back. Who's your friend?" Silvia asks.

"This is my great steed, of course. Onward great steed!"

Kite reels back onto his hind waves, giving a loud whinny while flailing his hooves in the air. He gives the impression that he's going to dash to the counter, only to softly land back and all fours and walk slowly up to the bar. Silvia waits patiently, giggling at the duos antics. Kite finally arrives, but makes no move to take a seat or let Flower off him.

"You going to sit down at all?" Silvia asks. All Kite needs to do is feel his fur against Flower's, the steady rhythm of her heart, and the soft tickling of his ears from Flower's breath to come up with his answer.

"I'm fine as I am. Are you comfortable, Flower?"


"Well, if you two are comfortable, then so be it. What can I get for you two?" Silvia asks.

"I'll have a mug of your finest," Kite says.

"Just a water for me," Flower says.

"One pint and glass coming right up," Silvia says, leaving the two for now.

"Hey, Kite, isn't that Arctic's band?" Flower asks, pointing to a nearby tabloid left on the counter. Kite brings it in closer to read.




"It is. I wonder what this is about?" Kite ponders.

"I suppose we'll just have to ask him," Flower says.

"Can I have that back, please?" Silvia asks sheepishly. She floats over the two drinks to their respective owners.

"Oh, yes, sorry, we were just curious. Do you know anything about that, Silvia?" Flower asks, returning the article to Silvia who promptly hides it from view.

"About Arctic's band? Not exactly, no. The article makes it out as if all the members had a huge fallout after a fight. Yet, nothing I read fits Arctic's or Shiny Teeth's personality. I also know for a fact that all these quotes from the manager are extremely out of context. I was going to ask Arctic about what happened, but I haven't seen him since he walked me home."

"How did that night turn out?" Flower asks.

"It was wonderful. Not what I was expecting, but I think it was better in a way," Silvia reminisces dreamily.

"What were you expecting?" Flower asks.

"Not much, just a quiet walk home with maybe some small talk in between."

"So what happened instead?" Flower asks.

"What happened first was..." Silvia stops for a moment to laugh at the memory, leaving the two changelings slightly confused. "... After that, well, we just talked, and I don't mean 'good weather for a walk' type talk either. Once we arrived at my apartment, he took one look around and said I would be welcomed to stay at your inn, free of charge. He said 'The best deserve the best'. He then just upped and left me there. It was both disappointing and exhilarating.

"If I'm being honest here, I may have a small crush on that wild pony. I wasn't sure if it was just a fling, but after that walk, I realized how much I feel comfortable around him. I feel as if I can share everything with him and I sort of started to. I reveled some things I never would with anypony else at this point. Now I want something more than just some temporary hookup. I want to know him and for him to know me. He also makes me laugh which is a definite plus."

"Awww, that's so adorable. You really, really like him," Flower coos.

"Yeah, I suppose I do. I'm not sure the feeling is mutual, though," says Silvia downcastedly.

"Don't say that! I know Arctic, he only goes far out of his way for those he truly cares about," Flower says.

"Thanks, but I think he's still has a taste for that one DJ," Silvia says.

"Why do you say that?" Flower asks.

"Because he hasn't shown any signs he wants to be more than friends with me outside the occasional flirting. Plus, just compare the two of us. The DJ is a spunky, easygoing pretty mare with a go-with-the-flow personality and tremendous musical talent. And I'm not. I'm just some local bartender with delusional dreams of being an actress."

"Sounds like you're really selling yourself short there," Kite says.

"It's true though," Silvia says.

"If it was true, I wouldn't have Princess Wave chatting my ears off about how great an impression you made," Kite says.

"It's true. You made a great first impression with all of us," Flower says.

"Okay, assuming I measure up with that DJ, why does Arctic seem uninterested in becoming more than friends?" Silvia asks.

"I don't know the answer to that. Come to think about it, I don't think I've ever seen him persue a relationship. He was always so busy focusing on his own projects that he never gave anypony a chance. Funny enough, I thought he and Wave were going to get together at one point, but that never happened either," Flower ponders. Silvia ears wilt.

"This isn't exactly confidence boosting," she says.

"On the contrary, this gives us insight and an excellent opportunity," Flower says.

"You're going into matchmaker mode, aren't you?" Kite asks.

"You know it!" Flower exclaims.

"Aren't we suppose to be on a date right now?" Kite asks.

"Oh, hush and go back to your drink. There are mares scheming here," Flower says.

"Yes, dear. Though isn't this the exact situation you stole me from?"

"Nope, completely different." Flower leans closer to Kite's ear and softly purrs. "I'll make up the time later if you let me continue."

"What kind of making up are we talking here?"

"The hot, messy kind," Flower says, wiggling her hunches which still straddles Kite.

"Don't mind me, I'll just be enjoying this beer," Kite says, taking a sip and staring blankly forward.

"Good stallion. Now where were we?"

"Something about an oppertunity," Silvia says.

"Yes, you see, Arctic currently has zero projects and appears to be finally settling down. This means he'll be open to the idea of a committed relationship more than ever. As for why he doesn't seem interested? He very well could be, but he could a bit anxious about being in a relationship," Flower says.

"So, is there anything I can do?" Silvia asks.

"Of course there is. If I know him, you basically need to get Arctic to say 'screw it!' and have him jump headfirst into the rough, churning rapids of rommance," Flower says.

"Sounds like something he would do," Kite confirms.

"Okay, but how?" Silvia asks.

"Hhmm. Good question. Oh how much I love a good challenge," Flower says.

And just like that, Kite officially loses Flower's attention. So much for taking a break to go on a date. He's anything but mad, however. He knows the chance to help ponies with any sort of relationship issues are a harvester's siren call. He still think it's strange to call them harvesters as harvesting emotions to make emotion enriched honey is more of a secondary task. A much more accurate title would be something along the lines of subject matter experts of pony emotions and relationships. This is why Kite is not in charge of naming.

And so, while mare and nymph continue scheming, Kite stands idly by, lost in his own scheming. He and Sure Claw agree that they simply cannot ignore the parasite problem. Especially since they have five of them as prisoners and another become an apparent turncoat. He told Wave he wouldn't question Arista and he won't. The other five were not brought up in the council meeting, though. There may just be a way for him and Sure Claw to get information yet.

"Here it is! Our inn Wave insists we call Ohfek Chadash, but what everyling else sensibly calls New Horizon."

Pitch, Meadow, and I stand at the entrance to the inn, admiring the architecture. No longer does the dominant structure hide behind vines and mossy wood. No longer will everypony walk past without batting an eye at the complex dropped from time. Their curiosity will bring them closer where they will find the grand door always open, waiting to greet them with warmth, food, and rest. All their support will go to the funding the ambitions of a race from a world away, ready to bring the two nations into a new era. A land of new horizons.

Trotting into the warm glow of the lights makes one feel at home. The rich color of the newly refurbished columns and flooring shines in a way you cannot find anywhere else within the fluorescent powered city. The grand hall spacious floor plan allows one a break from the densely packed urban environment, despite being packed full of tables and chairs of various sizes. The high, vaulted ceiling gives pegasi and thestrals alike to stretch their wings and avoid the traffic on the ground. Next week will show what interests the inn has gathered and whether or not the changelings are prepared for the challenge. Today, however, the inn will be servicing only two pony guests. Pitch and Meadow.

We trot to the middle of the hall where a newly installed, circular bar is set up and take our seats. The shelves behind the bar are depressing empty, though we're working on getting the problem fixed.

"This place looks amazing, Arctic," Meadow compliments.

"Is that what I think it is?" Pitch asks, pointing to a raised platform next to the other set of great doors.

"Not quite. Although definitely inspired by Charlie Hops's karaoke stage, it's not going to be used for karaoke. Flower and Honeydew came up with the idea of having live music on special days and Wave agreed," I explain.

"So you're going to be hiring performers as well?" Pitch asks.

"I don't think we can afford to quite yet. Besides, you're talking about a place run by changelings. We're like, natural born musicians. You think I can sing? Wait until you hear some of the others," I say.

"Speaking of singing..."

It appears as though this place has a few surprises left for me as well.


The smaller unicorn emerges from behind the shelves of the bar. She walks over with a smile and pep in her step.

"Hi, Arctic! It's been a bit since I last saw you. Growing tired of Charlie's already?" She asks.

"Never! It's just been a very busy, very stressful week is all," I say.

"I'm sorry to hear. Do you want to talk about it?" She asks. She also briefly glances over my shoulder anxiously, before looking back with more confidence. I look behind me and spy Flower on the otherside with Kite, looking innocently around.

How long have they've been there?

"Not this time, Silvia. It's my own burden I must carry," I say. Silvia ears dip down.

"It doesn't have to be," she says quietly.

"To save my friends from more pain, yes it does," I say. I've really been upsetting Meadow lately, which, of course, rubs off on Pitch. Now I can add Silvia to that list too. I just need to shut my mouth.

Stupid Nightmare! Stupid Parasites! Just let me live life!

"So, you accepted the offer?" I ask Silvia.

"Yes and no. I still work at Charlie's, but I am going to supply your inn with my brew whenever I can. Of course, this means no more secret menu options at Charlie's," Silvia says.

"I'm sure I'll survive. Afterall, I know where to find more," I say with a wink. I feel a tiny amount of magic drain away. Don't tell me I did what I think I did.

"Whoa! How did you change the color of your eye?" Silvia asks.

I said don't tell me that! Should I tell her now?

"Eye drops? I have mismatched eye colors so I use a potion to have them match. It must have worn out just now," I say.

"That's pretty neat. I guess I kinda understand why you want to do that, but if you ask me, you're handsome either way," Silvia says.

Whoa! Where did that come from!?

"I wish I could stay longer, but I have to get ready for my shift at Charlie's. I'll see you around, Arctic, you're the best!" Last time I saw her, I left Silvia speechless. Now the roles are reversed as I watch her leave while trying to remember how one forms speech. And is it just me, or is there a bit more sway to her hips as she walks?

Alright, what the hell just happened?

I knew she had a crush on me, but this was something more. The love she radiated was beyond the level of puppy love. Now the love is more sincere, though still budding. But where did it come from? What sparked the change?

"Wow, talk about a leap forward. No denying it now, Arctic, she completely removed all subtlety of how she feels about you. Am I going to see you walking around with blue and pink eyes from now on?" Pitch teases.

"No, I still prefer to have my eyes the way they are. Although, I could have the 'potion' wear out around Silvia more often," I muse.

"Why didn't you tell her?" Meadow asks.

"As much as I trust Silvia, I just don't think it's quite the right time yet. She still doesn't know too much about me and I'm worried what will happen if she finds she's been crushing on a bug this whole time. I'll tell her when I get a better feel on how she'll react."

"Sounds like excuses to me. You're never going to know for sure how she'll react until you tell her. Remember the way you thought Pitch and I would react?" Meadow asks.

"I do. It's a difficult situation for us. The ponies back home know of our existence and the majority welcome us and some view it as good luck to see a changeling in our natural form. Problem is, we have no way of knowing how the typical pony will react here. If you two are an indication, then chances are it will go well, but we want to tread carefully," I say.

We also need to see how much impact those parasites have on your society. They've really thrown a wrench in everything.

"Are you doing alright, Meadow? I figured you'd be all over Arctic about how Silvia is upping her game." Pitch inquires. I raise a brow.

"You haven't told him?" I ask.

"I didn't want to share something like that without your knowledge," Meadow says.

"Thank you, but whatever I share with you, I'm alright with Pitch knowing as well and vice versa," I say.

"What's going on" Pitch asks.

"Arctic apparently knew that Silvia liked him the whole time and suffers from major commitment anxiety," Meadow explains.

"Are you kidding me? After all the flak you gave me with Meadow?" Pitch questions.

"I'm aware at the hypocrisy of this whole situation. Though to be fair, you two were a different situation that just required a slight nudge," I say.

"You're killing me, Arctic. Well, what are you going to do now? Silvia is clearly upping her approach."

"I don't know. Feels like I'm caught in a pickle," I say.

"Well, when in a pickle, you can't keep running back and forth forever. Eventually, you're going to have to pick a base and hope for the best," Pitch says.

"I can still try and hold out for an error," I say.

"All you'll do is wear yourself out for the next inning. If an error doesn't happen on the first couple throws, it's highly unlikely to happen period," Pitch counters.

"This is totally confusing. Are you speaking in code talk or something?"

Saved by the bat-bug.

"How long have you been standing there Indigo? Or rather, hanging there?" I ask. Tilting my head at the upside down nymph. She is hanging by her tail from one of the metal loops protruding from a nearby column. She's really falling into the role of a thestral.

"The past five minutes or so. I didn't want to interrupt, but now that I have..." Indigo lets go and glides over to our seats. "Hiya, and welcome to New Horizon, what will you take?" Pitch looks at Meadow with a wide grin.

"Don't you do it," Meadow warns.

"We will take Jerhoofsalem!" Pitch shouts to the High Heavens. Meadow simply facehoofs.

"Huh?" Indigo asks.

"Yersoos'shaliem," I clarify.

"Oh, okay. Radical! Our hummus is to die for," Indigo says.

"Wait, what?" Pitch asks.

"Make it an appetizer. We still need time since you haven't hoofed out the menus yet," I say.

"Oops! Right, menus."

Indigo flies over the bar and ducks down to retrieve the menus. She fishes them out and deposits them before flying back into the kitchen. Without asking what we want to drink. She's got a bit to learn it seems. No wonder One Wing has her serving today's test run.

"So, what exactly did I just order?" Pitch asks.

"Bread with a side of hummus to dip it in," I say.

"Oh, that's doesn't sound bad at all," Pitch says.

"I guarantee you'll never look at hummus the same way after today. I don't know what you all do wrong, but all the hummus found in Equestria is very bland," I say.

"Hey, Arctic. Some of these items are a bit..." Meadow starts.

"Carnivorous? It's mainly there for any gryphons that stop by. Also gives us an excuse to cook fish. I don't know about the others, but I love the taste of fish," I say.

"I never figured to think if changelings were anything other than herbivores like us," Pitch says.

"I believe the term for us is emotivores or something similar? Actually, it's part of the reason we're running this inn. While we provide you all with your food, your providing us with our food at the same time. Just more proof on how our two races are meant to intermingle. But yes, when it comes to food as you know it, we're omnivores." I say.

"The concept behind changelings is weird," Pitch says.

"Yet intriguing, right?" I ask.

"Very much so, I'm happy to have met you guys," Pitch says.

"Same here," Meadow says.

I smile at the two, but it soon fades. I'm curious as to how they would feel if they knew about the hive that abused our powers. Would they look upon us in the same light? I'm confident they would still welcome us, but would it come with more caution? I think I understand where Wave is coming from now. Understand, but still don't agree with. I do agree with Sure Claw though. Action should be taken against the rival hive. One thing seems to have been overlooked in the council meeting. We still have those five changelings under lock and key in the basement. Sooner or later, the parasites will realize they're missing.

What happens then?

'I shouldn't have invited Silvia to stay with us.'

'You did what now?'

And I accidently sent that thought to Wave instead of keeping it to myself. I'm never going to hear the end of this one.

Meadow walks back to examine the field in its entirety. It looks great for the most part. The right outfield needs to be trimmed some more and it looks like the infield isn't getting as much water as it needs. She can also spot a mound of dirt where an anthill has formed over the week.

Having been at it for a few hours, Meadow decides to take a break and lay down for a short while. She watches the clouds above drift lazily by on the small ocean breeze. The weather Pegasi let them be for the most part, but make sure to round up the far away strays.

She reflects back on the last two weeks. Never did she imagine playing host to a whole new race and their princess. She was anxious at first, but they turned out to be just as friendly as Arctic. She giggles at the memory of the great food fight at Charlie Hops and how she beat everypony by working side by side with Princess Wave. Life was at a peak. Then it suddenly changed.

It started with that mysterious illness. Afterwards, Arctic started to act strangely. He seemed on edge, determined to be close to her and Pitch at all times. He still had his goofy moments, but they started becoming few and far between. He doesn't talk about it, but Meadow can tell he's not sleeping well either. Then there's the whole deal with him and Silvia. It's all a complete mess.

Arctic isn't the only one who seemed tightly wound either. When she and Pitch tried out New Horizon, everpony, or rather everyling, there appeared cautious and alert. They hid it well, but she noticed those running in the background. Perhaps it's just anxiety of getting prepared for their grand opening coming soon. Then there was that one changeling. The others treated her with contempt and she kept trying to avoid eye contact with her and Pitch.

It's strange. Everything was going great so what happened? More importantly, is there something she can do to help? She doesn't like standing idly by while her friend continues to fall into darkness.

With enough time taken to mull things over, Meadow gets back up to return to work. Scanning the field once more gives her an idea. She trots over to the home team dugout. While there is nothing she can do when the changelings decide to shut her out, she may be able to help relieve their stress. Reaching the dugout, she digs into the equipment left behind and pulls out a baseball. She hopes that the changelings like sports as much as she does. She trots back out to the mound and takes a pitching stance that Pitch taught her.

"Let's play ball!"

Author's Note:

Falling in the black,
Slipping through the cracks
Falling to the depths,
Can I ever go back?

!אני אוהב את החד קרן הכחול Yes, you definitely did say that, Arctic. Now don't you all go reading too much into that statement, this story is far from over. hee hee hee.:trollestia:


I've done it. I've actually done it. I managed to ponify a city's name in another language. I combined Jerusalem (Yerushaliem) with the Hebrew word for horse (soos, sounds like Seuss) to come up with what is basically Jerhorsesalem. My training is now complete. May the world tremble in fear.