• Member Since 20th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

David Silver

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Comments ( 388 )

Well I hope that one day this mare, Fetlock, gets her cuppance. Hopefully this new couple can work out.

Huh, well the ethics of that are beyond suspect. I'm not sure about this, mental deterioration is one of my biggest NOPE topics.

OOOooooo Fetlock is back to her old tricks again it looks like :derpyderp1:
Trapped another human into a fake realtionship? I've always kinda wondered what happens to the humans that she dose that to, guess we'll find out :derpytongue2: Cant wait to see where this one go.

Yeah, Fetlock has always been morally dubious at best. Seems to justify to herself what she dose is for the greater good x3 Hope one day she gets her comeuppances


Well there are all kinds of things out there that would be absolutely fascinated to meet her. Considering that her spell appears to be some variation on a fishing lure, some day she may end up hooking something beyond what she's prepared to deal with.

So she's not even asking now. Bad Fetlock. *whaps with newspaper*

Well damn, this is dark as fuck. Sophont trafficking, brainwashing and sex slavery (in a way). Colour me intrigued, for I wonder how you'll deal with that.

9646458 Like "informed consent" has ever been a problem for Fetlock. :pinkiecrazy:

hands and feel


An interesting start. I have to admit, a new race to play would probably get me, too. lol

Hmmm, she's getting efficient. Just toss a geas on them and hand off.
Technically he did make all but one choice completely freely, but as usual some creative interpretation is at play. It's quite funny what "tutorial" meant in this case.
Keep going! ;)

I think our former human knows Summer is not right in the head. Hopefully she can be a friend but she needs some help and what she wants isn’t the correct answer.

So he can speak, but is pressured not to?
Well well, focusing on the important bits first, eh?
One has to wonder how much of his transformation is driven by her desires versus his original selection?
Keep going! ;)

The character creation screen had not a single slider for naughty bits. What kind of MMO is this?!

A pretty standard modern one, if advertisements are meant to be believed. 😉

Tony/Winter is going to grow off the mental control soon I bet. Poor Summer is so mixed up but I think her heart is in the right place even if she hasn't thought everything completely or rationally.

How would you be feeling at this point?

Honestly, considering that my grandfather died of Alzheimer's, and the rest of my family including myself is just a little bit on the madder side of the fence, this would be a very bad place for me. I've a terror of my mind crumbling like a dry sandcastle.

It's interesting how she keeps reminding herself he's there for her.
Winter does a play! And gets a reward...
Keep going! ;)

I feel bad for not reading it sooner but the description was kinda out there you know

That sounds like it was bad. Any suggestions for what was off-putting?

He must be willing to bed a mare and humans are more then willing.

I don't know why those two together just give me a weird vibe

Yes thank you very much

Summer that was bad that you didn't provide some attention to Winter. He needs to know he is loved as well not just your toy. Which by the way is how you are treating him currently.

Something tells me thats all she wanted at first :rainbowlaugh: thouuuuuugh it sounds like Summer is the type to leap first and ask questions never :derpytongue2:


Well hopefully somepony will call her out on her selfish attitude. Then again I think our good doctor is going to escape once again and not face justice.

I wouldn't mind if he became a Kirin of a couple of words like yes, no, dear, and love you

A fully formed and functional Kirin at the cost of a messy room also sorely in need of air freshener. Talk about your mixed blessings.

Does reading your diary count as good? Still hopes he speaks soon

Well it is good that he remembers that he was originally human. Now I wonder how his evening is going to go and just how long until he meets her friends?

He raised a cloven hoof to his chin, reading about Summer even as he considered himself. Maybe, just maybe... He wasn't that person. He was, as they said, a spirit. A copy of that human, placed in a body that had rapidly grown into a lovely kirin. If they had used the human for a sort of... template, a base, that sorta made sense. They needed an intelligence, why not copy something that was already sapient and aware instead of making it from scratch?

An interesting thought to be sure, whether it's ultimately accurate is another question entirely.

Kirins just didn't seem to get worked up very easily...Was he that calmly thoughtful before? He felt certain that wasn't true. But it was nice, he decided, to calmly work through things.

Ah, that'll be the Stream of Silence's effect. Odd that it's effects manifested with him, but at least it's tranquilizing him while he gets his head together. The mute aspect's probably going to cause problems down the road though...

The others cheered in solidarity before their hooves got busy, knocking cherries aside into a sorted bin, or the trash, as needed. It was a fine day to work the cherry factory.

Not sure why, but this made me think of

Hmmmm... its a tough question. Maybe he's right, maybe its Fetlock's magic or his own denial trying to justify what happened to him :unsuresweetie: Either way yeah, guessing he's trying to hide behind denial of one form or another x3

Whoa that got deeply meta for a minute. It brings back that age-old question: "but would it matter if I were?"
Keep going! ;)

I think Summer is really out of balance. She really is not thinking straight and I wonder how she will end this relationship becuase she clearly wants a very one sided one.

Her kirin was trying so hard to be better than perfect, but it was her that was delaying and not playing her part. What was wrong with her?! What more did she want?

My estimation of this mare rises. Some part of her isn't comfortable with this, she knows this is too good to be entirely true, however much she might wish it so.

"What are you... making?" She tilted her head left and right, but she wasn't stopping him. "My boyfriend can cook? Do you stop gettin' better?!"

Okay, that made me laugh.

He put the veggies aside as he got the water going. It wouldn't be time to cook them just yet, the rice needed more time to get to that point.

Generally takes about 13 minutes.

For a young person, not an entirely unreasonable showering time.

Indeed, who is the one who needs awakening?
It's not unreasonable to question the morality or veracity of her perfect mate's love. Sure it may seem real, but compulsion only goes so far, and without a more sure foundation of trust and true bonding this relationship will fail with no merit or meaning...
Keep going! ;)

I think we need more from Winter’s point of view. I am concerned about what is going through his mind right now and just how he is processing all of this.

Not complaining but this is the fifth story (that I'm following) to update since I woke up that was a hour ago.

You're welcome 😊. What did you think of it?

Didn't we dive in his noggin recently, including this chapter? We will continue following him.

I like it tho I wish the guy would speak even if it was like 3 words

He is pretty expressive for a silent Kirin. Maybe he will get better.

The thing is he should still be able to talk as he never got in contact with the river that bound the Kirin to silence in the first place

No he was just told that is how kirins are. Insidious

So he can talk He was just tricked into not talking

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