• Published 23rd Aug 2019
  • 594 Views, 9 Comments

Clash of the Bolts: Battle for the Skies - Whooves235

Rainbow Dash was always a loyal Wonderbolt, but she was also a loyal marefriend to Applejack. When an old enemy returns from Rainbow and Equestria's past, will she be able to keep her marefriend out of danger, or will danger find them?

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Chapter 1

Rainbow Dash knew today would be a great day, she could just feel it in her stomach. That sense of happiness and pride within her was boiling. After all, today she was planning on doing the most important thing in her life, bigger than when she joined The Wonderbolts, and bigger than all the times she saved Equestria. Today she would propose to her marefriend Applejack.

As she got out of her bed, she looked to her left and saw Applejack sleeping in the messy bed that she had just gotten out of. She looked outside and recalled that while she had a lot of planning to do for tonight, she had Wonderbolt Training to do and she did not want to upset Spitfire again. She had already missed five practices in the last month for "personal time with her marefriend," but she knew if she needed to be prepared and—above all else—on time.

As she went down the wooden stairs of the Apple family barn, she could hear the jukebox playing in the living room.

"Granny Smith and Big Mac must be already up and about," she thought to herself. As she passed the living room, she made her way past the two relaxing ponies. As she opened the door she saw that the sky was dusk orange. Closing the door behind her, she took off and headed toward the Wonderbolts Flight Camp.

Wonderbolts Flight Camp

As Rainbow Dash landed on the runway, she could see that things were out of the ordinary. Usually around this time Spitfire and the others would be out doing laps around the camp, warming up for today's lessons, but today the only things she could see were royal guards surrounding the place left and right.

"I didn't think the princess would be coming here; they usually only come here when there are changes to royal performances,” she thought to herself. As she walked towards Spitfire’s door, a royal guard stepped in front of her.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Dash," the guard said, "but Spitfire is in the middle of an important meeting."

Spitfire opened the door and spoke to the guard in a concerned yet commanding voice, "It's ok, she has clearance." As the Royal Guard stepped out of the way Dash made her way into the room. She was expecting Princess Celestia or Luna to be at the door, but to her surprise, it was neither of them.

"Rainbow Dash, I'm glad that you showed up. In fact, I would say that your timing is perfect, " said Princess Cadence.

"What's wrong?" Rainbow asked. “Is there another threat to the Crystal Empire?”

"It's about an old friend of yours," Shining Armor said as he came around the corner with what appeared to be a hidden dagger in his left shoulder hoist. “̈We were hoping that you could shed some light on her for us.”

"Who are you talking about?" Dash asked.

Spitfire sighed. "It's about an old friend of yours, Rainbow. Do you remember Lightning Dust?"

"A little?" Rainbow Dash replied. She hadn't seen the mare since she'd been a recruit, but considering the havoc she'd caused that week, it was hard to forget her. "What happened?"

Shining Armor pulled out the dagger from the shoulder hoist; it was covered with blood. "My head guard, Flash Sentry, was killed last night. We gave chase but the culprit got away. However, a royal guard claimed the pony who did this had a light and dark yellow-colored mane."

"When the suspect took off, they did so in a takeoff style that suggests training, so it looked like a Wonderbolt may have been the one who committed the crime," Princess Cadence said.

"So we came here to find out if any Wonderbolts were in the Crystal Empire yesterday," Shining Armor said.

"That's why they came to see me," Spitfire said. "When they told me the color of the suspect’s mane, I immediately knew it was Lightning Dust."

"Do we know why she is now deciding to come back?"

"We were hoping," Spitfire said hesitantly, "that before she was kicked out, she told you something that might tell us why she would murder a royal guard."

Rainbow Dash got up and started pacing around the room. "She didn't really say much about her past. The only thing she said is that she grew up with her uncle, and her mom left after her dad was arrested." Rainbow said. “Besides that, not much, I'm afraid.”

Shining Armor grabbed the dagger and showed it to Rainbow Dash. "Do you by any chance recognize the weapon she used to kill the guard?"

As Rainbow Dash Analyzed the weapon very closely, she noticed a very distinctive feature on the weapon. "I don't know where she got this weapon, but I do recognize the symbol on the front of the dagger. It's a symbol representing the Shadowbolts."

Princess Cadence and Spitfire were both hesitant as soon as Rainbow Dash said those words. "How do you know who the Shadowbolts are?" Spitfire demanded.

"When I first met Twilight," Rainbow explained, "Nightmare Moon sent three Shadowbolts to see me. They said that they were better than the Wonderbolts, and they asked me if I wanted to join them. I later found out from Twilight that it was just a test to see if I was worthy of the Element of Loyalty. I didn't really think the Shadowbolts meant much. How do you know who they are?"

Spitfire took a long deep breath. "Only the Captain of the Wonderbolts and Princess of the Crystal Empire know who they are," she said. "They were created by King Sombra when he ruled the Crystal Empire. He wanted to make sure that if he ruled Canterlot, he would have ponies to defend the kingdom just like the Wonderbolts. Except they played dirty and weren’t afraid to do things that were dangerous.”

“However, after Sombra was defeated The Shadowbolts disappeared. They only resurfaced when the Nightmare Wars started, when they decided to join Nightmare Moon because she had bigger ambitions than the former king,"Cadence said. “̈After Nightmare Moon was banished they completely died out, and until now have not been seen since.”

Just as Rainbow was about to comment on that, a guard knocked on the door.

"Your Majesty, news from the Empire. It's urgent."

Princess Cadence got up. "I'm sorry, I have to go. If you have any more information on the Shadowbolts, please tell me immediately." Princess Cadence and Shining Armor left, closing the door behind them.

"You don't think Lightning Dust would be stupid enough to join the Shadowbolts, do you?" Rainbow asked with a concerned tone.

Spitfire stood up. "I know Lightning Dust was always a daredevil, but I don't think she would be angry enough to do something like joining the Shadowbolts. They’re dangerous." She thought to herself, and then continued, "But what I want to know, though, is if she did join them, how she found out about them in the first place."

Spitfire walked towards her desk and pulled out two golden pieces of paper. "On to something less concerning. I have those Grand Galloping Gala tickets that you requested. They were hard to get, so you're lucky I was able to. Princess Celestia doesn't just give them to everyone you know."

Rainbow quickly grabbed the tickets out of Spitfire’s hoof and was practically flapping her wings with joy.

"Yes, finally! I've been waiting for these for like a month! I haven't waited that long since the last Daring Do book."

“So I take it this is a special ocasion? You’re not the Gala type, Crash.”

"Yeah, let's just say I’m planing really important stuff." She pulled out a box and opened it. Inside was a golden necklace with a diamond shaped like an apple in the center of it. It gave off a sweet and sour kind of feel.

"Well well, looks like Rainbow Crash has a soft side." Spitfire snickered.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Rainbow said, blushing a bit. "Rarity almost fainted when I told her I wanted her to find a red diamond for a necklace."

"Just remember Rainbow," Spitfire said, "since the Grand Galloping Gala is tonight, we're going to have to double the guards and send in some secret Wonderbolts. If Lightning Dust has teamed up with the Shadowbolts, I want the Grand Galloping Gala to be perfectly safe."

"Understood ma’am, but if I may ask something of you?" Rainbow said.

"What is it?" Spitfire asked curiously.

"This is supposed to be a special night for me and Applejack, so I don't want any of the Wonderbolts to intrude on my night," Rainbow said.

“I understand, Rainbow, but know that if something happens that we cannot control, you and Applejack will have to fend for yourselves.”

“Understood ma’am,” Rainbow said, then closed the box and put it in her coat pocket. "I'm doing this for her."

Spitfire nudged Rainbow in the shoulder. "Hey, I'm happy for you. But make sure I’m the mare’s maid," she said jokingly.

Rainbow laughed. "This is going to be the best day ever!"

"I hope so," Spitfire said. "For hers and your sake."

Author's Note:

Hey guys just wanted to say some things before the rest of this story is done

you all may have noticed that Wonderbolts VS Shadobolts: The Day The Sky Changed Forever is now gone, it is because I made the decision to replace it with this, a new and better version of the Original, it will have a better plot, characters, and not be so cliche. so I hope you guys enjoy, now because this is a Re-Making of the OG Story, and that I have the entire thing done already, I will be posting chapters as soon as they are done with the Proofreading Process, I hope you all enjoy

- Rainbow Whooves