• Published 1st Jun 2019
  • 2,359 Views, 283 Comments

Starlight Glimmer Makes Many Mistakes - MagicS

Starlight knows she's not supposed to travel back in time. But when Starlight's been drinking she tends to forget things.

  • ...


The sky was an unclouded bright blue and the weather was pleasant this day with just a light enough wind to make it perfect for flying kites. So Starlight had taken Spike into the gardens of Canterlot castle and the two of them were now calmly flying their own newly made kites. Starlight had just put them together this morning but she was such an expert at kites that it didn’t take her long at all. It was nice to just relax and enjoy the day like this instead of worrying over something else.

“You’re doing good, Spike.” Starlight told him as their two kites floated side by side. Both were just the simplest of diamond designs, Spike’s purple and Starlight’s blue, if she had more time next time Starlight might put a more complicated one together for the both of them.

“Well I’ve got a good teacher.” Spike winked at her. “Can’t remember if I’ve really ever just gone kite-flying before. Next time though I want a big dragon shaped kite.”

Starlight giggled. “Maybe. Kites like that can be hard to fly.

“You can just use your magic can’t you?” Spike looked up at her.

“Spike, that defeats the whole point if you aren’t flying it just using the wind and your own skill.” She frowned down at him.

“Fine, fine, you don’t need to look at me like that.” He shrugged.

They continued to stay like that for a while longer, just flying their kites while the nice breeze washed over them. The animals that called the gardens their home never came out to say hi and all the guards and other ponies going about the castle had their own business. This was just Starlight and Spike’s time to have fun.

“It’s nice to be out like this. Just the two of us.” Starlight said, smiling happily.

“Yep.” Spike agreed.

But it wasn’t to last.

“Starlight, Spike, having a nice day?” The voice of Princess Celestia came from behind them.

The two friends turned to see the Princess walking through the gardens with Sunset Shimmer at her side, the teenager looking as grumpy as ever. Celestia on the other hand was pristine and pleasantly smiling at her two time-traveling guests.

Which actually just made both Starlight and Spike a little uneasy.

Starlight used her magic to reel in the kites, setting them on the ground. “I’m surprised you’re out here. And yes, we are.”

“Well I specifically came out here looking for the two of you.” Princess Celestia said.

Starlight and Spike glanced between each other. “What is it?” Starlight asked, raising an eyebrow.

Celestia looked down at Sunset. “I’m having Sunset here work as something of a student teacher at my School for Gifted Unicorns tomorrow. She’s going to be a special guest, giving a demonstration in magic and answering any questions afterwards. Also she’ll help teach the special lesson that’s been prepared.”

Sunset hardly looked happy with this situation. Probably she saw it as a waste of time. Spike also had to think that she wasn’t exactly a good choice to be around fellow students and especially not ones younger than her.

“How’s that involve us?” Starlight tilted her head.

“I was thinking it would be perfect for you to join her.” Celestia said simply.

“Really?” Starlight was a bit surprised Celestia would want her around the students too. Even though she was a guidance counselor now everything else Celestia knew about her didn’t paint her in the best of lights.

Celestia giggled. “Yes, really. I’m well aware of your talent for magic and I think you’ll do an excellent job of keeping my student in line too.” She shot a playful glance at Sunset, who pouted.

“Starlight’s good with kids, sounds like a good idea to me as long as she doesn’t decide to do anything silly.” Spike said, shrugging. “If it’s not a bother I’ll go with em both too. The students will probably think it’s cool to see a real live dragon anyways.” Spike grinned, proudly puffing out his chest.

“Of course, I see no issue with that.” Celestia granted.

Starlight however felt that something else was up. Chewing on her lip she walked up to Princess Celestia to confront her. “There’s another reason you came to ask me to do this, isn’t there?”

The Princess gave her a knowing smile. “You’re very perceptive. The real reason I wanted to ask you specifically to take part in this is because your old friend Sunburst will be there.”

“Uh, I dunno if that’s a good idea.” Starlight grimaced.

“I know you’ve been avoiding it but I think it would do a lot of good for the both of you.” Celestia said.

“Wait, old friend? How is he-” Sunset started before Celestia silenced her with a hoof.

“I’m sorry Sunset, it’s a personal matter between Starlight and Sunburst.” She said but then still smiled in reassurance to her student.

“You know Starlight I’m kind of with the Princess on this.” Spike said too. “Why are you so worried about seeing Sunburst anyways?” Spike glanced at Sunset for a second before leaning forward and whispering in Starlight’s ear. “And I know it can’t be because you’re worried about changing the past.”

Starlight sighed and closed her eyes, hanging her head low.

“I really, really wanted to help him at first, I wanted to change things for the better when it came to the two of us when I first realized Sunburst would be here. But the more I thought about it… it’s just… awkward. For the longest time I thought he had probably been some great student who became a really successful magician, somepony who was so engrossed in magic that he forgot about his friend.” She said, sadly looking at the ground. “Yeah I learned the truth later and we reconciled but I feel like if I went and saw him now it would just be… disrespectful? I don’t want to see him struggling and upset.”

Celestia stuck a hoof under her chin, raising it up so they could see eye to eye. “I can understand that it might be a bit uncomfortable for you but I think you’d both benefit from it. Sunburst especially, from what I’ve learned of him he could use some reassurance.”

Starlight frowned but nodded in acquiescence.

“Uh, Princess?” Spike looked up at her with a confused and somewhat worried expression. “Should you really be wanting Starlight to do something that might cause some changes, if you know what I mean?” Despite Spike being fine with Starlight visiting Sunburst (since she had done so much already) he still didn’t want her to make any intentional changes and it was even more dismaying to him to hear Celestia so carefree about something like that.

“Oh I’m sure that in the grand scheme of things it will all turn out fine.” She giggled slightly and winked at him.

Spike frowned but didn’t press the issue. Celestia worked in mysterious ways after all.

“What are you all talking about?” Sunset was completely lost, looking back and forth between all three of them with a confused expression on her face.

“I’ll be needing a disguise.” Starlight said as she stood in front of her mirror.

“Really?” Spike asked.

“Yes, Spike. I still can’t have him recognize me, he’ll be confused why I’m older and it’ll just be a mess. I can watch over him in secret.” Starlight turned her head from side to side, thinking what look would be the best. “Alright, I think I’ve got it.

With a soft glow of her horn Starlight began to change. Her lilac coat grew darker and darker and shifted to a midnight blue while the purple in her mane and tail instead got brighter and more vibrant. The teal streak going through her mane and tail turned into a simple sparkling white. Starlight turned around a few times to take her new appearance in.

“This should work pretty well. Cutie Mark, different mane style, there’s no way anypony from back in Sire’s Hollow would recognize me. Even my dad.” Starlight grinned. “Just need a new name now too… hm, how about Moonlight Flicker?” She looked to Spike.

“Not very creative but it works.” Spike was blunt.

“Well I’m not trying to win a contest. Just make sure you call me Moonlight the whole time we’re there.”

“What are you going to tell Sunset?”

“The truth. That I don’ want Sunburst to recognize me and she needs to play along.” Starlight said simply.

Spike shrugged. “Alright I guess. Are you done now then? The classes should be starting soon.”

“Nothing a quick teleport can’t fix.” Starlight smiled and quickly grabbed Spike with her magic, taking them to the front of the castle in an instant. “And now that we’re out here lead the way, Spike! Since I don’t know where the school actually is.”

“Come on then...” Spike sighed and rolled his eyes.

He led them to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns where they spied Sunset Shimmer waiting for the two of them right outside. She took one glance at Starlight and shook her head, making the decision to not even ask why she looked like that. Sunset ignored whatever greeting they might’ve given her and turned around and started to walk into the school.

“Chipper as ever.” Spike quipped to Starlight.

“Still need to fix that too.” Starlight said as they followed Sunset.

Inside the school looked to be like any other, the three walked down a long central hallway with classrooms on each side of it that Starlight kept glancing into. This first floor seemed to be for the youngest of students judging by what she saw. It kind of made her wonder about what it would’ve been like if she got her Cutie Mark at the same time as Sunburst and came here. Maybe she’d have stayed friends with him or maybe she would’ve become like Sunset. Well, either way that was one change to the past she certainly had no desire to look into.

“It’s two floors up.” Sunset said from in front of them. She still didn’t look back though, fully attempting to minimize her contact with Starlight.

There were fewer classrooms on the next floor and then even fewer on the third. In fact it looked like there was only one actual classroom and the other rooms up here were some kind of library and a practice room. Sunset walked with purpose to the far end of the hallway where the classroom’s door was, not even bothering to knock she walked right in, Starlight and Spike following her.

“Ah, Sunset, you’re here.” An older unicorn mare with thick rectangular glasses standing in front of a chalkboard said. Her mane and tail white as snow and the slightest of shake in her knees.

She looked past Sunset to see Starlight and Spike. “And you must be-”

“Moonlight.” Starlight cut her off. “Moonlight Flicker, and this is Spike.”

The teacher seemed confused for a second but wrote it off. “Alright. Say hello to the class.” She waved her hoof out to the assembled ponies.

Starlight looked out at the students. They sat in escalating rows of long desks bisected down the middle that extended the rest of the classroom. It gave them all a perfect view of the teacher and chalkboard but Starlight was hardly paying any attention to that. Her eyes searched up and down each row until she finally found her target.

And there he was.

A sad smile threatened to stretch its way across Starlight’s face as she saw Sunburst reading a book with a worried look on his face and a stress creaked brow while not paying attention to the front of the classroom despite the special occasion. Instead for the moment Starlight just tried to look like an impartial teacher, acclimating herself with the rest of the faces in the classroom.

“You all know Sunset.” Starlight said. “But I’m Moonlight, I’m a guest of the Princess and currently I’m helping Sunset out with her own magic studies.”

Sunset scowled at her when she said that. It also got the attention of a lot of the young students, they must have been amazed that there was another pony teaching Princess Celestia’s personal student. They probably even thought that there wasn’t another unicorn who could teach Sunset anything too. A few whispered conversations broke out as Starlight became the center of attention, something Sunset didn’t care for.

“And I’m Spike.” Spike happily hooked a thumb at himself, grinning at the students. “You probably haven’t seen many dragons before. I’m here because I’m Moonlight’s friend.”

There were a few more captivated unicorns looking at Spike, he was clearly the first dragon likely any of them had ever seen.

“The two of us are just here to help out, Sunset will still be the one doing the real teaching and demonstration.” Starlight said, smiling to the class.

“So let’s get on with it then.” Sunset said in an annoyed fashion. She clearly didn’t care about this at all.

Starlight narrowed her eyes at Sunset but the teenager couldn’t see, having already moved to front and center on the classroom floor before the desks. All eyes were on her, even Sunburst’s now. The students knew to pay close attention to her, Sunset demanded it. Anything less than their full and undivided attention she’d surely take as an insult and these students were well acquainted with her and her foul attitude from her past at the school. They didn’t want her to hold any grudges.

“What I’ll be showing you first is...”

Sunset started her presentation and lesson, showing off through it as much as she was “teaching”. Starlight could tell that the one joy she was getting from having to do this was getting to prove how much better at magic she was than the students here. It made Starlight have half a mind to show her up but she decided to not be that petty in front of a whole class of impressionable young unicorns.

So Sunset did her thing, going over spell after spell as the teacher fielded most of the questions students asked. Throughout it Starlight watched Sunburst.

She could see him get sadder and more discouraged as time went on. It was obvious to Starlight why he wasn’t enjoying the lesson, who wouldn’t get upset at seeing somepony else so easily do something that you couldn’t no matter how much you studied and practiced? She knew what sort of negative thoughts were going through his head, she had plenty of experience with those.

Sunburst, Sunburst, Sunburst. Did you ever ask for help? Were you too ashamed to? Did you ever try making a friend? Guess that’s hypocritical of me to ask…

There wasn’t much else for either Starlight or Spike to do and it gave them both the sinking suspicion that Celestia had only asked them to do this to watch over Sunset and meet Sunburst instead of contributing to the lesson in any way. Sunset wasn’t exactly the best teacher or good at explaining things after she did them but the class’s normal teacher always covered for her.

It was a good nother hour before Sunset finished with her stuff. Proudly showing off her skills and standing there in front of the students looking as smug as possible.

“And that’s all there is too it.” She said as if anypony could do what she did just as easily.

“Good, good, excellent work, Sunset.” The teacher said. She was also probably well used to Sunset and didn’t bother trying to admonish her behavior. “Now that that portion is over with I’ve been told that Princess Celestia wanted Moonlight here to give some personal instructions and counseling to the students.”

Starlight’s eyes shot wide open, as did Spike’s and Sunset’s, her head sharply turned to look at the teacher. “She said what?”

“Hmm...” The teacher went on as if she didn’t hear Starlight’s question at all. “I know! Sunburst, why don’t you be the first to have your private lesson with Miss Moonlight here, you can use the training room.” She smiled happily at the orange unicorn and then stealthily winked at Starlight.

I’ll get you back for this Celestia…

The very nervous Sunburst unsteadily climbed out of his seat and walked down the steps in-between the rows of desks. He’d be unsure about this anyways but Starlight’s awkward smile that was plastered on her face probably wasn’t very inviting either.

Just don’t be so negative Starlight, this is a great opportunity. You always wanted to help Sunburst, didn’t you?

Sunburst didn’t have his snazzy robe yet, did she ever ask him where he got that? But whatever, she needed to say hi to him.

“So, you’re Sunburst?” She said as he made it down to her. Sunset and Spike watching the two of them.

“Um, yes. Sunburst, that’s right.” He nervously said, eyes having trouble meeting hers. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Moonlight. And to get a lesson from one as, uh, skilled as you obviously must be.”

Starlight’s awkward smile this time did morph into a sad and sympathetic one as she stared down at her childhood friend. “Thank you. It’s a pleasure to meet you as well you know. So let’s say we take this into the practice room and when we finish up I can help the next student.”

“R-Right.” Sunburst shakily walked from the classroom with Starlight.

As they made their way out and into the empty practice room a short walk down the hallway Starlight closed the door behind them and turned an inquisitive eye towards the embarrassed looking Sunburst.

“Is something wrong?” She asked, even though she was sure she knew why he was so nervous.

Sunburst grumbled, shyly looking away. “This is a waste of time. I don’t deserve to have a private lesson with somepony like you.”

“And why do you say that?”

“Because I’m no good at magic!” Sunburst suddenly yelled out, finally looking directly at Starlight. “I got into this school but that doesn’t mean anything! No matter how much I study or practice I can’t do what others can do.” He whined, going down to the floor and holding his head in his hooves.

“So what?”

Sunburst looked up, confusion evident on his face. “Excuse me?”

“I said so what if you aren’t as good at magic as Sunset or some of the other unicorns.” Starlight repeated. “Big deal. Not everypony is a magical prodigy.”

“Easy for you to say. I thought this was my calling.” Sunburst murmured.

“And who’s to say it’s not? I saw you in class, reading intently. I bet you read and study more about magic than any of your peers don’t you?”

“Yeah, so what if I do? Like I said it doesn’t make me any better.” Sunburst stood up, looking away from Starlight so she couldn’t see the tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.

“Magic can still be your calling. Maybe you can’t use it like Sunset but you can still be a teacher or a scholar or anything with the knowledge you have. You just have to put your mind to it and not give up, and it helps to have good friends by your side too.” Starlight patted him on the shoulder and leaned down to whisper in her ear. “And hey, if you want to be able to brag about being better at Sunset than something, getting a few friends is a great place to start.”

Sunburst laughed, wiping away his tears with a hoof. “Yeah, that’d be cool I guess.”

Starlight smiled at him. “There’s so much you can accomplish and do even if you’re only average at actually using magic. Doesn’t being a professor sound pretty cool, like what about your teacher? What if because of all your studying you end up knowing more about magic and spells than either Sunset or Princess Celestia?”

“Well yeah, I guess that sounds pretty cool too.” Sunburst said.

“And useful too.” She winked at him. “Don’t let yourself think you’re a failure or useless. Ever.”

“And another thing.” Starlight continued, smiling at him. “I was pretty troubled at one point in my life too. I was worried about being left behind and thought that others being more “special” than me only led to problems and sadness. But I changed too and became so much happier for it and now I’m even teaching the student of Princess Celestia.”

That wasn’t completely true but the spirit behind it was genuine.

“You’re not the only one who’s struggled in their life.” Starlight persisted. “It may sound cliché but I just want to tell you to stay positive and try your best, don’t give up.”

Sunburst sniffled a but but still looked up at Starlight and smiled brightly at her. “Thank you.”

And then the world went white. The familiar feelings of shaking and vertigo overcame Starlight once more. It wasn’t the most intense it had been but was still enough for her vision to cloud completely and for her to feel like she had been spun upside down a few times before the sensation passed and she regained her senses.

“Goodbye, Miss Moonlight. I hope you come back to do another lesson in the future. Maybe we can practice some magic for real.” Sunburst said from the doorway to the practice room, waving goodbye to her.

“Yeah. That sounds fun.” Starlight smiled weakly and waved goodbye to her young childhood friend as he stepped out of the room and made his way back to the classroom. She was happy how things had gone in the end even if it was slightly awkward at first.

“Whew.” The relieved Starlight wiped away the sweat that had accumulated from her brow.

And then froze. Realizing something.

“Oh great.” She held a hoof to her head as if preparing for a massive headache. “I still have to give “lessons” to all the other unicorns...”