• Member Since 27th Dec, 2016
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Sanguine Blade

Writer on Fanfiction.net looking for inspiration and enjoyment.


It is the closing year of World War II. Discord is sad that one of the most chaotic events he has seen in the multiverse is about to end. To make himself entertained, he decides to bring some of the human's favorite "Toys" to his world...tanks. However there is one problem,... They don't have sentience to cause chaos. Well Discord can fix that!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 21 )

so getting a war of the human tanks vibe and i love it

Youll just have to wait to see what happens. The designs of the characters on in my blog posts and come from Panzer Waltz. I got the concept from anime as well, but those dealt with ship girls not tank ones

Ok, so far seems pretty good :) I'm following...

"We're from Earth, the fourth planet of the Solar System."

Maybe you're a spy for the martians.

Cool an update to this project of yours! ...pun intended.

"I say we see this for ourselves. Any one who claims to do the Lord's work is either a prophet or a heretic." Verona said as the duo headed towards the exit to find a way to this alleged raiser of the sun. Boy would they be in for a surprise...

Should be interesting to read Verona's reaction.

I would have prefert if the tank stay tank not human tank but hey this is your story i want to see more

This story is odd..... And I love it!!!!!

I know that you are already a few chapters into writing this, but as far as I am aware, gun barrel measurements were only measured in millimeters, thus making your 15 cm gun barrel seem like a wrong sized barrel for a WWII tank. After all there were the 105 Howitzers which were measured in mm, the Sherman Tank had a 76 mm barrel, hell the KV-2 had a 152 mm gun barrel as the main armament. In other words, please don’t use centimeters as a baseline measurement.

7,5-cm-KwK 40
Actually at least the Germans really liked to give cannon bore size in cm. Anything recognized as a gun was given in mm. Though they interchanged it alot around the 20mm mark.
Pretty sure Leopold is supposed to be the Sturmpanzer IV or Brummbär.

The axis pigs need a bullet in the head, or a magic friendship / comunists laser

Unnecessary hostility there my friend just some human tanks trying to rationalize everything

The vehicles glowed and hummed as they started to change. The vehicles shrank and started to lose some of their armor to be replaced with flesh of a human. Arms, and legs formed as the more metallic parts shrank to fit on the humans. After several minutes the group was transformed. Their weapons were now attached to them in sets of armor, and clothing some women, and some men.

oh god, i visualized that in my head, why

I know that you are already a few chapters into writing this, but as far as I am aware, gun barrel measurements were only measured in millimeters, thus making your 15 cm gun barrel seem like a wrong sized barrel for a WWII tank. After all there were the 105 Howitzers which were measured in mm, the Sherman Tank had a 76 mm barrel, hell the KV-2 had a 152 mm gun barrel as the main armament. In other words, please don’t use centimeters as a baseline measurement.

It's not necessarily incorrect, but I only see weapon caliber being shown in centimeters when it's artillery, and as far as I've been able to tell, only for German weapons. Though, exceptions are the fact they still measured the 88mm as 8,8cm, or 105mm as 10.5cm, where the former saw extensive use on Heavy Tanks.

"Oh you are new to this land correct?" The nurse said, and the duo nodded. "Well I recommend going to Canterlot. You might be able to see the princess raise the sun." The nurse said before walking away. 'Raise the sun?!' Mako thought. 'Impossible. No one but the Lord can do that.' Verona thought.

casually just mentions a ruler can raise the sun, because why not
Ya did that just to make a Land of the Rising Sun joke, didn't you?

uh... how does Discord know so much about tanks exactly? Never mind dumb question, he is chaos. War is his favorite....

I'm sorry, but we call the Germans: Fascists, bloody Germans, Ss and Nazis. I'm like the Kazakh whose grandfather got to Kenesberg knows how Soviet soldiers hate the German fallen!

chaos can exist in war but war won't exist in chaos[least pure chaos]
(not sure how this is actually supposed to be worded)

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