• Published 2nd Jul 2019
  • 1,997 Views, 39 Comments

Bellesitter - Draxonos135

Adagio, and eventually the rest of the Dazzlings, get involved in a difficult situation.

  • ...

Epilogue - Movie Night

A long time had passed since the Dazzlings had helped the Canterlot Movie Club not only forgive each other, but face the consequences of their actions, and move on from the Anon-A-Miss incident.

Now, they had returned to their usual style of life: doing what they could to survive in the human world.

"Okay, there's an ad here talking about something called a loop," Aria said as she and Sonata read the newspaper. "If we can gather enough money, we could but this thing and get a second chance at singing!"

"Yay! That would be wonderful!" Sonata chirped, clapping cheerfully. "I mean, it's not the same without the ability to mind control people and eat their negativity, but hey, it's better than nothing!"

Aria turned to Adagio, who was cleaning the dishes at the kitchen. "What do you think, Adagio?"

"It depends on how expensive this looper is," Adagio answered without hesitation. "We can't exactly afford to set goals on expensive stuff anymore, after all."

Just then, somebody knocked the door three times, prompting Sonata to stand up and open it. Outside was Apple Bloom, who walked in as she said "heya!" with a cheerful tone.

"Oh great, the funny-talking one is here," Aria said as she stood up and went to Sonata's side.

Sonata then walked to Apple Bloom's side as Sweetie Belle came in next, bowing to Aria before she walked away, and just in time to miss Aria sneering.

"She brought the corrupter with her? Fantastic."

Finally, Scootaloo came in. "And I came too."

"Hey, Scootaloo!" Aria said as she allowed the girl to come in, then closed the door. "It's nice to see you again after so long!"

Sonata smirked and let out a chuckle. "I find it hilarious how you reacted with disgust when you saw Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, and yet reacted happily when Scootaloo arrived."

"Yeah, but the main difference between the three is that Scootaloo neither talks funny, nor did she corrupt anybody," Aria crouched down and wrapped her arm around Scootaloo's shoulder. "She's a pure, ordinary little child, and one that I hope explains what's she and her friends doing here right now."

"Aria has a point there," Adagio said as she walked up to Sweetie Belle. "What are you girls doing here? Especially you, Sweetie Belle; isn't Rarity supposed to be keeping an eye on you 24/7?"

"Rarity quickly took down that rule since she has a new job at an amusement park to take care of," Sweetie Belle sighed, sounding slightly disappointed. "She'll keep tabs on me whenever we're at home and she isn't busy, but for now, she gave us permission to go to your house while she was away."

"Okay, that explains why you're here," Sonata glanced at Apple Bloom. "But what's Apple Bloom doing here? She doesn't live with you, does she?"

"Applejack had t' go t' ta amusement park with Rarity," Apple Bloom replied, then pointed at Scootaloo. "Same deal with Rainbow Dash, hence why Scootaloo's 'ere."

"And we came here prepared," Scootaloo reached for her back and took out a familiar movie case. "With a little something that's been long overdue."

"Oh right, you were planning to do a movie night once everything was said and done," Adagio raised an eyebrow. "It's been quite a while since you got that idea, though."

"Hehe, while we agreed to do it here, we haven't had the time until now," Sweetie Belle sheepishly smiled. "Anyway, I know it's still pretty early, but do you mind if we start watching this movie now?"

The sirens exchanged looks, and nodded, with Aria going, "Sure, we weren't doing anything important today."

"Thanks a lot!" Apple Bloom chirped as she sat at the couch. "Trust us, this might be just a B movie, but ye're gonna love it!"

The sirens nodded twice. "What's a B Movie?"

"Seriously?" Sweetie Belle raised an eyebrow. "You don't know what a B Movie is?"

"We're kinda older than the concept of cinema itself," Adagio sheepishly confessed. "And besides, we've been focused mostly on music ever since we arrived."

"After all, music's kind of our thing," Sonata added.

"Okay, do you know what a music video is?" Scootaloo asked, earning nods from the sirens. "Okay, now imagine it stretched over an hour long on average, has an actual story tied to it, and one song isn't playing during the entirety of the video."

Aria frowned. "That barely sounds like a music video, Scootaloo."

"Of course it barely sounds like one: a movie isn't a music video!" Scootaloo walked up to the DVD player. "You know what? Let me just put the movie, and you can see what I mean."

Scootaloo inserted the movie, and everybody went to their positions as it started a few seconds later.

The beginning of the movie showed a "Canter Zoom Productions" title card, followed by dramatic music as the title card of the movie appeared, showing a pair of bird women flying around past a "Rise of the Sirens" sentence in bold letters.

"Whoa, Rise of the Sirens?" Sonata inquired, leaning a bit forward. "Did they make a movie about us without our knowledge?"

"Well, of course they'd make a movie out of us," Adagio responded, swaying her hair as her ego surged. "We're the best!"

"We should sue this "Canter Zoom Productions" regardless of how good the movie actually is," Aria suggested with a devious smile.

"Actually, the movie isn't about you three specifically," Scootaloo explained. "It's about the sirens of this world, from our mythology."

"Then my interest in this movie has plummeted," Adagio folded her arms sternly. "It will

"So, wait a minute, in this world, the sirens are a race of bird women rather than horse-fishes?" Sonata inquired with a raised eyebrow. "I mean, it definitely fits the fact that Adagio's a harpy-"

Aria and Apple Bloom burst out laughing as Adagio threw an angry look at Sonata, who remained silent as everybody turned back to watch the movie.

Twenty minutes into the movie, the sirens and girls had droned out of the majority of the video, until Adagio noticed a pair of peculiar extras.

"Hey, those two girls look like the pink girl and the grey girl who helped us with the kids, don't they? Does anybody know what happened to them since then?"

"I believe they're still grounded for their implicit role in making me collapse," Scootaloo remarked with a shrug. "But it shouldn't be long before they're allowed to go out again."

"And when they do, they'll want something from us," Sweetie Belle sighed. "That's just how they work: they do something nice for you, and they expect some kind of payment for whatever they do."

"We'll help you if it becomes necessary," Sonata added. "For now, we should continue to watch this movie, hope it gets any better any time soon."

Over fifty minutes into the movie, the sirens finally reacted to a scene: this being the scene of one of the sirens being shot down, and falling into a lake, right next to her supposed best human friend.

Madeline! No!

"She's returned to the background she came from!" Adagio exclaimed melodramatically. "I mean, seriously, did she ever do anything important besides... you know, screech and fly?"

"Well, she's the main character's best friend, so I guess their connection is supposed to make it mean something," Scootaloo said. "At least, that's what I think."

"And it failed on that part, especially the human's reaction," Sonata sighed. "Honestly, I think Adagio would've been actress."

"Of course I would've," Adagio scoffed proudly.

All eyes immediately fell on Adagio, who returned the looks as Aria snickered, "Oh really? Well, if you're so confident about it, how about you give it a shot? Anybody want to act with Adagio?"

"Oh, me!" Sweetie Belle chirped. "I'm going to be the best dying siren I can be!"

Adagio got off her seat and walked up to Sweetie Belle, who promptly got on a pose that screamed "just because you're dying doesn't mean you shouldn't pose for the camera," tongue sticking out included.

Trying her hardest to hold her laughter, Adagio took a deep breath, crouched down, and frowned as she grabbed and lifted Sweetie Belle bridal style.

"Sweetie Belle, no! You can't leave me yet!" she spoke in a melodramatic tone once more. "You're still so young, so full of potential, and... so heavy too-"

"Hey, I'm dead, I can't help it, okay?" Sweetie Belle briefly complained before going back to being dead.

At this point, everybody involved burst out laughing, Adagio nearly dropping Sweetie Belle as Aria and Sonata clapped to their limit.

"I don't know what's sadder," Aria said. "The fact that Sweetie Belle didn't last a second before she ruined the scene, or the fact it was better than the movie itself!"

"Can we just act out the rest of the movie instead?" Sonata asked in the middle of her laughter.

"We would, if there was more movie to act out," Scootaloo answered, walking and taking out the movie from the DVD player. "While you were acting like that, the movie already reached the credits."

"And now that I remember, we have to get going to the amusement park," Sweetie Belle said, checking her watch. "There's going to be a parade and Rarity asked us to be there."

"Aw man!" Aria pouted. "Just when things were starting to get good, too!"

The girls stood up and walked to the door, followed by the sirens. "We're sorry if the movie wasn't as good as you hoped it would be."

"It's okay, Sweetie Belle," Adagio crouched down and brushed Sweetie Belle's hair. "We had a good time with you regardless."

"And besides, just because the movie wasn't all that good doesn't mean we didn't enjoy it," Sonata added. "Although granted, what we enjoyed was the fact it was so easy to make fun of it."

"I know, right? The books of Equestria had better production values than that movie!" Aria chuckled. "And movies don't even exist in Equestria!"

The girls laughed once more, and once the laughter died down, the sirens bid farewell as the Canterlot Movie Club cheerfully ran to the amusement park, Adagio and Sweetie Belle sharing one final look before the siren closed the door.

Author's Note:

And the story is officially over! Not with the cheerful reunion between the CMC and sirens, but with a silly little movie not-night.

Anyway, thank you all so much for sticking with this story to the end. I gotta be honest, when I started this story, I was bit concerned about how it would be received: Anon-A-Miss is one of the most controversial aspects of the Equestria Girls stories bar none, and the Dazzlings are one of the more well-received aspects of those same stories, also bar none.

So, I was fearing something truly bad would come from putting the well-received and the controversial together, but in the end, it seems like it worked out.

Again, thanks so much for reading the story. I truly, greatly appreciate it.

Draxonos135, flying away!

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