• Published 18th Aug 2019
  • 5,370 Views, 715 Comments

Live By The Sword... - redandready45

Sunset learns what it is like to feel helpless and under someone's thumb. Will she stay in Canterlot High?

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All Truths Come Out (Part 3)

"So what's your conclusion, Officer?" Vice-Principal Luna asked the green-skinned official. In his temporary office, Officer Garda was examining and re-examining dozens of stills from the security footage.

"My conclusion is that whoever is doing this is a Vida-damned [1] genius," the portly man said. "I mean, this kid isn't your average punk. He's even managed to fool the security cameras." He showed the stills.

"Can you enhance them?" Luna asked. Officer Garda gave her an annoyed frown.

"The only time 'enhance' works is in movies," Officer Garda said. "I 'enhance' it too much, the picture will get blurry."

"Really?" Luna said.

"Movies are not a good way to learn about being a cop," Officer Garda said with consternation.

"You mean, you don't go on joyrides with felons and leap into the air to shoot the bad guys?" Luna asked in ironic tone.

"Nope," Officer Garda said with a smile. "About 30 percent of my job is escorting kids from bad homes, 30 percent paperwork, 30 percent counseling troubled kids, and the rest is hanging around the water cooler throwing shade."

"So the donuts were a lie?" the blue-skinned woman asked with feigned lament.

"Oh that used to be true," Officer Garda said.


"Bakeries would give away free donuts to cops," Officer Garda said. "Then anti-bribery laws came in and that stopped."

"Stupid anti-corruption campaign," Luna said sarcastically.

"Yeah," Officer Garda said in a facetiously, "bribes are how I put my kids through college. Besides, if it weren't for the donuts, I would be able to shoot through the air," Garda said, patting his rotund belly. "Since I got put on a diet, low-calorie soda has been my only donut.:

"So the cameras are no good?" Luna asked, getting back to the original subject.

"The kid has very much done this with careful planning," Garda said. "He has incorporated the school schedule, student movements, and blind spots into his attacks."

"Really?" Luna

"These were filmed the day he attacked Jacqueline Smith and Gilda Griffon," Officer Griffon said. "He managed to use the blind spots to change, sneak around until he was in costume, sneak up on Smith, and lure her to her closet when the halls were empty." He showed off another arrangement of photo stills. "Even when he was cornered by Gilda, he still managed to once again escape into a blind spot, conceal the evidence, and escape into the crowd just as class ended, and then ditched the evidence from a place where he couldn't be traced to it.

Luna let out a whistle of amazement.

"Yeah," Garda said. "I need you to get me a list of the suspects' lockers and school schedules."

"On it," Vice-Principal Luna said. The blue-skinned woman walked out of the room. Once Garda knew the educator was gone, he crawled under his desk, and sent a text meant only for a few eyes.

"Let me know when you get the bird," the text began. "I'll be the one who finds his nest is."

The end of the day came for the students of Canterlot High. All of them began piling out. The 3:30 deluge was even bigger, as most extracurricular activities had been canceled because of the masked maniac and so everyone had to leave.

Sunset and her friends began walking out of the school, arguing about where they wanted to take their apple farmer friend for dinner to congratulate her on stepping into the outside world again.

"I want to go to Coinky-Dink," Pinkie Pie said.

"I want to go to Lee Ma Café," Rainbow said. "All you can eat egg noodles and chicken puo kand!"

"If it is not too much trouble," Fluttershy said meekly. "I'd like to go to Green Leaf".

"Darlings," Rarity scolded. "As much as I would love to go to Café Sur La Riviere, we agreed to go to where Applejack wanted to go."

"Cheery Jubilee's Country Diner," Applejack said, trying to force a smile, while controlling her tremors by petting her leashed dog. Everyone agreed. Sunset began digging into pocket to pull out her motorcycle keys.

"You finally got your motorcycle back," Rainbow said.

"What I can say," Sunset said. "Torque is one heck of a mechanic.". Sunset mounted her newly rebuilt motorcycle, which had been delivered to her just today. "See you guys at 7:30 PM." Sunset took off and went back toward Applejack's house, while Applejack was driven home separately by Rainbow, who lived closest to her.

Sunset took off and pulled over to get some coffee at a nearby coffee shop. As she took a sip, she went through her backpack, only to panic when she saw her science textbook was missing. While she was frantically searching her backpack, she got a text. She opened it and saw Quick had sent her a message. She began to feel uneasy, remembering how Quick was still the prime suspect.

She opened it, and saw what it read.

"Sorry Sunny. Got your book by mistake. Want to meet me back at school to get it?" Sunset felt the coffee cup fall out of her hand. She gulped, and felt time slow down. It could be an ambush. It could be a plan to finally get her.

"No," Sunset thought. "Quick is a good guy. He would never do this."

"Just like how you played the good girl," a sinister voice mused, "just to get people to cough up their info?"

"Shut up," Sunset said aloud.

"Did you tell me to shut up?" A man asked her, looking at the fire-haired girl oddly.

"No," Sunset said with a blush, walking away from the man toward a corner of the shop.

She needed to think of a way to respond. And soon. Or he might get...suspicious. If he did do it.

"Sorry," she texted. "Can't. Too far away. Want to meet in the study hall. Pick it up there," Sunset texted. This was her test. If Quick insisted on meeting her early, then she would be suspicious. If Quick agreed, he was innocent. Besides, he couldn't do anything to her in a study hall full of crowded people.

After a torturous second, a message came out.


Sunset breathed a sigh of relief. She was being silly. Quick wasn't a psycho.

"H-hey Sunset," Quick stammered in the crowded common room full of study hall kids that was in the center of the room. "G-g-got your b-book."

"Thanks," Sunset said, getting the book back, and taking a seat next to him.

"S-sorry," Quick said. "I m-must h-have taken it from y-you d-during our s-study s-session."

"Accidents happen," Sunset said. He pulled out a laptop. "But I need to get my homework done now."

"I could show you my homework," Quick said. "And while it isn't exactly the same as your class, you can see what material you might need."

"Sure," Sunset said. He opened up the electronic device and pulled up some digital document. But it wasn't science work. It was her...

Sunset let out a silent gasp.

It was her lease for her apartment. Signed in the name of her fake parents. Why was that on his computer?

"Th-There are some m-mistakes," Quick said, his eyes become sharper, even as his nervous smile remained. "S-some errors, some things if caught can lead to...fraud." His eyes became almost predatory. "Y-you wouldn't want this exposed, would you?"

Sunset felt her face go pale. She was surrounded by students, yet she felt trapped in a lion's cage with no one to help her as the frightening realization became clear in her head.

"L-lets go over our work in private," Quick said, his smile becoming increasingly unfriendly. Quick got up and gestured to Sunset to follow her. Sunset got up as well, her legs woozy, and she followed Quick to an area underneath the door where they could talk alone.

"You hacked into my files," Sunset said incredulous.

"N-no," Quick said, his smile becoming more vicious. "Y-you left everything p-plainly l-labeled, including y-your lease f-files which you put under "Lease". Y-you also told me that you were living alone. T-the only way you could do that is if y-you w-were c-committing some k-kind of fraud. S-so I d-dug, and v-voila."

"So you're the psycho?" Sunset said with a whimper. "And you've been pretending to be my friend to-,"

"I'm n-no psycho. I c-consider m-myself p-pest control," Quick said as coolly as someone with a stammer could. "Getting rid of the disgusting vermin-,"

"You hurt Applejack, Gilda, and Twinkle?!" Sunset asked, sounding hurt. Quick looked confused, as if he expected Sunset to be more hurt by what he did to her. "Why Twinkle?! Twinkle was like your brother!"

"Until h-he g-got in m-my w-way," Quick said, clenching his fist. "If you hadn't sp-spread y-your l-legs for h-him, h-he would h-have been O-okay. B-but h-he ignored my w-warning a-and decided t-to m-make y-ou his little slut. Th-this is his fault. H-he d-didn't l-listen t-to m-my hints. N-neither d-did cowgirl."

"But why do you hate me?" Sunset said fearfully. "What did I ever do to you?!"

"B-because your a d-disgusting s-slut," Quick said. "And you deserve to have your throat cut."

"I'm gonna tell on you!" Sunset angrily yelled, grabbing the short kid by the shirt and pushing him against the wall. "But first I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to Applejack!"

"G-go a-ahead, h-hit me," Quick said idly. "I d-dare you." Sunset's nerve faded. "W-what h-happened? D-did y-you l-lose your nerve."

"If I hit you," Sunset said in a weak voice, releasing Quick, "you'll send the forms to the police?"

"Yep," Quick said. "N-not that y-you actually had any chance t-to h-hurt me. If I c-could b-bring that ape G-Gilda to the g-ground, what do you think I could to you?" Sunset felt even more scared. "I m-may be sh-short, but I c-can s-still f-fuck s-someone i-if I h-have to. B-but, I've d-decided to end this c-cleanly. L-leave. Tomorrow. Or, as a c-concerned citizen, I'll alert the s-school about a -certain student's fraud."

"Please don't send in the forms," Sunset said, pleading with tears in her eyes. "I do anything you want!"

"Th-there's only one th-thing I want," Quick said mercilessly. "It is f-for y-you to do the world a f-favor, t-take a g-gun, and b-blow your f-fucking b-brains out." Sunset started to cry even more from fear. "B-but the n-next b-best thing is for y-you to just l-leave and n-never c-come b-back."

"If I did anything to you," Sunset begged. "I'll pay you back." Quick looked stoic, but it was clear he reveled in his power over Sunset.

"Then leave," Quick said, gritting his teeth. "I d-don't care what y-you do. You can strip for all I care. Y-you can do your d-duty and j-jump off a bridge. I want you g-gone. By t-tomorrow. Or else y-you'll not only have v-vandalism and invasion of p-privacy charge on your r-record, but f-fraud. I d-doubt once you're k-kicked out of your apartment, y-you'll get into any d-decent foster care with that." Sunset fell to the ground hugging her knees, tears flowing from her eyes..

"Please," Sunset whimpered.

"But you'll be out of here one way or another," Quick said as he walked away. Sunset turned her head to the ground, tears falling to the floor. The only thing she heard was the sound of Quick's shoes.

"And this conversation never happened."

In a hidden part of the school, three kids wore headphones. Listening intently as they heard a very private conversation. Once it was over, Gilda, Sprint, and Micro Chips took off their headphones, looking at each other with icy eyes.

"Well now we know," Gilda said in a quiet tone.

"What now?" Micro asked in an eerie tone.

"We do this the right way," Sprint said, his voice as cool as winter air. "We send it to Garda, he'll know where to look. Then Quick gets arrested." The green-skinned athlete clenched his fist. "Then when he's released from custody, we make that psycho pay."

"The bird stuck his beak in the cookie jar," Sprint texted, his jaw clenched and his pitiless. Micro and Gilda both looked at him Sprint completed their tasks, their eyes equally pitiless, even as they held hands to comfort one another.

Author's Note:

In the words of a certain Supreme Gentleman, tomorrow begins the Day of Retribution.

[1] Vida is the Terra Prime version of the Christian creator god.

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