• Published 17th Aug 2019
  • 2,934 Views, 256 Comments

Light and Darkness - FandomPlays1234

When two gods come face to face, the war between light and darkness and good and evil begins

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Chapter 11: Heroic Encounter

Starlight walked along the path with a huge smile on her face. Thanks to Anna she was able to fully stock up on supplies for the next several spirit battles she was going to engage in.

"Starlight really is in a good mood isn't she?" asked Villager.

"Yep and it's all thanks to Anna," said Twilight walking alongside Mario.

"When she said that this deal was worth it, she wasn't kidding," said Mario. It was after Starlight had freed Anna's spirit from Galeem's control that she had made a deal with them. As a thanks for saving her, Anna had given them a bag full of food, three large canteens of water, three large jars of snacks for spirits, a second spirit album, a complete map of the world they were currently in handcrafted by Anna herself, some maximum tomatoes, heart containers, fairy bottles, some healing sprouts and fields, five assist trophy, ten Poke balls, one Master Ball, five super stars, eight special flags, a brand new beam sword for Starlight, a boomerang, and a booklet filled with tips and information on fighters and spirits for free. She even brought Twilight back to life by creating a small Twilight doll and having her enter the doll which somehow gave Twilight a physical body that was exactly the same before she died. It was almost as if she never became a spirit.

"I could've sworn she was gonna pull a merchant's greed on us before she said all of this was on the house," said Villager.

"Poyo," said Kirby munching on a apple.

"I guess even merchant can have a merciful heart," said Twilight. "it's almost hard to believe that she would give us all this supplies for just freeing her,"

"Truly a kind and friendly merchant she is," said Villager.

"And kind of cute," Starlight giggled.

"Hmm Starlight did you say something?" asked Mario.

"Nope," she answered with a smile.

"So where to next?" asked Villager.

"According to this map, it seems there's another path we can go to get to the castle," answered Mario studying the map. "We have to past that stadium we past by a couple of days ago and then there's another path that leads up to the mountains and eventually if we continue climbing, we should reach a split path,"

"It says to continue climbing the mountain and that's where the entrance of the castle should be," explained Twilight.

"Guys wait," said Starlight. The party stopped to see Starlight standing in the middle of the path.

"Starlight is something wrong?" asked Mario.

"Up there," said Starlight pointing a hoof towards the top of the hill. The group followed her hoof to see someone standing at the top. Starlight couldn't recognize the figure because their back was turned towards them. But Mario, Kirby, and Villager seemed to recognize him. The figure wore a large blue tunic and light coffee colored pants with brown boots. A large scabbard and quiver was slung on his back and his brown hair flowed in the wind.

"Is that?" asked Villager.

"Link," replied Mario. Then as if the figure heard him, he turned towards them and stared back at them with glowing red eyes.

"Uh oh looks like he noticed us," said Twilight. He started walking towards them at a slow pace with his sword and shield in his hands.

"Poyo," said Kirby with a worried expression on his face. Starlight grabbed the hilt of her beam sword with her magic ready to draw it in case he got too close. Once Link was several yards away from them, he stopped. He stared at the group as if he was studying them.

"What's he doing?" whispered Twilight.

"I don't know," said Villager. When he saw Starlight his glare grew more sinister, he pointed the tip of his sword at her causing her to step back and pull out her beam sword.

"What do you want?" asked Starlight.

"Uh Starlight I think he just challenged you to a duel," said Mario.

"Wait what!?" asked Starlight. Then without warning, Link rushed towards Starlight and swung his sword at her. Starlight yelped and blocked the attack with hers.

"Oh shit," cursed Mario. Kirby and Villager ran off to the side while Twilight teleported out of the way. Mario jumped backwards and landed on the grass.

"What's the deal?" Starlight grunted. Link began swinging his sword at her, but Starlight quickly reacted and blocked every slash he threw at her. Starlight knocked the blade away and jumped back. She raised her blade preparing for another attack, but instead Link pulled out a small blue orb and tossed it at her. Starlight stepped back as it rolled by her hoofs. "What?" she asked. That's when it hit Mario.

"Starlight get away from that thing!" Mario yelled. Starlight looked back in confusion not noticing Link pulling out a small box from his back pocket. "Look out!" Mario warned her. Starlight turned around as Link pushed a button causing the orb to explode. Starlight was sent flying and landed on her back. Starlight scrambled to get back up as Link rushed in and grabbed her. He tossed her to the left and kicked her in the stomach with his right foot. Starlight fell face first into the dirt but quickly got back up. She picked up her sword just in time as Link attempted to slash her face again. She managed to block the attack but was pushed back onto the ground.

"Starlight!" Twilight gasped. Star clenched her teeth as she tried to force Link back, but he was slowly pushing his blade down along with hers.

"Get off of me!" Starlight yelled as she blasted Link in the face with her magic. Link yelped as he stepped back covering his face. Starlight scrambled to her feet and slashed Link with her sword knocking him back. Link quickly recovered and pulled out his quiver and two arrows. He aimed at Starlight and opened fired, but missed as Starlight teleported out of the way. Link grabbed his sword and got into stance ready for an attack. Starlight appeared behind him and attempted to sneak up on him, but Link immediately noticed and swung his sword around, slashing her in the stomach. Starlight screamed in agony and collapsed on the ground.

"Starlight!" Twilight gasped. Her eyes began to water as she saw blood trickling out of the wound.

"Poyo!" Kirby exclaimed. Starlight winced and sat up as Link stood before her. He raised his sword up preparing to strike.

"We have to help her," said Twilight. Mario rushed out to save Starlight, but Link noticed and fired two arrows at him pinning him to a nearby tree.

"Villager!" Mario called out to him.

"Ah right!" said Villager. But before he could react Link rushed in and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He threw him into the air and slashed upwards three times with his sword sending him flying.

"Oh no," said Twilight. Link turned towards Twilight next and brought his blade down on her, but Twilight yelped and protected herself by shielding. But Link grabbed her and kicked her across the field. Kirby also tried to help, but Link was too fast and sent Kirby flying into a pile of flowers. Once Link was finished, he walked back over to Starlight and raised his sword to finish his job. Starlight shut her eyes and placed her hoofs over her head to protect herself. Just as Link was about to bring the blade down on her, a ball of fire flew into Link knocking him back.

"What was that?" asked Mario. Starlight continued to cower in fear not noticing the strange figure that appeared in front of her.

"Hmm, looks like I made it in time," said a voice. "Are you alright?" the voice asked. Starlight opened her eyes and slowly looked up to see a male figure kneeling in front of her. He wore a long black sleeved shirt and a purple robe and coffee colored pants with lime green shoes. His blue eyes seemed to glow in the sunlight and his long brown hair flowed in the wind. "I asked if you're alright," he repeated.

"Oh um yes, yes sir," answered Starlight.

"You know you don't have to lie," he said.

"Ok," said Starlight. Her ears twitched as the angry footsteps of Link approached. The young man looked behind him to face Link.

"You better leave this to me," he said.

"Oh, okay," said Starlight. The young man rose to his feet and raised his sword. Link angrily glared at him with his deep red eyes.

"Bring it on," he said. Link didn't ask as he charged forward. Starlight watched as the two clashed with each other, slashing and thrusting at each other with their swords. She watched in awe as the male figure continued to deal heavy amounts of damage on Link before finally landing the final blow that knocked him onto the ground permanently. As light burst out from Link's limp body, the young man lowered his sword and walked over to the tree where Mario was pinned. He removed the arrows allowing Mario to go free. Meanwhile Twilight and Villager were both helping Starlight as Kirby brought her some food from one of the bags.

"Starlight are you alright?" asked Twilight.

'I'm fine, thanks to him," she answered looking at the male figure as he walked over with Mario.

"No need for thanks miss," he said. The group turned around as Link sat up groaning.

"Ow what happened?" he asked.

"Looks like he's back to normal," said Villager. Link looked over to the group and then the environment around him.

"Wha, where am I?" he asked.

"You don't remember?" asked Twilight.

"Sorry, the last thing I remember was fighting Galeem and then everything went black," said Link.

"Well you better be grateful cause this young man just freed you," said Starlight pointing one of her hoofs towards the male figure.

"Um sorry who are you?" Link asked looking at him in confusion.

"Ah right, I guess I should've introduced myself," said the young man. "But first why don't you come join them," he said inviting Link. Shrugging Link got to his feet and walked over to Starlight and her party. "I am the legendary hero who is said to have defeated the darkness and saved the world," he explained. "Many call me the Luminary but most of my friends just call me Eleven,"

"Eleven huh?" asked Villager.

"Yes," answered Eleven.

"Ok and what exactly are you doing here?" asked Mario.

"Well originally I came to this world after I was invited to a tournament, but after I found that most of the living beings in this world were killed by a monster, I set out to defeat this so called monster," explained Eleven.

"Monster," Twilight repeated. They all looked at each other.

"It's Galeem," said Starlight.

"Poyo," said Kirby.

"It seems you know much about this monster," said Eleven.

"Actually, we're on our way to defeat this monster," said Starlight.

"Is that so?" asked Eleven. "Then allow me to accompany you,"

"Wait you'll help us?" asked Twilight.

"Indeed, we all share the same goal so why not," answered Eleven.

"I'll go too," said Link. "I still have a score to settle with Galeem,"

"Well then, we welcome you to our party," said Starlight.

"It's an honor to be working with you miss uh...." Eleven stopped short.

"Starlight Glimmer," said Starlight. "And these are my friends, Mario, Kirby, Villager, Twilight Sparkle, and now Link,"

"I thank you for having me, I swear that I shall support you the best I can," said Eleven.

Author's Note:

Chapter 11 complete. Wow seems like Starlight and her party got a really great deal off of Anna. Now they're totally ready. Or maybe not. Her party almost got destroyed by Link but luckily The Hero from Dragon Quest makes his appearance. Now the thing is in World of Light the only way you can unlock the DLC characters is if you battle and unlock 10 fighters in between each other. But for this fanfic I decided to make it randomized. With that being said, the Luminary or Eleven in Japan is the first DLC character to make an appearance in this story.

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