• Published 16th Dec 2019
  • 595 Views, 6 Comments

Doctor Whooves and The Lone Dalek - Whooves235

When Ponies start to disappear all across Equestria The Main 6 are asked by Celestia to go to and investigate, however soon they to disappear. So now its up to The Doctor and Zap Apple to find them before Equestria loses its only protectors

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Chapter 1: The Disappearances

Equestrian History Museum - Canterlot

As Celestia walked into the building, she took a look around. So many parts of history lay inside these walls, from the founding of the three tribes, all the way to Discord’s defeat. However today she was not here to explore Equestrian history.

“Your Majesty, the crime scene is right this way,” the guard pony said.

“What is the issue?” Celestia said.

“The museum manager, Yellow Thunder; he was found dead,” the guard pony said. “Somepony hid the body, it seems like he has been dead for some time.”

“How long has it been since he died?” Celestia asked.

“The janitor smelled something foul from the Neighipt exhibit. It seems whoever killed Yellow Thunder stuffed the body in a Neighipt Casket,” the guard pony said. “Judging by the fact that the body could be smelled through a casket, I would say that he was murdered some time ago.”

“Take me to the body, I wish to examine it.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” As the two walked into the Neighipt Exhibit, Celestia immediately caught the scent of the body. She continued walking until she reached the rest of the guards.

“You may leave us,” Celestia said. As the rest of the guards walked away, she examined the surrounding areas. It seemed that nothing was damaged or stolen. “Remove the blanket.”

As the guard removed the blanket, Celestia saw the body before her: it was covered in clumps of flesh and the skin was green. “Like we said before, he had been missing for months, so he has been dead for some time.”

“Do we know the cause of death?” Celestia asked.

“That is why we called you, Celestia. Under normal circumstances, we would call the proper authorities but his on-scene autopsy shows no signs of death,” the guard explained. “No gashes, holes, signs of struggle, and no signs of a blunt object mark. It is as if he just dropped dead instantly.”

“Did you check for magic residue?” Celestia asked.

“Yes ma’am, but there were no signs of unicorn magic present.”

“This is indeed a mysterious event. I will contact Princess Twilight as soon as I can, perhaps she can help with the answer,” Celestia said.

“I understand, ma’am,” the guard said, then walked off to join the rest of the guards. As Celestia walked to the office she noticed the office space. It was messy and quite disorganized; she was used to the cleanliness of her office and the Canterlot Library, but she did expect this type of atmosphere from ponies.

“Your Majesty?” a guard said. Celestia jumped in surprise and turned around to face the guard.

“Yes, what is it?” Celestia asked.

“We are waiting for your command ma’am, what should we do?”

“I want you to continue looking around the Museum. If you find anything please alert me at once,” Celestia said.

“Yes ma’am.”

“Now if you would excuse me I must go, I have pressing matters to attend to,” Celestia said. She walked past the guard and to the door of the museum, then took off and flew to the castle.


Twilight Sparkle was many things: The Element of Magic, The Princess Of Equestria, The Future Headmare of The School Of Friendship. But all she wanted to be right now was to be a normal pony, with normal duties.

“All right Twilight, it says right here that next on our list is to go to the grand reopening of Strawberry Sunrise’s Strawberry Shop," Spike said, reading off the list, “then after that we need to go to the post office and pick up some daily letters for Mayor Mare.”

“Spike, how much longer are we going to be at this?” Twilight sighed.

“Twilight, what's wrong? Usually you're all for getting lists done,” Spike asked.

“I’m sorry Spike, but I've just been so tired lately, with Flurry Heart living with us it seems like I have no free time on my hands,” Twilight said, looking down. “I just wish I had something to do that I could enjoy.”

“Twilight, you know as well as I do that Ponyville needs you. Ever since Tirek’s attack, the town has been flipped upside down, shops destroyed, families separated,” Spike explained, “And it's your job as a Princess to make sure that all of these things are seen to.”

“I know, Spike, but lately all of our friends are busy,” Twilight said. “Pinkie is busy with Flurry, Fluttershy and Discord are busy planning their marriage, and Applejack and Rainbow have to take care of Zap,” Twilight said. “And then you and Ember are seeing each other all the time.”

Spike blushed at the thought of Ember. “Well I mean, it's not like I can't say no, Twilight. She’s really given me a sense of happiness in my life,” Spike said. “And besides, Rarity is still free to hang out with.”

“Rarity is still busy with her fashion business, and with her injuries she has been inside more often,”Twilight said. “It seems like everyone has moved on with their lives, and meanwhile I'm stuck here wishing that things are the way they used to be.”

“Things change, Twilight. We may not like them, but we have to accept them,” Spike said. “Besides, if things were back to the way they used to be, then you and Pinkie would have never become filly friends.”

Twilight smiled at the thought of Pinkie, how even when she was in the worst moods, Pinkie was there for her.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right, Spike.”

“There's that smile,” Spike said. “Now let's go, this list won’t complete itself!”

As Twilight and Spike walked down the neighborhood, a blue light shined in the corner, and it slowly followed the two until they were out of sight.

Sweet Apple-Dash Acres

"Applejack!” Rainbow shouted. “Where is that package that was left on the table!”

Applejack popped out of the corner of the room. She had flower all over her muzzle. “How should I know? I'm not the one who ordered 12 Daring Do books!”

“They are limited edition, Applejack! L I M I T E D!!” Rainbow said, tossing her hooves in the air.

“Well I wonder who else could have possibly grabbed them,” Applejack stared blankly at her wife. “Maybe it’s the other Daring Do fan in the house.”

“Ohhhh.” Rainbow facehoofed. “Right… Zap.”

“Where is that darn colt?” Applejack asked. “He has chores to do today.”

“I think he is with the CMC,” Rainbow said. “Scootaloo probably wanted his help with some crusading stuff.”

“Scootaloo is a grown mare, I would think she can take care of herself,” Applejack said. “Then again, she is your daughter.”

“What's that supposed to mean?” Rainbow said.

“You’re so cute when you’re angry.” Applejack chuckled. “I'm just playing with you, Dashie.”

“Whatever.” Rainbow crossed her hooves, a tiny blush coming to her face.

“Well I need Zap to come back home, so you grab him and tell our daughter that she can grab him after he is done with his chores¨

“All right, Applejack,” Rainbow said. “I’ll be right back.” She then opened the barn door and took off to the CMC clubhouse.


“Where is that bloody machine?” Doctor Whooves said. He walked around the console room, opening and closing different wall storage rooms. “Derpy! have you seen my machine?”

A grey pegasus wandered into the room, with bubbles as a cutie mark. Her most distinctive feature, however, were her eyes. “What machine, Doctor? You have a lot…”

“It’s the machine that goes ding,” The Doctor said. “Or is it the one that goes beep? I can never remember.” He put his hoof to his chin, thinking about the machine.

“Is it this one, Doctor?” Derpy held out a strange-looking box with glowing buttons and wires showing.

“No, that's the machine that goes blorp,” The Doctor said. “Luckily I haven’t had to use that since…”

And as if by magic, the machine started to make a sound, which caused Derpy to drop it in fear. “Doctor, I think your machine is broken.”

“It’s all right Mrs. Doo, that just means that there’s a time anomaly detected,” The Doctor said. “Looks like adventure calls!”

“Oh boy, another adventure!” Derpy said, smiling. “Where are we going this time, Doctor?”

“Wherever fate takes us!!” The Doctor ran to the TARDIS control panel and flipped a lever “Allons-y!”

Carousel Boutique

Rarity was a pony of many talents. She was a dressmaker, fashionista, and a beauty stylist. But above all the one thing she was known for was her generosity, her compassion for others is what made her one of the Elements of Harmony. However, lately she was more or less contemplating on what she does for a life.

"Rarity? Are you here?" Sweetie Belle said from her room. She walked down the stairs to find Rarity sitting in the kitchen, and next to her was a cup of coffee and a necklace she had been working on.

"I'm right here, Sweetie Belle," Rarity said. "Is something wrong?"

"I just wanted to tell you that I'm going out, and I won't be back till this evening.”

"And where pray tell might you be going?" Rarity asked, her curiosity piqued.

"Button Mash is taking me out for a movie, and then we are going to dinner," Sweetie said.

"Oh, you and that Button make such a cute couple!" Rarity said, then saw her sister get a tint of red to her cheeks. "He is so lucky to have you as his marefriend."

"Thanks, Rarity," Sweetie said. As she headed to the door Rarity took a sip of her coffee.

"Sweetie, may I ask you something?"

"Yeah, Rarity?"

"When you first felt feelings for Button, what was it like?"

"Gosh, I...I don't really know how to describe it," Sweetie said. "It’s kinda like your mind does what you feel is right, your body starts to shake, but...in a good way. Also you have this urge to be with them, no matter where they are."

"You really do love him, don't you?"

"I would do anything for Button," Sweetie said in a stern voice. She walked over to her sister, and could see something was bothering her. "What's wrong, Rarity? You haven’t been yourself lately, ever since Tirek you’ve been more quiet than usual"

"Sweetie, it's hard to describe," Rarity said. "After everything that’s happened to us, it seems like all of my friends have somepony to go back to. Twilight has Pinkie, Fluttershy has Discord, and Applejack and Rainbow have each other." Rarity then paused and looked out the window "And now there is just me...I don't have anypony, nor would anypony want to date somepony like me

"Rarity, don’t talk like that!" Sweetie shouted. "You’re the best pony I know and any stallion or mare would be lucky to have you!"

"Who would want an old, scared, broken-horned, missing-eyed unicorn like me?" Rarity said, touching what was left of her horn.

"There’s somepony out there for you Rarity, you just have to look," Sweetie said, then leaned over and kissed her sister on the forehead. She walked to the door. "Just wait, Rarity, someday you’ll meet that special somepony." She then closed the door, leaving Rarity to herself, and the words that were last spoken.

"Who is the right pony for me..."