• Published 16th Aug 2012
  • 4,438 Views, 24 Comments

Fairy Tales - Closer-To-The-Sun

Spike helps Rarity around her shop for an upcoming event in Ponyville. However, it seems Spike is having an affect on the unicorn.

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Ch. 3 Gratitude

Chapter 3: Gratitude

The next day, Rarity was working in her shop for the entire day. She had a few orders to catch back up on due to her making the costumes for the plays. The unicorn worked well throughout the day without a single problem. Humming happily to herself as she worked, she was interrupted by a knock at the door as the workday was drawing to a close.

"Ah, that must be her now," Rarity spoke to herself as she trotted down the stairs to open the door. The front door was opened to a light blue pegasus pony with a colorful mane, "Hello there, Rainbow Dash! Do come on in, dahling."

"Thanks, Rarity. So ya need me watch over Sweetie Belle for the evening?" Dash asked as she entered the Carousel Boutique.

Rarity nodded, "Yes, I have something to take care of tonight."

Rainbow Dash was puzzled, "What do ya need to do?"

"Oh, well," Rarity began, "tonight I'm treating Spike to dinner."

"Spike? Why so?"

"Well, he's been so helpful to me lately and, well, I feel I should thank him for his hard work."

"Helpful? You mean he's been helpin' ya around your shop?" Dash gave a puzzled look.

Rarity was a bit hesitant to answer after seeing Dash's face, "Y-Yes…."

"Not that it's my business or nothin', but has he been doin' a lot of work for ya?" Dash asked.

"Y-Yes…." the unicorn repeated.

"Um, Rarity, hate to say this I think you're using Spike a bit too much," the pegasus commented.

Rarity sighed as she heard Dash's words. She knew her friend was right. "Yes, I admit. I really have been quite a mule to the poor dear. I thought that this might be a good way to repay him for all of his help, but now that you know that I have been taking advantage of him, I don't know."

Rainbow Dash trotted up to her crestfallen friend, "Hey, relax Rarity. Spike wouldn't help ya if he didn't like ya. Besides, I think it's a start for ya to let how much you care for the little guy."

Rarity raised her head up and gave a soft smile, "You're right. I really have to let Spike know how much of a great dragon he is. Thank you, Rainbow Dash."

The pegasus smiled to her unicorn friend, "Of course, what are friends for? Now I'll watch after your sister, you go and enjoy your date," Dash gave a wink as she finished her sentence.

Rarity blushed heavily at Rainbow Dash's comment, "Ra-Rainbow Dash! Th-This is not a date!"

Dash laughed and placed a hoof on Rarity's back, trotting with her the front door, "I'm just messin' with ya, Rarity. Now just relax and have a good time."

Rarity was still a little shaken with what her friend said, "R-Right. Anyway, thank you again." Rarity slowly started to walk outside of her home into the early evening.

"No problem!" Dash bid Rarity farewell as the unicorn started toward the library.

Taking Rainbow Dash's advice, Rarity calmed herself as she trotted to the library to pick up Spike. She felt comfortable by the time she reached the door. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the library's door. It was opened by her fellow unicorn, Twilight Sparkle.

"Good evening, Twilight. Is Spike ready?" Rarity asked.

Twilight smiled, "Yes, he's right here, Rarity."

The purple unicorn moved to one side of the door to reveal a visibly nervous Spike. The dragon had a formal black coat on with a tie underneath. A fair amount of detail was given to his preparation, but he still had not planned on being as nervous as he was. His knees were shaking slightly as he raised his claw to wave to the white unicorn, "H-Hey, Rarity."

Rarity looked at Spike and gave a warm smile to him, "You look charming, dear."

This caused Spike to become quite flustered. Twilight gave a small chuckle to herself before turning to Rarity, "Please don't keep him out to late, Rarity, he still need his rest and all."

Rarity gave a smiling nodded to Twilight before she turned her attention to her dragon companion, "Well, shall we away, Spike?"

Spike was nervous as he nodded to the unicorn, "S-Sure am, Rarity."

"Excellent, let us away then, dear."

Rarity and Spike walked together out into the night. Spike was still obviously nervous as they walked, which Rarity found to be quite cute. After walking in silence for a while, Spike gathered enough courage to speak.


"Yes, Spike?"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Well….is this a date?"