• Published 9th Jun 2021
  • 1,447 Views, 23 Comments

The Bonds of Love and Fire - Whooves235

Fame and glory, these things are all Spitfire has ever needed she was the Captain of the Wonderbolts. However with the Wonderbolts putting in new requirements and the appearance of an old friend. how will it affect her career as a Wonderbolt?

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Chapter 4: The Court of Secrets

Spitfires House - Cloudsdale

A bright beam of sunlight would shine onto Orion’s face, he would turn over to avoid the sun, which his eyelids were also trying to block out with little success. As He slowly started waking up more and more, the faint rush of where he was reminded him that it was the morning, and that he would need to get himself ready. Sitting up and throwing his back hooves off the bed, he brushed some stray hairs out of her face from his messy bed mane and looked through the open window, He could see over the roofs of the cloud houses the outline of downtown cloud-scale from his room. He hopped off the bed and walked out of the bedroom, looking both ways down the hall before heading towards the cracked door leading to the guest bathroom.

After quickly placing a towel on the rack by the tub and turning on the water, He stepped into the shower and drew the curtain, giving himself some privacy. He smiled a little as he felt the warm water wash over his mane. It was a relaxing experience, something that Orion always enjoyed in the morning. After washing his mane and body he would quickly turn off the water and dry himself off, looking at the clock in the hallway he noted the time to be around 5:45 am. He hoped that he didn't take up the bathroom, as he knew Spitfire also would need it as well. The unfortunate downside of both her and himself being captains where that they both had to wake up early to get ready for the day, and even when they didn't have work they still woke up that early, their built-in time clocks just use to waking up so early.

Orion would open the door and look both ways down the hall, noticing that Spitfire's door was wide open yet the lights were off. He would walk past it and notice that she wasn't in there, so he would walk down the stairs and immediately was met with the smell of coffee and the smell of haycakes.

"Morning Orion, decided to wake up a bit earlier than you to make some breakfast" Spitfire said smiling as she flipped a haycake up in the air, quickly landing back into the pan.

"O-oh...wow thanks Spitfire" Orion said smiling at the mare's kind gesture as he walked to grab his coffee from the machine, then walked to the table and took a seat.

"You sleep well?" Spitfire asked

"Yep! The beds are really comfortable"

"Glad to hear it, I made sure that the rooms were tightened up before you came yesterday. Hopefully everything is to your liking." Spitfire said as she flipped the last haycake and put it on a plate before walking it over to the table, placing it down in front of Orion "Here ya go, nice and fresh"

Orion smiled as he took a bite out of the haycake, it tasted wonderful. Guess the wonderbolt captain had a lot of other talents other than flying. He looked to Spitfire who had taken the newspaper and was currently looking over it. He would think about something before he spoke up “Hey, Spitfire?” Orion asked.

“Yea?" She asked looking up from her newspaper.

“So, um, if you don’t mind me asking,” Orion hesitated slightly, trying to think about the right words “Are all those stories about you and Soarin’ true? I'm only asking cuz uh...I don't know if he will be coming around or not if that's the case.”

Spitfire chuckled “Man...honestly, I kinda forgotten about those setups.” She admitted as she stood up and walked over to the counter to fill herself up some more coffee.

“They were setups?” Orion asked, slight shock in his voice.

“Yeah,” Spitfire laughed, “Soarin, Celestia bless the big softie, was going through a nasty spot with a couple of newspapers that were claiming he was dating Stallions. So to counter the rumors, Soarin and I got set up on a bunch of 'dates'. It was arranged so that during press conferences and public meet and greets we would be doing stuff like sitting next to each other or laughing at jokes and such, then after shows, we’d have meetings about team business or we would have bolts nights out, and we’d have to get ‘caught’ sharing longing glances and sly touches,” Spitfire giggled deviously as she finished filling up her coffee.

"Wait...why would Soarin need to have a fake marefriend if he doesn't swing that way?" Orion asked "In fact why would the bolts even go that far to counter rumors like that?"

Spitfire sighed and shook her head "You can thank Yellowjacket for that..." she said with an annoyed tone.

"Yellowjacket the councilpony?" Orion said his brow furrowing slightly in confusion "Why would he ask you to do that?"

"He didn't ask...me and Soarin came up with the plan on our own."

"Why? Kinda seems a bit excessive."

"Because the rumors were true, Soarin does like Stallions." Spitfire said taking a sip from her coffee cup. "If Yellowjacket had gotten proof that those rumors were true, then Soarin would have been let go."

"Well that's a load of bullcrap" Orion said "Why on earth would Yellowjacket do that?"

"Remember how I said the success we make in the bolts means that ticket revenues and sponsorships go to the current pony who is in charge of the bolt unit in the canterlot court?"

"Yah I recall that" Orion said.

"Well ever since Yellowjacket came to be in charge of the bolt unit he has been using the revenues and sponsorship money to fill his own wallet" Spitfire said letting out an aggravated sigh "He does jack shit to improve the bolts, and he basically leaves everything to me."

"Damn...I had no idea.." Orion said "But...I still don't understand why Yellowjacket would give a damn if Soarin liked colts or not."

"The Wonderbolts have an image to maintain. We’re family-friendly, nonpartisan, and controversy-free. That’s the image that sells, and that’s the image we have to keep for our sponsors." Spitfire said "Yellowjacket the piece of shit he is, believes that same-sex relationships lead to controversy."

"How in Celestia's name is he even still a councilpony then?" He asked "If the Grand Judge heard about this-"

"Yeah we know...sadly he is good at hiding all the dirty stuff he does. Helps that he is a good politician" Spitfire said "Anytime a team member becomes embroiled in a controversy the situation is usually resolved quietly, but with Yellowjacket? He would much rather drag it out and make it worse for not only me but the other bolts"

"Can't you do anything? Your the captain of the bolts, you should be able to do something."

"Every time I get close Yellowjacket just finds something that backs me into a corner..." Spitfire said "I have tried but it sometimes feels impossible."

"I could help...if you want it..." Orion asked, looking to the mare

Spitfire would look at Orion for a few moments. “I don’t like imposing.”

“It’s no imposition.”

Spitfire raised an eyebrow and frowned slightly. “Are you sure? I don't want you to be chasing around nothing but my work frustrations."

"From what you're telling me, the Wonderbolts are currently under the command of a pony who has no intention of helping anypony but himself" Orion said "It's clear you're struggling from it as well as the other bolts. I want to help."

Spitfire smiled slightly at that, that sense of loyalty that Orion had reminded her of Soarin and Rainbow, even if they nearly knew each other he was willing to go out of his way to do this for her. "Alright...you really wanna help? Since you are a guard maybe you can ask around and see what opinion of Yellowjacket the other nobels have. Mabey we can get something from them.

"Sounds like a plan" Orion said as he got up from his seat "When I'm on break I'll see what I can do" he said, he would then walk upstairs with a slight pep in his step, coming back down a couple minutes later wearing his Royal Guard Armor. This actually grabbed Spitfire's attention, as she had never properly seen Royal Guard armor this close. Sure she had seen them from a distance at Grand Galloping Galla's and Shows, but she never got a chance to properly look at them. The armor was shiny gold, looking quite tough and durable with some scratches and dents in certain areas. On the front of the chest plate was a blue star shape and on Orion's shoulder area was his rank mark of Captian. She would look up at Orion's face and see the helmet, which was kept in really good condition as well. Little to no scratches, and his mane pushed into the helmet, almost making it seem like he had a short mane, when in reality she knew he didn't.

"Woh...you look really good" Spitfire said, the mare finally snapping out of her slight trance.

Orion would flush ever so slightly, trying to use his helmet to hide it "Uh...thanks..." He said, he would clear his throat softly "Anyways I should be going, and I don't wanna keep you either so ill see you later today." He said as he opened the door looking at Spitfire, he would smile softly.

"Bye Orion" she said, the stallion nodding before closing the door himself and flying off. Spitfire would look around the kitchen and begin to clean up slightly. After that she would go upstairs to her room and put on her wonderbolt-issue lined leather jacket, putting her Uniform into a duffle bag as she put it around her waist. She would then hurry downstairs and grab her glasses before shutting the door behind her. Flying off to the Base so she could prepare for the upcoming few days.

Wonderbolt's Base

The Wonderbolt HQ was quite busy looking as Spitfire landed onto the runway, she looked around to see a bunch of the stands being put up as well as the interview tables. Spitfire would groan to herself as she landed, even if it was the last media day of the year, it was still the worst of all the off-season days for the team. A full twelve hours of interviews and photoshoots plus Yellowjacket having to be there the entire time nopony on the team liked it. All though that didn't stop some ponies from messing with each other.

“Spitfire!” Rainbow exclaimed loudly, tackling Spitfire to the ground before she had a chance to react. “You gotta see this!”

“Rainbow…ow…” Spitfire cringed as she disentangled herself from the multi-colored mare. “See what?”

“For the love of Celestia save me!” Soarin shouted as ran to Spitfire, Thunderlane Fleetfoot, and Rapid would then come walking in a group, Thunderlane specifically sporting a wicked smile.

“Heya Boss!” Thunderlane smiled at her quickly before returning his attention to Soarin.

“Oh-kay. I think I’m missing some vital details,” Spitfire mused out loud.

“Well since tomorrow is the holiday media conference” Rainbow explained. “Me, Fleetfoot, Rapid, Thunderlane, and Soarin drew straws to see who was going to be partnered with who, and Soarin was partnered with Thunderlane.”

“Ah,” Spitfire clucked, an amused smirk teasing the corners of her mouth.

“P-please boss, you gotta save me” Soarin said, his bottom lip quivering and his eyes swimming in unshed tears.

Spitfire groaned and pressed a hoof to her forehead. “Soarin...stop acting like a colt and get up."

Soarin sighed. “Killjoy,” He pouted.

"So then, your all prepared for tomorrow then?" Spitfire asked

"As I said, we pulled straws, two teams of three ponies taking on different media so we can get it done in time for the holiday break" Rainbow said "By the way since you were not here you will be with Me and Fleetfoot."

"Alright I'm fine with that" She said "As for the three amigos, you guys better be on your best behavior."

"Yah yah we will," Rapid said "Someone has to watch the lovebirds after all."

"How many times do I have to tell you we are not dating!" Soarin said.

Thunderlane chuckled "Oh come on Soar, let the public have a taste of our private time~" He teased.

"Spitfire please switch places with me..." Soarin said "I'm begging you"

“Not my problem,” Spitfire smiled. “Besides, when you're in teams of three it goes by highest rank, meaning you're the boss in your group." She said looking to Rapid and Thunderlane "Meaning if you want something you go to Soarin not me, AKA you kiss his plot, not mine.”

"Whatever you say Spit" Rapid said.

“Aww,” Thunderlane pouted, “but … but his plot is s—”

“Finish that sentence and I will bury you alive,” Soarin growled.

“For Luna's sake” Spitfire groaned. “By the power vested in me as Captain, I now pronounce you two husband and wife.” She waved her hoof at them in a blessing manner.

Rainbow burst into giggles while Soarin’ and Thunderlane exchanged a look, flushes on both their cheeks. Their silence only lasted until Thunderlane smerked.

“I call husband!” he grinned, winking at Soarin’.

“I’m bigger than you,” Soarin’ leered, ignoring the burst of giggles from the gutter-brained mares in the room, Rapid also trying to hold back a smirk.

“Yeah, but you’re soft like a mare,” he smiled back.

"I'm not soft! Besides your delicate like a mare" He shot back.

The stallion was taken aback momentarily until he came up with an idea. He leaned to the side in a relaxed posture, flashing Soarin his most demure smile and bedroom eyes, the shift in his attitude left Soarin suddenly very uncomfortable.

“Oh honey,” Thunderlane said, his wings relaxing into a low, halfway open posture that pegasi generally displayed at moments of intimacy. “Be a dear and help me, just this once?”

Spitfire nudged Fleetfoot, who was transfixed by the scene in front of her. “Go get a camera, right now. This is gonna be hilarious,” she whispered.

“Get it yourself; I’m actually enjoying the show,” Fleetfoot said shot back.

"How much you wanna bet one of them actually guts up and asks the other out?" Rainbow whispered.

"I bet 10 Bits on Soarin" Spitifre said.

"10 Bits on Thunderlane" Fleetfoot smirked.

"Are you seriously making bets?!" Soarin said as he returned to looking at Thunderlane who was now getting closer “C-come on now, Thunderlane we can talk about this.”

Thunderlane didn’t stop as he encroached into Soarin’s personal space. Soarin squeaked uncomfortably when the larger stallion wrapped a foreleg around his shoulders and pulled him close. Soarin started to speak again, but was interrupted when Thunderlane planted a big wet kiss right on his lips.

“Gah!” Soarin recoiled, causing Rainbow, Fleetfoot, and Spitfire to burst into a fit of laughter.

“Celestia’s fucking sake... Dude, what was that!?” Soarin yelled, frantically trying to scrape the taste off his mouth.

“Oh stick a sock in it. It wasn't that bad” Thunderlane answered with a hint of red on his cheeks.

“Uhg, your mouth tastes awful!” Soarin said.

“Hey now, you’re no better either! That apple pie isn’t nearly as good from this end.” Thunderlane said pouting slightly.

“I will give you five hundred bits if you two do that at the holiday conference” Rainbow interjected between fits of laughter.

“A thousand if you do it on camera,” Spitfire added.

“What kind of Captian are you to encourage this?” Soarin stared flatly at Spitfire.

“Hey, you kissed him all on your own.” Spitfire said with a chuckle. “I knew you two would be a cute couple.” She smiled, causing both stallions to groan and slink away from each other.

“I’m thinking divorce sounds good,” Thunderlane grumbled.

“Yeah, irreconcilable differences and stuff,” Soarin agreed.

“Wimps,” Spitfire smirked as she looked to the clock "Alright enough goofing around we have work to do. The Holiday Conference will be in a couple of hours and Yellowjacket will be here soon as well. Let's get this place tidied up."

"Yes sir!" The group said as they would split up. Rainbow and Soarin were the only ones who were left.

"You two need something?"

"Well uh...we wanted to know about the whole Yellowjacket thing." Rainbow said "We all turned in our flight test times, so you're gonna be giving that to him right?"

"Mhm, I'll be handing him the results." Spitfire said "I'm sure he will make some comment if he has anything to say."

"Yeah but..." Soarin said "What if he decides to sack one of us?"

"That won't happen" Spitfire said firmly, the hot-headed mare scowling a bit "If he even tries to fire one of you Ill personally see to it he sees the end of my hoof on his face in a matter of seconds."

"Spit, we both know that he is planning to do something with those results" Rainbow said "Its not a matter of if he fires one of us, it's a matter of when."

"I won't let it happen. I promise" Spitfire said "If he does try to fire somepony? Ill fight back even if it costs my job."

“No Spitfire” Rainbow said "We are not letting you risk your job for that, which is why me and Clipper think we should help you with this."

Spitfire groaned audibly. “No, Rainbow you’re not. The same goes for you Soarin.”

“Yeah, I am,” he spat back, echoing her tone. “I’m not letting a pony I’ve been friends with since foalhood suffer alone on this”

“You have a career to think about Soarin, if I leave then you take my place. Plus, the eighth grade is hardly foalhood.”

“Agree to disagree. Point is, Spitty, you’re my work family. And a friend. So, no, I’m not leaving you.”

"Same goes for me. You are my role model Spitfire, and ever since I have joined you have been like a sister to me as well. I'm not gonna lose you. I'm loyal to you and the Bolts" Rainbow said sternly.

Spitfire looked into Soarin and Rainbow's eyes tiredly, the bags below her own clearly visible. “If I agree,” she half-moaned, “Will you two promise to back out if things look bad?”

"We can make no promises...but we can try" Soarin said.

Spitfire would sigh as she rubbed her temples "Right...I need to go to my office, Yellowjacket is probably going to be going there first. So make sure everything is set up"

"On it" Rainbow said, as she walked off to prepare some more things.

"Soarin...I'm gonna need you to watch the others carefully today we can't risk anything ok?"

"Don't worry Spit, I'll make sure things go smoothly" Soarin said as he would walk off too, leaving Spitfire to herself. She would look around the base again, the stands were now put up as well as the interview tables, each of them in the proper place they needed to be for the Interviews. She would then begin to walk back to her office, going through the main building and opening her door to the office.

Canterlot City

Orion would walk down the busy streets of Canterlot, having left the castle he would look around to each side as he did. The streets that were in front of the castle were fairly crowded, with citizens and shop owners and nobles moving back and forth between Canterlot Castle and the city in a constant stream, with civilians going about their normal evening of hustling, working, playing, and living there lives. The central plaza where Orion was currently walking bustled with activity as vendors set up stalls to sell their wares. Everything from fruits and vegetables to clocks, quilts and jewelry.

One thing that Orion always tried to keep in mind about Canterlot was the residents themselves, he knew that they all had a somewhat charming quirkiness. However more often than not those quirks usually led to Orion having to stop small arguments or brawls on the side streets. Soon enough however, he arrived to the location he was heading to. Being a large city, the nobles have some areas to gather and talk with each other. Being a guard usually was the only way somepony could walk in. Private clubs were always full of gossip and chatter about things, so if there was any place to get information about Yellowjacket? it was here.

Orion would approach the door to the building and would be met with a regal-looking pony "Hello sir, can I help you with something?"

"Captian Orion of the Royal Guard" Orion would say, taking out his badge and handing it to the pony "I was hoping to ask around about an investigation I'm running" That was a lie, and he knew it. Orion knew full well he could get in trouble for this too, however the nobles were already expecting the Guard to come and question them, so for Orion? this was covenant.

"Ah yes we have been expecting you, well then welcome to the Noble's Club Captian. I hope you find everything you're looking for" The pony said handing his badge back to him, Orion took it and the pony would then step aside and open the door for Orion. He smiled and walked in, The place Orion was in was known to many as The Night Court. The name of course was given by Luna when she decided that the nobles of Canterlot needed a place to congregate, here in this building is where they would discuss everything important to them. Overturning the rulings of elected officials, dictate policy that would benefit or harm thousands of ponies. Orion knew this place was dangerous to go as any normal pony could very mutch ruin their entire career just by uttering a single thing said in this place. He would walk into the main building area where he would see some familiar ponies; Prince Blueblood, Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis, he even saw some Guard Generals as well. Most of them sit at tables and eat some rather expensive food.

Orion would take a deep breath and walk into the building, a few of the ponies looking up to him in curiosity before he walked up to the table he spotted when he first walked in. He knew that if any pony here was familiar with Yellowjacket, it was Prince Blueblood "Excuse me, do you mind if I take a seat?"

Blueblood would look up at Orion "Who might you be?" He simply asked, his eyebrow-raising.

"My name is Orion...I'm the Captain in Celestia's Royal Guard."

"My my, what might a Royal Guard Captian be doing in a place like this? Hoping to get some sort of bribe for a promotion perhaps?" Blueblood said "Or perhaps it's to try and fit in with the ponies he knows he can never live up to?" The prince would chuckle, along with some of the other nobles at the table.

Orion would grit his teeth underneath his lips sighing softly so he could speak "I'm here on an Investigation...I was hoping to ask you and the others here some questions."

Blueblood was about to speak before Fancy Pants put a hoof up "Now now Blueblood, if the dear captain has business here then we should honor that and hear him out" He said. "After all, we were told the Guard would be coming soon to ask about that paparazzi leak that is going around."

Blueblood would sigh in annoyance "Very Well...you may sit, but make these questions fast."

"Thank you" He said as he pulled a chair out and sat down "Now then...I was hoping you could all tell me your opinion on the councilpony Yellowjacket."

Some of the ponies at the table actually went pale slightly, Blueblood in particular gritting his own teeth at the mention of that name "What did he do this time?" Blueblood spoke.

"This time?" Orion asked, surprised "What do you mean by that?"

"Well you see...Yellowjacket was never the most liked among the nobles. Even after he became a councilpony" Fancy Pants said "He has a notorious history of playing dirty, to the point where it has made all of us look bad."

"Well...I'm following up on a tip that he is doing some stuff with the Wonderbolts" Orion said "Stuff that is stoping the Wonderbolts themselves from doing their job at the efficiency they need."

A couple of the nobles looked at each other, then to Blueblood before he spoke up "We have not spoken to Yellowjacket in quite some time I'm afraid...he rarely comes by anymore and even when he does he is always busy with paperwork."

"Well...is there anything you could tell me that could, at the very least shed some light on his activities outside of the Canterlot Court?" Orion asked.

"Well...there was one thing that we nobles even found odd" Fancy Pants said.

"That being?"

"He recently used a large sum of money to purchase journalist companies, news outlets, as well as reporters" Blueblood said "We had asked him why he did it, and he simply told us that it was for future investments."

"Do you know which companies he bought out?" Orion asked.

"I'm afraid not, he never told us" Fancy Pants said.

Orion would tap his chin slightly as he sighed, he would then stand up out of his seat and push it back in "Thank you for the help, this sheds some light on things."

"Anytime dear boy" Fancy Pants said smiling, before Blueblood cleared his throat.

"Just remember Captain, none of this leaves the Night Court...if It does we will find out..." He said, almost threateningly.

"Of course, It would be in my best judgement to just act as if I was never here" Orion said as he bowed slightly, he would then turn around and quietly leave the building. Nodding to the pony in the front who had let him in as he made his way back to the streets. He looked up at the clock tower and saw he was still keeping on time with his schedule. So he would begin to make his way back to the Castle, with this new information he now knew that whatever this Yellowjacket situation was? it was bigger than he originally assumed it was.