• Published 1st Dec 2019
  • 2,996 Views, 25 Comments

Twilight's Dreams - Naptime

Twilight asks Shining Armor to help her play out some foalish dreams she keeps having.

  • ...

Chapter Five

Some time later Twilight awoke with a shiver. The bottle was gone and so was her brother and the lights overhead were now dimmed to a sleepy nightfall. What was also missing was that comforting warmth that had lulled her to sleep not too long ago. In its place was a chilling cold that sapped all heat out of her lower half like a wet towel.

A wet towel. The thought hovered in her slowly waking mind for a brief moment before it could land and make any real connections. Once it did, however, she emitted a sharp gasp and sprang upright in her bed.

The bedsheets were now cold and her fur was matted and wet. Her diaper, having reached its breaking point some time during the short nap, had leaked out onto the bed and soaked into the sheets around her. Underneath all that was a puddle of urine that pooled around her like an ice melt pond

"Oh...no..." Twilight gasped, now wide awake. A sense of panic, dread, and embarrassment filled her tired mind. "Oh no...no no no no no no noooooo!"

It was in that time she spent wallowing in a cold puddle of her own urine that she truly started to feel small and helpless. Gone were the comforts of soft things and fluffy blankets. Gone was the feeling of security from her brother's presence. Now she was alone in a room that was cold and damp and lonely. She was wet and she was stuck in a drenched, leaking diaper. She felt very much like an infant and she hated it. All of her anxiety and frustration came flooding back. The only thing she could think to do in a situation like this was cry.

“Sh-Shiny!” she called out as tears started to well up in her eyes.

Shining Armor came rushing in shortly after, responding with the sort of speed that only parenthood could grant. One quick glance at the bedsheets and Twilight’s droopy diaper and he knew exactly what had happened. "Oh Twilight! You leaked!"

“I-it was an a-accident!” Twilight cried between tears.

“Alright, Twi, calm down. We’ll get you cleaned up,” Shining swooped in, "hang tight. I'll be right back."

"H-hurry!" Twilight horsley squeak, holding back a sniffling choak.

Thinking quickly, Shining tended to his sister first. First and foremost, he retrieved a fluffy towel and floated it back over to his sister who continued to choke on tears. The towel was magically looped between her thighs, acting as a second layer of absorbancy to soak up the urine that continued to bead off the diaper’s plastic shell.

“Okay here we go,” he then said as he lifted Twilight out of the crib, the towel cradling her bloated diaper like a hammock cradling a cantalope, “we’ll get you a fresh diapee and you’ll be right as rain!”

Twilight’s diaper squelched inside the loose towel as she was floated over to the changing table. As much as she tried to assure herself that things were going to be alright, the icy clamminess was a constant and uncomfortable reminder. It didn’t matter what promises the future held, she just wanted out of the diaper and dry.

The diaper was magically pulled away almost immediately after her back hit the changing table. With it was pulled away the heavy cold and soon a wave of wipes appeared to mop up the excess. Before she knew it, the icy diaper was whisked away and replaced with a warm, fluffy one. The warmth of which seemed to only be amplified by the comfort of finally being rid of the old, urine soaked diaper.

“That feel better?” Shining asked as he fastened the last of the diaper’s tapes.

“Y-yeah...” Twilight sniffled, surprised to find her mood actually improving immensely now that the comfort of a fresh diaper hugged her waist. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to wear a fresh and clean diaper.

With a glow of his magic, Shining carried Twilight to the middle of the room, onto a pillow placed on the floor. An extra blanket was floated around Twilight and wrapped loosely around the sniffling pony’s shoulders.

“Let me just swap the sheets out real quick,” he said as he rubbed the blanket into Twilight's shoulders, “hang tight and keep warm, alright?"

Twilight could only nod as tears continued to leak out of her eyes while she held back fussy sniffles. She snuggled up into the blanket and focused on calming herself down. Now no longer weighed down by a heavy diaper, she curled into the bundle of blankets that she squeezed every time her feelings felt a little too silly for her liking.

With a skillful flick of his magic, Shining pulled the soaked sheets off the mattress and had it all wrapped up into a soggy bundle in one swift motion of his magic. It was an oddly familiar maneuver for the stallion. Something he would have never figured he’d be doing for his little sister after so many years. The crib was left bare, with only the pale blue waterproof plastic sheet left on its mattress. The heap of bedding was meanwhile whisked away to be washed.

While all this was happening, Twilight’s eyes slowly dried themselves of tears and she could feel herself calming down. She watched silently as Shining made brisk work of everything that needed to be done, moving in a well experienced fluidity that showed he had done this more than once in the past. It was sort of fascinating to watch and at the same time - watching it all from the warmth of the blanket - comforting and reassuring. Amidst the occasional sniffle and hiccup Twilight could feel a small smile grow on her face. She was so lucky to have a brother like Shining Armor.

When everything was all cleaned up, Shining returned to his sister. Finding the diapered mare hadn’t moved from her pillowy perch and was still bundled up tightly inside the layers of blanket. “How you feeling, Twi?”

“O-okay,” the red eyed Twilight replied, “s-sorry for...crying...”

“Twi, you have nothing to apologize for. Accidents happen,” Shining Armor replied, sitting down beside his sister and rubbing her back, “you had me to help ya clean up.”

"Thank you for being there."

"Hey, your my little sister," Shining smiled pulling her in for a big hug, "I'm at your beckoned call."

As the two hugged, Twilight found herself starting to suckle on her hoof. A silly habit she had long since dropped from her childhood There seemed to be no logic to it, but the moment she did it, she felt her nervousness and embarrassment and vulnerabilities just melt away. She began to drool too, which also just felt like the right thing to do.

It was tough to say how long the two sat like that. Their arms wrapped around one another in an extended hug among the stillness of the night. Twilight was thankful for her brother's support and affection. She could feel him squeezing her back in return.

Eventually Shining broke the embrace, taking a step back and smiling down at his sister. "Let's say we go for a little walk around the castle," he said, "would you like that?"

Twilight glanced down at the fluffy diaper around her waist, "I'm not exactly...dressed for..."

"Just a walk through the halls," Shining assured her as he stood up and extended a helping hoof, "it'll calm you down. Trust me."

The castle certainly felt different at this time of night. There was a stillness in its halls that was calming in a way. A peaceful silence where even the faintest of songs could be heard and enjoyed.

The only music heard on this night was a ballad of noises that came from the pair of ponies who gently walked through the long corridors at a leisurely pace, a soft blanket loosely draped over their shoulders. The rhythmic clops of their hoofsteps. The subtle crinkling of a diaper. The sound of a hoof being sucked on for comfort. The occasional soft murmur of conversation between siblings.

Far down the main hall, the two took a brief respite at a small bench that sat in an alcove. The teal crystalline furniture shined in the moonlight as the stars twinkled overhead through a domed skylight. From this spot the two sat in silence as they watched the stars twinkle overhead. The gentle sounds of the night were soothing and relaxing, and the two ponies just sat there enjoying the peace.

Twilight leaned her head on Shining's shoulder while he kept his arm around over her shoulders for stability. The two ponies just enjoyed the company of one another. They were content to sit and enjoy the tranquility of the night.

It was a far cry from the tense and stressful situation that occurred not ten minutes ago. Not too long ago her eyes were foggy with tears and she couldn’t think of anything except for the cold helplessness of being alone in a wet bed. Now, she was content. Her eyes were dry and ached from overuse, but the rest of her body was at peace. She almost felt as peaceful as the night sky above them.

Her big brother, Shining Armor, who sat stolidly beside her, was her rock. It was silly to think how worked up she got over a leaky diaper, but she was happy that he was there to help. He didn’t hesitate when she needed a diaper change earlier that day and he didn’t hesitate when she needed her bedding changed either. He took it all in stride and gladly helped comfort her when she needed it.

No words were exchanged as the pair continued to stargaze. Once again, time had no meaning to them. It was only after some time that Shining finally broke the silence with a long, drawn out yawn. "Oooh kay, Twi, think it's time for bed," he said as he started to stretch, "should get you tucked in before we both pass out."

“O-okay,” Twilight said before yawning herself.

The pair hopped off the bench as one, the blanket draped over their shoulders.

"You can sleep with your big brother tonight, how's that sound?"

Twilight paused before responding with a small, teasing smile, "I'll...try not to leak on you."

"There's my little Twi Twi," Shining said, "then it's a deal. You get to sleep with your big brother and I get to wake up dry."

And with that, the two walked back to Shining's guest room, a quiet song of crinkles and hoofsteps accompanying them.