• Member Since 10th Feb, 2019
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago



Hope for unity was burnt to ash in the fires of the Lion's Heresy, yet the Maidens of the Imperium would not yield to the Arch-Betrayer's malice so easily. But hope and determination can only get you so far, For in the Grim Darkness of the far future...There is only War...

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 44 )

So how become Chaos and who didn’t.

I know Horus didn’t but I wanted to know.

The Emperor's Children, White Scars, Imperial Fists, Night Lords, World Eaters, Death Guard, Thousand Sons, Sons of Horus, Word Bearers, and Alpha Legion are loyal. (The mothers of the Maiden-Born will be revealed in each index as they come)

And the Dark Angels, Iron Warriors, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Iron Hands, Salamanders, and Raven Guard are traitors. And the Ultramarines are split in half.

There are also traitor Elements from loyalist Legions, and the Fallen take the place of the Grey Knights and accept loyalist Elements from traitor Legions into their ranks.

What about the imperial guard and other elements of the imperial military? Will we be seeing codexs on each regiment or are you focusing on the space marines?

There will be notes of important events regarding the Imperial Army, as well the Inquisition, Officio Assassinorium, and Xenos, but like the other Alt. Heresies, Yes, the Legions will be the focus.

Daaaahhh was really hoping to hear what became of kreig their my favourite regiment

Well to the truth its not a bad beginning. I am curious to see how the story develops, but also the origin of the so-called maidens. I do wish you the best in writing this story.

I'm about halfway done with the Dark Angels index, so hopefully it'll be out around two weeks or so. Glad you enjoy it.

When I look at it. It may sound like a history lesson, but compare to other similar summaries that sounds more like a copy and past. Yours sounds and reads better. It feels like the intro storyline like from the beginning of each Star Wars film. Often others do not understand this, and often are copying what is offered online anyone can read, and thus not every entertaining to read. From what I have seen in the single chapter, you have the touch to move in a way it does not sound like you went online and copy and past from the Warhammer 40k wiki site. When you cover this part, and get into the actual story, you have to shift it onto a personal level, something you would expect when people interact. You have to insert yourself into your story, play the roles of your characters to see is this how you want them to act and sound not robotic or awkward.

Also a suggestion to get a better understand of the battles in Warhammer 40k, look up the various video games on YouTube and watch a walkthrough it would give the feeling how bad it is actually going through these battles when you have hardly a chance to survive compare to battles in the real world.

Oh, don't worry. The battles are definitely going to have that feel to it. Especially when I get to the Emperor's Children POV during the Dropsite Massacre.

Oh dude. You have a long way too go before this is on the same level as the Fulgrimian and Roboutian Heresy's.

Seriously. These are a dime a dozen at this point. Ponies being involved is new at least. So there's that. All I got really.

To be fair, Fulgrimian and Robutian are a few years old, this is only a month old, and I'm rewriting that prologue chapter. (I can't believe I let myself publish that)

I'm of two feelings on this. The Lion I find hard to believe to be a traitor. The other that there were not twenty mothers to twenty Primarchs.

Well, no one would think that Horus could turn traitor until he was stabbed with the Anathame Blade, it's something similar to that.

Yeah, I considered that, but I couldn't figure out how to make a Heresy work like that, no point in writing a story with no conflict, ya know? Plus the only pony to Primarch pairing I can see for the loyalists is Maud for Rogal Dorn.

Maud for Rogal? I see someone has watched Text to Speech Device.

Definitely tracking this story

So how does this version of the heresy differ from the original one?

Um, you mean the Horus Heresy?

Well, the Maidens weren't a thing(obviously) and that's really the only change, every difference between this Imperium and the canon are a butterfly effect of the Maidens.

Or are you just making a joke about the Dark Angels being traitors?

I wasn’t joking and there was a lot more to the heresy then just space marines rebelling.

Ah, well the Imperium is also less xenophobic, and has an alliance with Eldrad Ulthran. There are also changes made to certain Regiments of the Guard. (The changes made to Krieg will be featured in the Death Guard chapter, and Necromunda becomes the new home world for the Night Lords after Nostromo blows up)

The big wigs still go at it like Goku's and Superman's fanclubs, but it's the ones who utilize Alien technology and Ork mercenaries to reduce human casualties who are seen as wise, and the ones who spam the Exterminatus button like it's the only answer who are deemed as Radicals.

Ahhhh I see sorry about my questions I’ve just been watching Archwarhammer’s videos and his have always been I main source of knowledge about 40K.

Also....Big wigs?

Inquisition, Ecclesiarchy, High Lords, etc...

Alternatively he could look at Arch-Warhammer’s videos on 40K and 30K lore like the Horus heresy.

Eh, I prefer 40k theories or Commissar Gamza myself.

40K theories and Commissar Gamza are wrong so often they're used as jokes in the fandom. Arch-Warhammer is generally right but often wrong. Baldermort gets everything right and Majorkill does as well. They seem to be the only youtubers regarding Warhammer lore that actually read the lore.

I tried to get into the others, but as I actually read the lore I couldn't stomach even a single whole video from anyone but Baldermort and Majorkill and a few of Arch. I tried watching a good number of them from 40K Theories and Gamza, but I wanted to strangle them too often for pretending their head-canon and imaginations are actual canon. The main problem is that they tend to treat their own conjectures or preferences as fact and they don't even word it that way but actually give it as actual canonical fact. The only reason I catch this when they do it is because I read the lore...a lot.

Oh, if I need lore, I use Google. No I watch Gamza and 40k Theories for their What If Scenarios.


the Ultramarines are split in half.

Which side is our boi Rowboat on?

Spoilers here because at this rate, it'll take me years to this far.

The reason for this civil war is because Equis is located within Ultramar and is purged by Roboute. When the Emperor collects him and reveals the existence of the Maidens, Guillimen puts two and two together and swears his people to secrecy, becoming as paranoid as the Dark Angels.

Fast forward to the end of the Great Crusade, the traitorous Night Lord Skraivok reveals this secret to the most Pro-Maiden Ultramarines and convinces them that they are damned,
driving them to madness and then to Chaos.

When the World Eaters and Word Bearers get trapped in the Ruinstorm, they eventually discover the secret.
Angron, Lorgar, and Applejack are ready to kill Gulliman where he stands, but Twilight reasons that doing so would turn the entire 13th Legion against them, so they instead condemn him to a Penitence Crusade.

As the two Maidenborn Legions escape the Ruinstorm, Roboute and the Ultramarines stay behind to purge the 500 Worlds.

In the 42nd Millennium, Guillimen has vanished into the Warp, several Ultramarines have earned forgiveness and are allowed to join or form new Chapters, but the Ultramarines themselves remain repentant and unforgiving of their past.

I just want to say I love this story, and I hope it continues. It's been a while since I last read it, and the writing isn't as good as some other stories I've read in the meanwhile, but frankly I don't care. This was the first Warhammer-MLP crossover I've read, and it has insipired me to try to make my own alternate Heresy with ponies story (I hope that when I'll eventually get around to writing it, you'll like it). That's all, keep up the good work :twilightsmile:

Glad to hear it mate, make sure to send me a link to yours when you write it.

As for mine, it's been thrown on the back burner for a minute. Prior to writing this, I had started a series called the Grimdark 6, another MLP40K story which you can find on this site, and I was writing beside the second Volume before the quarantine happened.

I was living in a Trade School at the time, so I got sent home where I had to help my mom around the house, and deal with an unimpressed stepfather and building tensions as I was a MONTH away from graduating and getting a job before being set back a year.

I stopped writing due to the stress, but once the quarantine lifted and I got back to my Trade School, I attacked the second Volume with gusto. And after finishing it, I decided that I was ready for the real McCoy. I am currently writing an original Fantasy Novel on my days off while working a full time job.

Sorry for giving you my whole life's story, but yeah, it's gonna be a minute before I come back to this.

I thought you abandoned this story. What legion are you gonna write next in few years?

Not abandoned, just...life sucks. I'm buying a tablet and taking a page out of Majorkill's book. Fuck labor work.

Of course, that's only one reason. The other is that my stupid ass was trying to put everything together in my and then write it from memory when I had the time. This time, I'm going to write a barebones summary of what I want to happen and then gradually add details.

Hopefully it won't take me two years to drop the next...having said that, I'm moving 4 states south next month and still working 10 hour shifts until then. So the Iron Warriors probably won't be out for awhile even if I employ this new strategy.

Good story! Like how Fabius Bile was written in and his eventual bit of revenge. Took a bit to see the Dark Angel parallels though.

Yeah, admittedly the Dark Angels thing was a last minute thing. Like I literally thought that up the day I finished the chapter.

Guilliman's role is 'Magnus if everyone else was smart about it'.

He did something he shouldn't have, swore his Legion to secrecy, and half of them went nuts because of it.

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