• Published 27th Dec 2011
  • 10,663 Views, 389 Comments

Leap of Faith: Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful - Wolokai

Somepony's causing problems in Manehatten, and Twilight won't believe who it is!!!

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Chapter Eight - Hardships

Twilight's jaw dropped, her eyes widening and throwing Thoen a look of pure disbelief as she walked towards the door with him. "Y...you're leaving!?" she whimpered, looking back behind her slightly to see if Trixie was anywhere to be found.

Thoen nodded and opened the door with his magic "Well yes, I can't stay the entire time you know!"

Twilight turned back around and spoke frantically, in more of a pleading manner then anything "But...you can't just leave me with her! You have no idea what Trixie's going to do to me once you leave, DO YOU!?"

Thoen raised an eyebrow, looking towards her and muttering "Do YOU?"

Twilight blinked, thinking slightly for a moment before whispering "Well...no. But it can't be anything good! Thoen she tried to hit me with a flamethrower for crying out loud!"

Thoen sighed, turning around fully to face her. He had a comforting smile on his face that seemed to only slightly calm Twilight's nerves as he said "Twilight Sparkle, I have the upmost respect for Princess Celestia, and I have never doubted her in the past. That also includes not doubting who she's chosen as her star pupil. You don't get to be in that spot by being just any ol' pony, you know? I have faith in you Twilight...you should to." With a smile and a quick nod, Thoen turned and made his way out the door, closing it quietly behind him and leaving a distraught Twilight behind.

She looked around nervously, muttering quietly to herself "Easy Twilight...just...take it easy. No need to freak out...everything's going to be-"

"OK!!! Who, the, FUCK, took my goddamn Cheerileeos!? That's MY cereal!! SPARKLE!!!!!!"

Twilight sighed, putting a gentle hoof against her own face and turning to head into the kitchen. As she walked in, Trixie rounded on her and immediately set off with "There you are cereal-thief! Where are my Cheerileeos!? I know you hid them somew-" She stopped as she watched the cabinet to her right glow with purple magic and open, the box of cereal floating out and resting itself comfortably on the counter top. She looked towards Twilight slowly, watching her eyes as they narrowed and her mouth opening to speak.

She muttered quietly "Trixie, let's get one thing straight here, ok? I'm...not...out...TO GET YOU!" Trixie blinked, slightly taken aback by the force of her statement, staring as she went on "The Princesses wanted me to come here to HELP you, not hurt you! I'm sorry that I nearly cut your head off with a carriage door, blew up a part of the road with gasoline, De-atomized your mailbox, assaulted you with a swarm of bees, and nearly cut through your brain with a high-powered laser, ok? The sooner we can move past this rival-hate crap, the sooner we can get all this over with and move on to being happy, alright!?"

Trixie thought about it for a moment, putting a hoof to her chin. Finally, she pointed her hoof at Twilight and muttered "Look, I've got enough on my plate as it is, and I don't need your buddy-buddy friendship shit using up all my precious brain power. I'll go out on a hoof though...three days Sparkle, three days to 'friendship' me or whatever the hell it is you do to brainwash ponies into acting like well-reformed goody-goods. After that, you'll do yourself and me a huge favor by removing your fat, purple ass from my house and out of my ruined life, got it?" With that, Trixie walked away, not even bothering to hear Twilight's reaction. The lavender mare frowned, looking over her shoulder slightly and staring down at her own flank. It didn't look THAT fat...


For the remainder of the day, Twilight quietly shadowed Trixie, following her about the house and watching how she handled herself. She even went as far as levitating a small notepad around with her, quietly jotting down notes as Trixie went about her day. Unfortunately...the only thing Twilight had been able to write so far was 'bitch', 'drink', 'bitch some more', 'drink', 'drink', 'medication', 'drink'.

Twilight sighed as she wrote down 'drink' on the notepad again and muttered "Don't you think that maybe you ought to go out and enjoy the fresh air?"

At this, Trixie simply scoffed and spoke with a slight slur, the alcohol kicking into high gear "What!? I don't need fressshhh air! I gosh...too much of it in the housshhh! My air ishh so fresh that I...I uh...well I could do sshhomething with it! Pissh off!!!" She stumbled around the living room, lightly bumping against her coffee table and pushing a few magazines off its surface. Twilight simply sighed, walking behind her and picking up the mess with a gentle burst of magic.

She narrowed her eyes as Trixie started to sing terribly off key, the lavender mare throwing her hooves up to her ears as she shouted "Trixie for Celestia's sake! How much of that shit did you DRINK!?"

Trixie hiccuped as she went on "My little pooooony!!!! My little poo...uh...shit! Dammit Sshhparkle, you made me forget the worsh to the shong!!!" She wearily hoisted herself up on her couch, staring towards the T.V. and acting as if she was trying to stay awake. Her eyes blinked rapidly and she swayed back and forth, as if she were about to fall over. Luckily for her, Twilight managed to catch her as she started to fall forward, the mare gently lowering her onto the cushions of the couch. She turned Trixie on her side and sighed as she heard a sob escape her lips.

Twilight groaned as the sobs grew louder "Trixie come on...what's the matter now, why are you crying!?"

In response, Trixie simply let out a weak gurgle and rolled her eyes, whimpering "Yeah thassh right...yell at Trixie for crying...thassh ok!!! What, am I not suposshed to cry? Is it causshh I'm weak!?"

Twilight shook her head and put a hoof on Trixie's forehead, whispering "No, of course not...you can feel however you want to feel. What I don't understand is why...why are you doing this to yourself? Why the medication...the alcohol...this place and the train job! How did you become so...so..."

"Pathetic?" Trixie muttered, her sobs reducing themselves to mere sniffles. Twilight blinked as Trixie wiped at her eyes with a hoof and whispered "Thinssh...ugh...things have been hard since I ran away from Ponyville...I didn't have any bits, my carriage was destroyed...and what money I had saved all went to this shitty little crap-hole I call a house. Dad found this place for me...said it was the cheapest...said it might do me some good to get away for awhile. Get away...right, moving doesn't make bill collectors go away, or pony thieves to go away. I started suffering from mild panic attacks and anxiety before the end of the first month. I was having nightmares...I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, couldn't find a job. Dad's been supporting me this whole time and all I've been doing in return is being worthless...and then you showed up." Twilight frowned and stared at Trixie as she nodded "Yeah, you...the very pony who showed me up in front of all of Ponyville. You just had to have the last laugh didn't you?"

Twilight sighed and shook her head, whispering "Trixie...I didn't stop that Ursa Minor to show you up...I did it so that it wouldn't go on a chaotic rampage and slaughter everyone in town! If I hadn't gotten it back to its cave when I did, the MAJOR could have come looking for it! How do you think Celestia would react to finding out all of Ponyville, not to mention the Elements of Harmony, were eaten or slaughtered?! I did what I did for PONYVILLE, not for vengeance!"

Trixie rolled her eyes slightly out of pride...but she still thought about her words. Perhaps Twilight wasn't truly out to get her...but then again, she had been in this same situation before. Ponies she thought she could trust ended up stabbing her in the back, and there was NOWAY she was going to let Twilight Sparkle of all ponies get her too! She muttered quietly "I'm going to sleep...don't steal anything while I do, and DON'T go outside..."

Twilight raised an eyebrow as she whispered back "Trixie there's nothing in this house WORTH stealing, first of all...second of all, why can't I go outside? I thought you said I had to...'pop a squat' or whate-"

She was cut off by Trixie waving her hoof about and sighing "Just...forget what I said. It's not safe to go out at night and I don't need to wake up to a Twilight Pancake splattered all over the side of my house and windows..."

Twilight smiled and said "Are you...worried about me Trixie?"

At this Trixie's cheeks flared red and her eyes widened, the words she spoke frantic and her voice high "What?! No! I...I just don't need Dad kicking my ass for your dumb mistake is all! Stay indoors, got it!?"

Twilight giggled and whispered as Trixie gave her a snide look and rested her head on the pillow, the lavender mare whispering "Whatever you say Trixie..." She looked over towards her suitcase (Graciously recovered by Thoen) and brought it over with her magic, opening it slightly and producing a small, leather-bound book with a tree on its cover. She plopped down on her belly beside the couch and cracked open the book, looking over Trixie for just a moment more and turning back towards her book. She wouldn't be sleeping soon...that was for sure. Granted, she knew Trixie would probably be up later in the night anyway, so that gave her plenty of time to operate and figure out how exactly she was going to help Trixie with Friendship.

After around in hour, however...Trixie started to mumble and shift around in her sleep. Twilight looked over as Trixie's soft groans become whimpers of fear, of terror. As the azure mare started to scream, Twilight quickly got up to her hooves and tried to shake her awake.

It was going to be a long...long night indeed.