• Member Since 16th Feb, 2013
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Anything can be awesome when it's made of Lego.



This story is a sequel to LEGO Equestria Girls 7

In an alternate world where everything and everyone is made of Lego, the Equestria Girls attempt to finally enjoy a relaxing vacation on a week-long luxury cruise, without having to worry about fighting any forces of evil.

However, Rainbow Dash is convinced history is sure to repeat itself and believes that evil magic from Equestria is bound to show up. The rest of her friends are highly skeptical of that, especially when her efforts to find it only result in ruining their vacation.

Is Rainbow Dash just wasting her efforts and there's really nothing out of the ordinary going on at all? Or is there actually some sinister force that no one, not even Rainbow Dash, could have possibly expected to encounter?

Chapters (8)
Comments ( 45 )

How many stories are going to be in this series?

Presumably as many as there are Equestria Girls things.

I found most of this movie/episode almost unwatchable. Once is an idiot, twice is enemy action, third time? Dash shouldve been wrapped up and duck taped to a boyuncy aid by Pinkie. At least then she would have a Houdinit adventure.:rainbowderp:

At least Spike got to Spinal Tap, Back To The Future Dash in return for trashing the Hot Tub Time Machine.:moustache:

I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ve just gotta say:



Uggggh. Rainbow was HORRIBLE in this one. One of the reasons she's my least favorite.

Woohoo, new story!!! :pinkiehappy:
I dropped the one I was reading and came here as soon as I saw a notification.

And the first part are the same as in the original special, this impossibly bad Rainbow, when I was watching it I have to make a break every 5 minutes, I'm really glad that we almost done with it.

And since girls are in the ocean i hope to see our friendly pirate-captain with his brand new steam ship (sorry forgot his name over the time, gotta walk down the plank:fluttershysad:)

The girls — and Spike.

Poor Spike, well at least he's on board this time.

What could possibly go wrong?

The five words of apocalypse you should never say:pinkiecrazy:

Before Rainbow got a chance to come up with an answer, Puffed Pastry suddenly grabbed her and Pinkie Pie, dragged them towards the open doorway out into the hallway, and tossed them out of the room. With a furious look on her face, she dusted off her hands as she firmly declared, “Consider yourselves banned !” She then grabbed the double doors and slammed them shut.

I still don't understand why she has to ban Pinkie from coming in:applejackunsure:

If I was capable of hating people, I’d probably be doing that against Rainbow Dash right now…

We understand you Flutty we all are.

When Rainbow Dash brought down her hand for a single hard shred, the resulting audio blast from the amp was so powerful that it literally blew her into the air and threw her clear across the stage. And of course, the suddenness of that extremely loud noise caused everyone else on stage to swiftly cover their ears.

Thank you Spike, you're the best guy in the show:moustache:

“Sure, he seems cute and cuddly, now ,” argued Rainbow Dash, “but have you seen what a magic-infused evil rabbit can do?”

*Monty Python and the holy grail flashbacks*

“If you’re really sure about that, then thank you,” replied Fluttershy with a smile and a nod before she also walked away.

I think it should be than
Whoops my bad English broke through:twilightblush:

Well idiot Rainbow aside (can't really call her any other way) that's good, looking forward to the best part of this special:twilightsmile:

I feel weird admitting this, but Dash messing with Spike's hot tub time made me feel the saddest. Also, his attempt at payback was oddly satisfying.

Let's hope your story is better than the actual movie, Rainbow really suck in it. Are you going to bring Spike into Equestria when they find the second portal? And really looking for more context at the end of the story, the movie should not end where it was ended. We need more dimensions crossing.

10067316 I outlined in one of my recent blog posts what are now my complete plans for the remainder of this series. Basically, there will be a total of twelve main stories, plus some additional side stories, all of which should be completed within four years.

10067480 10067488 10067852 I feel like I'm missing some sort of inside joke here... :unsuresweetie:

10068149 To answer some of your questions, that pirate from the second and third stories (Captain Storm Wave) will not be appearing in this story. However, the next chapter will reveal the identity of the cruise ship's captain (which the official version never did), and depending on your familiarity with certain Lego media, you might even recognize who it is. The next chapter will also attempt to explain why Pinkie got banned from the buffet.

10068247 I'm not going to reveal how different the ending of this story will be from the official version, but I will say that it won't be the seemingly abrupt ending we got in the official version.

Not an inside joke, but a meme. Yes, this commercial has become a meme. Don't ask how, just know that it has become one.

Oh ok, maybe at least now I will remember his name.

Not familiar with lego's lego media thaaaaat much, though I LOVE lego, a lot of sets and themes passed me simply because I wasn't able to buy it and I still can't really buy them (the price here in Russia bites hard), is there any way I can find some info about sets and stuff?

Well I wanna see what explanation you'll come up with:pinkiesad2:

Ah, Captain Bluffbeards Massage Chair. The Killer of Ships.

Im not kidding. Classic method of frying complex electronics such as servers is the cleaners either plugging the vaccuum cleaner into the dedicated post filtered UPS power socket and sending system frying electronic hash down the lines directly into it, or in at least one known case, pulling the server plug out directly for access to the socket. :derpytongue2:

Okay, so some freaky lights is somehow more important than reforming two petty thieves, checking the weather, and getting the ship running again? :ajbemused: One, she had no way of making sure they'd still be there by the time they got back. Two, with Sunset's discovery, the girls would have figured out that there was a magical presence in the area anyway and with more concrete evidence too. Three, if Rainbow had just waited that last second, they'd be able to find the source of that magic WITH A WORKING SHIP! :flutterrage: Also, even she is right about them being superheroes, it does not give them license to just go looking for trouble just so they can bask in other people's adoration afterwards. :ajbemused:

One more thing, getting your friend punished so badly that she won't be able to eat for a week and not caring about it is BEYOND cruel.

Awww that chapter was realised literally when I was sleeping curse you time zones:twilightangry2:

That confrontation was harsh but, well, Rainbow kinda deserved it not the part when Pinkie literally kicked her out of her room though, that was a little to far.

“Did any of you even read the six-hundred-page online emergency handbook?!”

Well I agree with one of the crewman, waht? Even if such handbook exist how they suppose to know?

“We’re stranded at sea and the one thing you could provide emergency power for is a massage chair ?”

I already like this Bluffbeard man:pinkiesmile:

“Guilt by association!” insisted Puffed Pastry as she kept shifting her gaze around the dark room in her effort to locate the intruder. “She assaulted me because you were nearby, so you deserve just as much blame!”

Okay now I totally hate this cook, Pinkie you deserved that cake at the end.

“Hey, I know you!” exclaimed Spike accusingly. “You’re those two robbers we keep bumping into! What are you up to this time?!”

Oh YES YES YES YES:pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::raritystarry::yay::derpytongue2::rainbowwild:
The best 2 characters of your saga striking back, I really would like to see a story about them only!

“NOOOOOOOO!!” screamed Pinkie, her shriek of horror echoing through the hallways.

I felt it, with all my heart:fluttercry:

Well we have one more chapter before the most juicy part of this special:pinkiehappy:

10090522 Not to mention, as Spike pointed out, Rainbow Dash could've saved them all that trouble if she had just used her phone to take a picture of that glowing symbol in the water and sent it to all of them. (To be honest, as soon as I came up with the idea, I was quite surprised when I realized that I couldn't recall anyone had even considered such a possibility that Rainbow Dash should've done instead of what she actually did.)

10091003 Glad to see that at least some aspects of this story are coming across readers the way I had intended (I have an unfortunate habit of breaking the old "show, don't tell" rule of writing for the sake of avoiding any misunderstandings with the readers). By the way, Bluffbeard is hardly the first reference I've made to the game Lego City Undercover (the fourth story included Chase McCain, and the sixth story included a bunch of characters and locations). If you're curious about the content of that game (but don't want to purchase and play it yourself), just search on YouTube and you'll find plenty of playthrough videos from quite a few people (it's how I did my research for my earlier stories, before I ever got a chance to actually play the game myself).

I watched lego city undercover playthrough someyears ago, just don't remember that much about it, especially a side characters.

Depending how you used them, the lifeboat engines could tow, or drag on the ship, like tugs or sea anchors, but usually by that point the ships too far gone anyway?

Dash nearly loosing her legs, then nearly losing her head, makes me think of Pinkie swapping legs for a unicycle, then racing past one way going Blathering Blatherskeits, then zooming back the other going Doom, Doom, Doom, Doomdoomdoom.... and evyone else is totally confused. :pinkiehappy:

So, how are the girls going to react to realizing that their parts are no longer detachable?

*yawn* Well that was a good way to spend my math lecture (so boring and confusing)

Anyway now I can legally say, welcome to Equestria girls :raritywink:

Twilight considered Sunset’s idea for a moment, then smiled and nodded to her friend. She tapped her magical geode on her hairclip and then reached both hands out towards the skeletons. Using her telekinetic magic power, she lifted the skeletons off the ground, broke them up into the dozens of white Lego parts they were made of, and slowly levitated them toward the gorge as she quickly rearranged the pieces. In only a matter of seconds, she had fully assembled the structure, which she then carefully lowered down to span the gap while ensuring that both ends of it were firmly secured to each side of the gap.

Yay some building in a Lego fic, girls really don't do it much in later stories

“One-two-three!” Sunset quickly shouted as she caught Twilight and carried her backwards until they both leaped off the edge of the quicksand pit and plunged into the obscured depths, with Twilight screaming the whole way down.


Twilight quickly reacted to this revelation in the most logical and sensible way she could think of. She pressed her forelegs against the sides of her face and screamed loudly in absolute panic.

:twilightsmile:: Now you know how that feels another me.

One significant change I decided to make was the presence of rain in the more intense part of the storm, as I did find it rather odd how the official version never seemed to show any rainfall at all, even when one of the characters actually mentioned it was raining.

Well congratulations you made this storm a complete cliché *DING*

Another smaller change I also made was to have that parrot repeat a certain catchphrase I gave to Rainbow Dash back in the earlier stories in this fanfiction series.

“I’m gonna improvise Rainbow Dash style!”

Damn man that phrase suit her so well that I thought it was original one.

And now adventure in the world of colourful ponies begins, I hope you came up with a place where this cavern is located.

10113186 All I'm going to say for now is that it will be among the changes to their bodies mentioned in the next chapter.

10113429 Yeah, I've really struggled to find opportunities in these more recent stories to really remind everyone that this is a world made of Lego and not just my take on the Equestria Girls storyline, so little moments like that bone-built bridge really help. And that Rainbow Dash catchphrase was used mostly around the time of the second main story (where she described "improvising Rainbow Dash style" as simply "No plan? No problem!"), in case if you needed a reminder of its context.

It's still cringey, but it's an improvement over canon.

Another nice chapter and emmm, I have nothing to say, waiting for the next one.

Pinkies Sense is getting overwealmed with current party to notice freinds returning?

10134042 10134135 10134415 I was under the impression that this was the chapter everyone was looking forward to, since it was the part where they would be visiting Equestria, so I'm actually quite surprised to see everyone apparently has almost nothing to say. :rainbowhuh: At the very least, I would've expected some of you to point out some of the things I added in that weren't part of the official version. Well, I guess a lack of complaints is better than a lack of compliments.

It's the part of the story where RD's irresponsibility rubs off on Sunset and Twilight leaving their friends in a crazy amount of danger. It's hard to be pleased about that.

It's just, emmm even with your little additions it's still the same nice part of this special, it's nice and that's all, nothing more nothing less.

I think I was expecting more lego/pony confusion stuff.

If you got Ragamuffin, might as well go the whole Titanic sinking mechanic? Well, close enough for childrens story withought the trauma of Grimms tales.

Liked the rebuild thing, but then using outriggers instead of flipping the whole bridge glass upside down as a boat wouldve left you with two lots of transport, being more unweildy, so the outrigger trick is more appropriate, as well as the up and over ramp build given minifigs usual severe lack of jumping ability, as bad as elephants?

Now that the Staff of Sarcanas has a nice charge on it, they going to transfer it to Cloudsdale to discharge it by powering the Weather Factory, or is it too evil and unstable HAL style to be allowed near that tech?

That ending was significantly better than canon. You know, with the eight of them being Master Builders, I'm surprise they didn't think to dismantle the boat sooner, but oh well. :twilightsmile:

Two more chapters, I am waiting :pinkiehappy:

The sandpit once again erupted in a bright light as the last of their friends, Sunset Shimmer, was flung out. Rainbow responded by immediately sidestepping away from the impact site in the mud, only for her friend tumbling through the air to land on top of her anyway. “Oh, come on! Seriously?!” she exclaimed furiously.

Oh yeah, nice old Lego humour :twilightsmile:

Sunset prepared to start running, but suddenly paused and muttered, “Wait… none of us ever said anything about a sinking ship.” All three girls turned their gaze up and stared suspiciously at the parrot perched atop the palm tree.


“Don’t worry!” assured Twilight. “We can figure this out.” She took a brief moment to assess everything before she explained, “That motor has a broken propeller and this one has a broken starter, so let’s just remove the propeller from this motor and swap out the broken one on the other motor.”

That would've been a nice Lego-style solution but script said Rainbow need to work as motor.

Rocky and Mugsy are your best characters of this series, have I said this already sometime before? Because if not I'll repeat THE BEST:yay:

Like the logical thinking at the end, cause just like Twilight said the only way they can make it to the castle is by miracle or as it's called here script's teleport.

That kinda surprised me as well but hey we already have a script for this special and we have to stick with it.

10156683 I think the best reasoning is that the ship was sinking and they didn't want to risk tearing it apart so much that it ended up sinking even faster, so they chose to at least wait until almost everyone was already safely off the ship before making such an attempt. Besides, it was Applejack who came up with the idea, and she had just returned from searching for survivors below deck before she made the suggestion. (I should also probably point out that they couldn't simply patch up the gash in the hull, since none of them were capable of diving underwater for an extended period of time.)

10158630 Truthfully, I always found it ridiculous how the official version made it seem like literally everyone from that ship was somehow convinced to travel through a world where they turned into ponies, and somehow manage to not draw any attention to themselves until reaching their destination. Thankfully, I got Twilight's Jump-Gate system to bypass the need for that, but I didn't want end this story just as abruptly with such an equally convenient solution, so that's why I'm throwing in an extra chapter to allow the entire Equestria Girls group to visit Equestria.

The part with Rocky and Mugsy was hilarious. :rainbowlaugh:

Can almost see Princess Twilight looking at one of the dioramas in a few days time, then asking Spike if he has been moving any of the pieces. :pinkiecrazy:

There was no Ting with Rocky and Mugsy because they aint primary opponant characters? :moustache:

So much logic and good thinking is this really just a Lego version of Equestria Girls? Jokes aside, nice chapter, gallery of creativity being a stained glass for Lego world is great idea and Rocky with Mugsy caught a glimpse of the pony world YAY :yay:

10179638 10179777 10180060 I guess those two incompetent robbers who started off as henchmen for evil Sunset have turned out to become quite a popular running gag in this fanfiction series. I've been repeating a few quotes and gags throughout most of the main stories (such as Pinkie's shout of "runaway wheel", which I've noticeably had to drop recently for the sake of not making it look like I forced it in), so it's nice to see one of them has caught on as apparently a fan favorite. (I'll confess, when I first came up with them, I was lazy and totally ripped off their names from that short gangster and his big dumb henchman from those old Looney Tunes cartoons. I guess I didn't think it would matter at the time, as I hadn't anticipated they would ever contribute anything after the first story.)

Congratulations on completing another story. nice to see this one finished up with tidying up instead of leaving everyone stranded like the origional, although Im sure Discord wouldve got a real kick out of the chaos happening?

Take it easy and try and ride out events. :pinkiehappy:

And here's the end of another story even though it's turned out similarly to the original, more logic here makes it better, waiting for Sunset's backstage pass, take a time to think about something we'll wait I'm one of the best at it.

So much better than canon. Not that the bar was set high but good job nonetheless.

10192241 I've got almost all of the next story already planned out. The difficult part for me is simply taking the time to actually write it all out. That's why I always start writing a whole month before I post anything on this site, because I recognize that I'm a rather slow writer, not to mention the extra time I always take to read over multiple times what I've written to make sure I've corrected any errors or added any improvements I could think of.

10193015 When the bar is set rather low, you're pretty much obligated to exceed it. Even so, I'm glad that people still enjoy the latest stories of this fanfiction series (with at least enough upvotes to be visible to everyone).

Equestria girls spike did have one scene. It's very hard to spot

Spring breakdown was an okay special but I would have kept the Equestria world part hidden. This is how I would have done the trailer:

It would have shown Pinkie shouting SPRING BREAK as usual. Then it would have shown the rest of them doing their thing. Then the symbol in water with sci-twi saying its algie. The hint at the song. The screen would show the girls angry at Rainbow. Then a flash of lightning causing the screen to go back. Out on the open seas will their friendship be strong enough to survive in these rocky waters? Would appear. Thene couple quick flashes of images. A lifeboat and a shadow. Then the missing lifeboat. Then a hint at the conversation. Sunset: she wouldn't be in this mess if I didn't bring magic into this world.

Sci-twi: I wouldn't give up the world for this, Any world.

Then a big flash happens and the title pops up


And it ends with sci-twi screaming in a panic.

Leave the fans to be questioning why twilight is screaming only to be shocked when the truth is revealed.

Comment posted by MatTheBook deleted Apr 18th, 2022


“Hey, wait a minute!” Applejack suddenly alerted everyone. “What happened to the stowaways?”


Now that the portal was open, Twilight levitated the two robbers so their faces were close to hers and she fiercely scolded, “Consider this your only warning. Stay out of Equestria .” She then flung the two minifigs-turned-ponies straight through the portal, back to the world where they belonged.


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