• Published 27th Mar 2020
  • 2,547 Views, 15 Comments

Vegeta’s Sacrifice! - ShirtMechanic

After Vegeta sacrifice himself for the greater good, it had lead him to a new world. His adventure begins now!

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Somewhere in the Everfree

Deep in the Everfree forest, standing on a cliffside was the ruined castle of the two sisters. A castle that had been long abandoned, for a thousand years. But the silence was disturbed when a starry mist had flown through one of the broken windows.

It then proceeded to form into a tall, dark alicorn that had an irritated look on it. "We can't believe a monkey would have the nerves to anger me!" Nightmare Moon shouted. She stomped her hoofs on the floor, cracking it instantly.

"Thou ape will pay for opposing me!" then she lit up with a malicious plan, "We sensed great power from that ape, we could put it to good use." Nightmare moon started chuckling, then it went to a malicious laugh.

"You will be my puppet, monkey!"

"That 'Nightmare Moon' is a coward, It's no wonder she's weak," Vegeta said as he flew over the Everfree forest. He had left the town hall in search of Nightmare Moon. He'd believed when hearing it from Twilight, that she believes that Nightmare Moon had summoned him.

Vegeta kept flying over the forest, trying to locate the dark alicorn but heard multiple screams. He spun his head around to see the 4 of the 6 mares he'd seen at the town hall, falling down the side of a cliff. 'tck, what a nerve' Vegeta thought.

He saw the Rainbow one pick up one of the mares while the one with pink hair caught another, but there was still two falling.

'Goddammit!' Vegeta thought as he flew down to the other two. He saw the purple one holding onto the ledge while the orange one with a stetson holding onto a branch. The Saiyan prince increased his speed as he closed in on her. Applejack had letten go of the branch and slid down to Twilight and held her by the hoofs, but she was slipping.

"AAAAHHHHHH!" Twilight Sparkle screamed as she let go of Applejack, trusting her word. As she fell, she thought of all the great things she did with her family and her teacher. As she was about to hit the ground, Vegeta swooped down and grabbed her at the last second.

Twilight opened her eyes to see the Saiyan prince, holding her in the air bridle style.

"Don't think this means I'm here to help," said Vegeta.

"Wha... when did you?" Twilight asked in confusion.

"Just shut it," Vegeta snarled, getting the unicorn to shut up.

Vegeta landed back on the ground with the group of ponies, he then proceeded to drop Twilight onto the ground.

"Why are you out here getting yourselves in trouble?" Vegeta asked, he got bored of flying around and he needed to find out something interesting.

"What's it to you buster, you just left when we told you where we were," Rainbow shouted angrily.

'that damn pony is getting on my nerves' Vegeta thought.

"We're out here helping Twilight gather the Elements of Harmony." Applejack said truthfully.

Vegeta turned to the cowgirl pony and gave her an unamused look. "You're looking for elements?"

"That's correct, and we're going to use them to defeat Nightmare Moon," Twilight said.

This had gotten Vegeta's attention, "Wait, you're telling me that you're going to defeat Nightmare Moon."


"And you know where that coward is hiding?"

"Yes!" Pinkie said as she bounced around the Saiyan Prince.

"Interesting..." Vegeta chuckled, "So, where is she?" Vegeta asked he was preparing to pummel the night pony into the ground.

"She's at the castle of the two sisters not too far from here," Twilight said, filling him in.

"Thank you all for telling me, I'm going to go pay her a...," Vegeta said mockingly, "What do you call it?"

"A visit?"

"A beating that's it, I'm going to go pay her a beating."

Before the ponies can ask what he meant by that, he ignited his aura and flew towards the castle with great haste.

Nightmare Moon sat patiently on her makeshift throne, quietly scheming an evil plan to take control of the Saiyan Prince.

She then senses the Saiyan heading her way, and she grew a devilish grin. 'Perfect timing,' Nightmare Moon got off her makeshift throne and walked over to a broken window. 'come to me, my puppet.'

She sees the Saiyan prince flying towards her with a white fire around him. This intrigued her, but she put those thoughts away as she was putting her plan in motion.

"There you are." Vegeta stopped right in front of her, floating in place. Nightmare Moon had a devilish grin and was waiting for the right moment.

"My my, thou doing here in thins castle?" Nightmare Moon asked in a curious tone.

"I've heard some rumors from a certain pair of ponies that you summoned me here." Vegeta then gave her a death glare, "Did you."

"Why of course not, why would we summon you?" Nightmare Moon then walked back to her throne and sat down, while Vegeta floated into the chamber, or what's left of it.

"But we've got a proposition for thou." Nightmare Moon started. 'He's now in position,' Without catching Vegeta's attention, part of her starry mane had slipped off her. It slowly crept behind the prince why camouflaging its self with the night sky.

"Oh," Vegeta mockingly said, much to the night alicorn's annoyment. "And what that might be?"

"Serve me, become my second in command," She said, getting up from her throne and walking towards the prince slowly, "Together we can take over Equestria and beyond," She then gave him a seductive look, "And I get to get you anything you want."

"Can you send me back where I came from?" was Vegeta's only response.

"Possibly, with time."

Vegeta thought hard on it, now hearing or sensing the starry mane behind him, getting ready to attack.

"It sounds too good to be true," Vegeta said with a smile. Nightmare Moon grinned devilishly, but before she could say anything, she was interrupted. "But I know past those lies, you can't send me back, even if you wanted to."

Nightmare Moon stood still, which kinda unnerved the prince. But she then seemed to stiff up a bit.

Vegeta thought this was odd but he simply shook it off.

"Well that's a shame," Nightmare Moon said, shaking her head, "I'd hoped to have a sentient being at my side, but I was wrong"

"The hell do you mean by that..." Vegeta then felt pain, similar to the Majin magic infecting him. "AAAAAGGGGHHH" The prince screamed in agony, falling to his knees and clutching his head, 'Dammit! Not again!' Vegeta thought.

"You're such a big fool, can't believe that you fell for my trap." Nightmare Moon gloated, taking in the victory she thought she won. "With you under my control, I'll take over Equestria with your power, and nopony will be able to stop me!" She then descended into maniacal laughter.

What she didn't know was Vegeta had a strong will and the strength on his side. He resisted harder and harder, pushing the mind parasite out of his head. With some effort, he stood back up and increased his power to such a high degree, he formed a crater around him.

Nightmare Moon noticed this development and forced more effort into the spell, but it was failing.

"You're the fool," Vegeta growled as he stared daggers into the now frightened dark alicorn. "You won't control my mind and body, even if you did, there'd be one thing you'll never take!"

"And... what's that?" Nightmare Moon studdered, for the first time in a thousand years, the dark alicorn was scared to death.

"MY SAIYAN PRIDE!" Vegeta yelled as he transformed into a Super Saiyan, therefore forcing the mind parasite out of the prince's head, running quickly back to its master.

Nightmare Moon stared in awe and total fear. What she saw was a legendary transformation only a few Saiyans have achieved. The Saiyan's hair had become a bit spiker and its color changed from dark coal to a shimmering golden shine, much like the sun. His eyebrows changed to the same color, but the eyes had changed to a light blue, but they were filled with hatred. Towards her.

"Tell me one thing moonbutt," Vegeta chuckled at the new nickname, "Do you feel fear?" Vegeta repeated a similar sentence from the past.

The dark alicorn could only shudder, she couldn't make out a single word.

"Wha... what are... you!" She yelled out in fear. The Saiyan could only chuckle darkly towards her, making the alicorn stiffen even more.

"I'm the Prince of a now-extinct race, I'm a warrior who had brought the death's of hundreds of races, the rival to a Saiyan above me," Vegeta said with venom trailing the last part. He then brought his fists to his side and charged up even more. "THE ALMIGHTY PRINCE VEGETA!!"

He roared with so much power, the planet seemed to shake under his immense power, creating earthquakes and creating hurricane-like winds.

"Please...!" Nightmare Moon stated, quickly getting on her hooves and bowing profusely, "Please spare me!! I... I'll be yours... servent! I'll do anything you want!!" She quickly begged, hoping she could escape this death situation, she would however fail. Vegeta powered back down to his base form

"Pfft, I have no use for worms like you," Vegeta lifted his right hand and faced it towards the cowering alicorn. "The ones who think are all mighty and tough, only to beg for mercy at the feet of their opponent." Particles formed in front of his hand, soon condensing into a bright blue ball of energy.

"However, there is one thing you can do for me..."

Nightmare Moon could only shake in fear, afraid of what it might be. "What's... that?"

"Die," Vegeta was about to launch the energy attack, but it was then shot away by a blast. Vegeta turned around to see the 6 ponies from earlier looking at him with fear. He saw Twilight's horn was flowing with magic, signaling that it was her that shot his attack away.

"What do you think you're doing!" Twilight asked.

"Ending this coward, she does not deserve to live after she tried to take control of me," Vegeta stated, fully turning around to face the ponies, while Nightmare Moon tried to hide behind her throne.

"You were going to kill her!"

"She deserves it."

"But there's another way we can solve this!" Twilight said. She and the other ponies scooted closer every chance they had.

"And what could you possibly have in mind, use those elements I've heard from you." Nightmare Moon's slitted pupils shrank to pinpricks, which surprised the Prince, 'there's something that scares her more than me? I'll have to change that...' Vegeta thought as he saw the alicorn shaking.

"Yes," Twilight answered, "With the elements of harmony, we can banish her to the moon again!"

"Again?" Vegeta asked, he then turned around to see Nightmare Moon, failing to hide behind a rock. "Explain."

Nightmare Moon seemed to stutter but managed to calm down a bit, telling the Saiyan prince of what happened a thousand years ago. When the ponies wouldn't appreciate her night, making her jealous. She then became Nightmare Moon and she fought against her sister but lost. She was then sent to the moon for a thousand years, but when she finished, she didn't realize a punch going for her muzzle. She then felt it connect and send her back into a wall.

"That is the dumbest story I've ever heard," Vegeta commented, seemingly brushing off the looks of horror from the mane 6. "Your so pathetic, trying to take over the world because of jealousy!" Vegeta spat out, filled with venom.

"What do you know! You haven't felt the pain that I've felt!" Nightmare Moon shouted in anger, but little does she know. This had angered the Prince to new levels, his aura had started to form around him like a raging fire.

"I've felt more pain than you could ever imagine," Vegeta shouted, "I've lost my planet, my race, I lost my pride when I was forced under the rule of the very monster that had destroyed the planet I was destined to rule!" Vegeta empathized by powering up.

"I had to live under that bastard rule for my entire life! I GAVE UP EVERYTHING I HAD TO SERVE HIM! MY PRIDE, MY FATHER!" Vegeta shouted, flying towards the alicorn at speeds that would impress Rainbow Dash. He punched Nightmare Moon in the muzzle, making her spit out a mixture of blood and saliva. She was then grabbed by the Saiyan Prince and threw in the air. "I had to be second to a lower class warrior for 10 years!" Vegeta then appeared above her and then threw her against the ground like a ragdoll. "Did you have to feel, knowing that you became stronger than a lower class warrior, only to be surpassed by him again, over and over again!" He started to launch towards her, throwing a barrage of punches, making the Alicorn scream in pain, coughing up blood. "YOU WOULD NEVER UNDERSTAND OR FEEL THAT PAIN!" Vegeta then emphasized by landing a massive punch to the gut, making his aura flare-up 10 times.

Nightmare Moon was in a daze, she was spitting out a lot of blood, more than a pony should. She was then picked up by her horn and was looking straight into the eyes of the Saiyan. She was then headbutted, sending her into a wall.

"That's enough!" Twilight exclaimed.

"You shut up, pony!" Vegeta yelled, he then faced his hand back at Nightmare Moon, who was knocked unconscious. The ball of energy had gathered together and condensed to bright blue light.

This time the blast was detonated by another magical, but not Twilight's. I bright flash of light covered the room, blinding everypony but Vegeta. He saw a regal white alicorn fly into the room. Her mane flowed like the wind, her magenta eye's filled with anger towards Vegeta.

"That's enough!"