• Member Since 10th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen May 19th

Light Heart101

I'm just an autistic light hearted alicorn. I'll be writing emotional, comedic, and heartwarming stories.


This story is a sequel to Rise of the Shadow Knight

Book and Rainbow Dash were called in to handle an emergency assignment in Canterlot. All they want to do is get cleaned up and leave but after some bickering between Book, Twilight, and prince Blueblood, the prince tries to defend his pride by swatting the soldier with a hoof-towel. Book decided to respond the only way he knew how, with a right hook to the face.

Now Book faces a court-martial for his actions as he is placed under house arrest in the castle, but apparently everypony who hears about the punch wants to reward and thank him. Strange, isn't it?

If you wish to know more about Book Knight, you can read this story.[embed]https://www.fimfiction.net/story/441069/rise-of-the-shadow-knight[/embed]

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Chapters (5)
Comments ( 39 )

You’re already a hero, boy. :rainbowlaugh:

But to be sure, give Blueblood 95%. (As in power of the Punch)

it a interesting on one hand blueblood is the most stuck up obnoxious pain in the ass pony in equstria, one everyone would love to punch, and why Book everyone hero for doing it, but by the oaths he took as a guard and the rules he sworn to uphold his action are unforgivable you dont assault royalty because blue swatting him with a hoof-towel,
a guard cant chooses when to follow the rules and when not too just because he doesn't like a pony, he should rightly punished for his actions

perhaps a demotion and sent to some far away assignment with sandy beach and little drinks with tiny umbrellas and lots of sun yep punish him
be interested to see where this goes

is this before or after Light Heart ... ?

p.s. is the lawyer going to be his sister ?

if not can HonestAvocado be Book's lawyer ?

I do point out that Book is an established hero at this point in time, and he became a hero around the same time that Light became an alicorn.

As for the lawyer question, no on both.


edit: Do you want me to tack the bottom part of this Comment 10245356
out ?

Oh, I know, punch Blueblood! (I haven't read it yet, no spoilers.)

How'd you guess?

And there will be major changes compared to the episode.

Well, I would hope so. This scenario is a bit different then that since this isn't a military outfit. Celestia more then likely had established the right of guards to defend themselves if struck, and Book is probably already above him in the pecking order along with Blueblood hitting him first.

That said though, it was a noted overreaction, so some discipline will be required.

Thank you for your input. I always enjoy ideas and feedback.

So. Is this story going to glorify the OC, who is, honestly, a total asshole by the looks of it? We shall see.

Book is also a jerk to Princess Twilight. Maybe that'll factor into things, since she's Equestria's most well-liked princess and he's a thug who brags about himself. That the story blatantly takes his side on this doesn't make me hopeful, though, turning Twilight Sparkle into an idiot apparently so he can look good. I worry authorial fiat will allow him to come out on top regardless of what he does or says.

You are right about his attitude, but this ties into his story arc. Expect him to keep being a jerk for a while, but don't expect him to walk away unscathed. This is the second story I have made on Book, and there will be a third one that will dive into his attitude and where it comes from.

That sounds very interesting. I'll keep an eye on things!

I don't really get what the deal is with Twilight Sparkle. Painting Blueblood as the worst for having been a boor to Rarity is a given, but what's with her? Why would she be pleased to see Blueblood strike somepony?

It's Book that he struck with a towel. Twilight hates Book a lot more than she disagrees with Blueblood. She sees Book as violent and obsessive, and him becoming a batman-like vigilante didn't improve anything. It's not that she doesn't acknowledge Blueblood is a jerk, she just grew to hate Book.

So, it's something explained in the prequel? Or the sequel?

A bit in the next chapter, but I am needing to work more on adding details into it in the next Shadow Kight story, which will go over more of Book's history. I do have another small story where the two go at it.

EWhen a hero and a princess can't get along.
Book Knight is a superhero who scares villains away from even thinking of committing a crime. Twilight is a princess who tries to reform said villains through friendship. Book thinks that she's weak, and Twilight think's he's too extreme. Oh dear.
Light Heart101 · 1.5k words  ·  17  2 · 877 views

The Scarlet Saber made me think of Persona 5. Also, the Mane Six as actual fighters? Yeah, Book would be out of a job.

Admittedly I made a movie up. I never played Persona 5.

Finally! Justice is being served to Bluebitch!

Is Blue going to.. for attempted murder of an Alicorn ?

Nope. He's just going to get a lot of heat from Celestia for a long time.

Does Light have any.. Alicorn advantage ?

Um, he's a toymaker. I made it clear that he wasn't instantly promoted. Light does get a lot of sympathy due to him also being autistic, but I don't know what else you mean.

They are cartoon characters. They heal quickly unless the plot requires otherwise.

Remember when I asked whether the story would just put Book on a pedestal?

It seems like that's precisely what's going to happen.

I mean, so far, anyone not in Book's camp turned into a violent, backstabbing jerkass. Book's one great flaw is just caring too much about protecting others to be comfortable with some free time. Heaven's sake, you made Prince "I just had myself groomed!" punch Fluttershy and then swing a sword at the other pony in the room, and after what went down with Twilight Sparkle in the prequel, I can't shake the feeling all this is happening more to make Book look cool and great and wonderful rather than because it's a natural outgrowth of the characters involved.

If it was less one-sided, I could maybe get into it more, but this feels so on-the-nose, I just can't. I don't really like it when Blueblood, who is not a saint yes, is turned into the worst possible scum so the OCs can look good. That you did similar with Twilight makes it a lot worse.

Sorry for the rant. I'll probably read the next few chapter too, since I already started, but I don't know if there'll be anything for me there considering what happened so far.

Please hold some faith in me. I'm working on the character. If you don't end up liking the conclusion, then I guess I have more work on improving on the next story, which I am taking your criticism on and elaborating on the backstory and flaws more. Again, I understand my flaws, and I hope to improve.

“What? Is it about Twilight? She was interested once according to her, but she has lost interest.”

“No, I…” Book paused as he looked at Blueblood. “She… was interested in me?”

Did I miss something here?

I learned it with Rarity. A mare can only take so much punishment before they start raging.” Blueblood explained somberly. “Biggest mess up in my political career.”

Book had to agree that treating the element of Honesty

Raritys the element of generosity i believe lol

Wait till the next story. I'll explain it more. There is also a hint of them being good friends in Rise of the Shadow Knight.
Thanks for catching that. I'll fix it.

I have to remain professional all day and I serve Equestria. My job isn’t easy, and then some stallion mocks me and strikes me

BULL FUCKING SHIT......... the day when Blueballs becomes professional and decides to serve Equestra, rather then licking his own ass, is the day that l become a GOD..... Blueballs serves no one but himself and his own interests, he displaces the blame that is RIGHTFULLY on him onto others, he outright lies, abuses and misuses the castle staff, guards, and any commoner whom he comes across... he is the very incarnation of corruption by unearned power and utterly unworthy of his title...

I realized that even when some ponies treat me rudely, I need to be the bigger pony

The only way that you can be the bigger pony, Twilight... is by admitting that it is YOU who is in the wrong

What? He made up with blueblood after all that shit? Wtf. I could maybe see that happening years down the line after blueblood proved himself a better guy, but not the fucking day after the trial. Seriously, what the hell man, you cant just make a guy out to be the number one asshole on equestria and then in the span of 24 hours make him have a near complete attitude change. It really breaks the whole character.

And then Blueblood’s head exploded.

This story may be done, but I do have more plans for the Shadow Knight, and a few of them involve Neighsay. I guess the biggest mistake I made in the ending was taking someone else's criticism too seriously. I'm sorry if the ending was anticlimactic.

According to the comics, he's actually an effective diplomat.

I do understand where others come from regarding Blueblood and Twilight. You did lean heavily into anyone not on Book's side being a violent jerk. And there's a base for just hating Blueblood as the worst thing ever, no matter whether it makes sense. I wonder if it would have worked better if Blueblood hadn't struck Book, but shoved him, for example. Then it would've been Book who escalated and the point about his supposed anger issues would've been much more poignant, as well as keeping with Blueblood as not a brave or physical pony. Don't bend other characters around just so Book doesn't have to throw the first punch, especially not if he's supposed to learn a lesson about keeping himself in check, and especially, especially not when you have Blueblood actually acknowledging what a dumb idea pissing off the Bearers is.

Another thing I noticed, you could perhaps work a little on show vs tell. Take the moment when Celestia turns around to Luna after telling off Book. The story tells us her turning around shows Luna she's not happy having to punish Book. Why, though? Does she look troubled? Does she look concerned? How does Luna know what Celestia is thinking? Describe the look on her. How the normally serene princess has a sad little frown, dipping her head ever so slightly...

Let us, the reader, partake in your story. I'm suspecting there's more going on than you told us, though granted, that could be wishful thinking. Maybe Blueblood was trying to impress Princess Twilight. Who knows, we certainly don't unless you give us the chance!

I never thought I'd see a M*A*S*H* - MLP story but here we are

A good story and series, although I appears its together with others and not it's own?


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