• Published 1st Mar 2020
  • 2,338 Views, 55 Comments

A Trip to Remember - Allegrano_Melody

Discord has a mission, and Celestia is not going to like it. Discord decides to send the young versions of the Main 6 to a particular school of magic.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Party and Error

The Golden Oaks Library was typically a neat and orderly place. The ever-growing pile of wadded paper was threatening to dispel that image. The pegasus foal crossed out yet another sheet full of equations and formulas and crumpled it. She groaned. "I did my post-doctoral thesis on teleportation. Why can't I figure out a way back? The magic here is so strong that it's practically glowing, and I can't figure out how to do anything with it." With a measure of disgust, she added the ball to the ever-growing pile.

A familiar voice called out as the library's door opened. "Angel, darling, are you here?"

Angrily, the other patrons shushed her.

Angel stood and waved. A small unicorn quietly trotted over and sat across from her. Angel softly said, "Hey there, Rarity. I got so caught up in the work that I lost track of time."

As Angel started to clean up, Rarity said, "Darling, you need to get out more. Staying inside a stuffy library all day is going to ruin your complexion."

Angel stretched as she rose from her chair. "I can't figure out where to even begin trying to work out this spell. I know the answer is out there, somewhere."

Rarity gave her friend a sad smile. "I don't think pegasus magic works for that. Unfortunately, you won't find an expert in an earth pony town like Ponyville."

Angel groaned. "I used to do this sort of stuff in my sleep."

"May I see?" asked Rarity. "I still remember the basic theory from school."

Angel shrugged and scrawled a formula onto a blank page. Rarity took the proffered page and knitted her eyebrows as she studied it. "This is nothing like what I've learned in school. Where did you get it?"

"Aetherdal made it for us as a joke. Believe it or not, it worked back home."

"He must be quite the mage to come up with this sort of work," said Rarity.

Angel snorted. "He has no magic and no idea what he's doing. Still, he manages to come up with something that works each time we ask."

"That sounds fascinating." Rarity smiled. "I can't wait to meet him."

"He's an absolute savant, even though the rest of the world refuses to believe," said Angel.

"What's there to believe?" asked Rarity.

"Everyone thinks he's too young. Everyone thinks he's too inexperienced. No one believes when he proves them wrong." Angel crossed her arms and huffed.

Rarity smirked. "That sounds like a very special somepony."

"Yes, he is a lovable goof." A small smile started to cross Angel's face.

"Let's not get too carried away," said Rarity. "We do have our spa appointment."

Angel gasped when she looked at the clock on the wall. "How did it get so late?"

"Come along. I have a delivery for the Apples, so we'll pick up Applejack from there."

Angel hastily packed up her things and followed her friend. Angel politely ignored the gossip that Rarity passed along; she had no desire to do any social climbing. Soon enough, they reached their destination.

"Angel, if you could be a dear and go get Applejack from the barn?" Rarity smiled.

"Should we meet you at the house?" asked Angel.

"Of course, darling."

As Angel carefully placed her steps, the hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention. It was quiet, too quiet. As she approached the building, she stepped away from the door and placed an ear against the wall. She could hear desperate whispers, but she could not make out what was said.

Reaching into her purse, she withdrew what looked like a new pencil. A careful observer would have noticed the purple end of a hair that had taken from Rarity's brush. Ollivander would have been appalled by the effort, but Angel now had a seven-inch cedar wand, stiff, with a graphite and unicorn hair core.

Using the door as a shield, Angel pulled it open. "Lumos Solem!"

Inside the barn, daylight dispelled the darkness. Startled exclamations filled the air as the occupants were blinded.

Cautiously, Angel peeked inside. She saw the town's children blindly staggering around. The interior decorated with festive streamers and banners, and the refreshment table was piled high with goodies. Hanging from the rafters was a banner that said, "Welcome, Angel."

Angel blushed as she walked in. A mass of pink suddenly filled her field of view. "Surprise!"

Angel stepped back. The mass resolved itself into Pinkie Pie, hanging upside down on a trapeze bar hung from the rafters. Pinkie said, "This has to be the best surprise party ever. Everypony was surprised!

Berry Punch staggered over. "How did you get the light to come out of a stick?"

Angel said, "It's unicorn magic."

Carrot Top said, "But you're a pegasus."

Eagerly, Applejack asked, "Does this mean anypony can use unicorn magic?"

"Yes, and no," replied Angel. "The reasons are a bit complicated, but if you're good with any magic, you can learn to do this."

At that moment, Rainbow Dash walked in. "Hey, AJ! I heard you have an angel hanging out here.

The partygoers stared as a yellow pegasus, and a thestral followed the cyan pegasus.

Angel exclaimed, "Solomon? What are you doing here?"

Just as the colt opened his mouth, the door slammed shut.

Angel watched in horror as black forms dropped from the ceiling, covering everyone except her. Screams of agony filled the air as the forms merged into one giant wraith. As it loomed over her, Angel cried, "Avada Kadavra!" The phantom was unfazed. Just when it was about to drop on her, she heard the snap of fingers, and the wraith froze.

A familiar figure stepped out from within the form. The disappointment was evident on his face. Angel said, "Discord?"

"I showed you the only fillies you were supposed to show the wand to. A timeline can only bend so much before it breaks."

"I was scared!" said Angel.

Discord sighed. "Are you a child, or are you a professional? Consider this your only warning."

Angel looked downcast. "I'm sorry."

Discord snapped his fingers. Angel screamed as the form dropped over her and pulled her in all directions at once. Everything went dark.

Angel heard a steady set of double thumps. She opened her eyes only to be greeted by darkness. "Where am I?" she groaned.

A soft glow revealed a thestral. "Hey, Angel," said Solomon. "I thought this dream felt familiar."

A familiar voice appeared in her ear. "Let's take this from the top. I've rewound time. It would be best if you talked to your friends. Do try to get things right this time."

Angel groaned. "Operation SNAFU, take two."

Things were more comfortable for Angel the second time around. Having felt the price of failure, she had been motivated to ensure that nothing went wrong. This time around, she had urged Aetherdal to visit, posthaste.

Now, she smiled as she leaned on her broom. The other guests had left long ago. Now, the six avatars of harmony were alone in the barn with all the displaced humans. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash were escorting Solomon, wary for any sign of distress. Twilight Sparkle and Atherdal were sides by side, looking every bit like the best of friends. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack showed the casual familiarity of classmates. The nine of them had stayed behind to help clean up.

Taking her wand from her purse, she cast a privacy charm. She shouted, "Everyone! Your attention, please!"

Everyone in the room stopped and stared. Applejack broke the silence. "What is it, sugarcube?"

"I was hoping to get all of you together. Before I get started, I have a question for you all."

"What's that?" asked Rarity.

"Can you keep a secret?"

Author's Note:

Time Loops are so much fun. Things will slowly change as the timelines get restarted.