• Published 30th May 2020
  • 373 Views, 4 Comments

A Return to Home - Mark_the_electrician

After some time being missing, an old friend returns, but she isn't the same.

  • ...

Chapter One: Forest Fight

Author's Note:

There's music in this chapter!

Also, writing the flow of combat was interesting, yet fun!

(Everfree Forest, late afternoon)

"Ok, this is epic."

"Don't you ever say that ever again, Owain."

"It does look extravagant, yet old as well."

"What do you think, Rarity?"

"Hmm?" Rarity was brought out of her trance.

Corrin gave a concerned look. "Are you okay, Rarity? You've been silent since we've got here."

"I've been here before." Rarity stated, earning her confused looks. "This place.... It exists in my memories. Not all of them were good, however."

"Hold on, you're saying that the world we chased these Faceless into just so happened to be the world you came from?" Severa asked. "Not to mention we just so happened to be in a place you visited in your memories. Do you know how outlandish that is?"

Rarity was visibly offended, but before she could speak, Silas cut her off. "I'm sure there's a scientific explanation for this, but we could always ask Ricken for that."

"Thank you, Silas." Inigo said, and turned his attention to Rarity. "Rarity, since you've been here before, would you mind telling us about these ruins?"

"Of course." Rarity began. "These ruins are the remains of the 'Castle of the Two Sisters'. It's.... definitely seen better days."

"Is there a way to get in? This trench here doesn't seem all that friendly." Inigo asked.

Rarity nodded. "From what I remember, there's an old, dilapidated bridge.... Somewhere around here."

"You don't know where the bridge is?" Severa asked, slightly annoyed.

Rarity narrowed her eyes. "I can't remember everything, you know."

Severa only sighed.

Inigo then cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. "It's getting late, and I know all of us are tired beyond measure." He paused. "But our best bet is to find that bridge so we can camp within the castle for the night. It's far better in there then it is out here."

"He's right." Rarity spoke up. "Although not as dangerous as the faceless, there's still plenty of dangerous creatures within this forest, specifically wolves made of wood."

"Nani?" Sakura finally spoke, this time in her native language.

"Search now, questions later." Corrin said, as she began to walk alongside the trench. Everyone else just shrugged and followed her.




Then a Timberwolf made itself known, jumping in front of them and howling.

"Nani?!" Sakura screamed, drawing her katana. "I thought you were joking, Rarity!"

"Why would I joke about this?!" Rarity screamed back.

"Doesn't matter now! Just kill it with fire!" Owain screamed as drew his blade. He then muttered something and lit his left hand aflame. He brought the blade over his head and slid his left hand across the side of it, causing it to catch flame. "By the might of Gwyn, and the flames of the Soul of Cinder, YOU WILL BURN TO ASH, UNWORTHY OF FIRE!!"

A light glinted in his eyes, and he made a glorious leap in the air toward the wooden wolf. Upon landing, he swung his blade down on the wolf, splintering wood and cathing in on fire.

"Power... OVERFLOWING!!" Owain yelled as more Timberwolves entered the scene.

"Dammit Owain! Save some for the rest of us!" Severa yelled.

"Form up behind Him!" Corrin commanded. "And get ready for battle!"

Forest Fight
Objective: Kill the boss.
Player Phase

(Now playing: Dusk Falls.)

"We need to take out the alpha, doing that will disperse the rest." Rarity informed Corrin.

"Is the alpha the bigger wolf that's glowing blue instead of green?" Corrin asked, to which her answer was a nod. "Alright! Let's clear a path and take out the alpha!"

Owain made the first move, charging straight towards another Timberwolf. In one swift swing of his blade the wolf was felled. Owain only laughed, this was easier then he expected.

Sakura didn't have the same sentiment. When she swung her katana, it connected with a Timberwolf with a loud *CRACK*. Yet the wolf was still standing, and it attempted to scratch her with it's claws. Sakura was able to dodge the attack, and retaliated with another swing of her katana, hitting the Timberwolf once more.

She stood ready, as the Timberwolf still stood, even though it looked much weaker then earlier. Rarity and Silas made their approach, with Rarity raising her Levin Sword in the air. A bolt of lightning shot up into the sky, and came down on the wolf, finishing it off.

"Thank you." Sakura said, a smile on her face.

Rarity only returned the smile. "Anything for you, darling."

Corrin and Inigo approached a Timberwolf, with Corrin swinging Yato at the wolf. The attack connected, with Inigo following it up by thrusting forward Falchion. The wolf was felled before it had the chance to attack.

"Learn some new steps." Inigo said one of his catch phrases, causing Corrin to smirk.

Enemy Phase

The alpha howled, as if to give a command. Two Timberwolves approached Rarity and Silas, with the first one leaping forward in an attempt to bite Rarity. Rarity was able to jump out of the way, but the second wolf made its move and jumped forward.

"On your guard!" Silas pushed Rarity further back and blocked the second wolf's attack. Rarity took this opportunity to attack the first wolf, her Levin Sword arcing with lightning. She missed by mere hairs as the wolf managed to jump back, causing Rarity to mutter some profane words.

The other wolves quickly shortened the distance between them and our heroes, yet the heroes had the advantage.

Player Phase

Corrin wasted no time in taking action, as she sprinted her way to Rarity's side. The instance she got there, she raised her Yato, and the light glinted in her eyes.

"This ends NOW!!!"

Water seemed to materialize around her and Yato, and she charged foward with blinding speed. The sound of wood cracking followed by a deathly howl echoed through the forest as the Timberwolf practically exploded into splinters. The other wolf whimpered in fear, and by instinct ran back from our heroes.

At least, it would have, if it weren't for Silas stepping up to it with his Silver Lance.

Even on his feet, Silas was a force to be reckoned with. He trained hard to protect his best friend and liege, Corrin, and he trained harder to protect his wife, Rarity. The lance only amplified that strength. So the only possible outcome for the poor wooden wolf was to be absolutely decimated by Silas's attack, which it was. The wolf was felled in the same manner as the first.

"Showoff!" Severa screamed from a distance as she brought an arrow to her bow.

"Severa, bring the alpha's attention! We can end this now!" Corrin ordered, earning a huff from Severa as she knocked the arrow and released it on the alpha Timberwolf. The arrow connected, earning a growl from the Alpha, yet this also gave Rarity an opportunity.

The alpha was close enough to attack, but so were the other wolves around it. Rarity had the means to take it down, but she also had the chance to fail, and failure would result in getting mauled by the wolves. Normally she wouldn't take such a risk, but one look back showed that more Timberwolves were approaching from behind, encircling them. If she didn't take this chance now, they might not have a second chance.

Rarity sheathed her Levin Sword, and from her back scabbard drew her Ice Blade, and charged at the alpha wolf

(Now playing:Second Nohrian Boss theme.)

The alpha wolf growled in rage as Rarity stood defiantly in front of it.

Rarity held her blade in both hands, looking for a proper opening.

Rarity sighed. "Somewhere out there, someone... or somepony... is going to detest my actions here. But I can't just stay put when my friends are in danger." She then pulled herself into a stance. "Killing you is the only way out, the lives of my friends are more important then the lives of some animal. May Naga watch over me."

She thrust her blade, expecting it to connect, but the alpha managed to dodge at the last second, jumping back. The alphas blue glow seemed to flash, causing Rarity eyes to widen. A powerful swipe from the alpha ripped of the metal plating of her armor tore through the gambeson underneath, causing Rarity to scream in pain as the beasts claws tore through her flesh.

Someone had screamed her name, but she couldn't discern who it was. Adrenaline was pumping in her veins, yet she stood tall and resumed her previous stance, when the light flashed.

"You uncouth BEAST!"

Swinging the blade with the speed that a certain someone would be jealous of, splintering wood and cracking magical ice rang out from the impact. The alpha gave out a small whimper before its blue glow dissipated, leaving behind a pile of sticks and planks.

Rarity thrust the Ice Blade into the dirt and leaned against it as she held her wound, smiling all the same.

(Level up! plus one to speed, magic, and defense!)

"And yet I still have room to improve." Rarity muttered, giggling afterwards.

Stage Clear!
MVP: Rarity

"Looks like they're retreating." Corrin said as the Timberwolves ran into the forest, whimpering as they did so.

"Well... that's that." Inigo said as he sheathed Falchion. "Although it was... easier then I thought."

Rarity sat down as the two approached her. "Well... they aren't the top of the food chain here... so we more or less got off lucky." She said with a strained voice.

Sakura then appeared with her sun festal in hand. She muttered a small prayer and began to heal the wounds on Rarity.

"Please don't take a risk like that, you had me worried." Sakura said the moment the wound was closed.

"Forgive me, but.... I saw no other choice." Rarity tried to reason.

Inigo only shook his head. "Regardless, we care for you, and it wouldn't do any of us good if you died to protect us."

Rarity continued to smile. "Be as it may, I'd make the same decisions if it meant the same outcomes."

Inigo couldn't help but smile as well. "You sound just like my uncle."

"The man who just so happens to be my father!" Owain exclaimed as he gave a hard slap on Inigo's back. "That old bridge is just ahead, and it's really getting late."

"And it's way too dangerous to camp out here." Rarity pointed out. She used the strength she had to lift herself on her feet, yet she struggled to stay that way. Silas, fortunately, came and held out his arm, and Rarity grabbed onto it. "Let's get going, shall we?"

Corrin smiled. "Lead the way."

(Castle of the Two Sisters, late night.)

They didn't venture far into the old castle, only going past the entrance. A rather large hole in the ceiling allowed the bright moonlight to shine upon the camp fire.

Severa was already fast asleep, stating that she'll wake up later to stand watch, switching out with Silas. No one minded this, since a cranky Severa is a very bad Severa. Owain had fallen asleep as well, yet he was muttering incoherently. Corrin and Inigo was doing their usual "couple-y" things, as Inigo rested a hand on Corrin's back while she slept atop him.

Rarity, however, was awake, seemingly lost in thought.

"ALL ALOOOONE!" Kiran yelled.

"Wh-what... how did... JUST SHUT UP!! IT'S A STUPID JOKE THAT NEEDS TO DIE HARDER THAN ANANKOS!!!" Azura bellowed from across the hall.

Rarity looked to her right and saw Sakura, who was staring intently at the fire, almost as if she were meditating from it.

Silas stood on guard, occasionally tending the to said fire.

"How are you feeling?" Sakura suddenly spoke, not breaking her gaze from the fire.

"What do you mean?" Rarity asked.

"The friends you have here are surely gonna have a.... reaction, to how you've changed." Sakura elaberated.

"Oh." Rarity let out a sigh. "Well... I couldn't expect them to understand. They might even resent you guys, thinking it was your fault for 'tainting my perspective'." She paused. "It's my sister I'm really worried about."

"You have a sister?" Silas asked, surprised as this new information.

Rarity nodded. "The first memories I saw when Naga restored them was ones involving her, a small filly who tried to emulate my likeliness." She then smiled. "She was ruff around the edges, of course, yet she looked to me only a sister would."

Sakura hummed while Silas began to think.

"Have you any siblings, my love?" Rarity asked.

Silas hesitated to answer. "I do have a brother, but he stayed with our mother when I joined the military." He sighed. "I wanted to stay by Corrin's side while he wanted to stay by mother's. Last I've heard, mother wanted to see the world beyond Nohr and Hoshido, so they packed and to a ship heading out into one of our neighboring continents. This was right after the war, so I don't know if they ever made it or not." Silas sat down by the fire. "I hope they're okay."

Rarity only sat in silence and looked to the fire, silently regretting her question.

"I'm sure she'll be happy to see you." Sakura said, breaking the silence.

Rarity hummed. "I can hope so." She then looked up to the hole in the ceiling. "I also hope she's more understanding."

Sakura broke her gaze away from the fire and looked at Rarity. "She's family to you, I'm sure she'll understand your position better then anyone else."

Rarity only sighed. "I don't know, darling. From what I've picked up during the war, is that blood ties don't really mean much."

Sakura only hummed, and looked back to the fire. Rarity did the same, with one thing one her mind.

Dear Naga, please let them see, help me let them know that I'm not a bad person, She thought.

(Present day, Golden Oak Library, late night.)

Twilight was fast asleep, it was one of those rare times she didn't read a book before hand. Within the library was Spike, sitting by a desk with a single lamp lit, reading a book.

"You're becoming more like Twilight then Twilight herself." Silver Spoon quipped, a devious smile on her face.

"I have no time to train, but i can read." Spike said, seemingly uninterested in continuing the conversation.

Silver Spoon wasn't going to let up. "I'm pretty sure actions speak louder then words. That book would only teach you so much before you need to put it to practice."

Spike sighed. "I don't want to be mad at you, Silvy."

"And I don't want to see you run yourself to death, but we can't always have what we want." Silver Spoon retorted.

Spike flinched. "That's a low blow, you know?"

Silver Spoon smiled. "Well... if it works..."

Spike finally smiled. "Alright, I'll finish up and head to bed."

Silver Spoon the planted a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you."

Spike turned his head to see that Silver Spoon was already heading up the stairs to their shared room. He then looked out the window to see Luna's moon shinning above the Everfree Forest, which was an odd sight, but he thought nothing of it.

Spike seemed to be lost in thought.



Spike found it a bit weird that the moon was positioned like that, but he chalked it up to sleep deprivation.

Spike sighed, closed his book and put the lamp out. He was going to get some sleep now, oddities be damned.

Little did he know, Luna had intended for such an odd position, if only to direct his attention to what might be there.