• Member Since 29th Dec, 2014
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This story is a sequel to Caverns & Cutie Marks: High School, High Stakes

Ever since the Colts disappeared from the Equestria Girls World, Twilight (and Discord when he can be bothered to) have been searching high, low, and in-between trying to find them. Having ruled out every place the Colts could be, all that remains is where they might not be. Getting them out of wherever they ended up will be difficult as will bringing them to Equestria. The real question is if Equestria is ready to deal with them for real this time...

Chapters (56)
Comments ( 41 )

And the hunt continues! Tune in next time for more Chaotic Male Hunting!... Also, why didn't they just ask Discord to teleport the boys to them?

Everyone assumes it's Purple Heart they are tracking. Is that a running gag from the previous story?

How the heck did I totally missed this!?

Didnt quite like the second fic as much as the Original One but I'll give it a shot!

Finally managed to start reading this fic, I like it, at the moment it sounds like the boys have a hard time adjusting to what should just be waiting for a solution for them to come back home and not make a scene anywhere, and yet trouble seems to follow them anyway. I wonder if that dark magic diamond dog was was already like that or the Hydra creature modified him to better fit the RPG frame and that it's doing the same for the rest of Equestria. From the sound of it Wit and the other actually are hungry from adventuring again, of sorts, but I am not sure that it is actually their wishes or if in all those months sense they had been sucked with the Hydra they had been changes in some way. I wonder what is the deal with Light Patch having a mix of Pinkie's power and the RPG, could some of Discord magic came into play and somehow mixed elements of Light's RPG form and Pinkie and could it be sign of more things that will happen to him later. Looking forward for more of this story again.

Nice to see that Light Patch isn't all humor, and that Twilight is called out on her unfounded suspicions on the colt Trio.

Well I that wasn't actually Purple Hearth that actually killed those parents, the story is starting to take a dark turn and I wonder where that could lead to. Wondering if Discord's magic is mixed in sounds like a misnomer, I wonder if he is now a mix of Beal or that they are fused with him in some way or that it might be something to do with the hydra. I wonder if the feeling of resentment could be feeding their magic or aberrant behaviors?

Read the latest updates, things are getting weird the three of them seem not interested in staying together in trying to pool their skills to try to go home and somehow, sense Twilight seemed more interested containment and analyzing of the colt trio neglecting, if not outright ignoring then their emotional needs, when it's convenient for her, and treating their concerns them like children's with the magic binders making them feel like criminals. I do like the Wits is aspiring to me more then your regular person/pony and wanting to stand out sense he had that power, and probably brought in the forefront a thirst for validation and confirmation from those he looks too; with his obsession of becoming a villain and expectantly immediately be 'reformed', it sounds like he actually wants Twilight approval acknowledgment, as a pony role model that he looks up to, with becoming her student becoming in second. For Purple Heart, his out cry about injustice and dishing out out disproportioned 'justice', sounds like misplaced anger/frustration issues that are still unresolved that he is projecting on to others, which could be a symptom of a deeper problem, that could concern Princess Amber not really existing anymore(or never did) but it could be about other stuff and that he sees as a cosmic injustice that he can't fix despite his new found powers, and is projecting his frustration out on Twilight. For Light, it's still a bit nebulous, his apparent apathy toward others sounds like stems form an apparent feeling of being intentionally sidelined, isolated, rejected from his earnestness in being involved, or included on the group and that he striking on his own has the intended purpose of showing the Mane 6 that he can stand on his own and be independent if he wanted to, that he can have his own goals and agency in his life, and that he won't just let himself be used or manipulated indirectly by Twilight.

From one form or another, it sounds like all three have some form of milled depressions that seems to steam from being isolated, along with some issues of self worth, and their new new found powers just give free reign to to their neurosis to do what ever they want with little to no immediate consequences, with drastically magnifies their conditions making it that much harder to address or confront.

Twilight does share some of the blame in the situation, in how she perceives the colts, and not letting them have much of any degree of freedom or agency in their situation, being treated and dismissed as children's, and is blindsided by her title as princess and scientist that her in questioning if her own assumptions are unfounded or not, treating what she can't control or understand as a threat, with unfounded suspicions. We saw plenty of that mistrust of hers in the games in not trusting them to be honest enough to be forthright in answering her questions about their origins and unlawfully probing them indirectly, with magic and boos, along with second hoof account from her friends. It is natural that the colts at this point would now project their frustrations on to her after doing the same thing as in the game but in her homefield, where her authority status wouldn't be questioned, which exacerbates the colt's underline conditions.

Interesting, I wonder if all three of them has some sort of indoctrinations or mind control to get them to follow a very specific plan to destroy or spread Chaos in equestria without them even realizing it.

Nice, I am liking hoe the conspiracy is starting to grow deeper and that my hunch on Wits seems to be pretty close. Purple Hearth definitely seems to be under the influence Beal if revenges and hatred is part of his MO. Still, I wonder if the Equestrian counterparts of of the three antagonists are any real in Equestria as they were created out of the colt Trio's minds in the first story and that would make me wonder if Equestria had already been subjected to the magic of the Hydra in the EqG but no pony realized it at all or is part of a larger scheme and the Colt Trio's counter parts as well as antagonists are more like byproducts of that effect, which might have happened long before they had even arrived in the EqG world back then. Still how can Discord mange run so much out of his control like that without him being area of it in some measure?

Fun chapter, I wonder if Wits will steal that creature from Chrysalis?

Added the story to a host of different group it should help to get a little more attention on this story hopefully.

Sorry for missing out on the chapter, got distracted. Of so it's definitely possible that the colt's nemesis have fused to them in some way while they were in between realities. I am still holding out that their other incarnations are actually fake in some way, especially because of the existence of their nemesis who were were created from the colts originally and that their is something larger at play at the moment.

Looks like they just caught on, I wonder what those there are planning to use the colts for.

Oh nice chapter, It was interestingly sneaky of Light to contact Rarity and play the game she likes to play, by appealing to her interest in intrigue and mystery, which helps to create some bonding between in shared interest. which also helps Light to get her in the right frame of mind, away from Twilight's influence which Rarely would just unthinkingly nod along to anything she days and get her co come to her own conclusions and not Twilight, as well as not perceiving Light as a as helpless bumbling child. On Rarity's end à, this would go a long way to mend relationship with the Colt Trio and serve as a good intermediary between them and the Mane Six sense she knows better then the others to to interpret and translate what they are saying and the other way around without Twilight pesky ego and paranoia toward them to get in the way to gargle their words in the wrong context. This also helps to give them a little sense of freedom and control to their chaotic situation, would go a long with for them to be more forthcoming with new input of their own and be more willing to listen to the Mane Six Requests and comply without being resentful toward them. Light can also count on Rarity stay discreet on their communications and not tipping herself off wither, so she could just point the rest of her group in the right direction and follow a bread crum's. This said I am not too sure Light is that savvy to know what they are doing at the moment and their unstable mental condition might make them less focused on wanting to still help the Mane Six and just lash out of frustrations.

I also wonder what the EqG girls thing of the colts and if they would be interested in knowing what happened to them?

Nice to see they have started to caught on. Looks like bale is starting to really take over Purple heart, I wonder how it will finally spill over.

As mush as Twilight was at fault at 1st. I feel as if the boys have went to far with pushing.
This fells like 28 Pranks Later. One mistake could lead to a lot of very bad things.

Managed to read the chapters I have missed it is interesting how the colts have turned into antagonists in the story which is an interesting twist. Oddly enough it feels that Twits and Purple Heart have switch antagonists from Hold Fast and Bale , at least in their MO aspect, with with Wits being more interested in being a foiled to Twilight, and deliberately trying to fail/lose then actually amassing power. And Purple Heart who is supposed to be holding Bale seems to be more focused doing political scheming and amassing power then like Hold Fast would. For Light, despite initially sort of acting sort like he is doing the same as Just Duty staying passive and pouting he seems to be now planning something a lot bigger then the others which, sort of like Just Duty trying to get that time artifact, yet it doesn't sound like him in trying to tip the Mane Six off on the others and the fact that he is trying use the Orb to go back home, with the incidental possibility of the risk of merging all three world together sounding like something the Hydra would want and do actually. So for the situation of Light, sense EqG Just Duty was subsumed by the Hydra it's possible that he is one actually in the driver seat of the pegasus. For Wits, Best guess would be that Hold Fast, from, the D&D and the EqG world, and having all of Wits' knowledge of the show, and thinking that anything he does in this world is doomed to fail, thinks that the shortcut to getting to power by going all reform and create a liaison with Twilight in his 'recovery'. For Purple, it sound maybe he is amassing power for just the the sake of antagonizing the Mane Six for it's own sake. I personally would like the Mane Six to fail as well as the orb merging the three worlds in the same D&D seeing at least after the Colt's are freed at some point.

Ah yes.
Alcohol solves all your problems

I wonder what made those alicorns Diarque change their minds from being withdrawn from the rest of the world to wanting to take over Equestria and replace Celestia and Luna, I am not sure Wits alone is the soul reason for that, but just nudged them in that direction. I would wonder how they managed to come into Equestria and seem to be aware that they aren't from that world.

I think the best option would be to break the alicorn trust in the sisters and get them to intergrade Equestria proper as regular citizen, which would probably undermined the royalty imagery of Celestia, but could still work. Or, agree give them there own land land or dutchy. At the moment we don't know what the alicorns themselves want out of this, which at the moment they only seem to do it on the sisters say so and don't really have much interest or gain behind the military action. If they are more in the mood to explore Euqestria it could work too. We have no idea of how powerful these alicorns can be.

I are really starting to wonder if Wits and Purple Heart are just acting out and still just acting out on the Mane 6 but heavily pushed by their later ego in the back of their mind and just want a reaction from them and ultimately are just a distraction from what Light Patch is doing, and seems to have the only real goal.

Nice to remind the readers and the Mane Six that Beal could create and control other beings. Looks like my theory that Just duty seems to be leaning toward being true sense the EqG version didn't came back free from the dimension prison, I am wonder if it's that hydra needed that Just Duty's merge with Light Patch(it makes me wonder what happened to the Discord Game Just Duty) to corrupt him sense the other two were possession their EqG world counter parts, wand weren't physical, but for the Case of Just duty it was the Hydra controlling him and the Hydra couldn't apparently directly possess Light but it could still control/influence the pegasus through the EqG Just Duty.

I am starting to wonder how I have a more then above average tendency of guessing some of the secrets or plot point in the story.

Looks like it's becoming a powder cag at the excavation site I wonder when they will finally jump on each other's throat, let's see how the Mane Six can destroy it.

So the Alicorn's leaders are being manipulated by Wit. I wonder why Trixie seems to like Wits in the first place is it because she seems some of herself of being a former misguided want-a-be villain or having a persecutions complex, or that she can see his plan crash and burn in a spectacular fashion and I am guessing it could be a sense of misguided sympathy for him. I wonder how Celestia and Luna could match Sol Eater and Penumbra in terms of raw strength? Seeing that the new alicorns didn't rewelded the sun and moon out of the Equestrian Princesses control I think they are probably weaker, and for some reason I think Celestia is a heck of a lot smarter then they are, after managing to hold to power for a thousand years running rings around their more limited medieval mindsets of how society work and could probably talk them into a voluntary surrender and make them think they won in the end. Celestia can probably can split hairs, twist distort facts, misdirect, guide them to follow her turn in such a way that that she can twist reality to the point lies becomes absolute truths ,to her whims, with her words alone. She is probably the reason why no other nations, safe for the Storm King had even actually tried to invade Equestria in a thousand years before being dissuaded by Celestia an hour later. I think Purple and Wit really don't realize the princesses sheer caliber in diplomatic talks. And With Luna around I think she can counter any mind control magic that could be in the room with laser accuracy and find the user in an instant.

Well Twilight nearly had Wits, and actually decided to go all out on him. Through invading Equestria wouldn't get much sympathy for him even if he is being manipulated by Hold Fast. Through I think Twilight should have had some form of back up if things didn't go her way.

For the Celestia and Luna easily outwitting Penumbra and Sol Eater that was to be expected, but I didn't expect them to to lose so easily when they had a massive numerical superiority over. It really shows that these alicorn's really don't have any sense of initiative of their own and that their heart really isn't in this war of theirs, with Iron Madden statement it sounds like they are absent of any imagination. Are they so long lived that they can't even relate to ponies I wonder. I wonder what Celestia and Luna are going to do now, my first guess would be the take back the throne and get Purple Heart off it, bust somehow I don't think Celectia is going to just rally the troops but rather she is going to twist this situation into her advantage, maybe she will keep Purple Heart near her and propose a surrender negotiation where she can use her true unmatched powers oratory stills at full effect and stall the alicorns right through the next millennium, at about G5. And probably use Purple Heart as an escape goat or patsy if things go really wrong where he would shoulder all the blame or even just crush him with and onslaught of bureaucracy heaped upon him, and leave his a husk of a pony.

It's interesting to see that events in RPG world are still going on and that there is already a legend surrounding the colt trio.

Nice to see some of my rants were confirmed on the case of the colts, that they were just lashing out. Now their games has gone out of control and they don't want to play, but they had been in the center of those slow moving devastators that they can't leave or hope to actually call a truce to stop or call for help because no one would believe in their sincerity, at least without a serious blows to their prides and egos, by groveling on their foreknees and beg before the Mane Six to fix everything, which I take it they stink have a shred of dignity(and denial) before they finally reach rock bottom and finally give up, but at this out I think it's only a slight breeze that is missing before they finally queling over.

Well if Purple Heart is reduced to makes treats and harm his own guards then he is already lost control of the situation and that you are a bad leader. Nice conversation between Sunset and Trixie, through I would have thought they would get better along with Starlight Grimmer as a common friend, but I guess resent tensions with the colts might have dampen things a lot between them. Still it's nice to see the colt's own machination falling apart due to their own incompetence.

I wonder If Twilight could call on the Thorax and his changelings to do diversionary maneuvers to disperse the alicorn and get them to strike where they want them to.

I am curious to know why do you use colt instead of stallions in the story?

I have a feeling they will be kidnap a 3rd time going into the G5 timeline.

Well looks like Light is actually posses by the Hydra like I suspected. The point that Purple Heart is guilty first of murder is hard to ignore even with the heavy influence of Bale, but it would be a very precarious argument.

Well it seems like it's the end for good despite the teaser for a sequel. I wished it had been more of a close call on saving Equestria.

Started reading this story when it was still in the previous one as it was churning out and then life got into one of those 'things' and most of my story reading took a hiatus. Now that I've finished this i can say that I enjoyed the ride and the ridiculous number of references.

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