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1-AF: Nightmare Sort

Author's Note:

Very limited time but I've been working on this for two months while also fighting with the next proper chapter which is close to done. I guess I'm the April Fool Since it's now June.

Also Tilde's mark Telepathy.

(Half-Light Dawn’s Notes: I thought I’d make up a fun excerpt for April Foals Day and slip it in here. I mean, Nightmare Moon is dead, right? This takes place at start of term.)

With most of the incoming class sorted, the remaining few anxiously awaited their turn wondering who would be next up to the sorting hat.

Their questions were soon answered as the sorting hat sonorously called out, “Penumbris, Nyx.” Hurriedly the remaining students got out of her way as she sauntered her way up to the stool and placed the Sorting Hat upon her horned head.

Her confident swagger is somewhat shaken when she hears inside her head, ~Well, what do we have here? Another Equestrian and this one an alicorn filly. You do know I could have you expelled for what you did.~

Nyx nods her head as she answers back, ~I know, but there is nothing left for me back there. I’ve learned my lesson and just want to learn.~

The hat shifts about on her head for a few seconds before responding, ~You do seem sincere in your answer. You sure you don’t want to go to Slytherin where you can find help claiming the station taken from you?~

Nyx quietly but firmly shakes her head as she mumbles out, “I’ve had enough of that life and don’t need the temptation.”

The hat lets out an audible hum into the tense atmosphere before offering, ~You would do well in Hufflepuff where you could find loyal retainers to stand by you as you did a millennia ago.~

Nyx shaker her head firmly enough to almost dislodge the Sorting Hat which has to grab onto her head. ~I’m not leading others down that dark path. The end hurts like you wouldn’t believe.~

The Sorting Hat lets out a soft chuckle as it responds, ~My final offer then is Ravenclaw where you can learn enough spells to be a mighty archmage.~

Nyx smacks the hat with one hoof before answering, ~NO! I will just go home then if I can’t get my revenge by joining Gryffindor and being the best heroine I can be to spite and/or impress my elder sisters.~

The hat falls silent for a moment before happily responding, ~and there’s your courage. You have resisted temptation and may you hopefully continue to do so. But, since your mind is made up,~ the hat then finishes out loud, “IT BETTER BE GRYFFINDOR!”

The hall stares in surprise and confusion at that result before some sporadic cheering breaks out as she whispers to the hat, “thank you,” before sauntering her way over to the Gryffindor table and sitting down next to her new confused classmates.

She eagerly awaited seeing what house Lightning would be sorted into as the rest of Gryffindor slowly gets used to the fact they have a former terror amidst their number.

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