• Published 25th May 2020
  • 651 Views, 8 Comments

Once Upon Another Time - Undome Tinwe

A thousand years after love drove them apart, Luna reunites with an old flame.

  • ...

Devil Take The Hindmost

It was a closely-guarded secret that Luna enjoyed spending time in bars. Not the most dignified hobby for a princess, but a place of vice and long nights suited her preferences quite well.

Right now, she was sipping from something resembling beer while disguised as a unicorn named Starry Night, one of the many aliases she used when indulging in her nighttime excursions. Today had been a trial for the less-social Royal Sister, with her having been forced to travel to Manehattan for the opening of some new hospital or other.

The event had gone as planned, but Luna was tired of having to smile for the cameras, and had retreated to a local dive bar as soon as she'd been able to divest herself of her entourage. Unfortunately, it was still evening, so her favourite source of stress relief wouldn't be asleep yet, so Luna would have to settle for soft jazz and cheap alcohol until she could enter the dreams of her beloved once again.

Luna smiled at the thought. Ever since that first dream with Hope, she'd spent at least a couple of nights each week sharing her domain with the beautiful unicorn. They'd made music and love under skies filled with impossible constellations, and discussed the magic of the night in an endless void of pure creation.

Hope's passion was truly a wonder to behold, and Luna felt blessed to be able to witness and guide it to create worlds of splendour and glory. She could not wait to see what her beloved would dazzle her with tonight.

"This place seems a touch plebian for a princess, don't you think?"

Luna's heart skipped a beat as she recognized Sombra's voice behind her. If the former tyrant was here, then that meant...

"Hello, Sombra," Luna said politely, trying not to let her excitement show. "It is good to see you again. Is Hope here as well?" She had to resist the urge to peek around him and stare at the entrance for the mare of her dreams to walk in.

"She's back at our hotel," Sombra replied. "After spending all day out and about, she wanted to get some rest, and I told her I was going out for a drink."

"And you happened to choose the very same bar I was patronizing while in my disguise." Luna's eyes narrowed. "How serendipitous."

To his credit, Sombra didn't even flinch. "I may no longer be an Umbrum, but I still know a thing or two about tracking shadows, Your Majesty. Hope thinks we're here because I hid the last shard by the docks, but I chose this location because I knew you would be visiting."

"If you needed my help, you could have just come to Canterlot or written a letter." Something was odd, and as much as Luna believed that Sombra was reformed, she also knew that reformation didn't change a pony's cunning or wiles. "We would have been happy to provide whatever aid you needed."

"Even if that aid involved staying away from my marefriend?"

Ah, there it was. "She told you?" Luna asked, mildly surprised. She knew the deception hadn't sat well with Hope, but there hadn't been any indication in their last meeting that she was about to reveal the truth to him.

"No." Pain flashed in Sombra's eyes. A pain that Luna knew all too well. "But, as I said, I'm familiar with the magic that thrives in darkness. Including the magic of dreams. I could sense that somepony was connecting to her in the dream realm, and the pieces fell into place quickly enough afterwards."

"I see." This had not been something Luna had foreseen. She had no idea how to respond to being confronted by her lover's coltfriend.

"In our time, I would have challenged you to a duel to the death for daring to try to steal my mare away, but it's not as if I have a chance of besting you in single combat." Sombra sighed, and the sadness in the sound made Luna's own heart ache in sympathy. "So I suppose we'll have to settle this with words."

He looked her straight in the eyes, with an intensity that took even Luna aback. "Do you love her?"

"Yes." There was no need to even think about the answer.

Sombra turned away with a sigh. "That makes this much more complicated, then. Part of me hoped that you were simply some rake toying with her heart for your own amusement. It would be easier to hate you if that were true."

"And I would like nothing more than for you to be the same creature of darkness who enslaved an Empire and banished it for a thousand years," Luna replied. "It seems we are both to be disappointed tonight."

"Perhaps," Sombra said. "You know this cannot continue, yes? I can see that Hope is troubled by her divided heart."

"I know. It pains me to see the turmoil within her when we talk of the future." Luna's lips quirked upwards in a humourless smile. "Perhaps it is our fate to hurt the ones we love."

"I don't believe in fate," was the immediate response from Sombra. "Fate decreed that I would be a monster, and Hope a princess." His eyes narrowed. "And now neither of those destinies shall come to pass."

"Ah, but you were once a monster, as I once was," Luna countered. "And who is to say what Hope's future has in store for her? She will do many great things, I know."

"In that we are agreed." There was a pause before Sombra spoke again. "You know, I came into this place with righteous fury, hoping to use my cunning to defeat a vile foe. Instead, I find a kindred soul in more ways than one. If Hope truly does not see a future with me, then I suppose you aren't the worst she could settle for."

The admission gave Luna pause, but she quickly recovered. "And yet, though she claims I possess her heart, she refuses to stay with me outside of the realm of dreams. I may claim her soul, but not her body."

"Funny, I was going to say the same thing."

The utter absurdity of the situation made Luna snort as she tried to hold back a laugh, and she saw Sombra's lips curve into a sincere smile that looked at odds with the first time they'd met on the battlefield.

"I think we would have been good friends in another life," she finally said, a twinge of regret echoing in her heart at what might have been.

"It would have been an honour to be your friend," Sombra agreed. "Still, we have business to attend to. The most important business of all, really. We both know the current state of affairs cannot continue, not when it's hurting all three of us."

"What do you propose, then?" Suspicion returned quickly as Luna marshalled her wits, remembering how wily her opponent could be. She stood up from her chair, the rest of the world fading from her focus.

"Tell me, princess, are you a gambling mare?" Sombra took a step closer, determination blazing in his eyes.

"I've been known to dabble," Luna replied.

"In that case, shall we two make a bet?" They were practically dancing around each other now, stepping back and forth and trying to take the measure of the other.

This was not the time to show weakness. "Call the stakes."

"Let Hope choose tomorrow if she is yours or mine." Another step, taking them closer to one another. "I know the location of the last two shards. Each of us will hunt for one."

"Then the one she follows will claim her heart?"

"Exactly." Sombra's grin turned wry. "And the other will disappear from her life, never to trouble her again, and ensuring that she will not be tempted to stray. Devil take the hindmost."

"Very well." Luna extended out a hoof towards him. "I'll gladly roll the dice. Devil take the hindmost."

They shook, sealing their wager.

"We're agreed, then," Sombra said as they released one another. "May the best pony win. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must stack the deck in my favour, as I'm sure you're planning to do as well."

"Naturally." Luna bowed her head respectfully at her foe. "Until tomorrow, Sombra."

She kept her confident demeanour up until he had left the bar, and then sagged back down onto her seat. "By Harmony, what have I done?" she whispered to herself. It was too late for regrets, though, and she knew it.

Tomorrow, Hope would make her choice, and all would be revealed.