• Published 20th May 2020
  • 1,230 Views, 16 Comments

Not Quite Canon. - KittyrinnAiko

A brand new adventure featering Kitsumi Nova and Not Sunset Shimmer.

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Chapter 6

“You have got the coolest dad ever,” Gilda said in a tone that was almost a squeal as the two police officers beat wing as fast as they could. Colonel Mustang entered the house a moment later.

“I see we have guests.” Ray Mustang said as he walked over to the foals.

“I’m so sorry about Gilda.” Mrs Seakite offered in way of an apology.

“Mrs Seakite, we invited her. She’s in our class and we are doing our after-school assignments together.” Sunshine explained.

“Working in a group makes it more fun and easier.” Dash offered.

“Easier?” Mrs Seakite asked confused.

“Well, when someone doesn’t understand something, the individual who does can help them.” Sunshine offered.

“They are all welcome, especially your daughter, Gilda.” Ray offered with a smile. “Nova, are you sure you are alright?”

“It’s probably going to take a bit longer for my muscles to heal up now, but other than that I’m good. I’ve been zapped plenty of times without it really doing anything. Seems like a good deal of it will just stick to my fur.”

“Her fur acts as a magical battery until discharged.” Gilda offered with a grin. “Puffs up like a sponge.”

“And sticks straight out,” Dash added.

“I bet that was a sight to see.” Ray offered. “Now, who all do we have here?”

“Well, the shy yellow filly hiding halfway up the stairs is Fluttershy,” Sunshine offered and Fluttershy answered with an eep while trying to shrink. “The Griffin in our group is of course Gilda. And our rainbow maned menace destined to become the greatest flier ever is Rainbow Dash.”

“That’s right – hey, who are you calling a menace?”

She did have to grab your tail to keep you from flying out onto the parade field.” Nova offered.

“OK, no flying out onto the parade field. That’s an active flight zone worse than wandering into traffic.” Mustang scolded.

“Yes sir,” Dash replied looking chastised. “Um, sir?”


“Can I meet the Wonderbolts?”

“I suppose as long as we are all here,” Whiplash said with a smile causing Dash to brighten up immediately.

“Alright!” Dash exclaimed.


Later that Evening Dash invited Gilda over to her house for dinner to avoid the awkwardness that might occur from inviting her to eat where her mother worked as a servant.

“Um, Dash… where are we going?” Gilda asked as the bus they were on took them up into upscale neighborhoods.

“My house? Where did you think I was taking you, to the Ritz?”

“You live in one of these mansions?”

“Um, ya.” Dash offered as they came to their stop. From there they’d have to wing it for a bit. “I don’t really like to tell any pony where I live because then they start getting all weird.”

“And I won’t?”

“Well, you seemed to be OK around Nova, and she’s practically an alicorn. - Come on.”

The two took off and landed in the front yard of an enormous cloud mansion.

“This place is huge!” Gilda exclaimed. “OK, we are definitely not telling my mom. But how is it that your parents have such a huge house?”

“Mom inherited the Rockhoof title and fortune. She’s the Baroness of Rock. Used to be an earth pony, but after the last Baron passed away it fell to my mom.”


“And dad is the Duke of Borealis.”


“Don’t let that fool you though, they are nothing like the Canterlot snobs.”

“Hang on, where have I heard that name?”

“Dad’s name is Bow Hothoof, and mom is Windy Whistles. And don’t bow or anything, they hate that. Being able to afford a nice place and having old meaningless titles doesn’t make a pony better than any pony is what they’ll tell you. The only time they enforce it is when dealing with the snobs in Canterlot.” Dash spun on Gilda and pointed a hoof at her. “And don’t you start calling me Lady Rainbow Borealis, you got that!?”

“Lady Rainbow?!” Gilda replied with a big smirk on her face. A moment later, both had big grins on their faces and Gilda was trying very hard not to laugh as they climbed the steps to let themselves in.


The next morning Nova and Sunshine arrived at school to discover the class was missing one student. “Where’s Dumbbell?” Sunshine asked Dash.

“No idea, haven't seen him.” Dash had just been bragging about getting to meet the Wonderbolts.

“Me either.” Gilda admitted as they went to their seats.

“He wasn’t hurt was he?” Nova asked concerned. The look on Fluttershy’s face suggesting she was concerned too.

“What him?” Dash asked. “It’s not like it’s the first time one of his pranks backfired on him.”

“Seats every pony.” Mrs Chart Fluff said as she entered the room. “Miss Nova, how are you this morning? You weren’t too badly injured from yesterday afternoon's incident were you?”

“I’m alright, Thank you for asking. If I wasn’t already healing up from a previous injury it would have been nothing.”

“Yes, and you started having cramps again last night.” Sunshine offered.

“I’m aright now though,” Nova added.

“Well it’s good to hear you are on the mend.” Mrs Chart Fluff replied. “Now, I want every pony’s attention. The fall out from yesterday afternoon’s little prank has gotten Dumbbell in enough hot rainbow concentrate to get him suspended. Oh it wasn’t just the lightning bolt, no, he and certain other parties who are presently on probation…” She glared at Hoops and Score. “Dumbbell decided to take it a step further by reporting the incident to the police as an assault on himself when he was the perpetrator. Two officers new to the police force are on administrative leave because of it. - Dumbbell will be lucky if he isn’t charged with a crime.”

“Dash, your parents…” Gilda whispered.

“We never even talked about it,” Dash whispered back.

“Oh right.”

“Dad did say he was going to talk to the chief,” Sunshine mentioned. “Never thought they’d take it this far.”

“Announcement,” Mrs Chart Fluff said to bring the focus back up to her. “Next week Cloudsdale will arrive at Canterlot. It’s recommended you carry an identification if you want to go into Canterlot City. Our school will also be touring the castle, and if you want to go, you will need both your identification and a signed permission slip from a parent or guardian.”

“Is this going to be a required trip?” Sunshine asked.

“Well, no, not really. If you are worried about Nova she can get her mane styled to hide that horn.” Mrs Chart Fluff offered.

“What… Oh right,” Sunshine replied. “I was actually thinking about my resemblance to a certain noble in need of a good swift kick in the plot.”

“Ah, yes, I imagine that is something of concern which I’d forgotten about. It shouldn't be a problem, you are a pegasus, she’s a unicorn, she's older then you, and you’ll be with the class,” Mrs Chart Fluff replied. “Try to think of it as a chance to see the palace. One you might never get again.”

Author's Note:

OK, so the Dash home where Rainbow grew up is fairly modest in canon, but still a good-sized home. The trouble is that this doesn't exactly mesh with Dashe's home that steadily grows from a fairly decent estate to a mansion. Either cloud homes are really cheap, or dash is rolling in bits, short of she built that thing herself. I mean, just how much does working on the Weather team in Ponyville pay?

And this is just the outside.

The inside...