• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 182 Views, 0 Comments

Book Two: - Kentavritsa

As Diamond Tiara is searching for a home; Mayor Mare is sympathetic, shoing a few optons.

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Exodus: 1

Author's Note:

Diamond Tiara's POV


My sister, is doing well. Just that I had started to seer as my daughter. Maybe feeding her, in this manner does that to a mare. Even if she may have been too young, for the responsibility, in the first place.

While the hut is small, the cot less than the bed I had been used to; Zecora had made up for everything, keeping me safe and well-fed. The food offered, may be strange; not exactly what I had grown accustomed to, as the daughter of filthy Rich. Yet; it has been nourishing, helping me to provide for the daughter thrust upon me, in such haste.

In the end, I had to go. I can not stay, just as I could not live on her hospitality forever. Maybe, it is better to go; sooner, rather than later?

My home abandoned, now in disarray. I can not return.

Yet, I have to have a home of my own. Who could I ask, and who could I trust?

Even after the election, I had never really made any friends. I had merely been hanging out with Silver Spoon; mainly because it had been the only filly I had found any acceptance to stay near.

If I had not been her friend before, how could I trust her now?

The reality had come crashing down, upon me; with just that incision, and my daughter extracted from within the womb of the mare who had been my mother.

After several days of warm hospitality, I had taken farewell of Zecora. I had thanked her, like I had thanked no pony before her. Then again; no Pony had offered me so freely, what she had offered me the last few days.

She had pointed out the path, leading me back into the village. I had followed her directions, knowing she would not lead me astray now.

Where do I go?” I ponder; “Whom do I turn to?” I continue; as I continue, on my way to Ponyville.

The path is easier, than the one I had stumbled in on; just as the path is lighter, less threatening than it had been to me before. I can’t exactly call the forest welcoming, or hospitable. Yet, at its heart; I had found refuge and salvation, by the name of Zecora.

Zecora is a mare, just like me; just older, and wiser. A Zebra, but a mare nonetheless.

Maybe, sometimes; mares stick together, helping one another out?

Just as I had been expecting, the path does lead me to the village of Ponyville; but parts of the village, I had never previously seen. Maybe this is for the better, after all. I am far from what had once been my home.

I can always trust the Apples, they have always been here; but they can’t direct me towards I can live, now!” I ponder, as I continue along the given path.

The next Pony, on the line is the Mayer: Mayer mare has been organizing the village for us throughout all my life, at the very least. To the best of my knowledge, she is still here.

The Mayor’s Office, would be the first place to look..” I ponder, as I trot along the road within the village.

Fortunately, I know where her office is located. What I had forgotten, is that a certain mare is organizing it for her. I know the mare, every Pony does; not just in Ponyville, but most of Equestria.

As I arrive, the door is closed, but the Mayor is in her office. Thank Celestia for that. The day is bad enough, as it is already; without any further incidents. The day is just a blur.

I had brought my sister with me, so I do not have to return to Zecora’s hut in the middle of the Ever-free forest to fetch her. Not that I had planned to have any special favours, because I am carrying the foal I am caring for; but I could I would take it, if it is the case. I’m not in the position, when I could be too picky.

A home, is all I ask for; nothing fancy, but safety for me and my sister would be great!” I ponder, as I step into the building.

I just can not let my sister have to suffer, to see the place I once called my home; to let her personality be tainted, by what had happened there!” I consider.

My life had changed, and I will have to adapt to it; willing or not, because it is all I have. I do it, for my sister above all. Maybe I can control this small corner, if I can not control anything else?

Since I had managed to gather what little I have, in what appears to be a semblance of structured order and a sense of manageable life; I believe it is time to catch the first glimpse of a new life. I will need more help, from the Mayor; but if she could offer me a place to stay, I can take it from there. Even Zecora believes, it is time. Prolonging now, would only make me fearful of what is around me and before me.

In the end, I had managed to trot the distance of the hall; all the way to the door of her office, knocking on the door. I had imagined, I heard her in there.

I wait.

A moment later, the door swings up.

“Enter!” she offers, kindly.

I step in, quietly; subdued, after what I had just gone through. Even if Zecora had tried to help me, putting the pieces back together again. Takes more; than the glue, of a few days to mend the harm and the hurt. I am still scared.

I can not go back. I have no home. Nowhere to go.

“Oh..” she exclaims; “Diamond Tiara!” she responds, then looks up.

“What ill fate, has befallen upon you?” she adds.

“Short story..” I respond; “I am in need of a home!” I explain.

“Not much, I can offer..” she puts forth; “But if you accept, what I can offer; I could dig up something rather small, secluded!” she offers.

“Can it hold a bed?” I respond.

“That modest?” she inquire, now realizing that the look on my face is signifying.

“I really don’t have much..” I put forth; “But I will need to be able to care for my filly!” I point out.

“A filly without home and care?” she mouths; “Unacceptable!!” she breaths.

“For now, she does have me caring for her; but I can’t continue as is, without a safe home for the both of us!” I respond.

“The only homes I can offer, are small; but you should be able to fit a bed, in there!” she offers.

“Not in the center, and not in the rich part of town, exactly; but it is a home that should be offering you a safe place..” she mumbles.

“R.. R.. Rich?” I stumble, casting my eyes down.

“Sorry, I forgot about him in the moment!” she tries to console.

“I have to confess, I have not seen him in a few days!” she points out.

“You may consider, sending some Pony to see how he is doing..” I respond; “Assuming he is still alive?” I offer, weakly.
“That bad?” she inquires.

“yes..” I respond.

“In that case, where have you held up?” she responds.

“In the most unlikely of places..” I start; “At Zecora’s hut, in the middle of the Ever-free forest!” I conclude.

“Of all places..” she begins; “But if you made it safely to the hut..” she starts over; “She took you in and offered shelter?” she inquires.

“She did offer me support..” I respond.

“Thank Celestia, for Zecora!” Mayor offers; knowing it wasn’t her job, but she had put the Ponies responsible in place.

With that, she gathers a set of keys; to what she thinks, are the best candidates for a fitting home. Nothing big, but enough to house a single mare and her filly.

“Let’s inspect the prospective homes, I have to offer; then we can celebrate, once you have a home of your own!” she offers.

“Thank you, Mayor!” I respond.

With that, she is leading me out of her office; onto the street of Ponyville, towards the district she had in mind.

Maybe a breakfast, at the Sugar-cube Corner would still be tempting; but right now, I do not know if I could afford it!” I ponder, as she is leading me through the center of the village of Ponyville.

I used to love wearing Rarity’s latest creations, but I can’t ask her anything right now; when I have a filly to care for..” I realize; even knowing she would have given me something for free, just so that I could look good.

Of course, that is Rarity; every Pony knew it, but I can’t quite make myself rely on these things now.

I couldn’t even ask any Pony, going back to fetch any of the clothes I know should still be at my home. Maybe some Pony thought of this, when they go to see how my father is doing. I just could not even finish the thought; knowing where it may lead, after what he was looking like.

After a few more minutes, slowly trotting along the streets through Ponyville; I notice, we are approaching the district where I will live.

While I had seen her picking up more than one key, and I can’t just take the first thing she offers; just because I am desperate, and that it is the first offer.

While carrying my sister, may slow me down; I could not leave her anywhere, and I don’t have any means to carry her in any other more stylish fashion. Convenience be damned, this is what I have.

Maybe I could as well show who I am, and what my situation is right now?

Of course, this is Ponyville; every home is a single family housing, nothing else is available!” I ponder.

Guess that suits me just fine.

“As I said, it is not large; but it should be enough to house you, and your filly!” she prompts, a moment before we approach the house.

“In a sense; I think I prefer a smaller home, where I can get away from where I came from!” I mention, in response.

“Blending in with the crowd, and making friends?” she inquires.

“I certainly could use a few good friends, right now!” I offer, without explaining about anything further.

She will find out, soon enough; why bother her with the details behind what I need, now?” I ponder.

There is a lush, green lawn before the house she is presenting me with; behind the pretty picket fence, three feet tall. A path from the street, laid with stone tiles leads to the porch. Three steps leading up, to the porch; encircled by a wooden picket fence, identical to the one surrounding the property.

From the outside; the house is quite ordinary, nothing special standing out.

“From here, it does look perfectly fine and acceptable!” I suggest.

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