• Published 9th Jun 2020
  • 907 Views, 9 Comments

The very next day - Nailah

Hearthswarming, a day filled with love, laughter and friendships, so the day after why was Marble crying?

  • ...

The very next day

Prompt: Yesterday

It was a calm and peaceful day on the rock farm, but Marble felt her heart shattering into many pieces as she buried her face into her sister’s chest, and began to cry.

Limestone Pie gritted her teeth together, narrowing her eyes to the distance beyond. She scraped a forehoof into the dirt beneath her. Scowling, and huffing, she pulled Marble Pie against her chest as Marble sobbed into her, and buried her head deep into her chest floof.

"Who hurt you sis? They will be getting one hell of a beating from my hooves."

Marble Pie shook her head. She barely lifted herself away from the comforting embrace of her sister. "It doesn't matter, he chose her,” sighed Marble, as she shifted her foreleg to wipe away the tears that dripped down her cheeks.

"Hmmph. Why I ought to go down to Ponyville, find his ass and give him a piece of my mind. How dare he hurt you?! We're practically family."

Marble stiffened slightly. "Sis...why doesn't anyone love me?" She asked as she felt the tears streaming down her face.

“Sis…” began Limestone, she bit her bottom lip, scowling out to the sky beyond. She grunted as she held her sister, stroking her mane, attempting to soften her hurting. Limestone considered herself a mare of toughness. She didn’t let things get to her, but seeing her little sister cry was too much to handle.

“I love you. Your family loves you. So what if some jerk ass apple decided he didn’t want you to be his special somepony. He doesn’t deserve you. Trust me you’re better off this way. Sure it hurts, but I’ll be right here with you.” said Limestone, as she hugged her sister, and ruffled her mane.

Marble Pie felt the slightest chuckle escaping her lips, as a stray tear ran down her cheeks.

“Thanks sis. I can always count on you to be my rock.” said Marble as she finally left go of her sister. It was still hard to believe it had only been yesterday since she and the entire family of both Pies and Apples had sat down to exchange gifts. And in the moment, he gave the gift of his heart to some pony else. To Sugar Belle. She tensed up, as she wrapped her forelegs around her chest fluff, pouting. She stiffened up her remaining tears, she felt a slight slap to her back from her older sister.

“Hey now, no more crying. We’ve got work to do. Besides, there’s no sense wasting your tears on a guy like that. You deserve the best stallion out there,” said Limestone as she walked off to begin rotating the rocks from one side to the other, like they did every day.

Maybe she’s right, I probably am letting this get to me too easily. There’s plenty of other stallions out there, but there’s no one quite like him…

She hummed a little tune to herself as she worked. “Yesterday, I wanted to give so much, but the very next moment, you tore it away.”

“No singing! We don’t have time for that. We need to focus on moving these rocks,” shouted Limestone. She felt harsh for doing it, but she had to get her mind off of Big Mac, and onto her chores.

Marble Pie’s lips clasped together like glue, as she silently moved the rocks from one end to the other. Each rock had a purpose, just as she had a purpose, but yet she felt empty inside. Shattered by the loss of the stallion she had cherished.

The day was slowly coming to an end, she couldn’t help but look at her older sister with a smile. I wish I could be like her. Strong, stubborn, and not letting anything get to me.

“Sis?” asked Limestone Pie when she glanced back at her younger sister while she just sat there, huddled against herself.

“I’ll be okay…” she whispered softly. She nodded her head ever so slightly, gesturing with a silent motion for her sister to go on ahead of her. She felt Limestone’s hooves shifting, and for a second, thought she’d be dragged inside, but was surprised when nothing happened. Sitting there alone, she sighed heavily looking up to the clouds roaming through the evening sky. The world was such a beautiful place and yet she ached for something more. I’m not selfish right? It’s okay to want to find a pony that loves me like that.

Marble stood up from the spot she had been sitting, and turned to follow her sister back to the house. She couldn’t focus on yesterday, not when there was still so much of today left, and people who cared about her. She knew she’d be sad for quite awhile. Words were just words, and healing would take her time.

“Hey there!” said Pinkie Pie as she suddenly appeared behind Marble. “Whaddya all down in the dumps about?”

“Oh, hey Pinkie. I didn’t expect you to be here,” said Marble, as she tried her best not to look as pale as a ghost. How did she get here so fast?” asked Marble as she let out an eep of surprise, and found her cheeks flushing a deep shade of red.

“Oh yeah, I thought I’d surprise you all with a visit. And cupcakes!” smiled Pinkie giving her sister a cupcake.

“That’s sweet of you, Pinkie. It’s always nice to see you. Do you love me?”

Pinkie Pie tilted her head at her sister. “Of course I do, silly! Now what kind of question is that? Did you eat too many cupcakes?!?” panicked Pinkie Pie urging her sister inside the house. Marble found herself giggling.

Marble smiled to herself, as she felt herself being pushed inside. He doesn’t love me, but that’s okay, because my sisters will always be here to comfort me and remind me how special I am. I am very much loved when I am with them.

Marble sat down at the table, as Pinkie Pie began telling her parents a story about a mysterious cupcake thief. Marble giggled more into her forehoof. And she says I had too many cupcakes.

Marble felt at home, she was where she belonged. Right here with her sisters, and that was all the reason she needed to have a Happy Hearthswarming. Even though that was yesterday, she could still pretend like it was the holiday season all over again, and with Pinkie Pie around, it wasn’t hard to giggle and laugh about the silly things, and find joy in her family.

Comments ( 9 )

I like this one, it channels the feeling I had when Big Mac choose Sugerbelle, I felt so sorry for Marble. Also thank you for giving it a positive ending.

Such a wonderful, beautiful and we'll written piece.

Excellent job girl, also love the characterization of Marble.

Another beautiful gem of a short Nailah. You really know how to tug at the heartstrings and get your audience caring for your characters! I think you did a marvelous job with Marble here, her characterization feels so real!
Like Defiant, I felt the same when Big Mac choose Sugarbelle. Our poor, sweet, little Marble! *sniffs*
Just yes a gem of a tale, where the love that matters is that of ones sisters, and really in the end, that is all that matters anyway, the love of our family. Friends/Significant Others will come and go, but family is forever. :heart:

Time to ugly-sob a bit.:raritycry:

The worst part about Marble, from that Hearth's Warming special? If you look closely, her eye beneath her mane was still open. That little tidbit (thank you, DWK) always gut-punched my heart, and I can say with honesty that this story follows through on that tradition. Well done.

Thank you for sharing this nice piece of sisterly comfort received in the face of disappointment! :twilightsmile:

Sort of surprised we didn't see Maud though, given Limestone's comments about her sisters being there for her.

Marble giggled more into her forehoof.

Definitely in-character.


finally left go of her sister.

"finally LET go of her sister"

Howdy, hi!

Ah, this was cute in a bittersweet way. I definitely feel for Marble here as losing out on someone you have a crush on always sucks, but I'm sure she'll find someone else or, at a minimum, she still has her family who will love her unconditionally for who she is. I liked the big sisterly energy Limestone has in this, and it definitely gives off the vibe of that protective sibling who's only doing the best they can for their younger sibling.

I also enjoy the random inclusion of Pinkie Pie in this. Probably came when her Pinkie Sense told her her Marble was upset and needed some affection from her sister. Overall just a really cute story about supportive siblings.

Thanks for the read~!

This comment will be unfair to the others due to the fact that I now have a deeper insight. First off, I had no idea it was based off the song Last Christmas by Carly Buchanan. Knowing that now, it gives deeper insight to the story’s feel.

It was a calm and peaceful day on the rock farm, but Marble felt her heart shattering into many pieces as she buried her face into her sister’s chest, and began to cry

What a line to begin off on! The stark contrast between the calm on the farm (outside) and disquiet in Marble’s heart (inside) gives the fic rich flavor!

“Who hurt you sis? They will be getting one hell of a beating from my hooves.”

“Hmmph. Why I ought to go down to Ponyville, find his ass and give him a piece of my mind. How dare he hurt you?! We’re practically family.”

Definitely could be Limestone quotes if they’d let Limestone curse in the show.

“Sis… why doesn’t anyone love me?”

Heartbreaking dialogue.

Marble Pie felt the slightest chuckle escaping her lips, as a stray tear ran down her cheeks.

Love this. I know it’s not explicitly written, but I imagine if she’s still hiding her face in Limestone’s chest floof. In the same vein, just imagine the brief respite Limestone would feel to know that humor isn’t lost for her sister.

”… You deserve the best stallion out there,”


“No singing! We don’t have time for that. We need to focus on moving these rocks,”

Tough love—Limestone style.

Also, its good that Limestone is distracting Marble. I wouldn’t say that it’s the best place to start, but nonetheless, it’s a start. It is the first step of grief; denial.

I wish I could be like her. Strong, stubborn, and not letting anything get to me.

You will, Marble. Just be patient. Kinda makes me think, has Limestone had relationships previous that cause her to speak from experience? It would add depth to her character if so. How much of her personality is nature and how much is nurture? It would be interesting to explore.

“I’ll be okay…” she whispered softly.

Denial again.

I’m not selfish right? It’s okay to want to find a pony that loves me like that.

I like this bit of characterization.

As said before, one of the reasons why I selected this fic is because I’m a sucker for Limestone and Marble heart-to-hearts. Very different personalities, but family nonetheless, leading them to care for each other in very different ways.

Even more so, I’m a sucker for Pinkie and Marble interactions. Especially Pinkie with her constant tangents would be acutely aware to how Marble was feeling without saying it outright.

Minor things:

How did she get here so fast?” asked Marble as she let out an eep of surprise, and found her cheeks flushing a deep shade of red.

Think these should be in italics, though did she say it aloud? If aloud, probably add ‘to herself’ at the end, since this is a weird thing to say to Pinkie.

aww, this was a cute one! i really liked how Limestone Limestone was in this. protective, combative, blunt, and believing in hard work as the tonic for all things, including not having to think about some things for a while. i definitely understand Marble admiring her and wanting to emulate her, as i have some of those feelings myself! and i can tell a lot went into this Marble, who feels very much like a real person here.

and it was a nice touch to end this with Pinkie, who always seems to have a knack for being where she is needed!

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