• Member Since 4th Jun, 2016
  • offline last seen 35 minutes ago


mayorlight from DeviantArt and Derpibooru; Equestria Girls devotee


While cleaning up Twilight Sparkle's former laboratory, Lemon Zest stumbles upon a bag containing an unknown white powdery substance. Hijinks ensue when she discovers what it actually does!

Contains: Nudity, suggestive themes, drug references.

Update 11/6/2020: I finally got around to drawing a cover image!

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 56 )

I am loving this so far. :rainbowlaugh: Definitely gonna follow this one and see how it turns out!

Let the misadventures begin!

This is going to be amusing :rainbowdetermined2:

This was definitely a lot of fun! :rainbowlaugh: Never watched Breaking Bad but I love the reference made to it all the same here.

Boy, I can't wait to see how this story will unfold from here. Especially when the other Shadowbolts get involved. (Nice call on Sugarcoat being a superb card player btw, I can legitimately see that - she's definitely got the face and voice down for bluffing at poker or the like. XD)

They killed time watching a horror movie about giant rabbits terrorizing a small town

My god... the Night of the Lepus. :rainbowwild:

Yup, Sugarcoat has a natural poker face! It makes for quite an ironic trait since bluffing a hand is not the same as speaking a falsehood.

One of my all-time favorite B-movies!

This was a lot of fun, as usual. :rainbowlaugh: I got a laugh out of Indigo and Lemon's antics in the library; they really made me think of Ghostbusters a little when they were having fun at Jet Set and Upper Crust's expense! XD

Detective Sugarcoat is on the case, it seems... can't wait to see how this will go down for our two prankster protagonists in the next installment, that's for sure. :yay:

With someone getting hurt, though not badly, things are now escalating.

"Get her!" :flutterrage:

Love that movie.

Yup, if Lemon and Indigo aren't careful, they just may end up getting exposed!

Indeed. One can only hope that Lemon and Indigo don't get too careless with their "field tests."

Hehe, nice. XD

Yup, if Lemon and Indigo aren't careful, they just may end up getting exposed!

Oh dear... this story has made me think a lot of the SpongeBob episode "Pranks a Lot," where SpongeBob and Patrick get their hands on an invisibility spray (which stains clothes, so they get nude to use it) and embark on a prank spree across town, making everyone think that there's ghosts about. Ultimately they get caught by Mr. Krabs, who initially seems to let them off the hook... and then gets the whole town to laugh at the exposed duo. Really, really hoping that Indigo and Lemon don't suffer such a fate! :rainbowlaugh:

Me gusta mucho esta historia tan divertida y con referencias interesantes, además de tener a mi dúo favorito de Cristal Prep y ser algo atrevido, je, je, me gusta. Espero que en verdad siga, quiero ver más de todo.

(Por favor perdone a mi pobre espanol)
Muchas gracias! Estoy muy ocupado, pero hay mas por venir. Me gusta tu avatar. San Andreas eternamente!

(Please forgive my poor Spanish)
Thank you very much! I am quite busy, but there's more coming. I like your avatar. San Andreas forever!

The close calls are growing.

They really had a close call with *this* outing, that's for sure. Can't wait to see what direction this story will take next!

That was great. :rainbowlaugh: Hilarious stuff all the way through!

But now, Sugarcoat's on the case. (Or on the scent, as it might be. XD) Can't wait to see her put the clues together. :yay:

Yup, even while the powder renders its users invisible, they can still leave other traces!

Damn! They really aimed high with this prank, that's for sure. Definitely was some good wicked fun to see them mess with Cinch some - if for no other reason that it'd just be too mean for Indigo and Lemon to screw around with Cadence, were she Principal now.

But the narrow escapes are getting narrower ever more. I'm really waiting for the moment that Detective Sugarcoat will put everything together... and just how this will all end for our prankster protagonists. :rainbowwild:

No kidding! For anyone to bear even the slightest malice toward Cadance just seems wrong.

We'll see just how much longer Lemon and Indigo can tempt fate! :raritywink:

Buen capítulo, ya me estaba preguntando si ese polvo es infinito o algo así, ahora se que no, con las pocas oportunidades que les quedan solo puedo esperar a que lo aprovecharán para bromas más ambiciosas, pero la broma y los riesgos de aquí fueron de por sí extremos, me gusta como todo esto se intensifica cada vez más. Por cierto, también me agrada que Cinch siga siendo la directora, de hecho, me parecería mayormente malo que alguien como ella deje de serlo.

I knew I smelled a trap

Muchas gracias! Trato de aumentar el riesgo con cada capitulo. Cinch es como un antagonista buena. Disfruto escribir su personaje como tal.

Thank you very much! I try to increase the risk with each chapter. Cinch is such a good antagonist. I enjoy writing her character as such.

Haha, wow. Sugarcoat got them GOOD. :rainbowlaugh:

One "final performance," eh? I'm curious and worried. XD

¡Sugarcoat jodida L! Es impresionante como ella fue descubriendo cada pista y concluyendo sobre quienes fueran las fantasmas con tanta seguridad al final, y eso de planear su trampa fue ingenioso y a la vez simple como las hizo caer ¿Qué será esa última actuación? Estoy a la espera. Por cierto, no discutiría con que Sugarcoat es la más pequeña, es hasta gracioso sumándole lo inteligente de aquí, buen headcanon.

The only missing were the box and the stick!

That expression always takes me back to my days playing Narc in the arcades! :rainbowwild:

I can say this much: it’s gonna be one heck of a swan song!

Admito que podria tener un poco de sesgo, ya que Sugarcoat es mi Shadowbolt favorito. Tal vez sea porque lleva gafas.

I admit I might be a little biased since Sugarcoat is my favorite Shadowbolt. Maybe it's because she wears glasses.

What a twist! :rainbowwild:

Its been a fun ride!

Haha, that was a great finale for the two of them! :rainbowlaugh:

Kinda reminded me of this one prank I remember hearing about where some special effects experts faked a Carrie-type freakout in a coffee shop somewhere. XD

Superb work. Really got a kick out of Lemon and Indigo's little talk about possibly being superheroes. Can't wait to see how this story will finish!

Oh dear God. I don't know whether to :rainbowlaugh: or :twilightoops: at that news from Twilight. :rainbowderp:

...Ah what the hell. It's still funny. XD

I'll bet nobody saw THAT coming!

Glad you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

Thank you!

I have seen that prank. Personally, I would love to see someone do a Star Wars version of it.

Lemon definitely won't be trying to get Twilight to make another batch!

Diablos, no me esperaba está misión, ni siquiera sabía que algunas Shadowbolts aparecieron en los libros, de hecho desconocía totalmente el contenido de los libros, pero me impresiona como conectas tu fanfic con el canon oficial, con esas palabras como “el amigo de un amigo". Sugarcoat si que tuvo un buen plan, básicamente lo mismo que siempre hicieron las “fantasmas" pero como heroínas, que buen sentido de justicia. El final no estuvo mal, como que se compensan los daños y es un final feliz, muy apropiado y me agrada pensar que Lemon Zest e Indigo Zap serán más unidas por esta divertida experiencia.

Podría decir que esta fue de mis historias favoritas sobre mi par de Shadowbolts favoritas, me impresiona como esto se conecta con el canon oficial, todas esas referencias internas y externas, tu propio headcanon, todo tiene sentido. A pesar de ser una historia simple, está muy bien escrita, un capítulo introductorio, que cada capítulo importa para que Sugarcoat tenga una nueva pista y como se intensifican los riesgos, y como la historia cambia con las últimas 4 cucharadas. Acerca de este genial epílogo, parece que todo lo malo ya pasó y es cuando aparece Twilight Sparkle, y yo me preguntaba cuándo aparecería, incluso aclara lo que es en realidad su fórmula, gran sorpresa. Gracias por escribir, adoro a Lemon Zest y realmente disfrute todo.

Ojalá los Shadowbolts pudieran haber aparecido en más episodios y libros. Sus personajes ofrecen mucho para explorar.

I really wish the Shadowbolts could have appeared in more episodes and books. Their characters offer plenty to explore.

¡Muchas gracias! Me alegro de que disfrutara de esta historia y de que toda la narrativa funcionara tan bien como lo hizo. Me divertí mucho escribiéndola.

Thank you very much! I am glad that you enjoyed this story and that the entire narrative worked as well as it did. I had a lot of fun writing it.


Ahora que lo mencionas, debo decir algo extra, yo también comparto ese sentimiento, cuando ví la tercera película me gustaron mucho las Shadowbolts, cuando ví y escuché a Lemon Zest fue amor a primera vista. Se que es un poco raro ya que son puestas como desagradables personas, pero se notaba el carisma y potencial de todas ellas. Me emocioné cuando reaparecieron en Dance Magic, excepto que faltó Indigo, pero todo lo demás fue grandioso, podía ver qué ese hubiera sido el inicio de una fuerte amistad entre las Mane Six y Shadowbolts... Hubiera. Después de esos sucesos ya no ví Equestria Girls de la misma manera, actualmente aun espero un regreso de ellas, si es en animación mejor, que sea en Pony Life o en la G5, donde sea, pero que vuelvan. Al menos tengo estos grandiosos fanfics para llenar un poco el vacío, de nuevo gracias por escribir.

Well this was a fun read. Good job on the comedy, particularly the last prank and epilogue!

Thanks! Glad I could deliver the laughs.

Glad you enjoyed it!

kind of reminded me of this one story i heard that a woman went to a hotdog stand after getting completely drunk and stoned off her ass on meth and weed bout a hotdog and said it started screaming at her not to eat it and then when she went to bite it again the hotdog started screaming bloody murder so she threw the hotdog on the ground and stomped on it

As she approached the library's tiled entryway, she suddenly stopped to gaze down at the puddle of spilled coffee...and a single bare footprint pointing toward the door.

shit maybe they should start reading some more classic literature either that or start watching some old movies like "the invisible man" because that footprint thing is how he got caught

Indigo managed to keep a straight face as she gave Sour a skeptical look. "With a toy? "

That is not by any means a toy, one shouldn't even have those things they are evil and not to mention once you start messing with those things who knows what will come out of that door

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