• Published 11th Aug 2020
  • 4,772 Views, 341 Comments

Reborn - Pensive

Brother, sister, mother, father... What is a family? Are they just relatives? The people whom take care of you? Or, are they the ones you love most for just being whom they are? What will happen when brother and sister find them alone in Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 12 - Reassignment

Author's Note:

Wow. Close to two weeks without an upload, in fact, It's probably been two weeks depending on the time zone. Well, I have an explanation... I blame school. Really, work is starting to pick up in the free time I do have is spent sleeping and working. The little time left I usually spend to my self.

The only reason I was able to finish this chapter was that I found out we had 4 bags of instant coffee packets and nobody told me we had them. Unfortunately, we had no creamer, and we were extremely low on sugar and milk. I drank the bidder coffee. Tis truly an accursed liquid without additives. But with additives, tis a wonderful beverage for one such as myself

Gotta agree with Luna there. Now that my explanation is done, I'm going to edit and then release this chapter.

Anyways I used a couple of quotes from a very certain couple of pirate movies I rewatched 2-3 weeks ago. I wonder who can catch them:derpytongue2:

Good hunting!

POV: Eclipse

Eclipse barely had time to assess the situation as there was a ringing in her head. 'Focus, the guards are already coming.'

A little shake of the head got Eclipse on track as she could hear the beating sounds of hooves rushing close by. Though Thestral's had excellent night vision and specialized in a kind of specific of light magic, though some call it shadow magic, the lanterns along with the slight headache didn't do any good.

The scene in front of her was of two griffins, and the alicorns. She didn't think too much about it as her wings swiftly unsheathed her sword. The sound of metal gliding out of a metallic sheath rang in the halls as it glimmered in the dark. Being one of Princess Luna's most trusted officers's among other things such as her involvement with the pirates and granted her the honor of a sword forged from a sky steel forge. An ancient technique was required to make the metal which was unfortunately lost thousands of years ago.

The only sky steel left in Equestria was bought out by the crown. As the supply of sky steel fell, so did the remaining sky forges. The only sky forge left in Equestria was also bought by the crown. Eclipse quickly broke out of thought as she didn't have time to ponder on the history of Sky Steel.

Looking at the griffins, they held the two hostages. 'Perhaps if I move quickly enough I-'

"STAY BACK!" shouted one of the griffins, a tom by the sounds of it.

Eclipse's forming plan was immediately shot down in flames. Holding back she waited.

"Stay where you are or these two die!"

The griffin's sharp claws glided dangerously close to Star and Mark's neck. Fortunately, the Guards nearby who had just arrived stayed their swords instead of trying to attack. The two griffins slowly backed as Eclipse and the guards followed an equal amount, sword at the ready.

"Release them!" shouted Eclipse.

Eclipse thought on what she said and realized it was stupid for a multitude of reasons. The griffin in front that was holding Star down only snorted in response. Star didn't realize it, but the griffins had backed up into a position where they couldn't be attacked from behind.

Now that both griffins were in a position where they were safe from being flanked, the griffin with Mark turned around as well. Mark wasn't being held down on the neck as aggressively as Star, though likely because his should near that area was still injured.

"Now why would we do that?" replied the griffin who smiled as they got into a better position, "surely you didn't think that we'd actually do that did you? Unfortunately for you, we have demands."

Eclipse eyed them warily. She needed to find a way to bring the two to safety as they were the entire point of the mission. Before Eclipse could compose a response the griffin acted first.

"But first, your weapon." the griffin pointed at the sword she had unsheathed before.

Eclipse looked at it, then at the guards behind her. 'I'd expect demand like that and normally would have refused, however unacceptable it is but the safety of the two is more important.'

With a nod to those behind her, she turned back sheathing her sword. The griffin seemed unsatisfied but the sound of a pony walking sounded through the halls. The sound echoed as if the ship was an underground tunnel with not but the eerie sounds and ominous feeling. Behind Eclipse, came the towering figure of Luna, expression absolutely furious.

POV: Luna

Luna was furious that not only did the pirates escape, but she was woken up in the middle of the night and now there's a hostage situation. 'Though, now that the two have revealed themselves, I can end this quickly.'

As Luna saw the two griffins come in sight, the guards around moved out the way. 'They've trapped themselves in a corner. How stupid. Even if they have the hostages, if they threaten to kill or harm them then we need do not but say no to their demands as they must know if they harm any of the two, they're already doomed. Though, I wonder what the plan was. There's no escape for them now.'

"I'm curious," said Luna cold and calculating filling every word with disgust, "what was your plan, pirate?"

The feminine-looking griffin behind the one that was in the lead winced at the way she spat out 'pirate', to which was barely noticeable. Neither Griffin showed fear, but Luna could see the one behind hold Mark hostage tried poorly to hide she was absolutely terrified. Though the situation was escalating now that Luna showed up, the lead stood strong against her intimidating words.

"Did you think you could take more treasure from those you killed and enslaved?"

"Well, that too!" came back a replied, "but this ship is ours!"

Luna scoffed at the pitiful reply.

"If you don't do what we say, these two die!" said the griffin, trying to get leverage, "I know they're important! We've all seen the mission file that was given to us before we set the trap!"

Luna eyed them with contempt. 'Since when did the griffin lose their honor? Even for criminals, they would never betray their honor.' Luna stopped for a moment and closed her eyes. With a deep intake of air, Luna slowly let it go before she looked at them, "This is your one and only chance, let them go and surrender now."

The breath Luna took was deep and slow as she felt the world slow for her. She was focused now. It was a technique she developed herself over all the years of battle she's been in. While it seems simple, Luna knew it was anything but. This personal technique put Luna's mind in overdrive, almost seeming as if the world was just a tad bit slower.

The small lantern burned slowly in the hall, as the broken glass on the floor collected dust. Luna watched every little detail now. 'If you were waiting for the opportune moment, that was it.' thought Luna.

Luna's eye watched slowly as the griffins behind coward at the sight of her now more intimidating stance. The Griffin in front took a moment to process what Luna had just said. 'You best choose right, because why fight when you can negotiate? Or in this case, surrender with fewer consequences.' Luna watched as the griffin expression turned to anger.

"What?! Don't you-"

Luna needed no more confirmation, though her eyes did droop a bit in disappointment. With a haze, Mark and Star were gone within a flash as Stella materialized by Luna's side flying at speeds unrecognizable. The scythe flew through the air, as it's blunt metallic handle hit the lead griffin in the head.

He fell only moments later, probably bleeding a bit. While that happened, the other griffin, seeing what happened, was prepared to run, but Luna was prepared. The scythe's handle spun around hard and quickly landing the griffin's neck slowing down just barely before impact to not cause any damage.

It didn't take the griffin long to realize the scythe was in a position where should Luna decided to yank it, her head would follow soon after. The griffin froze when she felt the blade lightly touch the fur on the other side of her neck.

Luna looked at the griffin for a moment as she held scythe, "I'll give the other one chance to peacefully surrender and I shall offer you the same. Do Not waste my mercy."

The griffin stayed quiet and gulped, but she did make a shaking nod. Luna sighed again and looked behind to see a few guards rushing to the griffin as Eclipse checked on two unconscious foals. She had made sure to apply a sleep spell before teleporting them as teleportation when done rapidly, has a nauseating effect. And she just didn't want them to see or be in this situation. 'Twice now have they both been in more danger than the time they stayed in the zebra village. Equestria military truly couldn't have fallen this much... right?'

Stopping her train of thought, Luna began to relay her orders as the griffin she held hostage was vigorously dog piled with ponies.

POV: Eclipse

Eclipse was watching over Star and Mark as they slept while Luna was busy managing the guards. At least, that's what she thought until the door opened and came in Princess Luna.

"Princess?" asked a confused Eclipse, "I thought I had already given my report to-"

"I'm not here for that."

Luna came forward, soon she reached a peacefully sleeping Mark and Star while Eclipse only stayed where she was with a watchful eye. She watches them sleep soundly as they slept unaware of the world around.

"Eclipse, you have spent the most amount of time with those two... Tell me, what are they like?"

Eclipse gave a questing look as she looked at her Princess of the Night.


"Just Luna, Eclipse," came a swift reply, "You've been by my side since I've returned and I think you deserve that. At least after this. But for now, just answer the question."

Eclipse's interest was peaked as Prin-Luna isn't usually a hooves off pony. Focusing, Eclipse thought back on Star and Mark with a small smile.

"Well," Eclipse began slowly, still trying to gather her thoughts, "if I had to say, their no different then when you're around. From what I got from Star, Mark is usually stubborn, lazy, nerdy, always staying up late, introverted, and a myriad of other things I didn't bother to commit to memory."

At Luna's surprised face, Eclipse continued, smile fading away.

"But, I suspect that recent events have changed them both a bit. As for Star, from what I've seen she's usually always happy to go out and make friends, bubbly, and a little immature. They also seem to always stick together unconsciously, though, I'd expect that when they've been put in such an unfamiliar situation. Other than that, I..."

Eclipse took a moment to breathe before continuing.

"I notice that whenever alone, those to seem... More... more secretive... I know they're in an unfamiliar environment, but I don't know how much it's affecting them. Though what worries me is how destroying that ship has affected Mark. His emotional mask is in the way and I have no idea what he's thinking."

Though Eclipse didn't see, Luna sighed.

"If you were worried that they treat you differently, don't worry, Luna. To them, your just another pony in the world, no title is going to change that. It's... quite unique if you ask me. Though, it worries me Mark has no one else to trust besides his sister, who is equally as lost as he is. I don't know how this downward spiral is affecting him and I'm worried about him."

After a moment, Luna thanked Eclipse for telling her.

In the moment of silence, they thought silently as Eclipse pondered on what Luna said earlier.

With a sigh, Luna pulled a file out of her mane and gave it to Eclipse.

"What's this?" Eclipse asked looking at the odd file.

"Your reassignment as well as new orders." Eclipse was immediately alert when she heard reassignment.

"Did I do something w-"

"No, you did not," Eclipse never got to finish her sentence, "just read it."

With a pause, Eclipse got the file and opened it gently with a hoof.

"Inside you'll find you've been reassigned to the two as not just a guard, but their caretaker as well."

Eclipse stopped for a second, eyes closing over the large heading of the file, "I've been... What?!"

She looked at Luna, confused and unsure, what to feel as her emotion mixed into an unreadable mess, "I-I wha-?"

Luna looked back at Eclipse, "You've said it yourself, these two are in an unfamiliar environment with complete strangers around." At the still confused Eclipse Luna pointed to the file, to which Eclipse looked at and slowly opened the first page.

Luna did not have look to know what was inside, instead, she kept talking.

"Inside, you'll find precisely what you just said. They need somepony to trust, especially with the danger they've been in."

Eclipse was still shocked and was barely able to respond, "I-.... I don't know what to think of-"

Luna, not wanting all of Eclipse's emotions to crash down on her placed a hoof on Eclipse's lips, "You don't have to think anything of it. I'm sorry... I can not say more right now, but I have duties to return to and a prisoner to interrogate."

While Eclipse was still shocked, Luna turned around and left her behind. Once she was out of Mark and Star's room, she teleported away to her makeshift planning room/lounge.

Around were multiple ponies, filing cabinets, and scattered paper. In short, this place was a mess. Looking around, Luna saw a grayish-white earth pony with an oversides hat on.

"Captain Night Breeze," Luna said authoritatively, "I trust the prisoner was dealt with?"

Captain Night Brease turned around seeing Luna with a bit of shock. Seems he didn't here me teleport in. Perhaps his age is catching up with him.

"Princess Luna," he said, confidently, "yes, we locked them in separate empty storage rooms. The unconscious one already cared for."

"Good, I'll be back."

With another teleport, Luna was in front of the storage room she had told the captain to lock the female, and more importantly, the conscious griffin. Luna prepared all the standard spells she'd normally use for in a situation like this before she unlocked the door. 'This should be easy enough. She'll be easy to interrogate for information or...' Luna stopped her train of thought with a slight shiver. 'or if needed, easy to break.'

While Luna could break a pony without any type of physical contact, she could break them just as badly with just words and magic. But usually, the only griffins she broke were soldiers who were trained to resist torture as they usually held on to their sanity longer before breaking down, which usually meant they crashed harder than the rest and... went insane.

The griffin though, the one Luna internationally made sure was conscious to hopefully, interrogate her without resorting to more... extreme measures. With a deep breath, Luna opened the door. 'Whatever your plan was, you forgot one little thing. I'm Princess Luna Angelus'