• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 12,225 Views, 741 Comments

Beauty and her Spike - FlimFlamBros.

True beauty lies within, can Spike and Rarity realize that before it's too late?

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That Thing That Wasn't There Before

Spike’s eyes slowly started to open to the sound of the crackling fire. He felt weak, disoriented, and his body was cold and aching. He had no recollection of how he had gotten back to the castle; all he remembered was looking into his magic mirror and seeing Rarity in distress. After that, whatever goodness that still lived inside him had reawakened, and he had gone running to her rescue. It was all blurry after that, and the final thing he remembered was falling in the snow and passing out.

“Where am I?” He groaned as he tried to get up, but pain spiked through his body the second he tried to move. Paralyzed with agony, the large dragon succumbed back into his lounge chair.

“Master! You’re awake!” Pinkie Stick chimed, hopping up onto his arm rest. “It’s so good to see that you’re awake! We all thought that you were a goner after that nasty Timberwolf bite.”

“Pinkie…” the dragon groaned. “How did I get back in the castle? Last I remember I was in the forest and… Where’s Rarity?”

“I’m right here, Spike.”

It was difficult for the dragon to move his head, but he could sense that Rarity was standing behind him. “What are you still doing here? I thought you would of ran away after the way I treated you.”

“It was a tempting thought, I admit,” she said. “But after you were so brave and rescued me from those dreadful Timberwolves, I couldn’t just let you die. So I carried you all the way back to the castle so I could nurse your arm.”

“You, carry me?” Snorted the dragon. “Don’t make me laugh; it’s not in your nature to do heavy lifting… You don’t even take out your own garbage.”

The mare huffed. “And how would you know about what’s in my nature?” She stormed in front of him, carrying a warm bucket of soapy water in her teeth. “Now hold still while I clean your arm. There’s tree sap and wood in there and I don’t want you to get an infection.”

“And now you’re cleaning and playing doctor. You really are something else, Rarity.” The dragon frowned as he watched the unicorn pull a soaked wash cloth from the bucket. “You can drop the act, I know you hate dirt. Just give it to Pinkie Stick so you don’t throw up everywhere.”

“Why are you being so crude?!” Rarity shouted. “I’m just trying to help you!”

“I didn’t ask for your help!” the dragon roared back. “And I wouldn’t need your help if you didn’t run into the Everfree Forest in the middle of a snowstorm!”

“Well, if you didn’t scare me then I wouldn’t have run into the Everfree Forest in the middle of a snowstorm!”

“Well, if you didn’t go into the one room that I told you not to go to in the castle I wouldn’t have scared you and made you run into the Everfree forest in the middle of a snowstorm!”

“Well…” Rarity thought to herself. “You need to control your temper!”

“Temper?! I’ll show you temper!” He tried to get up, but his entire body screamed with pain. “Oh goddess, everything hurts!”

“Stop moving then,” Rarity said, carefully squeezing the excess water from her towel into the bucket. “Now, I’m going to apply the towel now… Just be aware that it’s going to sting a little, so brace yourself.

“I’m a dragon, I think that I can take a little water on my—AH JEEZ THAT STING!”

“I tried to warn you…” sighed Rarity, lightly dabbing the cloth on his wound. “You’re doing fine though, I don’t think that it’s as bad as I thought it was. Personally I was afraid that you were going to light me on fire.”

“Don’t tempt me…”

The dragon felt a small waxy tug on his tail. “Umm, Spike,” whispered Pinkie. “You should at least thank her for bringing you back from the forest.”

“Why should I thank her?” he whispered back. “It’s her fault that—“

“Humor her then.” She looked at the dragon with big, starry eyes. “You know that she’s thankful to you for saving her life.”

“I don’t see why I have to do it!”

“Please Spike…” she begged. “Think about the spell.”

With a disgruntled groan, the dragon swallowed his pride. “Thank you…for bring me back to the castle,” he said. It had been so long since he had had to thank somepony for something. Living the way he did with anger and resentment, Spike had almost forgotten what it was like to properly thank a pony for a good deed.

“You’re welcome,” smiled Rarity. She dropped the bloody rag into the bucket and started started to put it away. “I’ll be back soon with something to eat. That wonderful tankard has managed to scrape together a little midnight snack for you.”


“It is, isn’t it?” Rarity started to head out the door. “Oh and Spike. I would like to thank you as well, for saving my life that is. I’m not even going to ask why you were spying on me with that mirror, although we’re going to have a talk about privacy.”


“Because if I’m going to keep living here there’s going to be a few ground rules, of course!”

“Wait… You’re not going to try and run away again?” asked the dragon. “But I’m injured; I’m in no condition to enforce your captivity. Besides, isn’t that what you wanted? You could see your father and family again.”

“Oh, I still intend to escape,” she beamed. “But not in the middle of a blizzard. And I certainly will not leave you while you’re recovering.”

“That’s…very nice of you,” mumbled Spike. “Thanks…”

“Wow, twice in one day!” cheered Pinkie Pie. “That’s a new academy record!”

“Pinkie, be quiet.”

“Oh, now don’t be rude Spike,” said Rarity. “It wouldn’t kill you to be nicer to her. That’s another thing we need to work on, your manners need a fine tuning. Why, with all the things that I need to do here, I don’t think I’ll ever find time to leave.” She trotted out with a huff and headed out of the main room and towards the kitchen.

“What do you think she meant by that, Pinkie?”

“How should I know?” shrugged the candlestick. “But who cares! That was great Spike! You’re really starting to show some progress. You two will fall in love in no time flat.”

“Yeah… You know what? Maybe you’re right.” Spike smiled, sinking more comfortably into his chair. “Maybe she has changed… I know that I have.”

“And you can change again!”

“I will… For her sake, for all of our sakes I’ll try to make things right. Even if we don’t break the spell, at least I can say I didn’t just sit around in self-pity.”


“Don’t say it Pinkie.”

“Sorry boss,” the candlestick giggled, hopping off Spike’s armrest and heading towards the kitchen to go and help Rarity with the food.

“Maybe you have changed…” Spike said to himself. “Maybe there’s something there that wasn’t there before.”


Back in Ponyville, the blizzard started to die, going from a raging inferno of ice and wind to the cold embers of a gentle snowfall. Night was now upon them, and although the moon and stars could not shine through the thick snow clouds, everypony knew that it was now the time for sleep and dreams.

But one stallion could not sleep, not after the day he had had. Deep within Downtown Ponyville, in the large black dumpster of a forgotten alleyway, Magnum peeked his head out through the crack of the opening between the hull and the lid. He scanned cautiously in both directions, making sure that the coast was clear before sinking back into his smelly hideout.

The smell however was no more than mere camouflage. This dumpster was actually one of his many safe houses that he had set up in the early nineties before he had gotten married. The inside was actually well kept, despite the walls being covered with newspapers cut outs, red light pictures of the princess, and printed out pages of chatter.

At the moment, the moustached stallion was tinkering with a potato, a cocktail umbrella, some electrical wires and a fork.

“Come on…” he muttered under his breath. “Work…”

With his tongue hanging out, he gently connected the two sets of wires with the cocktail umbrella. There was a small zap as he heard a tiny buzzing noise from the potato so he jabbed the pointy end of the small umbrella into the potato’s skin. He then wrapped the rest of the wires around the fork that he had already stuck in the potato.

There was a small flicker of sparks from the fork and the cocktail umbrella started to turn slowly.

“Yes!” He grinned. “Now all I need is a few parts from—“


“Speak of the Sombra,” Magnum said, placing the potato device on the ground and standing up, letting his head raise the lid of the garbage can. He looked around the snowy alleyway. His contact was nowhere to be seen. She was always good at staying in the background and out of site, one of the reasons she was so effective in their line of work.

“Ka-Kaw!” The voice croaked again.

The stallion cleared his throat. “Hoo… hoo…” he called, doing his best mimic of an owl. “Hoo hoo!”

Suddenly, a small cardboard box started to move towards the dumpster.

“Well, it’s about time you got here, Lyra,” said Magnum, leaning out a bit more out of the garbage can. “Did you have any trouble? Were you followed?”

“No and no…” said the green unicorn lifting the box off of her. “You know I’d never compromise the mission.”

“I know… Just a habit of age. I’ve seen too many good ponies get captured by the government to see such a skilled agent like yourself share a similar fate.”

“I know that,” she smiled. “Thanks for worrying about me.”

“Keep the friendly banter for you marefriend,” said Magnum; he had no time for this. “Did you get my things?”

“Yeah,” nodded Lyra, reaching into her saddlebag and pulling out a small earpiece and a dial. “Also, your wife and Sweetie Belle are okay, although there’s some red pony and a maid sitting outside of Rarity’s shop. It’s really weird, they’re…singing.”

“A singing maid?” wondered the moustached pony. “Could it be…” He started to search the piles of papers that he had stacked around the dumpster, pulling out a small photo of a maid. “Was it this maid?”

“No… I don’t think so,” said Lyra. “Her coat was silver, this mare’s fur is more of a light charcoal. Who is this?”

“Quo Teng Zu,” said Magnum. “A.K.A. The Singing Maid of Death, the most dangerously deadly assassin in the eastern world.”

“I don’t think that’s her.”

“We can’t prove that yet, but it’ll have to go on tertiary priority. Primary goal is to find out if that dragon has moved or hurt my daughter.”

“Why not just charge in and rescue her?” asked the mint-coloured mare. “The townsponies would gladly help save your daughter.”

“Yeah, and get the government and the princesses involved! Then everything we’ve worked on is ruined!” Magnum frowned, placing the dial into the potato and placing the earpiece on. “I need to gather information and create a strategy, not just run in like some hot-blooded knight.”

“Whatever you say Magnum… Hey, did you hear anything about that special project I told you about?”

“You mean about that magical mirror that supposed to take you to an alternate universe where ponies are those human things and dragons are talking puppies?” asked the stallion, turning the dial, trying to find a signal. “A few of my associates think that it’s in the Crystal Empire, but I would say a much more secure place would be in underground Baltimare, you know, where they faked the Nightmare Moon rising.”

“Are you sure?” asked Lyra. “This is really important to me. I’ve been chasing that mirror for almost three years. I can’t let this go dark again.”

“Sorry kid, that’s all I know.”

“Thanks,” she groaned, obviously disappointed. “You’ll let me know if anything more concrete comes up, right?”

“Of course,” smiled Magnum. “Us crazies have to stick together. Now you better leave. We can’t be seen together.”

“You make it sound like we’re having an affair,” Lyra grinned cheekily. “Just try to be careful, you old stallion.”

“See you, and say hi to Bonbon for me.”

Lyra nodded and threw her box back on, shuffling around in the snow inconspicuously. Magnum rolled his eyes playfully at the mare’s antics before resuming his work on the potato thing, twisting and turning the knob of the dial, hearing a fray of static in his earpiece.

“This may take a while, but I have to keep trying. I will save my daughter.”


The night’s snow finally started to pass with the warm embrace of the morning sun. Despite the thick trees of the Everfree, the sun shined through and to the castle in the forest. Its occupants had woken up rather early that day, reenergized from last night’s rather unfortunate events.

Twiclock opened the door to the garden, hobbling out onto the steps and into the snow. It was rather deep for a clock her stature; the snow was up to her waist. Pinkie Stick rode on a cautious Flutterbench. The bench took her time with the steps, making sure that she didn’t slip on one of the icy steps.

“Hurry up, Flutterbench!” screamed Pinkie excitedly. “I want to play in the snow!”

“I’m just trying to be careful, the steps are slippery,” responded the yellow bench. “I don’t want us to get hurt.”

“But you’re made of wood, and I’m made of metal! We’re not going to get hurt by a little slip.”

“My mother always said to be careful,” Flutterbench said. “Accidents happen when you least expect them to happen.”

Pinkie sighed. “Fine…”

“AJ, just let me go outside!” Rainbow screamed from the kitchen. “Everypony else is!”

“Would you jump off a cliff if everypony else did?” Tankardjack asked.

“I would if they did right now…” mumbled the cup.


“Just let me go out and play,” she whined. “I just want to get out of this castle.”

“Fine, little darling,” sighed the beer mug. “Just let me find you a sweater.”

“I’m three inches tall!”

“That’s no reason for why you should catch your death out there.”

“There are no sweaters that will fit me! And I’m made of glass! I don’t get cold!”

“I won’t have any of that, young lady,” tsked Tankardjack. “Now put this on before you catch a cold.”

“Where did you even—Hey stop that!”

There was a small scuffle, with the sound of breaking glass and things slamming into one another, Rainbow screams were soon muffled and Tankardjack started to hop out of the kitchen and down to the door leading outside.

“Now come on, sugar cube,” she said. “You’re the one that wanted to go outside so badly.”

“I changed my mind!”

“Rainbow Cup, don’t make me drag you out here to have fun.”

There was a stifled groan as the blue tea cup grudgingly hopped outside the door. Rainbow’s friends had to bite their lips to keep from laughing when they saw that she was wearing a tiny orange turtleneck that covered most of her small body. Only her scowl of her eyes could be seen as she stared daggers at all of her friends.

“Laugh and I’ll destroy you,” the tea cup mumbled through the sweater.

Inevitably, Pinkie Stick burst out laughing “Aww! She looks adorable! Where did you get such a tiny sweater?”

“Found it off an old doll in one of the room. Don’t need my little darling here freezing to death.”

“I hate all of you…”

The rest of her friends just laughed at her expense as they all headed out into the snow to play. It had been so long since they have had the freedom to do so. Usually Spike forbade them from leaving the castle walls, but they noticed that he was acting rather optimistic, almost like his old self again.

When they all have gotten far enough away from the castle, Twiclock took center stage in the middle of their circle. “So anyways, there’s a reason why I’ve called you all here into the snow.”

“You mean we’re not going to play?”

“No Pinkie, there’s a much more serious matter we need to attend to, like breaking the spell. For the first time in a year, Spike seems to be actually… Well, happy. I think that there’s something there that wasn’t there before.”

“What’s there?” Rainbow asked.

“I do think that there’s something there that wasn’t there before,” nodded Flutterbench in agreement.

“What’s there?!” The tea cup asked again, her voice growing more frustrated and angry.

“So what y’all are reckoning is that we work with this hear thing that wasn’t there before?”

“Will somepony tell me what was there that wasn’t there before?!” Rainbow roared. "Stop pretending that I don't exist!"

“That’s exactly what I’m saying, Tankardjack,” said Twiclock. “We actually have a chance for Spike to be happy and to break the curse. But we’re running out of time, so I think that we need to give them a little push.”

“Push? You mean like make them fall in love with each other?” Flutterbench asked. “I don’t know… I don’t think that would work.”

“Well, we don’t have any other options Flutters. We need them to break the spell! I know that you don’t want to be stuck like this forever.”

“So what should we do?” Pinkie wondered.

“Don’t worry about that,” grinned the clock. “I have a plan.”

“Just think about it, girls!” smiled the candlestick. “We’re going to be ponies again!”

“Ponies again…” chimed Twiclock.

“Think what that means!”

“I’ll be baking again, throw some parties again,
With a cake and a pie in each hoof,
When I’m pony again, Only pony again,
With music to blow off the roof!
I’ll see all the Cakes again, play with Pound Cake again,
And of course play with Pumpkin Cake too!
No more lying around, my old self be re-found,
I’ll be pony a pony again!”

“When we’re Pony again, only ponies again,
When we’re teacups and hoof rests no more!"
“When we’re pony again, good and pony again!”
“I swear, I’ll burst out that door!
Spinning through the air, with my rainbowish hair!
I will break every tea cup in sight!
No tea parties for me, I just want to be free,
I just need to be pony again!”

“When we’re pony again, only pony again,
When the world would once more make sense,”
“I’ll read every day!”
“So like yesterday?”
“Hmm, I see your point…
Study magical things, like I’ve been doing…
Guess my life hasn’t changed all that much!
But still I digress, and I wish us success, so yes!
To be pony again!”

“So ready the honeymoon room, dust out the dirt in air,
We all sense, we can tell that she might break the spell any day now!
Hope that the dragon can swoon, treat her like diamonds so fair,
And if Twiclock’s plan works, then we’ll all get the perks of our freedom!
Rarity, you’re only hope to be free,”
“She can do it, you got to believe.”
“Sweep up the pears of sadness and tears and blow them away…"

“When we’re pony again! Only pony again!
When we’re all freed by that Rarity!
We’re a hoping again, that we’re coping again,
And won’t have to be like this anymore,
We’ll be playing again, and we’re praying again,
That the spell is broke A-S-A-P!
With a push and a shove they will both fall in love and we’ll be pony yes pony again!”

“So what are we going to do, Twiclock?” Tankardjack asked. “If y’all would be so kind as to inform us.”

“We’re going to set up the greatest, most romantic night ever for them! We’ll need good food, music, and somepony to clean the dancehall.”

“We have a dancehall?”

“We will once we clean all the garbage and other junk out of it.”

“That sounds like a lot of work…” moaned Rainbow Cup. “Can’t we just do it in the fireplace area?”

“No!” frowned the clock. “This has to be the greatest night ever if we’re ever going to make them fall in love with one another.”

“You mean like… Awarding winning great?”


“Then let’s do it!”

“When we’re pony again, We’ll be dancing again, we’ll be twirling again!
And we’ll all spin around with such glee!
“When we’re pony again, we’ll have fun once again!
Reunite with our family trees!
“We’ll be flying again, we’ll be trotting again,
Leaping bounds as far as we please!
Once she breaks the spell…!
We’ll be free from this hell…!
Can’t wait for that morn when we’re finally reborn and all become pony again!”