• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 3,466 Views, 251 Comments

Harmonious Destiny - OverlordCornutt

It was simple, test Drifters new piece of tech. Get Paid. Of course, things rarely ever get to stay that simple. Now a Guardian finds himself and his ghost stranded on a strange planet, with very colorful denizens.

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Chapter 14 - Swamp of Shadows

Chapter 14 - Swamp of Shadows

The sky above Canterlot was almost electric with anticipation as the final checks were completed aboard the REN Majestic, Equestria’s elite aerial fortress. Ponies galloped all over the ship ensuring every rope was tightened, all cannons secured and supplies counted as the time came for them to join Cyrell on their flight towards the Shadow Swamp. Those who had been in close proximity to the top brass and off world warrior heard him refer to this operation as a “strike”, apparently similar missions like this were a common occurrence for his organization back home. Members of Sorceress Flashpoints Pyromancy Division stood ready to disembark at a moments notice, their robes now sporting additional metal armor along their barrels, flanks and legs. It would be their mission to run counter operations to ensure as many monsters made their way toward the Guardian and provide support to him if the need arose.

Around the airship members of the Wonderbolts were also standing by to aid in the event of airborne threats or emergency evacuation efforts, their iconic vapor trails forming a series of rings above the Majestic like a halo. And of course the members of both the Lunar and Solar Guard had been brought in to act as additional muscle and protection for both the battle mages and Cyrell. The various squads decked out in far more protective armor than the parade style armaments they wore in the capital.

Stalwart Defense looked around as the final confirmations rang out and the crew waited for their launch orders. He tapped on the green crystal attached to his armored collar via his magic, priming it before speaking. “Testing, testing. Cyrell, do you and Selene copy? Over.” He waited a few moments, his eyes lifting up into the air where Cyrell’s ship hung above the Majestic. It still amazed him how it managed to just hover in place with such ease. His pondering didn’t last long though as a reply quickly come in over the crystal.

“Loud and clear Captain, communications are up and running” came Cyrell’s voice. Stalwart smiled as the last of his worries, at least for this leg of the journey, were put at ease. With nothing left to keep them, he turned toward the Pilots, saying “All right, we are clear for take off! Bring the ship to full power and make for the Shadow Swamp at full speed!” The air ponies all snapped to attention and quickly set to work, bringing the various magical systems to life. The Majestic soon began to slowly ascend from its cliff side docking station and up towards the open sky, Cyrell’s own ship quickly taking position next to it and flanked on the opposite side by the Wonderbolts.

Operation Firestorm was officially underway.

The trip lasted only a few hours, the Majestic proving to be much faster than Cyrell would have thought at first glance. Within his jumpship, he could see their destination quickly approaching over the horizon. Turning to Selene he gave a nod, as she simultaneously contacted Stalwart Defense and projected a map of the chosen landing zone. Cyrell waited a moment before speaking “We are near the designated landing zone, now is as good a time to start our brief as any I think”.

Meanwhile Stalwart and Flashpoint were looking at a similar map as Cyrell spoke, each one looking at the various pieces representing the different units readying for deployment. “Agreed, all teams listen up! As you know, this area has been experiencing dangerous levels of wild Dark Magic for the past few years. As a result many of the native species here have become mutated and will likely be extremely violent and dangerous. Our mission is simple, purge the swamp of these mutated creatures and make it safe for the Elements of Harmony to come in and purify the land to prevent further corruption and harm to Equestria” he paused briefly to allow time for the team to finalize their deployment preparations as they approached the edge of the Swamp, before continuing.

“Guardsponies in Delta and Bravo squads you will be deploying alongside Cyrell, cover his back but try to keep your distance during the coming fight so he can utilize his abilities to the fullest. Ranged combat will be the name of the game today. All other squads will be deploying with the Pyromancy Divisions forces to help funnel as many of the corrupted creatures to Cyrell. Keep your wits about you, and good hunting”.

As he finished Flashpoint began to address her mages, saying “You’ve all done this sort of work before, keep your flames controlled and lead the nasty little cretins to our esteemed guest. But don’t forget to also be ready to defend yourselves if any decide to be courageous. Let the fire within you burn hot”!

With the two leaders finished with their briefing orders for their troops, the airship began its descent to allow the ground based units to disembark and begin their trek into the swamp ahead of Cyrell and the rest of the Strike team. Cyrell meanwhile was already materializing on the ground as his jump ship's computer entered stand by mode. The Guardian had a hand cannon on his hip, the Ace of Spades, alongside his trusty Ikelos sub machine gun. As a bit of extra precaution he traded out his Falling Guillotine for the Hammerhead light machine gun.

Selene had already disappeared into his “backpack” ready to give Cyrell as much support from relative safety as possible. They didn’t have to wait long before a squad each of Solar and Lunar guards reached their landing zone ready to begin. They were all armed with heavy crossbows and javelins, clearly prepared for long range support, perfect for keeping Cyrell covered and them out of harm's way as he let his power flow during the battle. The group waited and watched as in the distance the Battle Mages and their escorts made their way along the flanks of the operations designated area , large walls of flame beginning to rise into the sky among the muddy swamp. Distant roars were quick to respond to this sudden firestorm sweeping into the swamp. It wasn’t long before the sound of even more spells and cannon support from the Majestic made their reply as well as the first defenders began to counter attack the distant forces.

Not wanting to waste time Cyrell gave a whistle and the group was off into the swamp, the crooked trees quickly surrounding them on all sides as they ventured toward their first checkpoint.

“This Strike Team moving into the swamp, Stalwart, how are things looking ahead of us?” Cyrell called out, Selene automatically using the Light to send the message up to the Majestic. Stalwart quickly turned toward a crystal display, a recent creation from none other than Twilight Sparkle after studying her castle's own Crystal Map. Members of the Wonderbolts and relay crystals attached via harness that allowed for the map to update in real time as they surveyed the area in question.

Stalwart watched as a large group of what appeared to be mutated bears were rushing toward Cyrell and the guards, having been lead that way by the spreading flames. “You got incoming, I count at least 3 corrupted bears. And much more following after that, over”.

Cyrell smirked as he pulled out his smg and rushed forward, feeling the Stasis power in his hands as the first of the creatures came roaring into a small clearing they had chosen as the first choke point. It was much larger than normal, it’s once pristine fur now matted and large tendrils of sickly purple smoke spewing from its emerald green eyes. Their mouths hung open, disgusting foam dripping from sharpened maws eager to rip and rend anything unfortunate enough to get close. The moment they saw the armored Titan they let out a guttural roar and charged.

In a moment Cyrell had his weapon leveled, a spray of arc charged bullets roaring out the barrels end and into the closest bear's head and torso, the bullets sending it reeling back as its companions continued forward. Pivoting his body he gave the bear that was right on top of him a haymaker straight to the chin, as the accompanying guards unleashed a hail of crossbow fire into the third, grabbing its attention long enough for Cyrell to freeze it where it stood with a Stasis grenade. The Titan then jumped into the air before slamming his fist into the icey creature, shattering it and causing the second bear to stagger back once more, muffled pained groans escaping it. The first bear had meanwhile recovered and was tearing up to attack Cyrell as he readjusted himself before a shimmering yellow wall appeared between them. The guards had taken up flanking positions, one of the unicorns having cast a shield spell as they prepared to provide further covering fire.

The Titan used the chance to tap into the Darkness once more, his right fist becoming covered in thick ice as he smashed the bears head into the ground, blood and brains splattering the ground before he unholstered the Ace of Spades and unloaded 4 rounds into the final bear, killing it as it fell to the ground. Cyrell quickly pulled out his Splinter to see that it was absorbing the latent Dark Energies from both the now deceased bears and even some from the surrounding swampland. Nodding to himself, he gave a thumbs up to the guards before reloading his weapons and continuing forward., the guards doing the same with their crossbows and giving pursuit.

Stalwart watched the battle with rapt attention, a proud smile as he watched his guards working alongside Cyrell to great effect. He had seen fit to have the groups run some drills ahead of the operation so they could get accustomed to the bipeds mannerisms and fighting style. Turning to glance at Flashpoint he saw that her own teams were making quick progress as well. The Joint Guard and Pyromancy squads had already managed to get nearly half the first area walled off, sending more creatures to Cyrell and his squad who quickly returned to the fight, a mix of magic, bullets and paracausal power making short work of the beasts.

“Good work everypony, so far things are going well. Let’s try to get that first pocket taken care of before you move to your first corruption source”. Recon of the area had revealed that some of the corrupted creatures had begun acting as a sort of relay for the dark magic in the swamp. Allowing it to spread to further creatures and land. It was part of the reason the Guard had been so desperate to get this taken care of as soon as possible, if given time these walking dark magic sources could begin making their way to other areas and corrupting everything they got close to. If they got to a major population center or even a village it could spell disaster.

“Cyrell, more hostiles incoming. It looks like you’re close to the first source creature. Guards, back off and let the Guardian do what he does best” Stalwart said, his earpiece glowing as he issued his commands. He watched as Cyrell and the guards deftly moved into new positions, with Cyrell ahead of the others ready to unleash his full night on their first major target.

As Cyrell pushed through a particularly dense portion of underbrush he saw what no doubt was the “source” Stalwart had mentioned. To call it a creature though was being overly generous. It resembled less a living being and more of a reanimated monster from a dark fairytale. It’s form was immense, hulking in its overall mass even as it sat hunched over. Dead grey flesh covered its body with small patches of fur dotting its hide. The skin was tight along its skeleton, giving it an emancipated appearance. It’s head was more skeletal still, with cruel glowing blue eyes that bore unblinking into Cyrell’s helmet. It’s maw showcased sharp blood stained fangs, all of them yellowed and serrated. It’s overly long forelimbs had no visible muscles, being just as boney and thin as the rest of its body, with large hooked claws ending on its massive paws. It slowly turned itself to face the Titan, before unleashing a piercing howl and blinding towards him.

Quick as he could Cyrell launched himself into the air, unloading a clip from his Ikelos into the creature's face and torso, the bullets seeming to only irritate it as he continued its charge unimpeded. One of its forelimbs snapped out and grabbed the Titan by his right leg swiftly slamming him into the ground before lifting him again and repeating the attack, finishing up by throwing him into a large tree trunk and roaring into the air. Large corrupted birds soon joined the air above the battle and smaller corrupted creatures began to swarm the area as the larger creature began to pace the outer edge of the tree line. Cyrell scrambled back to his feet and seeing the influx of new targets summoned forth his Hammerhead, the machine gun roaring to life as it began turning the encroaching fodder into little more than bloody chunks. Meanwhile the Lunar and Solar pegasus elements of his guard retinue had begun engaging the corrupted birds with a combination of crossbows and support from unicorn spells from below. The Guard ponies could feel the corruption around them, thankful for their enchanted armor as it kept the putrid magic from turning them as it had these unfortunate creatures.

Cyrell meanwhile had swapped back to his hand cannon, using the few remaining targets to activate Memento Mori, charging his weapon with Light as he unleashed it upon the towering monster. The paracausal bullets had a greater effect, causing the beast to try and cover its Emma coated torso with its arms and legs as it howled with pain. Cyrell then ran forward, charging his fist again with Darkness as he rocketed forward before slamming his frozen fist into the creature's head, causing it to slam into the nearby tree trunks. The Titan was relentlessly continuing to attack, pummeling the creature before its own arm flailed out and smacked him back a few feet, the creature breathing hard as it once again let loose a rallying roar and summoned yet more of its corrupted minions. Once again the guardsponies went to work creating another shield to allow Cyrell time to readjust himself and peppering the area with bolts and spells, Cyrell leveling Hammerhead once more and sending a wave of deadly lead into the unfortunate monstrosities.

Cyrell was getting sick of the creatures persistence and instead of swapping weapons, instead chose to double down and unleash his weapons fury into it, the Black Armory weapon tearing large chunks of its reaminging flesh from its bones as it crumpled to the ground. Before long the creature was completely prone, with Cyrell approaching, lifting an armored leg and crushing the creature's head under his boot.

Cyrell stood there panting as the rest of the guards reconvened around him, they too panting as they took a moment to rest. “Cyrell to Majestic, we took care of ours, how’s the rest doing? Over”. Cyrell said as Selene materialized to heal her Guardian and supply him with some ammo synths. He looked up and saw as the Majestic had drifted to show its starboard guns, the large airship launching multiple collies off into the distance before he received a reply.

“Well that’s three down now, the Pyromancers dealt with one and Majestic has eliminated another.” There was a pause before Flashpoint swiftly came over the line, “Wait, there are multiple spruce creatures converging… it looks like they are coming together to defend themselves more effectively! Cyrell be a dear and link up with my mages to the north, they could use your might”. Cyrell have a nod, before signaling the guards with him to follow as he made his way northward deeper into the swamp. The closer they got the more heat he could feel as he found the mages spitting large bouts of flame. They were currently finishing a wall of flame to isolate the creatures as he and the other guards arrived. One mare approached, point Ming toward where the creatures were massing.

“That’s where recon saw the creatures gathering, it’s gonna be tight and I don’t doubt they’ve got boards of little monsters with them too” she said, her hood flapping slightly as the hot air swirled around them. Cyrell nodded, reloading Hammerhead before replying, “I’ll get in close and try to thin them out, then take lead in taking out the big ones. Back me up but don’t get too close”. The mage nodded before retiring to the squad and relaying his message. The united group took some time to rest and recuperate, medics using healing spells to help tend to the wounds of their respective squads. In a moment they would be facing the largest concentration of monsters thus far, and with multiple source creatures there was a greater risk of things going south. Cyrell watched as the Wonderbolts began circling around them, the Majestic not far off ready to receive any injured fighters.

With a final check, Cyrell gave a whistle, before motioning for the group to make for their targets. Each hoping they were prepared for the horror to come. The Guardian and ponies marched swiftly, heads in a swivel as they made their way deeper, and deeper into the swamp. The foliage here was even more decrepit than the outer edges, the trees looking charred even in areas not touched by pyromancy, their gnarled trunks twisting and bending as if writhing in pain. What little else ‘grew’ here was similarly unnatural, shades of black and sickly purple spattered around randomly.

Soon enough Cyrell had stepped into a large field, the remnants of shattered trees and rocks scattered around. In the Distance he saw three more massive creatures. Like the first he had fought they were skeletal, with what little flesh they still had being stretched thin and grey in hue. Patchy fur and putrid purple smoke billowed out of their eyes, noses and mouths, and some even had sharpened bones hitting out of different parts of their bodies. Cracked yellow fangs and hooked claws at the ready, three pairs of glowing blue eyes watched as the Titan made his way toward the center of the area. As he did one, slightly larger than the others stepped forward as well, howling into the air, sending shockwaves around it as a wave of smaller monsters began swarming into the field from every direction.

Cyrell wasted no time, leveling Hammerhead and unleashing it’s rage into the wave as bright Orange flames, crossbow bolts and magical spells joined in kind. The mages used their more potent magical power to help direct the masses, keeping them at a distance from the rest of the ponies around them as Cyrell continued to create a red mist everywhere he turned the barrel of his weapon.

Cyrell set a barrier of his own between himself and another wave of creatures when all of a sudden a shadow fell over him, as one of the smaller source creatures bore down on him with its claws, knocking him down as it began slamming into him with blind rage. Cyrell grunted in pain as he felt his armor slowly begging to dent and bend under the abominations unrelenting assault. In a flash it had picked the Titan up and flung him into a large rock the Titans breathe getting knocked out of him as his back slammed into the large boulder. The creature was soon racing toward him as Cyrell struggled to get back on his feet again.

The second of the smaller creatures meanwhile had begun leading more of the smaller creatures in attacking the combined mage and guard ponies, barely being kept at bay as its arms tried to pierce the flames to grab at the small targets. The ponies desperately trying to get in a position to aid Cyrell who was still being pummeled by the maddened creature.

Aboard the Majestic Stalwart and Flashpoint stared wide eyed as Cyrell became more and more bloody under the savage monster's attack. Stalwart’s mind raced as he tried to think of some way to aid the Titan, before he glanced over the mounted guns on the deck. He quickly barked out an order, commanding the ship to face its guns towards Cyrell’s portion of the field. He tapped his crystal, saying “Cyrell, if you can hear me, I have a plan to help but you may not like it.” He paused briefly as he heard Cyrells grunts and what he thought was an acknowledgment came over the line before continuing, “right, I’m going to have Majestic launch a volley on y out r location. That should kill the creature… but it would also kill you. How long before you come back? Over.”

Struggling to his feet Cyrell caught the creatures flailing limbs with his own, shouting out in response, “I’ll only be a few seconds! Do it!” As he then began to try and grapple the creature, using his strength to bend its arms and gain leverage over it.

Without a second thought Stalwart gave the command for the other forces to prepare shields and for the gun teams to focus all firepower on Cyrells location. A brief pause as the canons were loaded before a cacophony of explosions rang out over the area, a deadly volley of magical common balls slamming and exploding into the clearing. It engulfed Cyrell and his assailant, the edges even catching the hordes still leading an assault on the remaining pony forces who had summoned multiple shimmering walls of protective magic to shield themselves from the heat and explosive forces.

Large craters covered the area Cyrell had been as Stalwart ordered the mages push forward, using the momentary disorientation of the creatures to press the advantage and try to create a safe place for Cyrell to resurrect. The guards that had accompanied him found what remained of his body, limbs crushed or missing, his body smoldering and a faint light flowing above him. The larger abomination howled I tk the air, seemingly glad at the death of the creature that it’s fellow had been rending. It’s menacing gaze drifted across the battlefield briefly before it’s eyes began to double take. None of the interlopers were running away, in fact they were still approaching as the remains source monster began to burn under the combined fury of the Pyromancy Division.

The monster quickly called further hordes to its location as a great flash of light signaled the return of a very, very unhappy Cyrell. He turned to the Guards, motioning then to step back as he called forth the full night of the Darkness. Soon ice began to form over his fists, the very air around him dropping instantly in temperature despite the raging flames around them as he let loose a primal war cry and launched himself straight at the remaining creature. Rising into the air he then rocketed down to the ground, large pillars of ice forming ahead of the impact before shattering as he ran through them. He continued this, thinning out the newly arrived horde as they were frozen and shattered, creating a chain reaction of death and icy explosions. He lobbed some grenades around his target, causing its limbs to start to freeze as he once again rocketed forward and unleashed a devastating haymaker into its stomach. The creature immediately bent over, it’s gut spewing bile out at the impact.

Wasting no time the rest of the Guard forces quickly helped to finish off the lesser monsters before joining Cyrell in an all out attack against the sole remaining threat. The creature managed to pick Cyrell up and toss him away, earning a frozen paw that was shattered into little more than a bloody stump from a hail of magic directed toward it. It roared and charged at Cyrell, who met it head on, grabbing a lance of pure Stasis and flinging it straight at the creature, sending it stumbling back as the guards began to fling their own javelins in kind. Soon it’s body was covered in bolts, burns and javelins, yet still it continued to attack and summon more minions, though not in the same numbers as before.

Cyrell caught the creature's head, slamming his armored knee into its lower jaw before sliding into another set of ice pillars that buffeted the abomination. Little by little it’s resilience was worn down, the combined might of Cyrell and the Joint Opsteam proving too great. Sensing it’s end it tried to rush the far more vulnerable pony lines, only to have what remained of its tail caught by Cyrell, who flung it over his shoulder into the ground before launching himself into the air. The Titan could feel the last vestiges of his Super about to run out and so with one final slam he brought his entire strength down on the creature's chest, spreading the icy grip of Stasis across its entire body before he stepped back and with one last punch shattered it into pieces.

For a moment, the clearing was quiet, the only sound being the crackling of flames and panting of the remaining combatants. Cyrell and the ponies turned their heads around the area, before letting out a cheer! The Battle was won! Stalwart and Flashpoint breathed a sigh of relief as they watched the combined forces finish tracking down the few minor threats that remained, before heading back to the swamps edge for extraction. On his way back Cyrell pulled out the Splinter again, it now thrumming with energy as it had before. With any luck another strike like this and he could consider the Darkness portion of his quest complete, and himself that much closer to returning home.

Cyrell brought his ship to dock alongside the Majestic, the forces having returned to Canterlot after observing the Elements purifying the swamp. The Titan was eager to rest after the intense battle and see to getting the energy he had collected transferred to the Paracausal Engine. As he was checking his ship's docking station, Princess Luna herself floated down from the sky. She had a small smile as she approached him, saying “Welcome back you two, I hear your mission was a resounding success” she paused briefly as Cyrell turned and nodded, presenting the Splinter to her. Luna had observed it in his dreams, especially those relating to the creature called Eramis, who also had used such relics to utilize the “Darkness”. She could sense something from the relic, now that she saw it charged before her. Something familiar, something she’d rather forget and never remember again. Despite his reassurances that the Darkness would not be able to corrupt him, thanks in part to a group he said were also mastering its power, she still felt uneasy being around it. She took some calming breathes as Cyrell fit the relic into the Paracausal Engine to begin transferring its collected energy.

“On behalf of Equestria” she began again as Cyrell turned towards her, “I must thank you for aiding in reclaiming the Shadow Swamp. Now we can work to undoing the damage done by wayward mages and villains to heal our land and provide more room for our people” she bowed her head before motioning him to follow. “Please accompany me to the Castle, I’m sure my sister cannot wait to hear the good news!” She said as Cyrell wired for the transfer to finish, removing the Splinter and joining Luna as they and the various forces aboard the Majestic made their way to Canterlot Castle, with Flashpoint and Stalwart Defense joining them.

The whole way back the citizens of Canterlot cheered, as word quickly spread of the successful purification of the Shadow Swamp, or Hayseed Swamp as it was originally known. For the Guards it was a welcome change to the indifference regular guard work tended to receive among the general populace. It reminded them why they had joined up in the first place. for Stalwart it was the beginning of what he hoped would be a change in the overall view of his fellow guards, both in the eyes of the greater Equestrian populace and in the Ministers.

Flashpoint cheerily waved to the citizens as she and her mages walked alongside the guards, a rare sight for some of the regular ponies of the city to see already on their own. Cut for Cyrell, it was yet another reminder. Of similar celebrations upon successful strikes. Or when major goes where felled like Oryx or Ghall. How the whole City came out to welcome Saint 14 back and hopefully how they would celebrate future victories as well.

Things we’re looking up for the ponies and lone human, and it. Oils only get better from here!

Revoks stood in a damp cave, surrounded by odd insectoid creatures with pitch black chitten and glowing green eyes. His band of Fallen had been combing the desert for days looking for anything useful, when they happened upon a small squad of these creatures. The two sides had quickly faced off, ready to come to blows before Revoks had stepped in and decided to use diplomacy to learn more about the planet they had arrived at. The insect kid creatures had been hesitant, but upon learning of the fallen promises of great power were quick to set up a meeting.

Now Revoks and his Fallen stood before the jagged throne of their Queen, a sinister looking creature, her hole filled legs tucked under her as her menacing eyes glowed in the dim cavern. A long serpentine tongue tasted the air, as she addressed her new guests.

“So, Revoks I believe you said your name was? Tell me more about this… power of yours.” She purred, making Revoks own body shiver.

“I think we may have a lot we can help one another with, imas long as you're willing to share~” the Queen tittered, before devolving into a sinister cackle that echoed throughout the cavernous home of the Changlings. Revoks smiled, and bowed as he and his scouts began to activate their Stasis gauntlets to show the power of their new diety to their new potential allies.

Today was a good day for House Salvation, he thought to himself with a grin.

Author's Note:

Oh hi there, that was pretty quick huh? I honestly had so much fun thinking of how to do this combat heavy chapter and once I started I just couldn’t stop! I hope you all enjoyed it!

As always I love hearing what you think of the story this far, so feel free to leave a comment, I love reading each and every one of them!

Until next time, stay safe and stay awesome!