• Published 31st Jul 2020
  • 4,018 Views, 230 Comments

Split Personality - Darravan

A Cozy Glow has made a twin with her conscience trapped inside and now it's all alone in a world that hates it.

  • ...

On the Road Again (Edited)

Why is it always such a mess whenever School's letting out, Starlight thought to herself as she trotted around student after student as they were shuffling past each other. Everypony knew Summer break was here and she and the other teachers were supposed to help get all of their students packed and on the train ride home, so just where was Trixie! Of all the times for her to go missing it just had to be now, when the staff was fumbling to get everypony out the door. Huffing Starlight turned a corner to see Rainbow Dash hovering in the air while holding a box with Ocellus's name written on the side of it. Finally somepony who can point me in the right direction.

"Hey Rainbow Dash where's Trixie? She should be helping the west wing students get ready to go home." Starlight asked getting Rainbows attention, with the cyan Pegasus turning around and accidentally causing a silver ball to fall out of the box she had and roll around on the floor. Both mares watched the tiny crystal ball until it stopped moving around, then continued their conversation.

"I don't know I haven't seen her, she probably just ditched us." Rainbow said while rolling her eyes, just then Ocellus came through her dormitory's door and gasped when her eyes found their way to her fallen possession on the floor. Starlight watched as Ocellus snatched it up and turned it over looking for damages, just what I needed now I'm going to feel bad.

"Professor please be careful, this is for one of my cousins." Ocellus said in a soft voice as Silverstream exited the room upon hearing her classmate.

"Oh no, is it alright? Did it break?" Silverstream asked putting her face right next to Ocellus's so she could get a good look at the shiny shimmering ball in her hooves.

"Hmm... no I think it's fine I'm glad I don't have to make another one, I was going to give this to Kleirraxe last Hearts Warming but I left it here by mistake." Ocellus said flying up to the box Rainbow was holding and placing it back inside. Then the tiny blue Changling went back to gathering up her things and pulled another box out of the doorway with Silverstream's help, Wow they sure made a lot of things in Rarity's class.

"Hey sorry about that, my multitasking needs a little work." Rainbow said with a sheepish grin to the two girls as Starlight trotted past the three of them in pursuit of her rouge Magician, intent on finding her lost guidance counselor.

A flight of stairs and a hallway later Starlight spotted Fluttershy past a cluster of ponies still collecting their belongings, the yellow pegasus appeared to be in a conversation with Gallus and Yona over how to keep in contact over their summer break. Starlight started making her way over to them while dodging several ponies still bustling about with their things.

"Fluttershy do you know where Trixie is?" Starlight said interrupting Fluttershy's conversation, "I know Sunburst is here but Trixie was supposed to help with getting the students together."

"Umm... no I haven't seen her since she locked up the counselor's office." Fluttershy said turning to Starlight with Gallus taking notice and chiming in, "She's probably just trying to start off her summer as fast as possible."

Yona gave him a confused look and raised an eyebrow, "Why, Magic Pony have something to do in big hurry?"

Starlight rolled her eyes at the thought, "I hope not Yona, if our Magic pony is doing a magic show or something right now, then she's going to be in trouble."

"Ooooooo, Looks like Headmare's about to give our new Guidance councilor detention." Gallus said with a smirk causing Yona to laugh, heck even Fluttershy smiled before putting a hoof to her mouth to keep from laughing.

"You bet your flank I will." Starlight said with narrowed eyes.

"Well if I see her I'll tell her you're looking for her." Fluttershy said giving one of her compassionate smiles. Starlight gave a nod of thanks and started down the corridor still thinking about their deadline for the train station while mostly using her peripheral vision to dodge out of the way of the students. Okay just have to get them all on the train and close down the school,... all in an hour... ugh, I'm glad Twilight can't see this right now.

Soon Starlight was free from the close quarters of the hallways as she entered the main auditorium room where most of the students were congregating. Come on Trixie where are you? Starlight wondered as she spotted Pinkie, Applejack, and Rarity at the podium on stage, way at the other end of the giant room. Making her way there Starlight heard Rarity speaking into a microphone so she could be heard over the maelstrom of students happily chatting away.

"Remember darlings if you have any trouble boarding the right Train to come back and find us so we can get you all back home safely!", Rarity said as her eyes locked onto Starlight's in the crowd. Keeping her gaze the fashionista got of the podium and started walking towards her with the others following and just barely being able to keep up in the chaos around them.

As they got to each other Applejack said, "Starlight we've got most of 'em ready. Do you want us to start leading 'em to the Trains yet?"

Starlight gave a nod, "Yep, I think it's about time we got them going."

"So which pony gets to lock up for the bestest summer ever?", Pinkie said with a smile as she bounced up and down. "I mean think about it girls no more worrying about Chrysalis, Tirek, or Cozy Glow trying to take over the World. This is going to be the Greatest most Wonderful summer in all of Equestria!"

Rarity put her hoof on Pinkie's shoulder to keep the pink pony on the ground, "Um... darling be that as it may we still need to get these students home, usually we have this kind of thing more under control." Rarity said looking in Starlight's direction with an exhausted expression on her face.

"Ugh*... I know I'm not even sure Trixie's here.", Starlight said remembering Trixie telling her she'd be helping them on time. I trusted her, I should have known something like this would happen...

"Don't worry I'm sure it'll all work out so long as we work together." Sunburst said as he made his way out of the crowd and past a couple of chatting mares to join in on their team meeting.

Seeing Sunburst so composed amidst the havoc reassured her and she smiled at her Vice Head Stallion despite everything. "Alright everypony split up and start herding them out, if you see Trixie, Fluttershy, or Rainbow dash tell them it's time to get the students out of here." Starlight stated with The five ponies nodding in agreement before splitting up and taking to the sides of the clustered students. Coming around Starlight made her way to the front entrance of the school where she eagerly pushed the giant doors open to revel the stone steps that would take all of them to Ponyville.

"Alright everypony remember to get on the right train and get your parents to fill out the forms you'll need to return once the break is over." Starlight said and heard a chorus of agreements, "Thats's what I like to hear, okay remember everypony have a great summer." all of the students cheered with hooves raised in the air. With that she started leading the students on the short path back into Ponyville.

Cozy peeked around another hallway corner and checked both ways before continuing back to her room, just need to grab some things first. Entering her room Cozy opened the bottom drawer on her dresser and retrieved her hoofmade winter outfit, she had made it using professor Rarity's sowing techniques and the soft fuzzy inside had been her own personal choice when crafting it, so warm. Next was her light brown bookbag she had, she had wanted one with bit more color to it but beggers couldn't really be choosers with what little she had to work with. Okay I don't have much but I have take what I can, Cozy thought to herself as she equipped her bag with a snap and fastened it around her waist, then she went over to her bed and snatched her chess set out from under her bedstand, I really don't want to leave this... I'm sure the other me can get a new one...

Putting the board game in her bag she turned to collect the blanket she had discarded from earlier on the rocky floor when her hoof suddenly bumped into the black book that was still opened up on the ground, still waiting as if it was beckoned her for another inquiry. Turning away Cozy almost trotted right passed it. Then she stopped and looked back, what if her original used it on somepony else? What if some other pony decided to use it?

Wanting the book gone for good she hoofed the accursed thing over to her motionless fire place and placed the book inside, No pony needs this kind of power, Cozy thought to herself as she reached for her flints and struck them hard over the fire place, letting a tiny smile of triumph appear on her face as the fire encircled the evil book in an orange and hot fiery embrace.

Wait... somethings wrong, Cozy thought as the fires surrounding the book seemed to have no effect on it. What!?, What's happening? What is this thing?, Cozy watched as the fires raged all around the book with even it's pages being submerged inside the yellow and orange flames, but still it was untouched as if whatever was in it was just refusing to perish.

If fire won't work what will?, Cozy feared before shaking her head and using her fire poker beside the fireplace to inch the dusty book out. Cozy hesitated when she reached for it, What if it's still hot? she thought but there was no smoke, no evidence of heat at all. Cozy put her hoof right over it but still couldn't feel anything. Taking a gamble she put her hoof down on it, wait It's so... cold.

Cozy picked the book up in both of her hooves and reluctantly placed it in her brown bag, she would have to find some other way to dispose of it later, right now she was wasting too much time, she still had to leave. Trotting over Cozy reached her hoof down and collected her blanket off of the floor before placing it over the book to keep it hidden and out of sight, then she pulled her flints over and put them in her bag's other end, well that should settle her campfire problem. Alright...

Getting done Cozy went to leave but stopped at her room's door, as much as she wanted to be anywhere else this little room had been the closest thing to a home that she'd had in two years (if you didn't count her dorm at the school of friendship of course). "Well goodbye bedroom." she said meaning every word of it, as if the room itself was a pony she would come to miss once she was gone for good.

Turning to go Cozy Left down the hall and again began checked her corners, she wasn't sure where the other Cozy was but she definitely didn't want to run into her just before she left. Heading back the way she'd come inside the labyrinth of cave passageways Cozy stopped only when she glanced into the bathroom, there she saw her creator's yellow duck still resting on the rim of the tub. Trotting up to the little fellow Cozy gingerly picking him up and held the plastic toy in her hoof. "Did she leave you too?" Cozy whispered feeling a kinship with it. Poor little guy, Cozy opened up her pack and placed it inside with her things, don't worry I won't leave you.

After her little rescue she exited the restroom and proceeded again down the hallway, coming to a halt when she got to Grogar's central meeting chamber. Cozy's eyes darted around the room but to her gratitude the humongous chamber was completely barren and empty. Seeing the room caused a memory to flash inside Cozy's mind of when the Trio had first meet with Grogar, I'm finally getting away from here. As she started leaving out the front entrance however Cozy's eyes found their way to the black sphere on Grogar's table in the center of the room. She almost considered trying to use it but suddenly realized that despite wanting know about what the villainous trio were up too, and even the dark lord Grogar himself, Cozy just really didn't want to stick around here any longer.

Choosing to ignore the black crystal ball Cozy made her way over to the steeping stones that lead into the cave. If I want to leave I have to go through here, Cozy deduced and approached the floors edge, there she peered into the murky depts of the swamp water. How deep is it? Cozy wondered as she spotted a pebble near the waters edge and pushed it in, watching all the while as it sank into the water, and disappeared into the deep bellow, the only thing left was the rippling effect from its's tiny journey. Yep it's too deep, Ponyfeathers If I fall in I'll never be able to get out, Cozy couldn't swim and she doubted she would be able to pull herself up out of the water if she started sinking. Okay I just have to jump from rock to rock... like hopscotch, Cozy let out a readying breath as she backed up a few hoofsteps and ran forward leaping with all her might to land on first the of the stoney-steps lurking above the water.

Landing in decent shape and without much stumbling Cozy readied herself for another leap, and proceeded to land each one right after the other. Cozy stopped on the sixth stone to look at the waterfalls raining down all around her, Grogar sure knows how to pick an artsie lair. Which reminded her, Cozy turned and whispered "Goodbye Hideout." to her secluded retreat, I hope I never have to see you again though.

Cozy turned back to her goal of freedom and went to leap onto the next stone only for her front hooves to land as her flank and back hooves fell back into the cold murky water. No!...no no no, Cozy struggled to free herself, she shouldn't have stopped to look back, she was doing so good! Cozy splashed her hooves but couldn't find any purchase beneath the water. Okay, Cozy summoned all of her strength and pushed up on her front hooves, finally retrieving her submerged lower half from the chilly gloom of the water and hauling herself to safety.

Darn it, and Cozy had just combed her tail, she turned her head to check on her rear end and found it completely drenched with her tail hanging damp between her legs. I can't stop now I have to keep going, Cozy used her back hooves to stomp on her tail and felt the water getting squeezed out onto the stone beneath her. Okay that's better I just have about five more to go and then I won't have to see another swamp for the rest of my life., Cozy thought as she readied herself for another leap.

Hurrying Cozy made her way from rock to rock, all the while checking around in the water for anything dangerous. She didn't know if any Crocodiles lived in this area but she knew she couldn't do anything to one of them if it managed to snap her up in it's jaws. Especially given her size, she'd be lucky if it didn't just swallow her whole...

Finally with one last leap Cozy made it from the stepping stones and onto the solid ground on the edge of the swamp. She let out a deep breath and felt the reassuring soft grass beneath her hooves, Now this I remember, Cozy thought smiling down at the ground before starting to trot into the forest. As she entered beneath the trees she suddenly realized she didn't know which way she was heading, stopping in place she looked back and forth through the woods. As of right now she only knew two ways to get out of this forest, one would lead her to Canterlot and the other which would lead her to the snowy mountains and Mount Everhoof. If she went towards Canterlot she would be heading towards danger, but the frozen Mount Everhoof wasn't exactly a pleasant place to be either and it was way to far into the unknown regions of Equestria for her liking. Cozy was sure she would freeze if she went back there, and the thought of something hungry that could get her while she was sleeping sent a chill down her spine. Cozy let out a sigh, as much as she didn't like the idea, the road toward Ponyville and Canterlot was her best chance for survival, despite the carnage that could be ensuing there. Alright new life here I come, Cozy thought as she started heading into the forest, intent on getting as far away from the nightmare behind her as she possible could.

Starlight waved at her students and then to Sunburst who had decided to head back to the Crystal Empire, so he could check up on Flurry Heart. With that the last of the trains took off down the tracks away from Ponyville, Thank Celestia that's over. Starlight thought before breathing a sigh of relief, that only cost me my Vice Head Stallion all in all not too bad. Turning away she started walking back into town with all her new teachers following at her sides, Rarity of which being the first of the mares to say anything.

"So what are your plans for the summer Headmare?" Rarity asked curiously. Now that was something Starlight hadn't put much thought into, she had actually expected to sit around at the school and get things prepared for the next year's semester but Twilight had seen to everything in advance, all just to give her an easy entrance into her new position.

"I don't really know, I've got nothing better to do than come up with more friendship assignments." Starlight said with a shrug and looked around for any suggestions.

"Oh why don't you take a trip to Canterlot so you could see what Twilight's up too?" Pinkie asked while doing her best attempt at flying while she bounced her way up and down the street.

Starlight sighed, "I would but Twilight wants to get used to ruling Equestria on her own, she probably wouldn't need my help around the Palace anyway." Of that Starlight was sure, Twilight was dead set on getting everything going smoothly again and showing that she had everything well in hoof.

Rainbow Dash flew in front of their pack and started flying in a laying down position, "Well I know what I'm doing, I'm going to be practicing for all the shows the Wonderbolts are putting on this summer."

Smiling Fluttershy put a hoof to her chest, "And I'm going to be busy at my sanctuary, I'm trying to train some extra help for when I start teaching classes again."

"Ah' got a trip to Appaloosa I've been plan'en for a while, If everything works out I should be leav'in in a day or two." Applejack said repositioning her hat to fit more comfortably atop her head. "my cousin Braburn's keeps ask'in about when I'll come over."

"Ooh I'm going to be on the road as well darling, I've got to go check on Rarity's for You in Canterlot, heavens forbid I have a whole new line of outfits that need their debut." Rarity said looking at the shops they were passing, probably imagining all of her new customers.

"Hey don't count me out I'm booked making parties, in fact this afternoon I'll be throwing a Congratulations We Saved the World Again party and you're all invited." Pinkie said happily while bouncing backwards to face all of them.

Well that just leaves me, Starlight thought as she saw all of them ready to fulfill their summer objectives. What could she do? Look for an assistant to hire to help out at the school? An image of Cozy Glow nearly sending her to another realm came to mind, Nah. Oh maybe she could take a nice vacation like a sensible mare... too boring. Just then it occurred to her she still had one Pony she needed to talk too...

"Me? I'm going to spend my summer scolding Trixie for slacking off on us today." Starlight said triumphantly as the others burst into laughter.

Once the laughing died down Rarity stepped in front of them halting them in the center of town outside Mayor Mares office, "It would seem we have our courses set girls just remember we have to be at Canterlot in six days to meet up with Twilight."

"Ugh, I already miss her." Pinky said getting teary eyed and stopping her hop.

"I know, but it'll be okay, we'll see her really soon." Fluttershy stated softly, comforting her pink companion.

"Yeah we'll be see'in her in no time." Applejack agreed.

"Alright let me know how it goes everypony." Starlight said with a wave to her friends.

"You bet." Rainbow Dash agreed, and with that they each said their goodbyes and separated, each intent on making their summers a memorable one. Starlight would visit Twilight on her own time of course. That Teleportation spell she had really came in handy.

Walking past the townsfolk and towards Trixie's camp site, she knew one mare in particular that needed to have an earfull. Starlight surveyed the hills around the Friendship Castle and noticed a nice gentle wind blowing in the sky, Ooo, this is the best weather for flying kites. How could it be this peaceful after the last battle? Ponies hadn't really witness what she had witnessed, like her duel where she had faced down Queen Chrysalis and later when the destruction of Canterlot castle took place, to most it was just another failed attempt just like rest. At least it's all over...

Starlight approached an all to familiar blue wagon with Trixie's treasure chests scattered about the area. The closer she got the more she could hear Trixie talking to herself inside the wagon. Of course she's here, Starlight thought before taking a breath and knocking on the door a few times.

"Trixie are you in there?" Starlight asked despite knowing it was a stupid question. Suddenly she heard a smoke bomb go of on top of the wagon with Trixie appearing out of the grey smoke. Wow at least she's getting better at entrances, Starlight thought as she backed up a couple of hoofsteps to see her friend more clearly.

"What can the Great and Powerful Trixie do for her Headmare?" Trixie said in her booming voice while her magicians hat and cape were billowing in the wind.

Starlight smiled up at her, well lets see how she explains this one. "So Trixie remember when I said we needed all of our staff to help the students get home for the summer?"

Trixie smiled sheepishly and rubbed one hoof on the other, "Yeah well about that, Trixie really needed to make some arrangements and it was like a now thing..." Trixie said and then chuckled nervously.

"Oh really what could be more important than helping us on our last day before school let out?" Starlight said while narrowing her eyes.

"Trixie has decide to go on a worldwide magic tour, and she plans on making it her biggest tour yet!" Trixie said while making a semicircle with her hooves like a rainbow.

Starlight sighed and pinched the space between her eyes, what was she going to do with her... wait what was she going to do with her... hmm. Just then a thought entered Starlight's mind as she formulated a plane...

Starlight began pacing around the wagon for extra effect and adopted a sad voice, "So you left me to fend for myself just so you could arrange to go on another magic tour?" Starlight said adding extra disappointment to her tone as she baited her trap.

Trixie's face fell, "Wait Trixie will make it up to you, what does her assistant want?"

Guilt step one complete, Starlight sat down with her back turned to Trixie and crossed her hooves, "I don't know Trixie, this whole things got to me." Starlight waited as she heard Trixie jump down from her wagon and head over to stand right behind her, then she continued to stay still as Trixie put her head on Starlight's shoulder trying to get her attention, hmm.. she really could be cute at times.

"Common just tell Trixie how she can make it up to you." Trixie said concerned that Starlight might really hold all of this against her.

Pleading step Two complete now on to step three. "Well now that you mention it... I'd like to go with you." Starlight said breaking her façade and glancing over at the confused mare with a smile.

"What?" Trixie said taking her head off of Starlight's shoulder and coming around, "Wait I thought you said after last time..."

"Yeah well my summer's clear and I really don't have anything else to do, besides you owe me.", Starlight stated while placing her hooves together in front of her. "And won't the Great and Powerful Trixie need her bestest assistant to make it the best magic tour ever anyway?"

Trixie grinned and embraced Starlight in a hug, "Oooooh, this is going to be so great I can't wait to get started!"

"So what's first? Do you need me to get the raft?" Starlight asked with Trixie still latched onto her.

"Actually Trixie can't leave just yet, she still needs to wait a day or two." Trixie answered pulling out of Starlight's embrace.

"A day or two? Why? I thought we were leaving like right now?", Starlight asked in confusion.

"Because Trixie must wait and make sure her rooms are reserved, she isn't going anywhere this time if it means sleeping in the woods again.", Trixie said matter of factly. That wasn't what Starlight was expecting but having a day or two to get things in order wouldn't be sooo bad...

"Well then I guess we can go to Pinkie's party later. She's throwing one of those We Defeated Equestria's Villains parties." Starlight said much to Trixie's confusion.

"Pinksie? Let me guess that's the-" Trixie started.

"The Pink one, yes." Starlight confirmed.

"Oh good we can fill up on food before we leave for Appaloosa and then it's on to Saddle Arabia!" Trixie said with a big smile, practically beaming.

This was all great, now she had plans for her summer and it was to fun with her beat friend! "Sounds like a plan." Starlight said while matching Trixie's grin.

Cozy walked through the forest which became more of a traditional forest and less like a swamp with each new step she took towards the main road. The forest also seemed devoid of life save for the usual bird or adorable rabbit she'd see but they seemed to be avoiding her seemingly on purpose for some reason. I guess they're not used to ponies...

As she went Cozy spotted what looked like a worn down broken cottage a ways away from her in the woods, it looked to have a crumbling roof and the door was knocked down with what looked like claw marks on the doorsill. No way am I going near that. Cozy thought as she continued on her way, she didn't know what to think of what might have been trying to get inside the house but the place looked like it had been a nice place to live... once.

Cozy looked above her, it had been hours now and the sky was getting darker, it would be night soon and she had to make it to the safety of the road before then otherwise she'd be sleeping all alone in the woods. Cozy doubled her speed, if she could fly she'd be halfway to Canterlot by now, why won't they work? Cozy thought as she looked back at her wings and ruffled them beneath her bag. Everything seemed alright with them, she had even preened her feathers for good measure but still nothing. she couldn't even get off the ground like this.

Cozy let out a sigh. I need to cheer up, at least I'm away from the Evil Lair[/i,] Cozy thought as she started brainstorming, Hmm... I know I could sing a song that always works! Cozy closed her eyes, thought of a few lyrics, and cleared her throat.

🎵 I'm all alone 🎵
🎵 And I'm off on my own 🎵
🎵 But at least I can see 🎵
🎵 There's a path set for m-🎵

Cozy didn't get to continue her song as she found herself face first on the forest floor with her rear hanging in the air. Ugh... Cozy pulled her head up and looked back behind her, Golly out of all the times I could of fallen on a broken tree branch. Cozy pulled herself to her hooves and blew a leaf out of her hair. She didn't really feel like continuing her song anymore at least not while she had a throbbing forehead, instead she turned to the tree limb. "you ruined my song silly.", she uttered before moving the piece of wood into a bush and out of the way.

Okay well that didn't work, Cozy thought as she continued forward now even more determined to reach the forest's edge. As she walked she started going over what she should do, her most immediate plan was to reach a far off town far away from Canterlot. Hmm.., she would have to be discrete with her name but so long as she didn't run into anypony who would recognize her she should be fine. Cozy looked up again as the sky got darker, now turning into a light purple with the puffy clouds turning gray. She wished she could get up there, a cloud was so much better than the forest floor. Cozy pushed past two bushes and stopped, nearly leaping for joy as she noticed she was on the dirt road that would lead her to freedom. Yes!

Cozy looked from one end of the road to the other seeing it completely barren. There shouldn't be a town for miles, Cozy thought as she sat down in the middle of the road and unstrapped her pack. This was it, all she had to do was follow the road and she would finally get her own happily ever after. Yawning Cozy opened her bag up and pulled her blanket out before pulling it around her in a snuggly embrace. I just need a good nights sleep, she thought, before she could collapse into a heap however a tiny rustling noise in underbrush caught her attention. Huh?, Cozy pulled the blanket up over the top of her head and turned around, scanning the treeline. Peering through the trees she saw a set of yellow eyes darting back into the woods way off in the distance.

Adrenaline pumped through her as she sat there watching the forest for any sign of movement. D-did it leave?, she wondered paralyzed at the idea of something following her, Should I keep going? She waited and waited as the sky grew darker but the eyes seemed to have disappeared into the shadows. She needed to get some sleep or else she'd be dragging her hooves tomorrow, Suddenly a thought came to her it was an absolutely childish idea but it was something. Quickly she pulled her pack open and retrieved her duck. Placing the plastic toy between her and the forest where she thought she had seen the yellow eyes. "Can you stand guard for me?", Cozy whispered down to the little duckling.

Thanks Ducky, she thought and pretended that the duck was some kind of royal guard that would somehow save her if something happened. Settling down in her blanket she tried to close her eyes, though but before sleep could claim her she heard a soft growl and nearly screamed out of fear. Suddenly she realized that the growling was coming from her own stomach. "ugh, I'll have to find something later.", she whimpered as she spread her wings over her belly to try and keep it quiet. After a while of listening to the sounds of the forest her eyes fluttered shut and she drifted off to sleep...

Starlight and Trixie stood outside Sugarcube Corner and knocked on the front door a few times, even outside they could hear commotion from the party-goers, must be a lot of ponies. Suddenly Pinkie opened the door and stuck her head out, "Hi so glad you came Stary.", then she turned to Trixie, "And you too, you magician you.", Pinkie said stepping back and letting Starlight in.

"Pinkie just how many ponies did you invite to the party again?", Starlight said eyeing what seemed to be half of ponyville in the cramped little Deli.

"Oh ya know just Dr. Hooves-Lyra-Applejack-Mayor Mare-Derpy-Octavia-Rainbow Dash-Sweetiebelle-Buttonmash-Nurse Redheart-Spoiled Rich-Thunderlane-Featherwait-Fluthershy-Scootaloo-Bonbon-Sandbar-Applebloom-", Pinkie's list stopped abruptly as Starlight put a hoof in her mouth.

"I get it Pinkie.", Starlight said as Trixie entered Sugarcube Corner behind her and looked around at all of the bustling townsfolk.

"Just how many friends does Pigsie have?" Trixie asked bewildered.

"As many as I can.", Pinkie answered pulling away from Starlight's hoof and trotting up to Trixie with a smile. "By the way I never got your Birthday Missus Fireworks."

"Oh no, Trixie is never going to reveal the date of her birth, she loaths surprise parties.", Trixie stated matter of factly.

"Oh well.", Pinkie huffed before using her head to push them both further into the Bakery, " Have fun you two. Make sure you eat lots of cake."

"Thanks Pinkie.", Starlight said as her pink friend hopped off and she looked around at all the streamers and balloons decorating everything, she really went all out. To her it was a perfect idea, given their victory and with Trixie by her side they gathered up some cake and punch before making their way over to an empty table in the corner of the candy store. Sitting down Starlight relaxed with Trixie sitting across from her and digging into a few of her pastries.

"Sooooo.... All of this just for defeating the villains?", Trixie asked.

"Yep.", Starlight confirmed. "At least it's all finally over."

"Uh-huh, speaking of which you never told me how your fight went with the bug queen went." Trixie questioned while munching on a cupcake and getting it all over her lips in her hast to eat. Starlight rolled her eyes and used her magic to take a napkin and wipe Trixie's face, much to the magician's dismay.

"Oh you know I beat her hooves down, then she cheap shotted me when my back was turned." Starlight explained though to be fair she had gotten overconfident near the tail end of their fight and should have at least checked to make sure Chrysalis was down before heading back to the school.

Trixie raised an eyebrow, "Yeah *munch*.. Trixie believes you, even though you wound up hanging in one of her cages. *munch* If Trixie had been the bug she would have called that a victory regardless.", Trixie said with as much sass as her cupcake covered mouth would allow and proceeded to lick the excess off of her face.

Starlight grinned, "Well if you wanna go chat with her about it I know where she is. I'm pretty sure she's not going anywhe..."

"Everypony check it out I finished my ice sculpture!", Pinkie shouted cutting Starlight's conversation short. Glancing over beside her pink friend Starlight saw a transparent ice miniature of the villainous trio still trapped in stone. Wow I've got to get a look at this, Starlight thought as she sipped her punch and trotted over through the gathered ponies who were getting their pictures taken with it.

"Oh Applejack get me in one!", Pinkie said in her cheery voice, bouncing next to her masterpiece while smiling for the camera.

Hmm..., Starlight studied the figure between camera flashes, Pinkie nailed Chrysalis, her snarl and teeth were glistening in the light in a never ending lunge she was making. Glancing behind the bug queen Starlight could just make out Tirek since he was all hunched over, hiding behind the other two, what a coward. Then Starlight's eyes fell on the topmost tiny figure and her horrified expression, pinkie must have spent a while getting the details on right her, especially with all those curls, Not laughing anymore are you brat. Out of them all Cozy was probably the biggest disappointment she had everything and she had thrown it all away for power. Well that's her loss, Starlight thought, she didn't actually know that much about Tirek, to her he had seemed like some sort of jock with too much to prove. Chrysalis was just entitled and vengefull...

"Hey Starlight do you want one?" Pinkie asked, motioning towards the camera.

"Sure." Starlight said eagerly, "I can add it to my scrapbook."

Starlight took a few pictures with it hew favorite of which was her leaning over and pouting at the little frozen trio. Satisfied with the free photos Starlight trotted away from the gathering of party goers to rejoin Trixie, who to Starlight's enjoyment was holding her stomach after eating her and Starlight's deserts, Maybe I took too long with those pictures...

"So how was it Trixie?", Starlight sassily said while patting Trixie's back. "Are you doing alright?"

"Ugh..", Trixie turned her head on the table to revel rainbow colored frosting covering both of her cheeks, okay that was it Starlight put a hoof to her lips but couldn't stop herself from laughing. "You... Took too long...", Trixie mumbled.

"Well I'll be, I reckon she's had enough to give one of my pigs a bellyache." Applejack said chuckling and coming over to join the two of them. Starlight stood aside as Applejack peered around her to get a good look at Trixie's frosting face, when all of a sudden the magician let out a growl and Applejack backed off.

"She definitely overdid it. So Applejack you said something earlier about going to Appaloosa right?", Starlight inquired an idea coming to her.

"That's right, I'm leave'n in a couple'a days. Why?", Applejack asked raising an eyebrow. A smile grew on Starlight's face.

"Well it just so happens we're going to be heading that way in a day or two... Would you like to come with us?" Starlight said adopting a happy smile to her potential traveling companion..

"Hmm... I reckon we could go together, if'n you keep grumpy pants over there from doing anything... crazy.", Applejack said rubbing her chin with a hoof.

Yes this was going to be so much fun I'm going to go on vacation with two of her friends, even if it was just to Applelossa, "Pinkie promise, this is going to be so much fun!" Starlight said getting giddy with excitement.

Trixie groaned and said in a whisper that Starlight had to lean in a bit to hear, "Starlight Trixie demands that you not invite the whole town." Then her magician turned her head over and yawned before getting comfortable enough at the table for a nap.

Okay Starlight decided that was enough for one night and turned to Applejack, "I should get her home, don't leave without us okay."

"Got it, Y'all have yourselves a good night ya hear.", Applejask said before and turning away and departing back into the party.

Starlight nudged Trixie but the unicorn was response-less, yep she's not going anywhere on her own, Starlight levitated her magician friend out of her chair in a aura of blue magic and headed out of Sugercube Corner and down the road.

Starlight was going to ask if Trixie wanted to go to her wagon when they got to the castle but to no surprise Trixie was passed out from all of her consumed sweets. Sighing Starlight opened the crystal door to the castle and trotted down it's long shimmering hallways. Hmm... lets see where to, oh that could work, Starlight thought as she put Trixie into her old bed and closed the door. There now for me, Starlight thought before a yawn left her mouth. She'd had a long day of rushing students home and locking up the school but now it was all over, I can't wait to get on the road, she internally chuckled as she lowered herself into Twilight's old bed and turned the lights out.

Twilight felt an ache coming on, she had sat strait in her throne all day and her back was itching for a good stretch... how did Celestia keep such a regal posture through it all? Spike on the other hoof seemed content with the pillow she had made, as he sat beside the throne. Hmm, besides the ache Twilight wondered why her former teacher warned her that Equestrian trade disputes were boring, they were long sure but each new situation was unique and always seemed to have a right answer, like a Friendship problem! ...oh those were the good old days.

"Thank you Fancypants, your insight into our situation has been very helpful but I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you come back tomorrow, I'm afraid I just don't have enough time to be able to go through all of this tonight." Twilight said looking out at the moon she had lowered hours ago while still hearing out Fancypants, way too late, I need to get some sleep for tomorrow. Twilight motioned for her guards to open the palace doors to allow her guest to leave without any hinderance.

"Of course your highness, I'll be back in the morning so we can hopefully finish this debacle.", Fancypants said giving a bow of his head before turning and making his way through the palace on his way home for the night.

The second he was gone Twilight let out a deep breath, and saw Spike stretching his wings out, right there with you Spike. Twilight stretched her own wings out and felt the discomfort disappear, ahhh.... ,"So are you ready to call it a day Spike?"

"You got it Twilight, I'm definitely ready to hit the hay." Spike answered while rubbing an eye. Twilight was about to take her crown off but stopped when she saw a royal guard enter the throne room and trot up to the base of her throne's ramp, "You're highness one of the maids in the Palace would like to speak with you, she said it wouldn't take too long."

What could be so important that they had to speak to her at this hour? "Umm... okay send her in.", Twilight said tiredly and tilted her crown into a more regal position as a light gray unicorn with vibrant red hair walked into the throne room, the mare was dressed in a traditional black and white frilly outfit and with a... present on her back?

The maid approached the bottom of the throne and stood there, then she finally made eye contact with Twilight. Her eyes were red around the rim, she looked emotionless, besides that her hair and tail were practically done up in buns to help her go about cleaning.

Twilight decided to start the conversation, whatever this was about it seemed to have upset her, "Umm... can I help y-"

"I'd like to resign your highness", the mare said cutting Twilight off.

Twilight was taken aback and had to process that, most ponies work their entire lives trying to get a job inside the royal palace. Why would she just want to leave, she didn't look much older than Shining Armor did? Spike looked equally confused as she glanced over at him.

"Where is this coming from? Did somepony do something to you?" Twilight asked fear entering her voice, she almost didn't want to find out what was wrong with her. What could have happened to get her to act this way?

"Yes something happened... I got you something, I... don't want it anymore." The mare said her voice somehow growing colder.

"Wait what happened, did somepony hurt you?", Twilight had to get to the bottom of this, but instead of a reply the mare simply levitated the gift in front of Twilight.

"I hope you like it.", she said, her sight now transfixed on Twilights face as Twilight studied the small rectangular present in front of her, hmm... maybe it'll shed some light on what's happened here.

Twilight used her magic to remove the ribbon and pulled the wrapping paper off. Alright I hope this isn't something bad... Twilight pulled open the box's lid to reveal a... baby bottle.

Twilight held it in one of her hooves and held it out, "Umm... I'm sorry but I already have bottles for my niece when she comes to visit, I don't really need this.", she looked to Spike who shrugged and then turned back to the mare.

After a pause the mare finally answered Twilight, "I used to feed Cozy with it."

Twilight and Spike gasped in shock as the bottle fell from her now shacking hoof and rolled down the pathway leading up to her throne, ending up at the mare's front hooves. This wasn't happening...No no no no,

"A..are you her mom?" Twilight's voice was shaken as she brought a hoof halfway to her face instinctually, If this was her mother then Twilight and the others had just sealed her daughter's fate along with that of the other villains without even telling her. In a single instant this mare had destroyed any moral high ground Twilight felt she ever had over turning her former friendship student to stone...

The mare was unmoved, "No I'm not her mom... her mother would probably thank you for turning her to stone... I'm sure she's happy about this..."

Oh my Celestia... Twilight sat in complete shock at the mental image of Cozy Glow's parents actually grinning up at their daughter's statue. No pony's parents could be that cruel to their own child... and yet why didn't they come out to defend her when she'd needed them? Doubts started to spread in Twilight's mind. Was that why nopony came to her defense? Did her parents... hate her...

The mare's wall of non emotion started to evaporate as Twilight could now see two tears bream and run down her face. Twilight and the others didn't have a choice, Cozy was going to keep coming back to take over just like Chrysalis said. Twilight was going to be sick, the pain on the mare's face would probably haunt Twilight's dreams. Who was she? Nopony's been upset over what happened except for her, in fact most ponies couldn't stop cheering.

The mare continued, "I..I thought... sniff* you would help her...", The mare started shaking and looked down at the marble floor shaking her head, "I thought you... you would give her a second chance." the mare finally pulled her face back up to meet Twilight's, "When I heard she was sent to Tartarus I basically begged Celestia to set her free, but s..she wouldn't... I... I wanted you to be different...sniff*." The maid turned her head to the side and whimpered trying to collect herself.

She kicked the bottle aside making it roll away from her, then she turned and walking away from Twilight, after a few hoof steps away Twilight heard her whisper, "I thought you were the princess of friendship."

Twilight wanted to stop her, she had a billion questions about Cozy Glow. Where was she from? Where were her parents? but something told her if she tried to stop her now things would only get worse. She looked... destroyed...

Twilight watched her leave past the worried guards who gave her looks of concern on her way out. Spike put a hoof on Twilights shacking front hoof only for Twilight to nearly pull away instinctively. What had she done... Twilight's eyes turned to the now finished glass window of the Trio being turned to stone and looked away to see the baby bottle on the floor...

"T...Twi" Spike said reaching for her, she hardly noticed him as she looked around at the situation she knew she couldn't fix and tossed her crown off her head with it clanging to the floor beside her. She put her hooves over her eye's and shook her head as if to hide her from what she had just witnessed.

Author's Note:

Okay same as usual the credit for the Cozy base goes to LilitchOfficial and the other pictures are owned by Hasbro.

I hope you've enjoyed this so far:twilightsmile: