• Published 12th Aug 2020
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Colonel Hooves and the Empire of Crystal - KarmaSentinal

Idol Hooves is tasked with rebuilding the Crystal Guard.

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Chapter 29:Prepare for Trouble, for the Fun as been Doubled.

To her rightful highness of the Moon and Stars: Co-Ruler of Equestria Proper who rules from the Night Throne of Canterlot, Lord Mistress of the Threstal Race, The Mare that literally shaped the Moon, Tyrant Slayer of the One that Drank from the Red Seas, and Mother of the Hippogriff race.

As your once former caretaker, and subordinate, I write only now upon the understanding of a great catastrophe approaching the land I’ve come to call home- a viral outbreak of the cold kind.

To our assumption (mine included), the Crystal Council believed their Highness Princess Cadance, and Prince-Consort Shining Armor were on a diplomatic mission to Equestria to petition your industrial might with the help of manufacturing enough of the cures. Unfortunately, this wasn’t the case. Tell Twilight Princess Twilight I wish her and Equestria good luck with her seat of governance.

Under Prince-Consort Shining Armor’s leadership, the Crystal Council is actively trying to advise a plan that will keep the population mostly un-alerted to any potential harm. Our efforts have been minimal, yet lay enough of a groundwork in which to proceed from until we can put forth a definitive motion. By their request, and partly my own desire to write to you myself, I scribe this letter seeking your wisdom, and possible assurances to render aid.

I will hold further cluttering this letter until receiving your response,

Colonel Idol Hooves

To the esteemed Colonel Hooves: First of his name, Face of a foal’s toy, Leader of the League of Shadows, Guardian of my sister’s god foal, and my future apprentice.

To start, we wish to apologize for the pile of ash delivered to you. Please be aware of our right as a Princess of Equestria, reserve the right to lie, but as your right bestowed upon you as a close associate, and friend to us I will not- I was furious. We had believed those titles lost and forgotten for all times, yet you continually demonstrate the rare ability to crawl under our figurative skin; how one of your unwillingness to seek adventure, yet draw it to yourself as a flame does to the moth. Most of the titles had been thy marks of a time long before our ascension to the Equestrian Throne of the Everfree. That last title upsets our stomach greatly, and we request you forget that one if you are compelled to keep any; that last one is nothing more than a weak attempt to bind their race to thy blood, and it sullies my clutch’s name. You have a clutch with a fearless griffon, and suddenly we are the talk of many mouths with nothing better to do than suckle for milk.

Trotting forward less we wallow in the past, your words worry us as we were not aware of any illness being spread among the Crystal Populace. Cadence and Shining Armor to our knowledge made no mention of this fact when visiting the young Princess Twilight the past several months. We shall speak to my sister the first chance available, but knowing sister she will want to begin immediately. Celestia is still upset with you Idol.

While We convene over this matter, We request you direct any and all contact with us for the foreseeable future as our sister is being a big filly about your situation, and our involvement with the secret. Words had been exchanged before our trip to the Empire for the Crystalling, and We fear if no cooking (is that how the foals say it?) on our part, Celestia might have been more open to your history. At last, she feels scorn and still requires time to accept this- We were not spared from her anger as well.

We shall inform the young Twilight Sparkle of your best wishes.

Bring of the Night, NOT mother to any race, and your friend,

Princess Luna

To her rightful highness of the Moon and Stars,

I’m both relieved and troubled by the latter letter while the former has been cleaned up. I have informed both of their Highnesses of your response, and they have agreed to channel any questions directly to you until told otherwise. We are cautiously optimistic a plan of action could be implemented before the entirety of the Empire succumbs to the sniffles, yet until then their highness has decided to continue with the preparations for the Equestria Games. The only change being all creatures traveling to the Empire have their Cold Shots up-today, while a little questionable given the Empire’s lax stance, isn’t uncommon when traveling during Hearths Warming Season.

In regards to the latter letter, I am left with many questions that I would like answered, but will respect your desire to remain the mother-like figure of only one race for this time. My next concern is with the wondrous Princess Celestia, and how I unintentionally scorn her:

How should I proceed? Should I step down from my command once the crisis is resolved? Will leaving the country allow Princess Celestia the time needed to collect her thoughts?

Your views are always appreciated.

One last thing, if you should become in contact with the unicorn Lapis Print, inform him I’ve received his schematics for the personal office two days ago. I’ve yet to look over them, but will do so at the earliest convenience. His help was tremendous, and I’m hopeful his plans will allow us to use the lone office without the feelings of being watched, or restless discomfort sweeping over us.

Your Loyal Subject, and Friend,

Colonel Idol Hooves

To the esteemed Colonel Hooves,


We were misled, or gave our sister too much credit when we actively encouraged her to ‘pursue’ you. It was with our understanding it was all a crush, and only wanted her (with permission from your new wife, congratulations) to acquire a single kiss and/or a simple dinner before dropping the matter as we've done in times long ago. Immortality has changed our perception of life, and taught us to act on certain feelings quicker than to leave them open to debt for many decades. It was during one our niece’s first letters about this coming illness, did we learn of Celetsia’s intent.


You have done nothing wrong, and in fact, are too quick to seek punishment. Toss the notion aside and continue serving with dedication, and keep being the pillar of morality the Empire desperately needs to keep their society from collapsing. As for my sister, she had been thoroughly lashed with enough words to long for those reports she often signs into fruition. Celestia will have time to think about her actions while we are gone.

Which reminds us, we are coming to the Crystal Empire with a small contingent of my Threstal Guard within the week. Cadence has accepted their help, and will deploy them as she deems necessary, yet you will act as their commanding officer, so don’t hesitate to redirect them when needed. We look forward to seeing you, and your family once more under a slightly less disastrous term.

Lapis Print has been informed, and is glad to have been of help. Something to the colt in the Empire, and for the better as I feel the sorrow, and boiling resentment finally fading away. Once again, We are in your debt.

Your Friend,


“What about the Changelings living here?”Cersus asked while standing on the edge of the bed Topaz and I claimed two years ago.

She was trying her best to read the letter over my shoulder, no doubt curious if her friend might make an appearance. Current circumstances made the timing less than desirable to host any creature not native, or currently living in the Empire for the time being. This hopefully won’t be permanent, and when things are finally settled I can reach out to Lieutenant Mockingbird, and Lady Nerium to arrange a potential meet up with the young Nighthawk and Cersus.

‘They would enjoy it.’ I thought, but remembered I needed to focus on present matters.

Shifting in my chair so I could give the nymph my attention, yet Cersus held her ground with her eyes almost commanding me to answer. I chalked this up as another sign of her intended future, and didn’t know if I should worry or be proud of her. Never would have I considered the nymph often playing tag in the sewers under Canterlot would mature into a prestigious role as Hive Queen-certainly not this drone.

Until the water rushes under that bridge, there was little a pony could do then to wait for a future so fickle it may never come to fruition. So to avoid wasting my precious time worrying about the future, I began formulating how to respond to Cersus about the Thestrals.

Truthfully, I knew what I didn’t want happening to them, and that was it. Nothing short of outing them in public to keep the Night Guard away would, and that would destroy any goodwill with the Crystal Ponies, and the few Exiles I’m currently aware of. In the end, I told Cersus the simplified truth.

“Luna likely doesn’t know of any changelings save the two of us. I don’t believe Cadance or Shining would reveal this after the fallout of my sudden reveal. I should bring an escort of guards along to meet them at the Train Station, and hopefully explain the situation there, else we’ll have another panic on our hooves.”

“Can I come along? Luna knows of me, right? Then maybe we could…”

“Negative Cersus. The Threstals can find changelings by smell alone, and that’s why I’m worried.”

“Nighthawk and Mothchaser used to say I smelled good, but I never used shampoo? Is that what you mean?”

“Because we remind them of their food, you smell like those bugs Nighthawk often gave you.”

I don’t believe Cersus expect that kind of answer because of the implications associated with it, yet I had to accept she wasn’t the young nymph from four years ago- the solely independent cross colored nymph. Each passing month it was becoming harder to deny the nymph was growing faster then had to start treating her like the proto-queen she was becoming.

Difficult? No. Hard? Yes.

Ever since taking responsibility for the nymph, I’ve been forced to learn more about this life cycle to better provide for Cersus to the best of my abilities. It was this that made watching her e bounce away from the edge of the bed to be closer to the center where Topaz and I slept the hardest; the trembling of Cersus’s chitin told me everything about her current mental state.

“They eat…” She was shaking more this time, and this time promptly left my seat to offer her support alongside the bed. It took a little encouragement to get Cersus to walk towards me, but she managed to overcome her fear and into my waiting hooves.

“Maybe. You know Nighthawk, and Mothchaser, yet they never came off as the ones to eat their friends.”

“They used to say my shampoo smelt nice…” Her trembling was severe enough for the hardened plates to be bang against each other, eliciting an unusually high pitch ringing that slowly thinned out over several seconds. “...I don’t use shampoo, and thought they meant the water in the hideout.”

“Don’t tell Topaz about using sewer water to bathe, or we’ll both be in for a good lecture on hygiene. Are you with me?” I reinforced my questions with a simple tap on her nose, and was rewarded with the nymph shifting her attention to where the hoof had been.

“The water wasn’t too bad. It was enough for ‘Mr. Rattles’. He never needed much water to clean the trash that would get stuck between the bones.” Cersus confessed. “He never talked, but seemed to understand. He was the one that showed me all the hidden openings, and the little hole in the wall that became my hideout.”

“I’d met Mr. Rattles before during an early exploration of Canterlot, and issued him a warning for wandering in a restricted area. I wasn’t experienced with pony society, and assumed him to be a common worker pony.” I chuckled at the folly, and watched as Cersus’s melancholy stature quietly morphed back to her curious self. She looked up from the protective hooves wrapped around her, and nearly made me trip when I experienced something I deemed impossible.

“You issued him a ticket?”

There was always the possibility especially given Cersus sudden, and rapid transformation into a proto-queen, but it never concerned me until this very moment as I looked down into her waiting eyes.

“A hivemind!” It had been too long since I'd communicated, let alone been a part of the Old Hivemind back in the Wastelands, and my exclamation made the nymph recoil in response.

“NOT SO LOUD!” Cersus cried out, and I felt the rigging in my head.

“Sorry little one. It has been too long since I’ve done this. When in Equestria did you learn to do this?”

“This? Only for a few months now, Thorax has been helping me with it. What do ya think?” Cersus tilted her head slightly, and likely unaware she was displaying her head fin. This, and her earlier panic were what kept me from raising my own to challenge the display.

I scooped her up before she knew it, and gave her a tight hug while she protested the affection.

“This parental figure will only display positive emotions of your achievements, while hiding most of its fears. To set the jesting aside young one, I’m unsure how to properly respond given this is another example of your progression into adulthood. Topaz will be both elated and miserable for a few days. As for myself, I’m underprepared for this transition, and will strive to act accordingly.”

“Does this mean I’m grounded?” Cersus asked once she stopped her struggling, and leaned into the hug by burying her snout into the folds of my forelegs. I made no effort to discourage this as I stood up and took a seat on the edge of the bed.

“No. Progression into adulthood can’t be stopped without invoking strong magics, or oaths to powerful creatures of questionable morality. Your development is natural, and only troubling to Topaz and myself because of its future implications- the little nymph under our care may no longer need us.”

I’d expected a flurry of vocalization, or more usage of her new hive mind to follow, but nothing of the sort ever materialized. Instead, I watched as her head fin slowly fell back into place along her neck, as the growing nymph shifted a little more to better bury her muzzle into the nooks of my forelegs; while she didn’t physically say anything, her actions were enough to convey the uncertainty, and sadness of a foal displeased with a particular circumstance. My only true choice was to continue comforting the nymph by rubbing her back with a hoof, and humming the old changeling nursery rhyme.

To me the actions felt underwhelming in the context that more could be done. Despite my fears, Cersus reestablished our connection to the hive mind once more, and allowed me to sense her contentment even if it was mostly overshadowed with doubt. Back in Canterlot, the nymph might have lost control of her emotions because of this impending need to leave our care- not this time.

“You really are maturing, Cersus.” I commented through the connection while humming her favorite tune. “The rules of life demand you leave one day, and seek your own mate in time. This is an unwavering truth. Yet, there is no rule we can’t continue being there for you during those times.”

“You mean it?” I nodded, and gave the nymph another hug.

“Of course I mean it. We do not share a traditional lineage like most ponies you’ve met, and never will. This can’t be changed even with the help of magic, but we’re still a family. Why else would you call Topaz ‘mom’?”

“Of course she told you…”

I didn’t even need the connection of the hive mind to know the nymph was embarrassed. Still, I didn’t linger on it in favor of continuing our conversation.

“Of course, why wouldn’t she? You make her day when you use that parental term- you’ve felt it before.”

“She gets all sappy when introducing me to her class, even if the ponies there already know me.”

“Its natural for a parent to be proud of their progeny Cersus, and you are special to us in more ways than the obvious. Case in point.” I tapped the side of mind meaning the hive mind, she missed this and lifted herself from grasp to look me in the eyes. A trait she’d been doing more often.

“Was that a knock knock joke?” Cersus asked

“Never. It was my way of saying your head is very large, and needs to be if you want to store all of that cleverness.” The moment she spoke severed our connection, and proved a boon by keeping her unaware that this had become a jest of sorts. To her credit, Cersus knew something was off as her narrowing eyes reflected this, yet did nothing.

“I think that’s enough hugging for now.”

She declared while digging herself free from my grip, and hopped onto the bed. To my delight she turned around to look right at me, and said something that would become a permanent memory of mine for many years.

“This adolescence unit requests permission to leave the room to seek enrichment.” Not even Cersus’s rigid tone could hide the smile along her muzzle. Understanding she was feeling better, I went along with the form of communication we did during the first year of our cohabitation.

“This parental unit sees zero reason to deny the request, and agrees on the condition it may join.”

“This nymph unit accepts the condition. Should we visit the other parental unit?”

“Suggestion accepted. Route to parental unit Topaz’s last location identified. Route being planned.” I played along, having fun participating with our old form of communication. The way of communication helped both of us adapt to referring to the other more like a hive drone than as a pony, but Topaz found the act funny.

We kept this routine up on and off for months until Cersus and I were forced to stop when Topaz started receiving complaints from our neighbors when their own foals were mimicking the act. We didn’t completely abandon the routine, but did let it fade as we became more comfortable with our new roles.

Cersus’s smile was brighter. Thoughts of threstals seemingly forgotten as she skipped to the door with me following close behind.

The Crystal Empire was all but vacant today as the unexpected snow storm hit the city with a large flurry of little flurries so pure it made the idea of being amongst them weird. The feeling was strange, and unwelcomed- it made me feel wrong.

This unorthodox crisis only compounded my thoughts as I sat on the bench at the train station waiting for the sole train to arrive. Huddled in my dress coat for warmth while trying to look even less conspicuous than I already did being surrounded by several threstals in hindsight did nothing to pry wandering eyes away- if any could be found. Two of the mysterious tribe I recognized from Canterlot with the rest were new faces trying to refrain from sniffing the air in my general direction, making our close proximity even more awkward. Still, the snow storm was a necessary evil to limit the amount of ponies moving about, and give the thestrals a better environment to work from.

Not to mention the various changelings that have decided to call the Empire their home.

My correspondence with Luna, and Cersus’s question alerted me to a possible mis-step between thestrals and Changelings, and this focus meant the Crystal Ponies’ reaction to seeing so many fanged ponies under Celestia’s sun slipped my attention. I couldn’t alert her highness in time as she’d already departed right after sending the letter stating she would be leaving, thus it fell onto my back to come up with a solution to prevent the pending social disaster…

“Are you cold sir?”

“I am. I never agreed with the frost in Canterlot either, and here even more so. This storm will subside after a few hours, long enough to provide us time for her highness to slip under the flurry of these carved ice flakes.”

“If you’re sure, sir.” The thestral said as he returned to looking out onto the plaza, and beyond the train station. His own fur did little to stay off the cold, yet showed no reaction to it.

Looking around the six thestrals gathered under the roof of the station (The walls were open to allow afternoon breezes), I noted how the senior guards stood vigilant with no signs of discomfort while their newer counterparts fidgeted in place. That was in conjunction with their unwillingness to forget the smell in the air, and had to be reminded when I caught their glances toward me. Surely they’d heard the rumors of the mad unicorn lurking in the dark catacombs with bat winged ponies while partaking in their rancid fruits? Most likely they had, but that was several years ago and time distorts everything if allowed until the memory itself even feels made up.

Seeing their rookie behavior made me glad Cersus relented to join me after learning of the snowstorm. The poor nymph would be miserable waiting out here, let alone terrified to see the thestrals constantly looking our way. I nodded.

“She’s likely still asleep with the heated pot under the mattress…” I sighed with a little envy upon my thoughts as I sat on this bench wrapping the unreasonably thin Guard Jacket for warmth.

“You say something sir?” One of the new thestrals asked off to my right, and the excitement in her words made me recall the times Mothchaser made me feel when we first met- like I was being hunted.

“I was talking to myself, Private Evening Glow. Should anything be amiss, I will swiftly seek your assistance.” The response was nothing more than a polite way to say ‘I’m fine, please don’t bother me’ and they knew it. Thankfully, the mare did and continued her previous duty.

The statement wasn’t meant to be rude, but to keep the thestral focused on her duty then my scent; a lesson that needed to be instilled into them before they could property be introduced to the local exile population in the Crystal Empire. If any of the changelings still want to mingle with the guards after that, then Harmony watch over them. Their safety is a valid concern given their slow integration into the Empire, and one of the main reasons why I’m personally waiting in the impromptu snow storm to greet them. I was on edge from being this close to a thestral after two years of their absence, and miserably waiting in the snow has left me properly grumpy.

“Any sight of their train Corporal Tides?”

“Nothing yet, sir. They left after us, and with the limited tracks running to the Crystal Empire will have to wait for the yard to transfer their train onto the public line if I was to guess. Our detachment saw the yard on the way here before crossing into the Northern Province, and that turn table couldn’t turn fast enough to meet up with the demand.” The stallion commented as he took the opportunity to look my way, before using it to check the rest of his detachment.

“Then this snow storm further hindered the Train Yard’s efforts, correct?” I asked, the stallion turned from his conversation with another of the troop.

“Likely given the lack of preparation, but this line is sparsely traveled more than twice a day so the delay shouldn’t matter too much. Father’s side of the family was the one making repairs on the cars, so I got familiar with the process over time.”

“Forgive my intrusion, but is that why your coloration is more earthly?” I asked, taking the chance to address this curiosity of mine while we waited for the train.

The stallion looked up, and required by their training, the guard he’d been checking on returned to their duty; his eyes shifted to the remaining Night Guards eliciting a silent response from them, for each one’s ears swiveled back toward the snow capped city scape.

“Father nearly got ran out of Fillydelphia when he got bit by my mother, or so they claim. It took many years for both sets of grandfolks to give it a chance, and by then I was already three years old, so it took some time to learn about the trains. Mother and I had it rougher, but it's alright now.”

In a move unbecoming of a guard, especially a Night Guard, Corporal Tides made his way towards the bench and took a seat right next to me, and continued.

“Mom’s side were ashamed of her for letting an ‘outsider’ take her, while father’s side were more angry at her thinking she cursed father. Those stories were something else, sir.”

“It’s unfortunate you had to experience this early on Corporal, but it's said when life gives you Buttercups…”

“...you burn them no good weeds, and go get something real to eat.” The hybrid stallion laughed. “Father’s a character, and really helped make those early years memorable, even though it really hurt him. Mother made sure to let him know he was loved, and he’s aware. My younger siblings don’t need to know about those years, and so far everypony on both sides are in agreement.”

I nodded while listening to the stallion’s experiences with a rightful amount of melancholy as I strangely began thinking would similar troubles plague any future nymphs of mi…

“I never knew my own father, but observing other ponies, I can say your father is blessed by Harmony to have you.” The hybrid’s emotions were easy enough to read, and out of respect I was trying not to notice. He turned to face me, and I caught the light behind his brown irises tearing apart my words looking for something before giving a curt nod.
“We were pretty lucky, uh sir? Mother and father were no pushovers and stood their ground fairly well, though mom still struggles with the other thestrals back in Hollow’s Eve.”

“I was under the impression the thestrals were focused on Shady Oaks?” I asked, and thought I’d overstepped some unknown boundary of theirs when his (and the other listening guards) ears jolted to attention. Ready to apologize, I was startled when he choked, and then gave a generous laugh that might be mimicking the good princess of the night.

“You really are a surprise Colonel Hooves. To drop the name of our home so casually means a few of the higher ranking thestrals really trust you to mention it.” He shook his head, laughed once more, and then continued his explanation. “Hollow’s Eve is our ‘official’ home on paper, but it’s more of forward base while our real home is hidden from most creatures.”

“It seems I spoke too freely, and for that I apologize.”

“No harm done given our current company, but your apology is accepted. Now you’re aware, so please consider your words next time, alright?” Corporal Tides asked, and I nodded in kind.

“Consider it done. I will strive to be more cautious with my words going forward.” I offered my cold hoof, and he took it. His almost dust tan hoof grasping my onyx colored hoof against the snow backdrop…

The time continued its slow pace, made even slower without the use of clocks or the sun to predict the time.

The Guards and myself were in various states of frostbite when the thestral we’d sent down the track came toward us in a mixture between galloping and gliding. The poor mare was unable to properly speak as she struggled to breathe, and control her shaking body- she finally started pointing down the track. It didn’t take any more guessing to understand the train had been spotted and would be here soon; this news reinvigorated us with a new sense of purpose then
guessing who would be the first to be rewarded with a Wound Ribon.

The guard on watch was either slow, or the train was moving faster than it should have, because after several moments the thestral’s ears began to twitch and move toward the train tracks; Corporal Tides stomped his hoof to alert his detachment to ready themselves for the impending arrival of Princess Luna, leaving me the sole exception as I stood there trying (terribly) to ignore the cold.

Soon the train’s shrill whistle alerted us that the end of our wait was coming to an end, and once more Corporal Tides sent his detachment into action by positioning them in a particular spot he counted out using his hooves. Here he separated the detachment into two lines with each facing the other with about a pony and a half length apart. I understood what the young corporal was doing, and wondered if his attempt would prove enough to impress the Princess with his foresight.

Once the thestrals were lined up with three looking toward the track, and two looking toward the city, Corporal Tides came up to me and insisted I stand at the end of their ‘formation’ before taking the vacant spot looking toward the city. This left me overlooking the snow covered platform as the seven of us waited for her highness’s arrival, and by timing conceived from higher powers the train and its carriages came lumbering around the final bend of the track into our view.

I recognized right away this wasn’t the same beast that the princesses used when visiting the Empire, but one of an older design and make because of the needless screeching and sparking its metal joints made as they groaned- the cold doing them no favors.

Corporal Tides issued one final command, but I paid it no heed as I was entranced by the strangeness of everything around me. The snow cover had been both a boon, and tragedy this day, but necessary to ensure the highest level of secrecy without enacting traceable magics; coupled this, my thestral companions, and the choice to use one of the oldest metal beast I’ve seen in Equestria left me a little more than disquiet. Too much has changed in the last several years, and admittedly for the better, I find myself recalling the quieter days of guarding my stretch of hallway in Canterlot Castle more frequently than not.

I would never wish to change the direction of my current life, though in my hearts I cannot help but reflect on the simple changeling I once was and wish for that old predictable life to return even as I recognize the folly of such absurdity. Yet even I know the folly of my unshackled thinking.

Harmony has plans for me, and it would be a fool’s attempt to go against the current it has carved into the world’s design. For now, I will bend just enough to keep the flow moving until some event forces my hooves, because my decade in Equestria hasn’t been for nothing especially since I’ve found several reasons worth fighting for. Two of those reasons were located in this very city, and this is what worried me about the path I’m trotting on. Any choice or decision made for me wouldn’t just affect me, but everypony I’ve come to care for even if they’ve no part in the choice.

Fairly quickly did my inner ramblings fade when an obnoxious screech plucked me off the gray clouds above, and dropped me back onto the snow covered platform as the metal beast lurched into the partially covered station. The corporal’s preparations came into fruition as the train’s screeching brakes gradually slowed the train and cars down, moving past our little formation until the second of three cars was perfectly centered with us- its door slid open with a set of three guards on each side.
Princess Luna appeared within the door frame, and moved her head from left to right before moving back toward me. I was about to address her when she turned to look over her shoulder and kicked the side of the train with her rear hoof…


The guard is to expect the unexpected to ensure the safety of their highnesses, and all of Equestria’s citizens, yet standing at attention in the cold while music played from a train car wasn’t something I’d considered preparing for. The music itself started off eerily creepy and ominous before transitioning into what I might consider the theme of sorts for a villainous creature or group wishing to cause mischief. The melody was short, and would loop after a minute when Luna stomped her hoof right before the melody was going to loop again, signaling the start of her entrance that will never leave the minds of every pony there to witness it.

Luna was bobbing her head to this simple melody, and right before the start of the sixth rotation did Princess Luna leap from the door frame onto the cold platform with a loud thump, and impact strong enough to throw up some of the settled snow. She raised a forehoof into the air and began chanting an even stranger mantra.


Those of the detachment that weren’t holding their ears turned to the train car as another voice followed in the wake of our princess, and one I recognized all too well.

“For the fun has been doubled!” The high shrill of the thestral known as Mothchaser leaped into the air and landed next to Luna, mimicking her post by doing the opposite.


“By joining all tribes in Harmony!”


“Under the guiding light of the glowing moon!”




“Give up now, or face our wrath!”

The two mares decided to remain stuck in their poses as they looked toward us with expecting eyes, so of course I spoke up.

“Please don’t encourage this behavior, Mothchaser.”

“And why not? I'm the Princess's Personal Guard! I have to encourage my liege's antics." To my dismay the princess even nodded in agreement.

“YES SHE DOES! We rarely had this much fun before dear Mothchaser’s promotion to our personal guard detail. In fact, after your departure to the Crystal Empire the halls of the castle became frighteningly dull. Sergeant Mothchaser had remedy that greatly with her presence, and personality, for the guards my sister enlists make our head spin shake with unease.”

“Even with her highness’s approval, we can’t get the motto down! Nothing we try seems to work no better than the last time!”

“If I might make a suggestion?”

“Please dear friend. It would be immensely valuable in having a trusted companion’s insight! Our efforts thus far have been shortened in grandeur, and we fear we come off as uncanny at best!” Princess Luna practically insisted, and after getting Mothchaser to nod her support, I told them.

“Maybe you should to rhyme? As it stands your performance feels forced, and more like two characters waiting to state their given lines. By rhyming, the structure would flow better creating a sense of naturally it’s currently lacking.”

The rightly deserving Mothchaser was about to counter my suggestion before remembering she had ponies waiting on her. She gave a fanged smile while snapping to attention.

“Sorry everypony. Corporal Tides! Her Highness’s entourage has arrived and is ready to be received.”

I took a step back as the good corporal clicked his iron shoes together in acknowledgement before taking a single step out of formation: he stopped directly in their line of sight, click his iron shoes, pivoted to face Mothchaser, took two steps forward, and clicked his shoes together once last time.

“Sergeant Mothchaser of Princess Luna’s personal Guard, I Corporal Tides of the Night Guard, Crystal Empire detachment will receive you now.” The tan thestral brought his foreleg in toward his head to salute his superior, who in turn returned the gesture.

“Then I stand relieved until further notice. I shall take my place once more by her highness’s side for the duration of our stay. Corporal Tides, we are in your care moving forward.”

The exchange was quick, and more of a formality as the Night Guard detachment would then fall under my protection for the duration of their stay in the Empire, so in reality it's more to allow Mothchaseer and Luna a temporary break from their duties. Corporal Tides and I knew this, but the honor of being chosen to lead her escort was enough to overlook this little fact hidden from the general populace. The mixed thestral was beaming with pride and positivity as he took charge by assuming the head of the formation, and upon his orders we began marching into the mild snow storm.

I fell into line beside the princess while Mothechaser took Luna’s other side to keep her in the very center of the formation. With their arrival secured and mostly kept discreet as one could achieve without scheduling a snowstorm, our trek back to Crystal Castle was mostly timely. Once her highness was settled in, the rest of her escort (save Mothchaser) would be dismissed so we may begin the long awaited discussion- how to fight the common cold.

“Niece Cadence, and Nephew Shining Armor! While excited to see the two of you once more, we are distraught it is under difficult circumstances.” Luna bellowed once inside the private dining hall that had become a common meet up with my fellow councilors.

The smaller room of crystal already amplified the noise of any creature within its walls for one reason or another. Princess Luna either knew nothing of this or knew well enough to keep the noise to acceptable levels, but the reasoning didn’t lessen the impact of her powerful vocals.

The royal couple, and myself were left short of hearing while Mothchaser remained unfazed, and seemed indifferent to it. Later I would discover Thestrals under Luna’s service would sometimes stuff cotton balls painted to match their fur into their ears to dampen the noise. The three of us in the meantime weren’t privy to this information, and bore the entirety of the princess’s unusually cheerful mood.

“Thank you Aunt Luna for the caring words….ugh!” Cadance started as she went to hug her aunt. The act startled my former liege, but she swiftly accepted the offered affection when her longer forelegs clamped around her sides, and hoisted her into the air.


“Shouldn’t we do something?” Shining asked. I shook my head and pointed toward the pink alicorn currently having her spine broken in half.

“Unfortunate circumstances aside, Cadance is your wife and you alone can prevent this.”

“I could order you to save your liege by taking her place.” He retorted.

“You very well could make it an order, but I doubt you would without risking a vacancy in the guard.”

Our exchange conveniently lasted long enough for Luna to stop hugging Cadance making the entire exchange pointless in the process, but I for one wasn’t going to complain.

“My back…” Cadance moaned as Luna dropped her to the floor, and turned our way- both of us took a voluntarily step back.

“Princess Luna…” I started, but was cut off by the high pitched whining of magic being used, and found myself being dragged toward her waiting hooves. I couldn’t react before finding myself in a similar position like Cadance with my carapace feeling the strain of her magically infused hooves.

“RELAX FRIEND IDOL ELSE YOU HURT YOURSELF. IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG, AND WE ARE GLAD TO SEE THEE!” Luna declared as she tried to break my body in half.

“Aunt Luna, please drop Idol! It's improper to hold another mare’s stallion without them present.”

“Cease your worries Cadance, for we know of the laws because we scribed them centuries ago.” Her grip did relax a little, but I made no effort to move unless I drew attention to myself. Cadance continued of course, and her reveal nearly broke my back this time.

“Then you’re aware of the repercussions if the stallion is spoken for?”

“Truly? Does she speak the truth Idol? Are we so far behind to have missed this detail?”

“Indeed your highness.” I took this opportunity to breathe a little while popping my carapace back into place. “Topaz and I made it official only two months ago.”

You didn’t have to be a changeling in order to sense the nearly limitless positivity gushing out and wanting to share it with everypony around. By proximity I was her intended first target, but that fell through when I reminded her of my oath to Topaz which led to her looking at Shining Armor. I felt the brief terror before he signed his own downfall by pointing to his wife.

“I’m already a married stallion.” Shining said, and this was enough to spur the alicorn toward her recovering niece, and before Cadance could prepare herself for the second coming of the night.

“Luna please, I…arrgggh!” Cadence was cut short by another bone crushing embrace that left myself feeling supportive for the young princess. Shining Armor, a credit to his character, rushed to her side while trying to avoid the princess’s lanky forehooves as she tried to bring both into the hug.

Taking the chance to slip away, I found myself standing next to Mothchaser who had moved closer to the back wall to remain out of sight; we didn't’ speak as we watched the three royals struggle to get a word in, realign their spine, or hurl soft curses at the other over a topic that I wasn’t privy to. Once we were sure they’d forgotten about us, I bit my lip and started a long overdue conversation…

“Hello, Sergeant.”

“Hello Colonel.”

We took the chance to remain silent when the royals shifted their strategy from unrequited hugging to a sanctioned hoof wrestling match refereed by the former captain. On the command of go did we resume our brief heart-to-heart.

“You deserve the rank Mothchaser. In my younger days I was apprehensive to the idea of social progression due to a mixture of comfort, and feeling unworthy. Shining Armor, and yourself were two ponies I knew in my hearts to be more deserving of that acknowledgement- you’ve proved me right.”

“Luna’s teats Idol, thank you. Congrats on your well earned promotion as well, even if you had to pay for it.” Her wing tapped against my shoulder as her gorgeous fanged smile lit up the room. In another time or place, my life would have been drastically different...

“Har Har, Mothy. You know better than most it was a setup conceived by the mind of a creature with too much free time on their hooves. Still you are correct, and by Harmony’s blessing it's worked out so far.”

Luna and Cadance’s match quickly shifted to using both of their hooves.

They weren’t necessarily fighting, but roughhousing. The Crystal Monarch had broken free, and had gone on the offensive with a sudden lunge forward where she managed to grip the lunar princess around the hip and lift her off the floor. The action sent Luna falling backward, with Cadance still upright enough to begin throwing some punches- Shining and I were already moving when a gray hoof stopped me.

“Relax colt. They’re only having fun! Can’t you see the smile on her muzzle?”

“Cadance’s hooves make it difficult, but even without them I wouldn’t call that a smile.”

“Trust me, I spend a lot of time with the princess enough to know she’s having fun. Besides It looks like Cadance as…”

“YOU’VE BEEN PRACTICING NIECE CADANCE! WE ARE GLAD SOMEPONY HAS KEPT THEIR TRAINING UP!” Luna shouted through the punches, and before Cadance could respond she was taken by surprise when Luna’s rear hooves managed to wrap around Cadance’s belly.

With a twist of her body, the Night Princess sent the startled Cadance toward the ground allowing the larger alicorn to be standing upright, and with a several flaps of her imposing wings left them both airborne.

“STILL THERE IS MUCH TO LEARN…” Luna noted before flicking her rear hooves, sending her niece flying toward the wall.

“LUNA ARE YOU INSANE!? IDOL! MOTHCHASER! DO SOMETHING!” Shining Armor commanded out of fear, and it was understandable to one without my new knowledge.

“They’re having fun, Shining.”

“Yea ya big colt! It’s how they say hello!”

That was not how alicorn’s said hello, or so my limited understanding of these powerful deities told me. I’ve never seen Celestia or Cadance greet each other in such a manner, yet Luna and Twilight had always been more aggressive in nature which could give credence to Moth’s claim on alicorn etiquette. True or false I couldn't say and would have to seek clarification at a later date.

“It was a joke Idol. The dark side of the moon would sooner sprout rainbows then have Celestia and Luna stomping the other out during court. Still, the idea is funny.” Moth clarified after noticing myself lost in thought.

I found the need to huff.

“Vulgar displays of power are not proper ways of greeting one’s peers.” Moth giggled. Not laughed, but giggled. Never in our many years have I heard her giggle before…

“Same old colt. No matter how much things change, they always find a way to feel the same. Minus the crystal, it's almost like we’re back in Canterlot patrolling those dull halls- also the sewers of course. I remember the time you managed to scare a suspect into one of the underground tunnels after night…”

“I remember waking up the Necromancer Guild so they could release the stallion when it became apparent their helpers couldn’t distinguish ponies from trash. He was fortunate we arrived when we did.”

Mothchaser shrugged with her wings as the two fighting princesses appeared to be settling down with only some minor bruising around the muzzle and rib regions. Shining Armor of course was trying to keep the exhausted mares separated when her highness Luna started laughing.

Mothchaser and I continued reminiscing about out time in Canterlot.

“Do you recall the young thestral mare you caught sleeping in the rafters just above servants tower?” I asked Moth as both of us continued watching the three royals.

“HA! I still see her sometimes back in the castle, and if I can get away with it I will point at the sun and laugh. Of all the things to believe, the moon catching fire under her watch still is a favorite story of mine to tell.”

“You left me comforting her for half an hour until she could comprehend that the moon can not spontaneously combust. I even had to discredit the rumors of their chosen star being a reflection of their mood, which is entirely false, and not made out of cheese or boiling tomato soup.”

“With these princesses, I wouldn’t rule anything out Idol. We’ve seen what The Elements are capable of, so what’s stopping the princess from just pointing their horns and saying ‘Pew Pew’ a few times? Harmony knows if I had that kind of power there will be some changes in Equestria.”

There were obvious laws in place that prevented their highnesses from enacting this form of ‘street justice’, and was prepared to recite several of these when the two fighting mares began taunting the other once more- this ended with another thrown hoof.

“That’s no fair Luna!”

“We have bits and power! It counts DEAR NIECE!”

Suddenly the two mares were sparring once more leaving little time for Shining Armor to leap out of the way. All in good fun of course.

“I really missed this. All of this.” I turned just enough to watch Mothchaser fluttering her leather wings. “Ever since you left, the castle has been quiet. Is that the right word? I don’t know if it is, but it hasn’t been the same ever since.”

“Our departure was sudden. With my unintentional purchase of commission, we were given only enough time to pack some belongings. The explanation was the Empire had no Guard, and needed one raised quickly, and I may be stepping out of line…”

“Idol stepping out of line? The Empire really is a bad influence on you!” Moth joked as her fanged smile never left her muzzle, but I continued on.

“I think they needed help- Cadance and Shining. The workload that first year alone was greater than all of the tasks I received back in Canterlot. I could only imagine what their highnesses had to do to keep the Empire afloat long enough to stabilize it. Even now we’re still facing city wide problems, but are far closer than ever to reaching a semblance of Equestria’s Harmonic nature.”

“Sounds rough, but for a ‘built to last’ golem like yourself, you should be up to the task.

We had to duck to avoid Cadance’s limp form sailing over us where it impacted with the (formerly) last undamaged table. Moth and I bolted toward the other side of the room to keep from becoming a part of their sparring match.

“We apologize to Guard Mothchaser and Friend Idol, but dear niece is lighter in the air than on her hooves.”


“Aye we did, and it felt good! We are certain now in your decision to do so during combat with Sombra, for who would expect it!”

Either luck, or blinded by rage and good vibes the pair ignored us as we’d relocated to the spot they had just occupied. This sparring match was becoming too much, and I was afraid it would be a matter of time before I was forced to exercise the weight of my rank.

“We should stop this before the room is further torn apart. Order knows I don’t want to explain its destruction, or Cadance’s bruises.”

“Just tell them they had a mild disagreement?” Moth shrugged “It’s part of my job to protect the Royal Image as Luna’s Personal Guard, yet it's completely understandable somethings are out of my hooves though.”

“And that’s acceptable?”

“Eh, you win some. You lose some. Still, you’re right Idol, this has gone on long enough. HEY LUNA! STOP IT, THAT’S ENOUGH.” Moth screamed with a high shrilling pitch while adding three claps of her forehooves to cement the declaration.

Luna, and Cadance immediately ceased all actions with only the younger alicorn trying to continue the sparring.

“Our guard is right, dear niece. We’ve had our fun for now, and are most impressed with thee. Your hooves could stand more ground travel then the flashy hoofcare the modern ponies adore, still you show great promise. Luna praised her disheveled kindred.

“What yo..this wasn’t a fight!?”

“Of course not Cadance. Unless thou provide a compelling motive, this is nothing more than us sparring! Much has kept us apart these few years, and while ashamed nothing was taken to rectify this injustice it pleases us you have kept up the training. We are no Steelhoof, but our hooves can break the very stone we trot if so desired.”

“Steelhoof?” I asked Mothchaser wondering if I knew the pony, but she disproved it.

“Some shut in monk she rambles on about. He supposedly casted his hooves in iron and used them for fighting- they called him Steelhoof the iron hoof.”


"...Or Ironhoof the steel hoof. I think she made it up, because she's mixed it up at least twice so far, I'm sure of it. Don’t go calling her out on it though unless you want to trade blows with her highness, and let me tell you she’s usually more rowdy than this.”

“I will take your word.”

We fell into silence as we watched the Princesses bicker over the miscommunication, with Shining Armor supporting his wife. Moth and I kept our distance as before, but were ready to step in if needed. Her eyes and posture were impeccable, yet I could feel the disarray brewing under her sparkling armor needing some attention.

“I may know of a pony you might want to meet.” The delivery wasn’t elegant by any standards save the lowest, but I felt Mothchaser deserved a straightforward answer. No matter how blunt it is.

“Just like that? No heartfelt talk about feelings and missed opportunities?”

“He's a dark coated unicorn in the Crystal Guard of incredible height.” I whispered, and watched the brewing storm slowly breaking down to reveal the outgoing mare I dearly treasured as a close friend. There was some doubt when the precious seconds dragged out, and increased the risk we’ll be whisked into the royal disagreement- this disappeared when her lips peeled back to reveal her fangs.

“How tall?”

“His height towers over a normal pony, and many, myself included, believe he could match Princess Luna’s height.”

“Is that right?” Moth asked, and needed the final enticing morsel to bring that thestral back out.

“He even worships the Night Princess.”

That was the first and only time in my life I’d ever seen goosebumps on a thestral.

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