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The Dimension Traveler

Comments ( 508 )

and then running the gambit of first aid spells


"I would've hunted him down a long time ago!"
Good thing they didn't as I'm not a fan of eager displaced, especially if they had friends or family they never mention or miss afterwards.

Holy damn, a ranma 1/2 displaced, those are quite rare. Love the anime and I think I'll love the story as well, looking forward to seeing where this will go!

Keeping an eye on this, but will wait for more chapters before I start reading.

Not sure where this is going... But, i'll have to wait for more chapters.

Thank you very much. I self-beta so obviously some things slip thru the cracks. Help is always appreciated.

That won't be a problem. This Displaced actively hates his/her family for reasons that will be discussed later on.

Having the Displaced be Ranma was just a matter of narrative convenience. Ranma is one of the more "well known" people who flips between being male and female that isn't just a flat out shapeshifter. Ranma is also human, so that helps too.

Since there are so few Ranma 1/2 displaced fics, well that was just a bonus.

More will come in the fullness of time. I hope it'll be worth the wait.

Insert fortune cookie: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

lmao, otaku Fluttershy, that's awesome.. are you going to have Ranma fight Dash though?

Also you did tell me she knows most of ranma's techniques but having not trained on any of them won't be able to use them efficiently first. As Ranma she is both strong and skilled. Additional suggestion for possible 'conflict' for story. Martial Arts tournament.

To be more accurate, Ranma knows of the techniques, knows vaguely how they're supposed to work, but won't be able to use them for a little while. After all, she/he has to get used to a new body, learn to listen to the new muscle memory that comes with it, and unlearn what little she/he knows from previous martial arts experience, which will be noted later on. The first two weeks or so are going to be Ranma fighting his/her new instincts until she/he gets used to them.

Ranma and Dash will spar semi-regularly. One of my intentions is to have Ranma earn money through MMA fights and tournaments. Rainbow and a certain Moon Princess will also be in the circuit. Well, that'll come later on. Obviously, as a beginner, Ranma is gonna start out in the little leagues.

In a world with higher technology, I'd always imagined hard core otaku Fluttershy. She's already at least familiar with manga in the show, so I figure it'd be super cute. Also, being an otaku also ties in to how this Fluttershy makes a living, since we never got an answer to that in the show...:raritywink:

she's part time vet.. plus her short stint as a model earned her possibly lifetime royalties for her likeness to be used on advertisements.

Would be hilarious if said moon princess is just as an otaku as Fluttershy.. maybe why she joined the circuit after her return. The world of anime/manga opened her eyes to many possibility and she as a warrior princess she wished to test this new modern age for worthy oppnents

We've never seen her be paid or acknowledged as a vet of any kind. Point of fact, with there being an actual vet in Ponyville that Fluttershy almost never interacts with, it's unlikely she's a real vet at all. As for her modeling career, would you really put it past Photo Finish to have stiffed Fluttershy out of any kind of royalties? It isn't hard to see Fluttershy is a pretty easy mark, provided one has a black hole for a Heart. Fluttershy wouldn't have mentioned it either, given her hatred for conflict of any kind in those early seasons. By the time Fluttershy grew confident enough to bring those kinds of issues to her friends, she likely forgot all about it.

Luna is best gamer girl. Also warrior princesses don't need an excuse to go out an kick ass. They just do it!

I don't see photo being that underhanded. But whatever the case, Fluttershy has money to buy her own food and supplies for her animal friends.

My personal theory is that, in the show at least, she's paid by the government to be an animal conservationist. One might also guess that, after the show starts, Fluttershy also gets a stipend for being a national heroine. At the very least, she should be getting financing for being called all across Equestria by the Map.

This Fluttershy might also be paid for such things, but she supplements her income in another way...

Peace, my friend. The only way I'm not finishing is if I die. As I said in the author's notes, this isn't going to be a major priority, at least not until I finish my other main works, but I will do my best to update at least once a month. More likely it'll be every other week, but I don't want to leave people hanging if life happens and I end up needing to focus on other things for a while.

like what? Writing Manga? :pinkiehappy:

This.. This I approve of. I will keep watching

have you thought of doing a sailor moon displaced when flutters mentioned Usagi i figured if you watched the original or not

I have no intention at this time of doing a Sailor Moon dispalced. I did watch the original anime tho.

Uh oh, you said the 'f' word. The Pinkie clones are coming!!!

Ok so herds check. Never did realize the difference between #3 and #4 unless size is the only factor. Also, will you have as DWK puts it in his Rainbow Rocks Part 3 video Casual Dashie since you already have as he puts it Weeabooshy

As long as they act human and soon realize there's downsides.

Of course there are gonna be problems. He/she has been placed in a completely alien world with unknown cultures and nothing but the shirt on her/his back. However, aside from a pretty sever case of emotional trauma, all the issues will be mostly pedestrian, involve training for a MMA fight, or helping out with Equestria's usual messes. This is supposed to be a fluff fic, after all.

Fun and interesting story thus far, can't wait to see more (also just happy to see new Ranma stuff in general as I feel like it is one of the more overlooked Rumiko Takahashi works. Not as mainstream as Inuyasha but not quite the cult following of Urusei Yatsura either)

Wow, can't believe someone know Ranma, not sure to wait a couple of weeks as I normally like to read stories when they have a minimum of 10K to have a little idea if they are good and to have something to read and not finish in 5 minutes, but it seems interesting

True. Btw, be mindful on cross-overs with other displaced. They can make or break a story depending on who you choose.

Refer to my last paragraph of the author's notes. I have zero intention of crossing over with anyone. I'm just borrowing the framing device of the Displaced fics. I've tried crossovers on fanfiction and it's always more trouble than it is worth trying to work with the other person in a way that sticks to the original ideas of your story and have them type anything in a semi timely manner.

I'm sure that my experience isn't indicative of all crossover partners, but I've been bitten one too many times. I just want to tell a cute story with some adult themes that pair well with the nature of a Jusenkyo curse. Using the Displaced format was simply the easiest way to do so in a way that was easily digestible so I didn't have to spend 3 chapters just setting up the premise.

I adore Ranma 1/2. It was one of my very first anime, way back when I was a little weeblet of only 11 years old. As I've grown older, I've just learned to love it all the more.

Also, I will ship Ranma with just about anyone. Well, to be more accurate, when it comes to shipping, I only very rarely have an OTP. It might actually be quicker to list the people I absolutely won't ship together under any circumstance, not even for a crackfic. Like Twilight and Flash Sentry...the only other one I can really think of off the top of my head is Harry and Ginny. I would rather read a Harry/Umbrige crackfic before a Harry/Ginny fic. That's how serious I am.

I keep meaning to look into Urusei Yatsura, but I am forever getting distracted by other things. One day...

I don't think I'll have Casual Dashie. Of course, take everything I say with a grain of salt. My philosophy to writing is that I am merely the transcriber for the characters. If Dashie decides she wants to be a casual weeb, then I have nothing against it. Of course, weeb or not, Dashie is still 100% best rainbow haired tsundere.

Also, I had no idea who DWK is. I have been enlightened on this day.

While this was a interesting beginning.

Everybody should know about DWK and his masterfully thought out legitimate recaps. Though I am said that we won’t have discussions between Fluttershy and Dashie about the differences between Japanese and English dub Ranma and other Japanese to English anime dubs. Like :flutterrage: :rainbowdetermined2:

There is like four Ranma fics on this site one is finished and could’ve been made into a sequel and the other two (main and side story) have been abandoned) and one is in the hundreds in terms of chapter numbers (I think like 129 right now) there’s others but I think they are on FanFiction.Net.

That's actually a very interesting discussion idea. Hmm...I wonder if between Ranma and Fluttershy, maybe with some backup from Twilight they could get Rainbow started as an entry level weeb and they could have a real conversation about sub vs dub vs manga that doesn't devolve into "REEEEEEEEEEEEEE".

Also, DWK is hilarious and I thank you for bringing him to my attention. I'm listening to him in the background as I type out the next chapter to Romancing the (Martial) Artist. Even if I should be sleeping...CURSE YOU INSOMNIA!!!!

Yeah, the bashing also destroyed for me the Harry/Ginny pairing, but the Harry/Harem or Harry/Hermione or even Harry/Luna are funny, even if lately half of the romance are Harry/Draco or Harry/Snape or Harry/Voldemort-Tom, I don't really understand how they ship Harry with someone that is as old or more that his dad, and yet there are not many for example of Harry/Gabrielle, but we are getting away from the topic... For Ranma one of what I most like are Fuku-Fics as Ranma end as a Sailor, but leaving that aside I also like some pairing of Ranma, except Ranma/Ryoga, no offense to them but I don't really like it

Also as you told me before, im guessing Ranma here is going to be strong but unskilled. Even without training she can already take punishment with nothing too serious. She did crash through the roof of a CRYSTAL castle and was only unconscious for 2 days

I adore Harry/Gabbie or Harry/Fleur. Harry/Gabbie is usually just sweet goodness and I'm almost always down for a 'melt the ice queen' romance fic.

Ranma/Ryoga is one of the weaker ships, in my eyes, but a story I've been reading on Fanfiction called What Do You Want? has been bringing me around on the idea. I really think you'd like it if you haven't read it already. The basic plot is Nabiki decides to fix the fiance mess for Ranma and in typical Nerima fashion, things quickly spiral out of control.

To the surprise of absolutely nobody, I'm sure, my favorite Ranma fics tend to be those examining his gender identity and his relationship to his curse. I eat that angst up all day every day. However, some of my favorite Ranma fics are Sailor Moon crossovers. I'm generally just pretty easy to please. So long as the grammar is above a 3rd grade level and the plot is decent, I'm usually happy.

Correct. Everything this Ranma needs to be equal to the real thing is there, she/he just has no idea how to use it yet. Also, I'm currently toying with the idea that the magic that suffuses Equuis will both hinder and help Ranma in various ways.

About Harry/Gabrielle, I guess the only good that I found time ago is "The Little Veela that could" as there are not many Harry/Gabrielle... About Ranma and Fuku, one that also I liked is "The Black Moon Contract" and "Innocence of Mine" but there are also other Ranma and HP fics that I liked as long as they don't go too much canon that it seems as if I read a copy of the original story with only a couple extra lines

huh, that one ranma story [where he travels with Trixie] Ranma has very 'explosive' side effect if any kind of magic is used on him. Sometimes literally, lmao. But i think you meant something else. Good luck with your stories and life man

How on earth do you combine Ranma and Harry Potter and end up with canon? At my most basic bitch lazy I could at least explore the idea that Jusenkyo and Wizard magic functions off of two different systems and have a field day on how the two might interact.

Yeah, magic on this Ranma won't be so catastrophic, It'll mostly work as intended, but there will be passive buffs and nerfs applied directly to Ranma him/herself.

Sorry I miss explained... It's only that some HP stories put a 'little brother/sister' or 'Twin' and just add a couple of lines while the same is a copy&paste from the book

Oh, those kind of HP fanfics. Tragically common.

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