• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 25,002 Views, 1,582 Comments

"Little Pony" - ButterscotchFTW

Second chances are often times a rarity. Yet, when some higher power decides to bestow one upon you? You tend to make sure it isn't wasted.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:


I woke up with an eagerness that knew no bounds, rolling out of my bed and sprinting out my bedroom door, my small wings fluttering in excitement as I ran down the hallway. It was when I reached the door to my destination that I stopped, debating whether or not I would keep up this enthusiasm before ultimately shaking my head. Today was the day after all, I couldn’t afford not to be absolutely excited over it.

And seeing as I couldn’t reach the handle while standing on my own hooves, I reared up onto my hind legs and let my upper body press itself against the door – then reaching up with a hoof as far as it could. I could feel the little blurbs of strain starting to form along the length of my hoof until I finally felt the cool metal of the door knob against it, a mischievous grin formed on my face as I twisted it and let my rather miniscule body weight do the rest. I managed to land on all four hooves, thought not without stumbling and almost face planting straight into the carpet, that would’ve been a tragedy.

Either way, I shook those thoughts away and blinked a few times before my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the room. I glanced at the desk in the far corner of the room, a small dolphin shaped clock stood bearing the time. And then I snapped my head over to where the queen-sized bed stood in the middle of the room, deviously grinning as I made to enact my plan.

The grin stretched further across my face as the lump let out a small snore before moving around and falling still once again. Using my forehooves to drag myself forwards, I made it to the edge of the bed, reaching up and grabbing onto the foot of the mattress I grunted and lifted my body. Swinging my legs to the side a few times, I gained a bit of momentum and was able to throw my legs up onto the soft blankets, my upper body rolling softly against the fabrics of the blankets until I landed on my stomach.

I let out a instinctive giggle, thought immediately stifled it with my hoof, it pressing firmly into my muzzled as I glanced further up the bed. And luckily enough, I had not given away my presence. James Bond be damned.

Giggling again, though this time much quieter. I turned myself and slowly lifted myself up and onto my hooves, waiting a few moments before taking a few cautious steps forwards. I placed a hoof on the lump and gently shook it a few times, and after a few seconds of testing and prodding, I held back a bit of laughter as I took a step back and rubbed both hooves together, my wings parted and I bowed my upper body. I definitely looked like a cat, I even did the little shake because it was funny.

And then without much thought, I silently counted in my head. The prey none the wiser as I mentally counted, ‘three.. Two.. one..!’ before using my wings to propel myself forwards.

“Wake up mo– ah!!”

My moment of triumph was cut short by the matrix levels of agility coming from the pony that was laying underneath the layers of blankets, a deep chuckle ringing out as I was instantaneously caught and held in the air from under my arm pits. The rest of my body hung limply as I felt a pout forming on my face, much to the amusement of mother as she simply let out another chuckle as she brought me close to her chest and sat up in bed. And honestly, the feeling of her chest fluff against my face was pretty much all it took to wipe that pout off my face.

"Oh, my sweet, sweet – naive little baby!” she said with a teasing tone as twisted my head so that I could look up at her, shooting her another pout as nuzzled the top of my head.

“You should know by now that the monster doesn’t get spooked by cute little foals wandering into her cave,” she continued. And at the mention of monster I couldn’t help but let my eyes widen just a smidgen.

“M-monster?” I said – not in fear – well, yes. In fear. Because I knew exactly what she meant when she referred to herself as ‘’The monster” and meant that it was time for me to make my escape.

She simply giggled as I playfully tried worming my way out of her embrace, she watched me struggle before nodding, “oh yes, the tickle monster..” she then added emphasis by leaning hear head down closer to me.

"And you know the price for waking up the tickle monster, right?"

The fear doubled and I furthered my escape attempts, but it was useless, her grip was too strong for me.

"Mother, wait! I–AHaha!" I could help the involuntary giggles that left my mouth as she pulled me up and blew raspberries into my belly.

My laughter only continued to fill the room as she moved onto tickling my sides, moving her hooves from side to side as I let out laughter. Rolling from side to side proved to be unfruitful when she lifted me up and dropped me down onto my back, as I would just roll into one or the other one of her hooves.

Even with how big my pride was, I had to concede. This was too much for me.

"Ahaha-i give-aha! I– give!" I strained out in between laughter, my back arching up as I tried dodging her movements. Her attacks would seem to continue going until finally I was given solace in the way of her hooves stopping the attack. My lungs immediately taking in the air that was once forced out of me. The effect still lingering as small tired giggles would form in between breaths.

"Ha.. ha..ha.." I tried to shoot her a look but was unable to.

"I think my little colts had enough, hasn't he? Look how tuckered out he is, and on his birthday too!" She would exclaim in a faux surprised tone, her hoof found its way to the top of my head as she rubbed. "Looks like mommy's going to have to eat all his cake for him!" She would call out.

I widened my eyes and immediately pushed myself up, rolling over so we were stomach to stomach. I placed both hooves against her muzzle. "Noo! It's my cake..ha... I want to eat it!" I protested as my actions caught up with me. Dropping my head onto her chest as I breathed in and out.

"Of course, sweetie, mommy's just messing with you! Now, why don't we go and eat the yummy cake?" She offered with a hint of amusement, patting my head lightly as she giggled.

"Yes, please. Carry me?" I asked, raising my head and pursing my lips, giving her the puppy eyes.. it never failed

Her blue eyes stared into mine for a few seconds before she gave a small sigh and relented, wrapping her hooves around me once again lifting me. Raising herself to her haunches, she spread out her wings and hovered over the bed, keeping me close to her chest she floated over towards the opened door.

"Curse your adorable foal powers!” she said in playful anguish. “To think, I would be brought down to the lowest by the power of my lazy colt!" She dramatically explained while moving out into the hallway.

I giggled at her overly silly ways, mom was truly one of the greatest ponies ever! She always played and joked around with me – she.. was the best mother I could ever ask for.

I smiled brightly before moving out of my thoughts, playing along, "truly a sad day indeed, the mighty foal takes over the helpless adult!" I boasted while raising my hooves in triumph.

I heard her let out a few abrupt chuckles as she descended the stairs, I was good at keeping the smile on at all times. It wasn’t hard to do so actually, life here was good. Awesome even, I literally had no complaints whatsoever. And that just made me think..

'I’ve spent four years of life as a baby horse.. and she’s none the wiser.'

I was too deep in my thoughts that I didn’t notice that I was sat down on a few stacked books on one of the kitchen tables, mother shooting me smile as she strapped a party hat onto the top of her head and quickly disappeared into the kitchen. I only heard the rattling of the fridge and the things she pushed aside before it shut and her hoofsteps approached once again. My eyes immediately fell on the cake, the smile that dropped returned in full force as I closed my eyes at the begginings of the birthday song.

"Happy birthday-”

‘About me being a human in the body of a foal.’