• Published 14th Aug 2020
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Rainbow Dash's Unstoppable Ego - MagicS

Bored at the recent lack of adventure in her life, Rainbow Dash goes flying off to find some.

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True Pegasus XXII

Possibly for the first time since arriving in the Empire, Rainbow Dash felt really, fully, one hundred percent positive. Things had been good recently. She felt like she was better friends with her squad, she had started to become friends with Crescent Moon, the odd days where she would actually spend time with Summer Rains’ family or stay at their house were always a blast, and she was just able to enjoy herself in general more. There was a feeling in the air here now. Something was different about the Eternal Pegasus Empire. There was something… brighter about it.

No one at the base cared about any “insubordinate” behavior from her squad and they were basically able to do as they wished. And now every time they practiced Buckball they had more and more soldiers watching. After all, why not? It took athleticism so it wasn’t a waste of time for a soldier trying to keep in shape, Rainbow Dash was the one teaching it so there was clearly something special about it, and her lieutenant was even involved. The soldiers on base couldn’t help but watch and try to learn it as well.

Clear Skies had managed to get a real ball for them too and everything. It still wasn’t technically Buckball since they mostly threw the ball with either their hooves or wings but Dash wasn’t about to get all critical on them for that, these pegasi weren’t especially used to bucking things.

But it was a start and Rainbow Dash was pretty proud of herself for making this work. Soon she’d have a real Buckball game going on.

At the moment Rainbow Dash was flying over the city on patrol with Summer Rains and Fierce Current. Normally it would just be two of them but Fierce decided to tag along out of boredom and to see what Rainbow Dash got up to when she was out doing this. Later today Rainbow Dash was supposed to have a tea party with Snowshine’s sewing circle… that could always wait though.

“Feels good to just fly through the sky and relax instead of having to do the same bothersome training every day,” Fierce Current said as he flipped over onto his back and started flying backwards while gazing up at the sky.

“I definitely know what you mean by that,” Rainbow Dash grinned.

“You know it wouldn’t hurt to actually keep an eye on the city,” Summer Rains reminded them. “I mean this is real business after all. Sort of.”

The cherry pegasus yawned and flipped back over. “True, I just don’t think there actually is going to be anything for us to do or watch out for. I mean, how often do you actually hear about something happening in the city that any soldiers need to deal with? At best we’ll break up a spat between neighbors or help some kids out with something.”

“I guess so...” Summer Rains relented.

“The two of you could always go practice Buckball. You know it well enough now that you don’t need me there to help you out,” Dash told them.

“Yeah but I felt like flying today,” Fierce shrugged.

“And patrols are supposed to be two ponies,” Summer said. “Er, I guess I don’t really need to stick to regulations anymore but it’s kind of hard to shake. Next time you can do whatever you want and I’ll just do my thing too I guess.”

“I don’t mind having you around if you want to patrol,” Rainbow Dash told him.

“You might have more fun out alone though. It might even be better for you too, to see the city by yourself, haven’t you always had someone by your side this whole time?” Summer Rains asked.

Rainbow Dash paused, a frown settling on her face. “Now that you mention it...”

“Right? I know my wife wants you to drop by and say hi to her sewing circle today, which I’m sure you’re thrilled about, but tomorrow you should do something on your own,” he suggested. “Whether you’re patrolling or having fun, just anything.”

“Maybe I’ll go drop by the farms and say hi to Fierce’s dad,” Rainbow grinned at the other stallion.

The cherry pegasus immediately frowned. “Please don’t.”

“I could tell him you’re just dying to say hi,” she bit back a laugh at her friend’s expense.

“Noooo,” he groaned and hid his face behind his hooves in embarrassment.

Rainbow Dash couldn’t stop it anymore, full on laughing at Fierce Current’s desire for her to not meet up with his father. She had no idea why he was so against it. Must’ve thought his dad would embarrass him in some way or something. After a minute she was able to stop laughing and catch her breath. Wiping away a single tear at her eye she looked back over at Fierce.

“Well, I’m only half kidding dude. I kind of want to meet all of your families and stuff while I’m here. I mean, why not?”

“Then please at least visit with everyone else’s families first,” Fierce grumbled.

Dash snorted and rolled her eyes. “Fine, sure. I promise your dad will be the last guy I visit.” She glanced down at the rooftops below her, seeing the occasional civilian out or some other soldiers doing who knows what. “So when it comes to stuff to do on my own is there anything you guys recommend? Like anything I still need to learn about the city?”

“Not really. I mean, besides what you can learn from the mares at the sewing circle. Seeing things from their perspective,” Summer Rains grinned.

“Great,” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.

“I’m serious though. You’ve been living like a stallion up here and barely met any other mares. Getting some firsthand experience with how they live and what they do all day is just what you want. Isn’t it?”

“Only if it’s cool!” Rainbow Dash whined. “This is supposed to be an adventure, knitting and cleaning and drinking tea and stuff is laaame. Don’t you guys at least have cider or something?”

“I don’t know what that is,” Summer Rains shrugged. “And besides, my wife has no problem with any of that stuff, why can’t you enjoy it?”

Rainbow Dash grumbled a bit, frowning. “I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with all that stuff… it’s just… not cool. I like cool stuff. Awesome stuff.”

“Like getting beat up by the Commander in a coliseum with thousands of other pegasi watching?” Fierce teased.

“Yeah. Exactly,” Dash flatly responded.

She was probably being a little too dismissive of the traditional Empire’s mare stuff. Twilight would find it intriguing, Rarity would find it proper, Fluttershy would fine it enjoyable, and she doubted Applejack or Pinkie Pie would really have a problem with it either. It was more that there wasn’t any choice that really bothered her. Something that had really bothered her about the Empire from the beginning, the mares had no idea what they were missing and they never had the opportunity to do anything else. But Summer was right that it was still probably good to see things from their point of view.

Summer Rains and Fierce Current had a good laugh at her expense and they continued with their flight over the city, a bit of a lull in the conversation.

Rainbow Dash looked up higher on the mountain, the large administration building sat at the highest point of the city but there was still a decent amount of mountain higher up than that, just empty and unused. Snow covered the top of the peak that rested just under the rim of clouds that blocked off the Empire’s realm from the outside airspace. She kind of wanted to see what the view would look like from all the way up there.

“Is there anything at the top of the mountain?” She asked the two.

Summer Rains took a second to think before answering. “Not that I know of. There aren’t enough of us where we need to use all the space on the mountain.”

“Now that you mention it though I’m surprised Blizzard hasn’t built a cloud castle up there for himself,” Fierce snidely remarked.

“Pff, yeah,” Dash agreed.

The three soldiers flew for a bit more until Rainbow Dash decided that she had done enough of putting things off. The sewing circle awaited her and there wasn’t any reason why she shouldn’t fly off to her new home right now to get ready for it. With a depressed sigh she looked over at her two squadmates.

“You guys can keep patrolling or whatever but I’m heading home. I’ll see you later.”

“Bye,” Fierce waved.

“Say hello to my wife for me,” Summer asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded and dropped away from them, flying over the homes and streets of the residential district on her way to the graciously shared new home of hers.

Unbeknownst to her or her two friends, however, she was being watched by other ponies the entire time.

After Rainbow Dash had arrived home she was immediately greeted with a hug from Snowshine and asked to take off her armor. It was not something that would be appropriate to wear while meeting her sewing circle and having a tea party with them. Instead Dash was made to wear a short toga, Snowshine offered to brush her mane as well and style it into something less “wild” but Dash had steadfastly refused that.

Aurora was out playing with other fillies and the two pairs of parents were staying up in their rooms, leaving the downstairs sitting room for Snowshine’s sewing circle.

Rainbow Dash didn’t exactly want to do this but she was able to take some solace in the fact that she knew she was about to be the center of attention and everyone was going to be super interested in her and everything she had to say. It was nice to get fawned over like that. Especially for a pony like her. And she deserved it after all, didn’t she? How many ponies were as awesome, or even came close to being as awesome, as Rainbow Dash? She was trying to make this Empire a better and way cooler place for not just the mares but every pony too.

“So how many other mares are going to be here?” Dash asked Snowshine, looking at the teacups sitting on a small table in-between the two couches of the sitting room.

“Just five. Why? Worried about being overwhelmed?” The white mare giggled.

“I’m never overwhelmed,” she confidently stated, puffing out her chest. I just don’t want to be stuck here for hours talking about tea and knitting.

“Well I’ll make sure everyone treats you respectfully anyways. I know how eager they are to talk to you so things could get a little crazy,” Snowshine smiled but it quickly turned into a worried frown.

“What’s up?” Rainbow Dash asked, noticing her change in expression.

Snowshine looked to the side for a second as she mulled something over before answering Rainbow Dash. “Nothing really, it’s just that I’ve heard some gossip of how a mare from the city went to the administration building and demanded she be allowed to become a soldier like you.”

“Seriously?” Rainbow Dash smirked and raised an impressed eyebrow. “That’s awesome though.”

“But things like that don’t happen here. Ponies aren’t supposed to go out of line, whether they be mares or stallions! It probably upset Commander Blizzard...” Snowshine said, anxious.

“Even better. I hope it did annoy him. And I hope plenty of other mares try doing the same thing,” Dash shrugged.

Snowshine did slightly smile at Rainbow’s attitude. “I do think it’s a good thing… if she really wants it after all. And I know my friends dropping by today will be more than happy about it too. They’ll probably congratulate you on being the one to inspire whoever that mare was to do that.”

“Yeah...” Dash frowned as she thought of something. “Er, there’s no way Blizzard actually let her into the army though, is there? Do you know what happened to her?”

Snowshine shook her head. “I’m afraid I haven’t heard anything about it. But I’m worried for her if I’m being honest.”

The Equestrian pegasus’s eyes narrowed as she thought of how Blizzard would’ve reacted to and dealt with something like that. “Yeah, me too.” It didn’t change her attitude towards the action itself though. She was glad there was a mare courageous enough to do something like that. And Blizzard deserved to have an aneurysm over it with how horribly he treats everyone and what he does with this city. He wanted to use her? He wanted her to be a symbol of the superiority of the true pegasus way? Well it looked like that was coming back to bite him in the flank.

I feel like I can really do something here now. Maybe fighting Blizzard aint a bad idea?

Those thoughts would temporarily have to wait though as a knock on the door signaled the arrival of Snowshine’s friends.

As Snowshine stood up to go let them in, Rainbow Dash sighed.

“Please let this be cooler than one of Fluttershy’s tea parties.”

“And what has she done today?” Blizzard asked Captain West Wind as the two stood in his office.

“Nothing of consequence, sir. She was on patrol with some of her squadmates before retiring to her new home. The soldiers I had watching her report that the wife of the soldier’s home she’s staying at invited her friends over to meet Rainbow Dash and-”

Commander Blizzard dangerously narrowed his eyes at West Wind, making the Captain snap his jaw shut immediately. “And you call that nothing of consequence? Anything she does is a matter of consequence after what’s happened. That filthy Equestrian is changing too many of the weak ponies in the Empire.”

“T-Then shouldn’t we just get rid of her already?” West Wind dared to ask.

“No!” Blizzard thundered, his wings opening wide. “That would be the same as admitting defeat! All of this will have been pointless and we’ll still be collapsing from the rot! True, I may, should, crush her again to remind her of my superiority and her place. And to show the others in this city that I am the strongest. But she must still become the symbol, she must be broken, not killed or thrown out. She must come to my side and do it willingly. Perhaps soon I will fight her again before she can subvert our Empire more so she loses any illusions she had of beating me or changing this Empire. I don’t understand why she’s had this effect on the pegasi… unless they were always weaklings.” His pupils darted about as he raged. “But if she’s so popular and loved now then I will break her body into pieces so all that respect and love is lost. Let them see that she is nothing compared to me! That she can do nothing! Let her lose all hope and embrace the true way!”

Captain West Wind gulped and took a cautious step back as the Commander ranted. He was very, very, worried about what would come of this.

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