• Published 18th Oct 2020
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Changing Expectations - KKSlider

What does it mean to be a Changeling? To the former human Prince Phasma, that means doing what you can to survive and thrive in an utterly alien world.

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18- Morpheus

Infiltrator Sclerite had clued me in on the basics of how to extract love. In concept, it was very similar to taking a disguise, only instead of imagining a form, you imagined what emotion you were extracting. In addition, you grasped the String of Emotion, rather than the String of Change. Simple concepts were required for the basic survival and functions of your species, after all.

Evolution doesn’t do “over-engineered,” just “good enough.”

Queen Chrysalis spent little time going over this distinction. Instead, she led me on a trip through the hive. Our destination was the storage section. Specifically, the secured storage where our food sources were kept.

‘I am going to meet my first pony. In a manner of speaking, at least.’

Ponies. Our number one, two, and three enemy. Unicorns, pegasi, earth ponies. I had been lectured for many hours on their danger, their importance, and their place in the world. Beneath our hooves.

Now, I would get as close as I could to seeing this for myself. For better or for worse, I was going to see just exactly the future Chrysalis had in mind for the population of an entire continent.

I wondered what I would see. Small cells, with minimal luxuries, surely. Their diets would be poor, consisting of what we could grow in the farms in the Greencave. Still, the captives would probably be eating better than the average changeling.

‘It’s not going to be pretty. Too many red flags for it to be anything good. But for the survival of our species? No cost is too great.’

‘.... Our species. There’s no going back to being human, is there? I’m 100% changeling, whether I like it or not. These are my people now, my changelings. Their problems are my problems and their suffering is my suffering. They put their faith in me to help them as their prince.’

Some are born great. Some become great. Some have greatness thrust upon them.

‘Seems to be a case of the first and the third.’

We were close now. The ambient temperature of the hive was rising and there were less changelings moving about in the hall. Those that were present were moving materials back and forth. Changeling concrete– I gotta come up with a name for that, the changelings just refer to it as hive-gel, and that makes things confusing when our main foodstuff is also called gel– as well as said love-gel both transported in sealed jars. There were some other materials, such as the scant piece of paper or a cart of different plants and lichen that had been harvested.

As we passed a door labeled as Storage 012, my mind wandered to the First Fang.

‘Coxa will be back to working in one of these, if he is not apprenticed to an infiltrator. It should be easy to get in contact with him again if he’s back here. Lacewing too, the Greencave is not too far below this spire. I wonder what they’re up to right now?’

Chrysalis stopped at a large door, flanked by two royal guards who saluted as we approached. Wordlessly, their smooth, curved horns lit up with a green hue as they opened the doors for us. Immediately, I was hit by a wave of hot, stale air. Blue light filtered in, in stark contrast to the light green that most of the hive was awash in.

The air was filled with scents of emotions. I knew one by heart, and others by study. The tang of happiness. The bitterness of anger. The zest of pride.

I snorted air out my nose to try to flush out the scents. The air itself was a flurry of different… tastes. I had no point of reference in my past life for this, but I recognized one taste.


My eyes became adjusted to the bright blue lights as we entered, and I saw the room before me.

It was a large hive cavern, at least a hundred hooves across, and two hundred deep. Periodically, large blue globes of moss hung from the ceiling, seeming to almost drip from their hive-gel mountings. Between each upside-down light was a sea of glowing green pods. Forms in each pod twitched, shook, or sat limp, their shadowed form revealed by the blue light.

I saw the outline of ponies, yaks, sheep, cows, griffons, and more. There were at least five hundred in this chamber, with the ceiling only visible in the spaces between pods. The pods themselves had about a hoof of distance between each one. The room seemed to be half filled.

‘Room for another five hundred, at least.’ The analytical part of my mind worked faster than the rest.

Between the rows of the green pods, changeling drones flittered to and fro, checking on the status of each pod and its inhabitant. Occasionally, I saw one carrying a large pot, sometimes weighing the changeling down as the drone buzzed down to the ground level where carts with pots were waiting.

My stomach started to twist in on itself.

‘So this is what it looks like, what we must do to survive’

“Yes, Prince Phasma,” Chrysalis spoke to me. I realized I said my thoughts out loud. “This is the natural order of the world. We prey upon those beneath us.”

“This is what awaits every pony in Equestria?” I had to listen to myself speak, making sure my voice didn’t crack.

“Yes,” was all she had to say.

I heard a bang. Instinctively, I pressed a hoof to my heart. In the distance, a changeling was being berated for dropping an empty jar, which lay shattered on the floor.

“There's no other way?”

Chrysalis disregarded the question. “Our techniques have been practiced for millennia.”

“Why,” I struggled to keep my voice steady, “have alternatives not been pursued? Our gathering could be perfected yet. Surely, if the hive was closer, we would not struggle as much for food.”

“The hive used to be closer. We are the Fourth Hive Dynasty, but our blood goes back to the first changeling King.”

‘An unbroken chain? Then why…’

“...Not the fourth dynasty, the fourth hive,” I whispered.

Chrysalis picked up on it. “It took generations for our survival to reach this level of efficiency. We are hidden from the world. We are in a defendable position. We have a food supply within the hive itself. We are far away from the reaches of scrying spells. These ways kept our species alive. Come My Prince. It is time for your extraction lessons.”

Her wings flittered out from their cover and buzzed. She lifted from the ground, not bothering to look back at me as she took off. After a moment’s hesitation, I followed. We flew to a pod near the center of the room where a changeling drone was waiting. When Chrysalis came close, the drone gave an upside-down bow as he stuck to the ceiling.

“My Queen, this one here is ready for harvest.”

She landed next to the pod and waved him off with a flick of her hoof and the drone did as he was ordered, leaving immediately. I came up behind her, steadily floating in the air.

I could see the shape in the pod clearly now. It was a pegasus, the blue light showing a huddled green form. Her hooves were pressed close to her chest, her legs were half straightened beneath her.

Now that I was close, I could pick out her emotions from the rest of the room. I tasted the sweetness of happiness as well as the soothing blend of contentment.

‘She is having a pleasant dream,’ was all I could think.

”Eat,” Queen Chrysalis commanded me. I flew close to the pod, touching it.

‘This is where love comes from. Who love comes from.’

It was one thing to hear about what’s going on. To see it yourself and to take a direct role in it…

‘For the survival of our species.’

I let out a shaky breath and focused on the String of Emotion. Immediately, the tastes of emotion that lingered with each breath made themselves known. My mind cast out and I felt the emotions stirring within the pods around us.

Fear. Hate. Anger. Sympathy. Love. Happiness.

I focused on the pegasus in front of me, her emotions making saliva pool within my mouth. Then, I pulled.

“-Chaser, why don’t we-” “-got you something as well!” “-ever let go-”

The pegasi twitched in her slumber as tendrils started to weave their way through the green slurry she was interred in. When the tendrils reached the hard exterior of the pod, they pushed out, the blue light coloring them a pastel purple.

‘An end to all our suffering.’

I drew in a shaky breath, the wisps following the intake of air and made their way into my muzzle.

I felt the familiar warmth embrace my whole body as my mind drifted. I let out a sigh of content and happiness as my worries melted away. I wobbled in the air as my balance was thrown off.

A muted voice drew some of my attention back to the present. Chrysalis was speaking, “...deposit in a jar for distribution. But this harvest is all for you…”

Chrysalis’s words brought enough presence of mind for me to taste emotions once more. Close by, I tasted pain. The pony within the pod had stopped twitching. Her fur coloring seemed to be a bit faded, her breaths more shallow.

‘For the survival of our species…’ I thought again, swallowing bile, ‘.... a monument to all our sins.’

I somehow knew her dream was no longer of weaving between clouds on a warm summer’s day. She was dreaming of a winter’s chill, a killer of the flower moon. A similar chill clutched my beating heart.

‘This is the fate I promised to bring upon everyone outside of the hive. Is this how we will rule the world? Is there truly no other way? I don’t... I can’t believe this is the only way.’’

My teeth silently clattered in my closed mouth as I felt my face go numb. I looked to Chrysalis; she was going on about logistics of collection, how around 60% of the network was dedicated to collecting food and the very rare isolated individual.

The vault holds the records of our entire species. If Chrysalis won’t consider alternatives, then I must find them myself. I shall bring the end to Equestria as ordained. I will secure the survival of our species. But this will not continue any longer than it has to. These violent delights have violent ends.’

The chill would not leave my chest for hours.

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