• Published 24th Oct 2020
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Paper Mario: Equestrian Folds - FandomPlays1234

Mario has been invited to Equestria for a vacation, what he got was twisted reality folded by the hands of an Origami threat!

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Chapter 6: The Monster of Overlook Tower

Having defeated the Earth Vellumental, Mario and co. scaled up the hill towards the tower at the summit. Upon reaching the top Mario rushed over to the Vellumental Circle while Starlight and Spike watched form a distance.

"Let's do this Olivia," said Mario. Olivia nods as he activates the Magic Circle. Olivia undergoes her transformation and gets up on her hind legs.

"All right, time to shake it like a piece of outdated photographic paper," She produces her pom poms and waves them around as the pile of rocks and dirt begin to descend back into the earth until the tower's entrance became accessible. "Well, not bad, if I say so myself," she giggled.

"Alright let's head in," Mario opened the door and walked in followed by Spike and Starlight, inside they found the tourist gift shop to be riddled with large holes as well as drawings scribbled on the walls.

"Whoa look at the size of those mushrooms!" Olivia beamed excitedly. "And that banana, that could feed an army!"

"That would be the case if they were actually real of course," said Starlight.

"Oh they're just drawings, flat as paper,sorry if I got your mouth watering guys," Olivia apologized.

"Uh guys can we stop talking about the drawings, we got a bigger problem ahead of us," said Spike. They all look down at the massive hole in front of them.

"Yikes that's one of the biggest holes we've seen isn't it?" said Olivia. "It looks like you'll need plenty of confetti to fix it up I'm afraid," Mario pulled out the confetti bag and began scattering the confetti, eventually he ended up emptying the entire bag to fill the hole. Once the hole was patched up, a massive drawing of Olly appeared in the spot where the hole used to be.

"Is that?" asked Spike.

"Oh my gosh, it's my brother's face!" gasped Olivia. "This one I could tell it was a drawing right away, it is really well done though,it must've been the same artist who drew the banana and the mushrooms,"

But doesn't that mean?" asked Starlight.

"Wait, yeah it means that whoever drew this knows my brother. I don't know how but there's no other explanation," added Olivia.

"But who would draw you're brother's face?" asked Spike.

"Only one way to find out," said Mario. He approached the elevator and hit the button opening the doors and saving a pony that was stuck in the process.

"Whew thanks for that, I thought I'd never be able to escape, I came here because I heard there was a restaurant, but I guess I got stuck as the doors were closing, oh sorry did you want to use the elevator? Don't worry i can wait," the pony thanked the group and stepped off to the side allowing Mario and co. to enter.

"Hey could you guys humor me for a sec?" asked Olivia. She pushed the UP button before puffing out her chest. "Now passing the third floor! Cosmetics, handbags, men's slacks, oranges, perfume, and camping gear," As she continues her impression of an elevator operator, the elevator begins to ascend to the top. "Next stop, fourth floor! Bicycles, mattresses,formal wear, blenders, and comic books," Meanwhile Starlight and Spike are slightly giggling. "How'd I do? I've always wanted to be an elevator operator in one of those fancy department stores, I'm not actually clear about what a fancy department store is,but it sounds fun right?"

"Eh well," Mario chuckles nervously as he recalls past experiences, he couldn't possibly tell her that the only thing that he ever did in one was racing a go cart. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted when three large objects pierced through the elevator walls, they appeared to be large sticks with sharp tips in a blue, red, and green colors.

"Whoa that was way too close!" Olivia yelped.

"I think I saw my entire life flash before my eyes," said Starlight.

"What are these things anyway?" asked Olivia. "They've positively ruined my department store fantasy unless,"

"Unless what?" asked Spike. Olivia regains her composure as she goes back to her reenactment.

"Dearest elevator passengers, there will be a slight delay, while my friend Mario takes care of this emergency," Mario sighs as he takes out his hammer and dislodges the objects from the elevator. But just when things were looking better, the elevator begins to descend a rapid speeds causing Mario, Starlight,Spike, and Olivia to hit the ceiling due to gravity. "Going down!!!!!!" After falling for what seemed like minutes, the elevator crashes to the ground and sent everyone flying out onto the ground. Everyone collects themselves and dusts themselves off as Olivia continues her impression in a defeated tone. "Oww, first floor, flattened princesses, crushed dreams, broken glass, and ponies and dragons," As the group looks up, they realize, they're suddenly surrounded by folded soldiers who lunge at them.

"Oh come on, attacking us while our guard was down is cowardly!' said Spike.

"I guess the only thing we can do right now is show these folded soldiers that we're not to be messed with," said Starlight. "You know the drill Mario, line 'em up so we can have a swing at them," Mario studies the rings and quickly lines up the Goombas creating two groups and a single row. He immediately takes out a group with his hammer as Starlight follows up by blasting the row with her magic, allowing Mario to finish off the last group with another hammer attack. As Mario vacuumed up the confetti left behind by the folded soldiers, he heard the Paper alert key chain going off and walked around gently smacking objects to save some Toads and ponies who were folded up into origami. As Mario walked over to gently smack what appeared to be a pamphlet, it unfolded itself to reveal a yellow stallion with an orange mane and tail.

"Ah thank Celestia, I thought I'd never be able to unfold myself," he gasped.

"Wha Mr Cake?" asked Spike.

"Ah why if it ain't Spike, what are you doing here?" the stallion asked.

"I should ask the same," he said.

"Spike you know him?" asked Olivia.

"This is Mr. Carrot Cake, he runs the local bakery in ponyville with his wife," Spike explained. "Speaking of which, is Mrs. Cake with you?"

"No she was supposed to be at the bakery, I only came here because I bought some ingredients from the chef here and I came to pick them up, but then this monster showed up and said that he was the new boss of this tower," Mr. Cake explained.

"A monster?' asked Starlight.

"It was horrible, it had this thin rattling body with lots of fangs," he explained.

"That sounds horrible, do you know where this monster is?" asked Olivia.

"He said he had to guard some streamer and went to the top," Mr. Cake answered.

"So that's where he's hiding eh? Don't worry we'll take care of them for you," said Mario.

"I appreciate it, please do be careful," said Mr. Cake. Mario walked over to the hole in the stairs and scattered the remaining confetti in his bag to patch it up.

"Alright the stair is fixed, let's head on up," said Starlight. Mario and co. began ascending the stairs to the second floor where they noticed a sign next to the elevator.

"Ok so the observation deck is behind that small door, that's where we most likely need to go," Starlight said after reading the sign. They head in through the door and find an even bigger hole where the base of the stair is supposed to be.

"Are you serious?" groaned Spike.

"These stairs too,I can't imagine you have enough confetti right now," sighed Olivia. "Where are we even going to find enough confetti to fix this?" As they stand there pondering over their predicament, a Toad in a chef's uniform pokes his head out from behind a pile of boxes and whispers to them.

"Hey uh, I couldn't help overhearing and I might be able to help," They turn towards him as he comes out of hiding. "Something real bad is going on at my restaurant right now, I don't even wanna say it out loud,"

"Something bad?" asked Starlight.

"I'm the head chef, but I really can't show my face until it's cleared up, can you help me? Take care of the problem, keep it on the down low, and I'll make it up to you," he said.

"I guess we don't have a choice, we need to get to the top but we can't fix the stairs without confetti," said Mario. "Alright just hang tight until we return," The chef nodded as he watched Mario and his friends walk out. They made their way towards the restaurant, but the moment they entered Spike stopped as a chill ran up his spine.

"Uh Spike?" Olivia looked at him with a concerned expression.

"I don't know why but I suddenly got chills, the atmosphere in here seems so off," said Spike.

"Must be the problem the chef was talking about," said Mario. Come on let's start searching," The group split up and began searching the restaurant for the source of the problem.

"I don't really see anything," said Starlight.

"We'll know for sure once we find it," said Mario. At that moment they hear Spike screaming from the kitchen and rush in to find him running around in circles.

"Spike what happened?" asked Starlight.

"Get it off, get it off!!!" Spike screamed as he reached behind his back. Mario took a closer look and noticed a tiny origami Goomba had latched itself onto him. He walked over and smacked it off Spike before stomping on it. "Whew thanks Mario, I opened up the fridge and a whole swarm of those freaks jumped out, the scattered but they should still be in the restaurant,"

"Talk about pest control, alright let's split up and take care of those things so we can get to the top," said Mario. And so Mario began exterminating the mini origami Goombas in the kitchen while Starlight and Spike went to handle the pests in the dining area. Despite being folded soldiers, they were extremely weak and not very intelligent making the extermination process very easy, Mario even managed to save some Toads and ponies who were folded up.

"Well that's it for the kitchen," said Mario. He headed into the dining area to see both Starlight and Spike finishing up. "Everything alright?"

"Yep we got the last ones," answered Spike.

"Great, seeing as how the atmosphere changed, I say we finished the job," said Mario. "Let's go collect our reward," They recollected themselves and left the restaurant to report back to the chef who was still waiting for them.

"Hmm, I don't hear the pitter-patter of little pests anymore, you did it!" cheered the chef. "Here as promised, I hope you enjoy this finely chopped confetti, bon appetit,"

"Thanks for your help chef," said Olivia. The chef nodded as he handed Mario the confetti which he used to quickly patch up the stairs.

"Great the stairs are fixed, let's get up there," said Starlight. Mario led the group out onto the outdoor dining area. He walked over and attempted to push the metal door to get into the observation deck's dining area but to no avail.

"Locked out, it doesn't look like pushing will open it," sighed Olivia. "But how can we get to the top if we can't get in there?" As the group are trying to figure out how to get through, they hear a loud bang from above and look up to see another sharp tipped object flying towards them. "Ack another one of those sticks!" Olivia yelped as it began flying in their direction. Starlight and Spike yelped as they jumped over it.

"Yikes we better split up!" said Spike. Mario and Olivia quickly began running counterclockwise while Spike and Starlight ran clockwise around the observation deck while avoiding the missiles flying towards them. After some time of dodging, they finally regroup near a partially broken wall.

"They just keep coming, we've got to get out of here!" screamed Olivia.

"Uh Olivia," Spike stuttered as a reticle appeared in front of Olivia, a clear sign she was being targeted.

"What? Is there something on my face?" she asked.

"Olivia look out!" yelled Starlight. Olivia turned around and quickly dodged as a missile came flying towards her. Mario looked towards the broken wall and quickly stepped in front of it as another reticle appeared on his chest. Then as the missile came flying in his direction, he quickly sidestepped out of the way as the missile destroyed the wall allowing access into the dining area.

"Nice quick thinking Mario!" said Spike. They all rushed in and made a beeline to the ladder. Mario hit the red button, but much to their dismay, the ladder began lowering at a snail's pace.

"Eee come on, come on!" Olivia said in a panicked tone. But their wait was suddenly interrupted as more reticles began appearing all over the ground.

"Ah we don't have a choice, everyone we need to buy some time until we can climb the ladder!" said Mario. The group once again split up as multiple missiles began raining down on them from above.

"Hurry up, please hurry up!" Spike pleaded as he watched the ladder slowly lower down. It was becoming clear now that the more missiles they avoided, their behavior got more erratic as they began to rain down upon them more frequently. Eventually after much dodging the ladder finally came down all the way.

"Now's our chance run!" said Mario. Everyone made a beeline towards the ladder as more and more missiles continued to rain down.

"Come on we're almost to the top, just a bit further," Mario said as he began climbing with Starlight and Spike following behind.

"GO! GO GO!" Spike screamed as a barrage of missiles came flying at them from either side barely scraping the soles of their feet as Mario picked up the pace. Eventually they made it to the top and collapsed on the ground gasping for air, still shaken up by the experience.

"What the hay?" gasped Starlight.

"I never thought that colored pencils could be so deadly," Spike whimpered.

"It looks like we'll be at the top once we climb these stairs," said Olivia looking up.

"Looks like it's finally time," said Mario. "Is everyone ready?" Spike and Starlight got to their feet now that they've regained composure.

"Yeah, let's do this," said Spike.

"I'm ready whenever you are Mario," said Starlight.

"Alright let's go," With that he led them both up the stairs to the top of the tower. After so long, it was finally time to face off against the monster waiting for them at the top and destroy the red streamer.