• Published 4th Nov 2020
  • 3,840 Views, 224 Comments

Another Side of Friendship: Pony Tails - The Great Twixie

The continued adventures of Twilight and her new friends.

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The Cutie Mark Crusaders

There was a quaint little tree house located in a private, secluded part of Ponyville’s famous Sweet Apple Acres. Anyone who lived in Ponyville could tell you it was the clubhouse of the town’s very own Cutie Mark Crusaders, a band of fillies dedicated to the discovery of their Cutie Marks. Though in terms of success…they had none. But that never stopped them from trying! Every day, they tried something different. From tightrope walking, to ice fishing, to bowling, to aiding the villainous Dex Hoofer in his total conquest of Equestria and getting a scolding from the Justice Ponies (though that’s a story for another time.)

It just so happened that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were coming back from their latest Cutie Mark adventure at that time.

A mysterious spacecraft landed in front of the CMC’s clubhouse and opened a ramp at the bas of the tree. Apple Bloom and her best friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, walked out of the ship, garbed in slightly scorched battle armor and helmets. When they were on Equestrian soil, the ramp retracted and the spaceship started to take off.

“Thanks fer the ride, Manedo!” Apple Bloom shouted, waving. “Good luck with the foal!”

The spaceship turned around and took off into the sky at supersonic speeds, disappearing with an animated twinkle.

Apple Bloom and the others walked up the stairs to their clubhouse and removed their armor at the door, tossing them with the growing pile of failed Cutie Mark memorabilia in the corner. Whiel Sweetie Belle helped Scootaloo take off her helmet – the Pegasi’s sweat apparently created some kind of suction – the CMC’s leader walked over to a hoofmade chart with various symbols drawn on the paper, most of which was crossed out. She took a red marker in her muzzle and drew a big “X” over a picture of an alien with a blaster.

“Well, guess we can cross intergalactic bounty hunter off ta list,” Apple Bloom hummed.

“I thought it was pretty fun,” said Sweetie Bell, prying the helmet off Scootaloo with a squishy ‘pop.’ “Especially when we all got to fly those neat jetpacks.”

“Fun for you, maybe,” Scootaloo grumbled. “You’re not the one that got gobbled up by a space dragon.”

“Okay, okay, settle down, y’all” said Apple Bloom calmly. “So the space adventure didn’t work out. We can try somethin’ else. Ooh, ah know!” She started bouncing excitedly on her hooves. “Maybe we can get out Cutie Mark fer finding the lost city of Seaquestria! We’ll need some scuba divin’ suits, some air tanks, and an anti-sea monster harpoon.”

“I never thought I’d say this,” Scootaloo spoke up with uncertainty. “But can we try something a little less…extreme for our Cutie Marks?”

“I agree with Scootaloo,” said Sweetie Belle. “My hooves are still sore from that bar fight we had with those ponies with the laser swords.”

“Hmm, yeah, I guess we can take it easy fer now,” said Apple Bloom thoughtfully. “So what kind o’ Cutie Mark y’all think we should try fer next?”

“You know what I think,” Scootaloo chimed in. “If we want to find our Cutie Marks, we should ask ponies who already have theirs. Super awesome ponies with all sorts of talents like – “

“Please don’t say the Justice Ponies,” Sweetie Belle requested exasperatedly to no avail.

“The Justice Ponies!” Scootaloo exclaimed enthusiastically, dashing across the clubhouse and gesturing to a tacked-on poster of six costumed mares. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gave her a pair of unimpressed looks. “Come on, guys, it would be totally awesome to hang out with a bunch of superheroes. They could teach us all sorts of cool talents. Both of your sisters are in the Justice Ponies, right?”

“Which we told ya in confidence,” said Apple Bloom

“Maybe if we learn how they got their Cutie Marks, we could be superheroes, too!” Scootaloo added overexcitedly.

“You just want to meet The Dash,” Sweetie Belle remarked.

“No…maybe…so what?!” Scootaloo huffed.

“Well, ah think Scootaloo’s got the right idea,” said Apple Bloom, drawing a bewildered look from her unicorn. “Not about the Justice Ponies, but about learnin’ from other ponies ‘bout how they got their Cutie Mark. But instead of superheroes, how ‘bout we try for somethin’ a lil’ more manageable like….” She walked around Scootaloo and gestured to a poster with six mares on it, right next to the Justice Ponies poster. “The Mane 6!”

“That’s a great idea!” Sweetie Belle gasped excitedly. “You’re friends with them, aren’t you?”

“Eeyup,” said Apple Bloom proudly, mimicking her brother.

“Hanging out with the Mane 6?!” Scootaloo yelled, smiling from ear-to-ear. “That’s almost as cool as the Justice Ponies. Almost. The Dash is still, like, twenty percent cooler than them.”

“Iffen ya say so,” said Apple Bloom, rolling her eyes playfully. “But, yeah, Moon Dancer and ‘er friends could show us all kinds o’ talents. Twilight has all that book junk lyin’ ‘round, Trixie could teach us stage magic, and Tempest…. Huh.”

“What? What is it?” asked Sweetie Belle curiously.

“Uh, does anypony know what Tempest’s Cutie Mark looks like?” asked Apple Bloom dumbfoundedly.

“That’s easy,” Scootaloo said confidently. “It’s…. Huh. Actually, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her Cutie Mark in any of her photos or action figures.”

“Me neither,” said Sweetie Belle, astonished. “She’s always wearing that cloak. It’s cool and mysterious, but she’s always hiding her flank underneath. Do you think maybe she hides because it’s something embarrassing?”

“What? Tempest? Embarrassing? Impossible!” Scootaloo rejected firmly. “Tempest Shadow is, like, the second most awesome pony in all of Equestria, next to The Dash. Her Cutie Mark is probably so awesome, she has to hide it so other ponies aren’t overwhelmed by her awesomeness.”

“I don’t think that’s a real thing,” Sweetie Belle remarked.

“Well, we ain’t gonna figure nothin’ out by standin’ ‘round and flappin’ our gums!” said Apple Bloom with authority. “We have a pony with an unidentified Cutie Mark! And as the Cutie Mark Crusaders, it is our mission to investigate secret Tempest Shadow’s Cutie Mark!”

“I’m pretty sure it’s not,” Sweetie Belle retorted.

“Where do we even start?” asked Scootaloo. Sweetie Belle facehooed; they weren’t listening to her – again.

“We should ask somepony who knows Tempest,” Apple Bloom suggested, smirking. “And I know just the pony….”

“You want to know what Tempest’s Cutie Mark looks like?” Moon Dancer repeated curiously.

After a three-hour train ride on the Friendship Express (and another hour begging their parents and/or guardians for the bits to pay for tickets), the Cutie Mark Crusaders had made it to Canterlot. Of course, entering the capital city wasn’t easy; most ponies needed passports and other documents to get through the front gates. Luckily, Apple Bloom had thought ahead and sent a letter to Moon Dancer via express mail. So when they arrived at the station, the Element of Kindness was already waiting for them, and being invited by an Element Bearer was apparently good enough for the guards to let them pass.

They were sitting outside Cinnamon Chai’s Cake and Tea Shop where the bespectacled unicorn brought the CMC a slice of cake each. While Scootaloo stuffed her face with sugary goodness, it was Apple Bloom who broached the subject of Tempest’s Cutie Mark while Moon Dancer delicately sipped her tea.

“We was wonderin’ if ya ever seen Tempest’s Cutie Mark,” said Apple Bloom. “She’s always wearing that cool, mysterious cloak all the time, so we ain’t never seen it before.”

“Hmm…now that you mention it, I’ve never seen Tempest’s Cutie Mark either,” Moon Dancer hummed thoughtfully.

“But I thought you guys were best friends,” Sweetie Belle gasped shockingly.

“I wouldn’t exactly call us ‘best friends’ or anything,” said Moon Dancer. “Tempest isn’t…the most open pony. She’s really only close to Twilight and Sunset. But back to the matter at hoof, I’ve never once seen Tempest’s flank when it wasn’t covered by her cloak.”

“There’s gotta be a way to find out!” Scootaloo cried dramatically, her muzzle covered in frosting. “The curiosity is killing me!”

“Are you a cat now?” said Sweetie Belle.

“I guess we could always just ask her,” said Moon Dancer; the Cutie Mark Crusaders perked up like excited puppies. “I’m sure should wouldn’t mind sharing if asked.” She drained the last of her tea, left a generous tip on the table, and hopped down from her seat. “Tempest and Grubber are probably at their favorite corner right now.”

“Tempest has a favorite corner?” asked Apple Bloom curiously.

“You’ll see in a few minutes,” Moon Dancer remarked, turning away with a swish of her tail.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked at one another curiously, then hopped their seats and followed the older pony (except Scootaloo, who went back to scarf down Sweetie Belle’s untouched cake before rejoining the others.) The Crusaders stayed close to Moon Dancer’s flank while they took in the sights of Canterlot in awe. The differences between the capital and Ponyville were distinctive from the dozens of fancy shops lined up next to each other to the smartly dressed ponies with strange accents. Canterlot was definitely a different world than back home, Apple Bloom thought.

“There she is,” said Moon Dancer, stopping suddenly and causing the Crusaders to bump into her flank. “Whoa, careful back there.”

“Sorry,” Apple Bloom apologized, rubbing her forehead.

The little filly leaned around her idol and searched across the street, immediately spotting their quarry.

Tempest stood out from the fancy ponies of Canterlot with her darker color scheme, broken horn, and scarred face. She leaning nonchalantly against the lamp post on the corner of St. Braynard St. and Martin Hoofer Queen Jr. Rd., scoping out the scene. Not too far away, Grubber could be seen standing in line for fried turnips, occasionally looking back at his partner if he was needed.

“Look, there’s Tempest!” said Scootaloo excitedly.

“What’s she doing?” asked Sweetie Belle curiously.

“Most likely waiting for the right mark,” Moon Dancer answered casually.

“What mark?” asked Apple Bloom.

Rather than a verbal response, the bespectacled pony gestured to Tempest, who had pushed herself off the lamppost and was making her move.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were engrossed by the scene as Tempest subtly gestured her head toward a stallion wearing an eye-gouging yellow three-piece suit and a matching bowler hat. Sweetie Belle fought the urge to retch, imagining how horrified her sister would be if she saw such an atrocity.

Grubber caught the signal and walked toward the fashion challenged pony. As they passed one another, Grubber stuck out his foot and tripped the stallion’s back hooves. The stallion fell forward with a surprised yelp, flopping on his stomach. When he raised himself up on his elbow and looked around for the cause, Grubber was nowhere to be seen. And here comes Tempest to the rescue. The scarred mare helped the stallion to his hooves, brushed him off, and said a few words before the Stallion walked away, waving gratefully.

“Gee that was nice of Tempest,” said Sweetie Belle, smiling.

“But what’d Grubber have to trip that pony up for?” asked Scootaloo.

“Keep watching,” Moon Dancer instructed. The Cutie Mark Crusaders looked forward as Grubber reappeared beside Tempest; the violet mare now holding a sack of bits with a mischievous grin. “This is Tempest’s favorite corner because it’s the easiest spot for her to snatch pony’s bits without them noticing.”

“Wait, wait, wait!” Scootaloo shouted in disbelief. “Are you saying Tempest Shadow is…a thief?!

“Always has been,” Moon Dancer answered casually. “She robs at least four ponies a day. Not that it matters, since every pony here is rich as Tartarus.”

“And ponies are okay with it?” asked Apple Bloom, mouth agape. “Ain’t nobody find it strange that an Element o’ Harmony is robbin’ ponies every day?”

“Sure, plenty of ponies have,” said Moon Dancer. “I know Thiro Smash from Starlight’s tutoring sessions mentioned it at least once. But we’ve pretty much have gotten used to it by now.”

“Canterlot really is a whole different world,” Apple Bloom mumble in awe.

“I think she’s done for the day,” said Moon Dancer. “Now would be a good time to ask – “

“Tempest Shadow!”

Across the street, the violet mare rolled in eyes exasperatedly while Grubber made himself scarce, disappearing into the crowd. Tempest offered no resistance as the bag of bits was magically ripped from her hoof and floated over to Sunset Shimmer, who was shooting one of her patented disapproving stares.

“You mind giving that back?” Tempest asked calmly. “I promised Grubber I’d buy him some taffy.”

“How many times do we have to go over this, Tempest,” Sunset groaned, facehoofing herself. “You can’t just keep stealing bits from other ponies. You’re an Element of Harmony now. What you do – “

“Reflects on everyone else, blah, blah, blah,” Tempest taunted. “You need to get some new material.”

“Tempest, I – “ Sunset started, then stopped. She took a deep breath and said, “I know I said I’d be more understanding, but I think you’re worth more than a common pickpocket. If you tried, I’m sure you could achieve just about anything.”

Tempest went silent for a moment, tapping her muzzle, then said, “You know what? You’re right.”

“I am?” said Sunset, taken aback.

“Yes, you’re absolutely right,” said Tempest. “I shouldn’t be wasting my time stealing petty change from strangers. I can do so much better than that.” She clapped Sunset on the back appreciatively. “You have helped me see the error of my ways. Thank you, Sunset Shimmer.”

“Uh, no problem,” said Sunset, blinking bewildered. And with that, Tempest walked away with her head held high, humming a happy tune. “Wow, I can’t believe that actually worked. I think I might’ve finally gotten through – and she took my coin purse, didn’t she?” She felt around her flank, frowning. “Yeah, she did.”

“Howdy, Sunset Shimmer!” Apple Bloom greeted. Moon Dancer and the Crusaders crossed the street to join the swindled mare. “Long time, no see.”

“Hey, Apple Bloom,” Sunset greeted before noticing the other fillies. “And you must be Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The Cutie Mark Crusaders, right?”

“Hello, Miss Sunset,” said Sweetie Belle politely.

“What’s up,” said Scootaloo casually.

“What brings you three to Canterlot?” asked Sunset.

“We wanna find out what Tempest’s Cute Mark is,” answered Apple Bloom.

“Tempest’s Cutie Mark?” Sunset parroted curiously.

“Do you know it looks like?” asked Scootaloo eagerly.

“I’ve never actually seen it before,” said Sunset, touching her muzzle in a pondering pose. “But now that I realize that, I can’t help feel a little curious myself.”

“Tempest is a real mare of mystery,” Moon Dancer remarked. “The more you try to learn, the more questions you have.”

“Y’all wanna join us in our investigation?” asked Apple Bloom excitedly. “The Cutie Mark Crusaders teamin’ up with the Mane Six to solve the mystery of Tempest’s Cutie Mark.”

“I don’t think it’s that dramatic,” said Sunset, chuckling. “Still, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t interested.”

“Yay! Cutie Mark Crusader team-up!” The CMC cheered, high-hoofing each other. Sunset and Moon Dancer, however, were trying to hide their faces in embarrassment from all the stares they were getting.

“Yes, yes, it’s a team-up, but let’s keep it down, okay?” Moon Dancer said in a hushed voice.

“Uh, guys, not rain on anypony’s parade,” Sweetie Belle spoke up, gesturing to the surrounding crowd. “But we kind of lost our target.”

“Great! Now how’re we supposed to find her!” Scootaloo complained.

“It’s almost noon, so she’s probably heading to the Canterlot Carousel,” said Sunset. “Starlight’s been helping everypony in the Mane Six find the perfect look for the Grand Galloping Gala next month. I was just there yesterday trying every dress in the shop and I still had to order a custom dress from Manehatten.”

“Never took Starlight for a fashionista,” Moon Dancer commented. “Seems so…out of character for her.”

“She just everything to be perfect for when she meets Sunburst at the Gala,” said Sunset, giggling. “It’s actually kinda cute – “

“Well, what the heck ‘re we standin’ ‘round yammering all day?!” Apple Bloom interrupted, quite rudely in Sunset’s opinion. “This is the perfect chance to catch Tempest while she’s a-changin’! Let’s go-o-o-o!

The Cutie Mark Crusaders ran off down the streets through the legs of the older ponies, not realizing that they were heading in the wrong direction. Sunset and Moon Dancer looked at one another and came to a silent agreement: they are never having foals.

The combined forced of Sunset, Moon Dancer, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders found themselves peeking cautiously through the window of the Canterlot Carousel under the guise of window shopping. Through the ponyquinns and between the racks of dresses, they could the top of Tempest’s mohawk mane. Though Sassy Saddles easily stood out, being just as tall as a princess for whatever reason. The boutique manager’s mouth was moving, but they couldn’t make out what she was saying. The Cute Mark Crusaders shared a look and nodded in agreement; they needed to get closer.

Sunset quietly turned the knob and opened the boutique door, using her horn to stop the bell above from alert Tempest of their presence. Moon Dancer trotted in after her while the Cutie Mark Crusaders army crawled through the threshold. Sunset could have told them it was unnecessary, but once again, she couldn’t risk letting Tempest know they were following her. So she silently closed the door and ducked behind the rack with the others.

The girl poked their heads through the clothes and spotted Tempest Shadow, her flank turned to them, standing next to Starlight Glimmer. Sassy Saddles was levitating a folded cloth of black and gold into Tempest’s hooves; the violet mare looked uncertain.

“Are you sure about this?” She asked questionably.

“Tempest, I have been pouring over designs night and day to find the right design for you,” said Sassy Saddles confidently. “Even had to call Rarity for advice, but I think we found the right look for you. We kept the overall design simply to match your tastes as well as your preference to…darker colors while throwing in a dash of gold accents. And I thought a touch of jewelry would go well to compliment that…unique horn of yours.”

“I doubt anything could compliment this travesty,” said Tempest self-deprecating, touching her broken stub.

“Don’t talk about yourself that way, Tempest,” said Starlight, frowning. “You’re a lovely mare, even with a broken horn and scar. Remember back in Ponyville? All those mares were literally flocking around you.”

“All I remember was Sunset punching a few of their lights out,” Tempest guffawed.

Moon Dancer and the Cutie Mark Crusaders were shooting Sunset smug looks. The sunny mare buried her face in her hooves, groaning at the memory.

“Just try it out,” Starlight requested. “I bet you’ll look so beautiful, it’ll give Sunset a heart attack.”

“Hmm…I haven’t gone to jail for murder yet,” Tempest hummed playfully. “All right, it’s not like I have anything to lose.”

Tempest walked into the changing room with the dress and closed the curtain behind her while Starlight and Sassy Saddles talked quietly among themselves.

“We should take a peek at Tempest while she’s changing,” Scootaloo suggested.

“Isn’t that an invasion of privacy?” said Sweetie Belle, frowning.

“We’re never gonna get a better chance to see Tempest without her cloak on,” said Scootaloo. “Besides, it’s not she’ll have anything we haven’t seen before. Most ponies don’t wear clothes at all.”

“For some reason, I’m suddenly feeling self-conscious,” Moon Dancer muttered.

“Is someone gonna take a peek o’ not?” Apple Bloom asked impatiently.

“All right, all right, I’ll do it,” said Sunset, trying to act like it was a bother.

“Gee, what a surprise,” Moon Dancer said sarcastically with a smug grin.

“Shut up,” Sunset grimaced.

The sunny mare slowly emerged from the clothing rack and tiptoed across the store, stepping lightly around Starlight and Sassy, who were in their own little world. She stopped in front of the dressing room. She could hear rustling on the other side of the curtain. Sunset gulped loudly, suddenly feeling nervous, like she was about to see something forbidden. She raised her hoof –

“Hey, Sunset, I didn’t know you were here,” Starlight called out, making Sunset jump with a surprised yelp. Starlight stared at her strangely for a moment, but brushed it off. “You here about your Gala dress? Sorry, it’s not supposed to be here for a few more days. Sassy says the owner is personally overseeing the design.” She bumped Sunset good-naturedly. “One of the perks of being the princess’s student, am I right?”

“Er, yeah, uh, sure,” said Sunset nervously.

“What’s going on out there?” Tempest asked from inside the changing room before poking her head out. “Oh, hey, Sunset. You figure out about the coin purse.”

“Yes, and I’m very mad about that, by the way,” Sunset huffed.

“Hold your horses, filly,” said Tempest teasingly. “I was just messing with you. I passed your purse off to a guard and told them to take it back to your room. Don’t worry, every bit is there.”

“Oh…well…thank you,” said Sunset, surprised.

“Was that all you needed?” asked Starlight.

Sunset’s only response was a drawn-out “Uuuuhhhh….” She couldn’t say that she was spying on Tempest to look at her Cutie Make, especially when said pony was standing three hooves away. But if she didn’t come up with an excuse, she would either have to leave or risk looking suspicious. Her eyes rolled around the boutique until they landed on Moon Dancer and The Crusaders. A lightbulb went off in her head. Muttering quiet apology, Sunset used her horn to drag Moon Dancer and the Crusaders out into the open and plopped them in front of Starlight.

“Moon Dancer and I are giving Apple Bloom and her friends a tour of Canterlot!” Sunset yelped quickly.

“We are?” asked Moon Dancer. Sunset elbowed her in the side. “Oh, right, we are! Yep! Giving them a tour of Canterlot!”

“We were walking past the boutique when they said they wanted to try out the dresses here?” Sunset continued.

“We did?” asked Scootaloo. Apple Bloom elbowed her this time. “I mean, yeah, we totally said that!”

“Oh, how exciting!” said Sassy Saddles extravagantly, sensing potential customers. “I love seeing the looks on new pony’s faces when they find that perfect outfit. And since you’re friends with Starlight and Sunset, I will make it my personal responsibility to help you find the right look.”

“Y’all don’t really have ta – “ Apple Bloom started, but was cut off by Sassy Saddles.

“Nonsense! I would be delight to assist!” She didn’t give the Crusaders a chance to respond before levitating them across the store. “Come along, children. I think there might be something your size on the second floor.”

Tempest quirked her brow curiously, especially at Sunset and Moon Dancer’s suspiciously wide, nervous smiles. But the violet mare just shrugged and disappeared behind the curtain again. Sunset and Moon Dancer exhaled relieved sighs.

“What was that?” Moon Dancer hissed. “Why’d you drag us into this.”

“Hey, all of this is your fault to begin with!” Sunset snapped. “I had to come up with something! Otherwise, we’d look totally suspicious!”

Why are we whispering?” Starlight asked, suddenly appearing between the two. Sunset and Moon Dancer jumped back with startled yelps; Starlight blinked at the strangely. “Are you two okay? You’re acting weird…. Well, more than usual.”

“Think we should tell her?” asked Moon Dancer.

“She might be able to help,” said Sunset thoughtfully.

“Tell me what exactly?” asked Starlight.

“The truth is…,” Sunset started before remembering that Tempest was just on the other side of the curtain. She moved them a few hooves away and continued. “The truth is, we’re not here about dresses. We wanted to catch a peek at Tempest’s Cutie Mark.”

“Tempest’s Cutie Mark?” Starlight repeated.

“Apple Bloom’s friends brought it up,” Moon Dancer explained. “They were curious about what kind of Cutie Mark Tempest has. And…I admit I was a little curious myself since I’ve never seen her Cutie Mark before.”

“Me neither,” Sunset admitted.

“So you guys snuck in here hoping to catch a peek of Tempest’s Cutie Mark while she was changing,” Starlight summarized. “That’s a serious invasion of privacy and you should be ashamed of yourselves. You’re setting a bad example for those fillies.” Sunset and Moon Dancer hanged their heads shamefully. “On the other hoof…I’m kinda curious myself. You know she’s never taken off that cloak of hers once, not even during Daybreaker’s heatwave?”

“Exactly!” Sunset exclaimed. “That’s weird, right?!”

“So does that mean you’re gonna help us?” asked Moon Dancer.

“…If Tempest gets upset, I’m throwing you under the wagon,” Starlight stated firmly.

“Fair enough,” Sunset agreed.

Sunset, Starlight, and Moon Dancer shook hooves to confirm their secret alliance against Tempest Shadow, who could be heard groaning on the other side of the curtain like she was struggling. Half the members of the Mane Six tiptoed silently over to the dressing room; they heard Tempest hum appreciatively through the drapes. Starlight raised a hoof to her lips, signaling the other two to stay silent, and flared up her horn. The curtain glowed with Starlight’s magic as the lilac mare inched the cloth to the side –

“Success!” Starlight yelped like a frightened mouse, nearly ripping the curtains off. She, Sunset, and Moon Dancer spun around on their hooves, smiling innocently as Sassy Saddles came back with a satisfied smile on her muzzle. “Oh, Starlight, you have to see this! Your little friends look absolutely precious!”

“Uh, that’s nice, Sassy,” Starlight stammered, glancing sideways at the curtain. “But we’re in the middle of – “

But Sassy’s pushiness wouldn’t give Starlight a chance to finish before the trio of mares were suddenly lifted off the floor and promptly carried to the back of the store. Just as Tempest stepped out of the changing room, sans the cloak, but the clothing racks blocked their view of the scarred unicorn’s flank. Sunset cursed her luck as Sassy Saddles deposited them on the floor in front of the stairs.

“Please sit here for a moment,” Sassy Saddles requested, then called up the stairs. “Oh, girls, come down and show your friends your new looks!”

A few moments, later, the Cutie Mark Crusaders trotted downstairs dressed in a whole new wardrobe. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked pleased, but Scootaloo was grumpy as she tugged at her collar.

“I call this ‘The Roaring Centuries’,” said Sassy Saddles, looking pleased with herself. “What do you think.”

“Ah feel like one o’ them dancin’ ponies at an Appleloosa saloon,” said Apple Bloom, giggling and shaking her tail,

“I like the pearls; they make me feel fancy,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Ugh, why is thing so tight around the neck?” Scootaloo grimaced. “Don’t you have anything all little cooler? Something wild and awesome?”

“Wild, huh?” Sassy Saddles hummed thoughtfully. She flared up her horn and started pulling clothes off the rack. “I think I might have something that should do the trick….”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders shrieked as they were assaulted in a whirlwind of clothes. When they emerged, their new attire certainly fit the bill for “wild.”

“Uh…Ah think this might be a bit too wild,” Apple Bloom said hesitantly.

“Ye-e-eah, this is a bit much, even for me,” said Scootaloo.

“I don’t even know what’s happening with my mane right now,” said Sweetie Belle worriedly.

“Hmm, this is a lot harder than I expected,” Sassy Saddles hummed. “Tell, me exactly are you looking for.”

“Ooh, how about something fancy, like what a princess would wear,” said Sweetie Belle excitedly.

“Something cool and awesome like The Dash!” said Scootaloo, enthusiastically.

“Ah’m just okay with somethin’ different,” said Apple Bloom nonchalantly.

“Well, all right then,” said Sassy Saddle, levitating the swarm of clothes again. “How about something like…this!”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders were swallowed into the fashion storm once more and the results were….




“….I think I made a mistake,” Sassy Saddle mumbled.

“Uh, you definitely made a mistake,” Scootaloo remarked.

“It’s like watching a train wreck,” said Sunset, having watched the entire scene play out with Starlight and Moon Dancer. “You can’t look away.”

“Well, we’re going to have to,” said Moon Dancer, looking over her shoulder. “Tempest is gone.”

What?!” shouted Sunset, spinning around to find that Tempest was no longer in the boutique. She stomped her hoof in frustration. “Oh, that’s just great! Now how’re we gonna find her!”

“She probably going to Clydesdale Rd.,” Starlight answered. “She said she had something important to do there after she was done with her fitting. Something about…doing some renovations.”

“What would she need to renovate on Clydesdale?” Moon Dancer wondered.

“We can find out where we get there,” said Sunset.

While Sassy Saddles busied herself looking through the racks for the CMC’s next outfits, Sunset gestured them to move their flanks. The Crusaders weren’t going to put up any arguments. They immediately ditched their clothes and dashed out of the Canterlot Carousel after the mares of the Mane Six.

“Maybe this one will work better,” Sassy Saddles said to herself, levitating one of the outfits off the rack. “Girls, what do you think about sequins?” Her response came in the form of the front door slamming shut. The tall unicorn looked around, bewildered, and realized that she was alone. “…Well, that’s gratitude for you.”

Clydesdale Rd. wasn’t that far from the boutique – it was twenty minutes if you walked, but ten if you hoofed it. The area was fairly close to the middle-class district of Canterlot, so it wasn’t as frequented as streets closer to the princess’s castle. Though the middle-class had its own thriving community, it had a lot more abandoned and foreclosed buildings due to failing businesses. And Tempest just so happened to be walking into one of these abandoned buildings by the time her stalkers caught up.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Half-Six were watching suspiciously behind a stack of barrels (which earned several strange looks from passing ponies.) They had just spotted the tail end of their target before she slammed the door shut behind her. The building’s faded paint and chipped walls gave it a feeling of total neglect while the broken windows were boarded up halfheartedly with only two planks each, like someone couldn’t put for the effort to do a proper job. It looked like there used to be an electric sign on top, but all that was left was a giant “H” and a tilted “Y.”

“That does not look up to code,” Moon Dancer commented.

“Whatcha think Tempest’s doin’ in there?” asked Apple Bloom curiously.

“Maybe it’s her secret hideout,” Scootaloo suggested. “Or maybe she’s using it for shady business deals. Or maybe she’s using it as a secret sugar cube lab.”

“Your aunts still letting you watch cop dramas?” said Sweetie Belle.

“What? They’re good!” Scootaloo retorted.

“Okay, being a thief is one thing,” Sunset spoke up. “But Tempest wouldn’t be caught up in something illegal sugar cubes. I’m sure there’s a reason able explanation why she’s hiding out in an abandoned building far away where nobody can see what she’s doing.”

“Like?” asked Starlight.

“…Maybe she’s practicing her dancing for the gala?” Sunset suggested sheepishly.

The others remained silent with unconvinced stares.

Their attention was drawn back to the building when a thunderous CRASH rang out from inside. Another crash followed that one, and then the window was smashed open when a table was thrown through the boards and broke into splinters on the street. Through the open window, they caught repeated glimpses of light flashes that could only come from Tempest’s horn discharge. The violet mare herself was yelling as more objects were being tossed outside.

“Tempest is in trouble!” Starlight yelled.

“We’re coming, Tempest!” screamed Sunset.

Sunset, Starlight, and Moon Dancer sprint across the road and barrel through the door (busting it off it hinges in the process.) The Cutie Mark Crusaders were, of course, behind them the whole time. They had arrived just in time to witness Tempest turn a table into a pile of ash with her horn…while Twilight and Trixie evaluated her work.

Team Stalker did a doubletake.

The inside of the building looked just as bad as the outside; rotted wooden floorboards filled with holes, peeling and smudged wallpaper, and dozens of termite-chewed wooden furniture littering the space. But the bar area seemed perfectly intact and ever had a few old bottles still left on the shelves. There was also a stage in the back that had been outfitted with new curtains that matched Trixie’s cape.

Speaking of whom, Twilight, Trixie, and Tempest were all wearing hardhats and safety goggles; Trixie had replaced her signature cape with a star-spangled safety vest. Twilight was holding a clipboard, checking something off the list, and Trixie had been floating another table to Tempest when the mares barged in.

“Hey, Trixie was going to keep that door!” Trixie shouted indignantly. “Now Trixie will have to pay for a new one!”

“Relax, Trixie, you can just use your Savior of Equestria discount at the hardware store,” said Twilight calmly, rolling her eyes at the stagemare’s dramatics.

“It’s still rude!” said Trixie.

“Sunset? Starlight? Moon Dancer? Kids?” Tempest called them out, lifting her safety goggles. “What’re you doing here?”

“We were, uh, just in the neighborhood,” said Apple Bloom lamely.

“In the middle-class district?” said Tempest strangely. “Twenty minutes from the boutique I just saw you at? And you happened to be walking past this particular place?”

“I was, uh, taking them to play hoofball with Spitfire,” Sunset intervened quickly. “Scootaloo is a huge Wonderbolts fan, so I invited everyone to come play a game with us.”

“Really?!” Scootaloo squeed until Apple Bloom elbowed her in the side.

Tempest looked at them suspiciously, tapping her muzzle, then said, “Yeah, I guess that makes sense.”

Team Stalker exhaled simultaneous sighs of relief.

“That doesn’t explain why you suddenly came crashing through all of a sudden,” Twilight pointed.

“How would you react if you saw a table being thrown out the window?” Starlight retorted.

“Fair enough,” Twilight conceded.

“What’re you doing in here, anyway?” asked Moon Dancer, stepping further inside the building and looking around. Her hoof nearly went through the rotted floor. “This place is a disaster.”

“Trixie is well aware of these facts, Moon Dancer,” said Trixie. “That is why Trixie has brought in Tempest to help renovate the place while Twilight handles the boring paperwork stuff.”

“It’s not ‘boring paperwork stuff’, Trixie!” Twilight huffed, waving her clipboard. “This is all very important! There are zoning laws and property records. Not to mention the financial estimates for the contractors and long-term supply needs – “

“See, boring paperwork stuff,” said Trixie flippantly; Twilight huffed grumpily.

“Are you building something, Miss Trixie?” asked Sweetie Belle.

“Right you are, little unicorn filly that Trixie does not know!” Trixie announced dramatically, swishing a cape that wasn’t there. “Be amazed, as you are standing on the grounds that will soon become the Great and Powerful Trixie’s great and powerful new place of business!”

“What happened to your wagon?” asked Starlight, momentarily worried.

“Oh, Trixie will still use it as a mobile headquarters,” said Trixie nonchalantly, then gestured widely at the building around them. “But this place…. This will be the location for Trixie’s inevitably successful entertainment bar!”

“An entertainment bar?! What’s that?!” Apple Bloom asked; she and the Crusaders were easily influenced by the stagemare’s charisma.

“It’s just like it sounds, little Apple Bloom,” said Trixie, grinning proudly. “It will be a place where Trixie will be able to perform her magic shows on a regular schedule instead of having to waiting for other ponies to hire Trixie. A lesson Trixie learned from her brief stint with Twilight Sparkle as Trixie’s manager.”

“That only lasted ten minutes,” Twilight pointed out.

The stagemare ignored the comment and canter over to the stage, gesturing it dramatically.

“This is where Trixie will be performing all of her Great and Powerful shows!” she announced enthusiastically. “And it won’t just be Trixie, either! Other ponies will be allowed to perform on stage as well! Surprise from the Wonderbolts has already booked a performance for opening night. Turns out, she also joined an acapella quartet.”

Trixie bound over to the bar area, leaping over the holes in the floorboard. The Cutie Mark Crusaders were enthralled by Trixie’s ideas and Starlight giggled behind her hoof, thinking how much Trixie was acting like an overexcited filly herself.

“And this is where Trixie will hold her side business,” Trixie announced, gesturing to the countertop. “Trixie expects to mostly sell Fizzy Fruit Potions, but it can also double as an apothecary. How many bars do you know that sell magical potions that heal most known ailments? None! That’s how many! Trixie will be a pioneer in the industry!”

“That is…a really cool idea, to be honest,” said Sunset, sounding genuinely surprised herself.

“Why’d you suddenly decide to open a bar?” asked Starlight curiously.

“Trixie has traveled all over across Equestria for many years,” said Trixie with a forlorn look. “She has never stayed anywhere longer than a few weeks. Trixie was always moving from one place to the next. Never stopping, never settling. And then Daybreaker came, Trixie made some new friends, and before Trixie realized it, Trixie had been staying in Canterlot for three months. Sure, Trixie still plans on traveling some time, but Trixie decided it was time she finally put down her roots in Canterlot.”

“Hence the bar,” said Moon Dancer.

“That sounds awesome!” said Scootaloo. “I’m totally rooting for you, Trixie!”

“Thank you, pegasus filly with the defective wings,” said Trixie. Moon Dancer scowled and used her horn to rip up a loose plank and smack her over the head with it. “Ow! What did Trixie do?!”

“Instead of envisioning you dream pub,” Tempest’s voice cut like a record scratch, bringing everyone back to the present, “how ‘bout you help make it a reality. I’m not gonna clean up this place by myself, just so you know.”

“Right, sorry, Tempest,” Twilight apologized. She used her horn to pull up a broom and dustpan, sweeping up the ashen remains of the table, and dump it in a large garbage bag that had been off to the side. “Why don’t you take that out back and we’ll get started fixing up this place.”

“Fine by me,” said Tempest, grabbing the bag with her teeth. “Could use a licorice break.”

After Tempest had dragged the bag outside and closed the door behind her, Twilight rounded on Team Stalker, startling them.

“Okay, what’s really going on here?” Twilight asked seriously; Trixie blinked, confused. “Why are Apple Bloom and her friends here? And why are you following Tempest?”

“Wha-a-a-at?” said Sunset exaggeratedly. “We’re not following Tempest. I told you, we were just going to play hoofball with Spitfire – “

“Princess Luna and her friends are all having a spa day,” Twilight cut her off. “I know – I’m the one who schedule it.”

“Drat!” Sunset cursed under her breath. “Why does she have to be so efficient?”

“Trixie is confused,” said Trixie. “Then again, Trixie is confused about most topics that aren’t about Trixie.”

“It’s our fault, Twilight,” Apple Bloom admitting, stepping forward with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. “We was just wonderin’ what Tempest’s Cutie Mark looked like, on account that we’re tryin’ to get our Cutie Marks.”

“But no one’s ever seen Tempest without her cloak,” Scootaloo continued. “So we asked Moon Dancer to get us into Canterlot so we could investigate.”

“Then it kind of snowballed from there,” said Sweetie Belle. “Before we knew it, everybody wanted to find out about Tempest’s Cutie Mark. We went to her favorite stealing corner, the boutique, and now here. It’s been a lo-o-ong day.”

“I see,” Twilight hummed thoughtfully. “Well, I can’t say I approve of your stalking one of our friends…,” The Cutie Mark Crusaders hanged their heads shamefully. “On the other hoof, now I re-e-eally wanna know what Tempest’s Cutie Mark looked like.”

“Right?!” Sunset exclaimed. “I mean, how is it we’ve known her for months and we’ve never seen it before?”

“Isn’t her Cutie Mark just the same shape as her Element Necklace or whatever it’s called?” Trixie suggested.

“We have no way of know that,” said Twilight, running an excited high at the thought of solving a seemingly world-changing mystery. For once, Trixie was the one rolling her eyes at Twilight’s ridiculousness. “We should come up with a plan to find out what she’s hiding underneath her cloak.”

“Why don’t we just ask her?” Trixie suggested.

“Ask who what?”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Mane Five jumped with startled screams at Tempest, who had suddenly popped up behind them, nibbling on a rope of (black, bleck!) licorice.

“Are you guys okay?” asked Tempest, looking at them all strangely. “You’ve been acting weird all day.”

“No, no, we’re all fine – super fine!” said Twilight, her muzzle stretched into an obviously fake smile. “We were just, um, saying how excited we all are about Trixie’s new bar.”

Tempest kept staring at Twilight, who felt a trick of sweat running down the side of her head, then shrugged uncaringly, finished her licorice, and went back to work. Twilight let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Tempest shattered another rotted chair with her hooves when Twilight noticed a bead of sweat on her brow. A lightbulb went off in the unicorn’s head.

“Gee, you sure look hot, Tempest,” Twilight said exaggeratedly, which cause the others to wince. She was a terrible actress.

“Don’t let Sunset hear you say that,” said Tempest teasingly, smashing another chair.

“You know that’s not what I meant!” Twilight yelped, blushing with embarrassment. She took a deep breath to cool down and continued. “I was saying, it’s really hot inside here. You know, without any working fans or air conditioning. Maybe you should take off your cloak so you don’t overheat.”

“This is nothing compared to what we went through with Daybreaker,” said Tempest proudly, bucking a table against the wall and smashing it to splinters.

“Well, that’s true,” Twilight agreed. “Well…you don’t want your cloak to get dirty, right? Maybe you should – “

“What does your Cutie Mark look like?” Trixie asked impatiently.

Everypony (minus Tempest) exhaled startled gasps, all staring at Trixie with bulging eyes and dropped jaws. Like they couldn’t believe that Trixie could blurt that out so bluntly and without warning. Trixie, on the other hand, felt like she was the only smart pony in the group, which was… a very strange feeling, if she was being perfectly honest.

“My Cutie Mark?” Tempest repeated. She looked at the group and something clicked inside her head. “Wait, is that what this was all about? You just wanted to see my Cutie Mark?”

“Um…yes?” Moon Dancer replied sheepishly.

“We’re sorry, Tempest,” Apple Bloom apologized sincerely. “We just wanted ta know what yer Cutie Mark looked like so bad because, well, because yer our hero.”

“We wanted to learn more about how we could get out own Cutie Marks from you guys,” said Scootaloo, gesturing to the Mane Six. “Then we started talking about how no one’s ever seen Tempest’s Cutie Mark.”

“We kind of became obsessed with find out that we forgot the original purpose of this trip,” Sweetie Belle admitted sheepishly.

“They’re not the only ones,” said Starlight, scratching the back of her head. “It’s just…I don’t know. We’ve known you for months and it find a little strange that you never told us.”

“You could’ve just asked,” said Tempest calmly.

“Trixie told you!” Trixie shouted victory. “Looks likie Trixie is the smart pony now! …Ew, Trixie doesn’t like it. Take it back.”

“We – well, mostly I – was kind of worried how you might react after the whole sleepover thing,” said Sunset. “So we…kinda tried to sneak a peek back at the Canterlot Carousel.”

“And tried to trick you into taking your cloak off,” Twilight added.

“Well, I’m torn between being flattered and disturbed,” said Tempest jokingly, earning herself a few chuckles. “Hey, it’s fine. If you guys wanna see what’s on my flank, all you have to do is say so.”

“Can we see your Cutie Mark?!” The Cutie Mark Crusaders shouted in unison. Tempest laughed out loud.

“All right, all right, hold your horses,” said Tempest amusingly.

The violet mare started by removing her scarf, purposely slow as to entice her audience. And it worked, too, because the Crusaders and the Mane Five were leaning forward in anticipation. Then, the moment they were all waiting for, Tempest removed the clasp on her cloak and let it fall to the floor.

Everypony gasped in shock.

“You’re…a blank flank?” Scootaloo gasped.

“That’s right,” said Tempest, tapping the empty space on her flank where not even the barest hint of a Cutie Mark resided. “I don’t really try to hide it, but…well, Grubber said the cloak looked cool on me and I kinda agree with him. Makes me look cool and mysterious.”

“You never found your Cutie Mark?” asked Twilight dumbfoundedly.

“I tried for a while when I was a filly,” said Tempest, touching her broken horn. “But after certain…events, I pretty much stopped trying.”

“That’s so sad,” said Sweetie Belle remorsefully. “You never found your true purpose.”

“Hey, I don’t need some tattoo on my butt to tell me what my purpose is,” said Tempest, smirking confidently. “I know who I am. I’m Tempest Shadow – thief, friend, savior of the kingdom, and best-looking mare in Equestria.” She winked in Sunset’s direction. The sunny mare looked away, blushing. “Just because I never found my Cutie Mark, doesn’t mean I don’t have value. As long as I have my friends – and pockets to pick – I’ll proudly be a blank flank.”

“…so cool,” Scootaloo murmured in starry-eyed awe.

“Ya know, ah never thought about it like that,” said Apple Bloom, smiling at her friends. “Ah guess there’s nothin’ wrong with being a blank flank, as long as ah have Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo with meh. So if Diamond Tiara starts makin’ fun o’ us again, we’ll just say, ‘We’re blank and we’re proud!’”

“Good for you, Apple Bloom,” said Moon Dancer, ruffling the filly’s mane.

“Still…,” said Apple Bloom, looking sadly up at Tempest. “Ah wish there was some way we could help ya find your Cutie Mark, even if y’all don’t need it.”

“…Maybe we should,” said Sweetie Belle.

“Huh?” Scootaloo quipped strangely.

“Come again?” said Apple Bloom.

“Maybe we’ve been going about this the wrong way,” said Sweetie Belle inspirationally. “Maybe instead of focusing on finding our own Cutie Marks, maybe our purpose in life is to help other ponies finding their Cutie Marks. Help them find their purpose in life.”

“…Well, that’s just plum crazy,” Apple Bloom dismissed.

“Yeah, whoever heard of a Cutie Mark for helping other ponies find their Cutie Marks?” Scootaloo scoffed.

“But – “

“Hey, ah got an idea!” Apple Bloom suddenly chirped. “What ‘bout a Cutie Mark fer bungie jumpin’!”

“Yeah! Let’s jump off the side of the mountain and see if we can get out Cutie Marks!” said Scootaloo excitedly.

“Oh, no! That is definitely not safe!” Moon Dancer screamed, chasing Apple Bloom and Scootaloo out of the building. “You fillies get back here before you hurt yourselves!”

“Why do I even bother?” Sweetie Belle sighed exasperatedly, trudging out the door after them.

The remaining members of the Mane Six shared amused looks and all came to the same idea: They are never having kids.

Author's Note:

Like I said in a comment back in chapter one, Tempest needs to grow more than her fellow Element Bearers and her lack of a Cutie Mark is a reflection of that. There is still something holding her back from fulfilling her true purpose in life.

Also, what do you think the name of Trixie's bar should be? I don't have a name yet, so I'm open to suggestions.

Next time: Starlight takes over as substitute teacher at Princess Luna's School for Gifted Unicorns. But some lessons are harder to learn than others, and even harder to teach.