• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 1,229 Views, 92 Comments

Son of the Howlite Howler - JNKing

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Chapter 10: The New Foe

Kodo led Celestia out to a balcony that overlooked all of Canterlot. As Celestia gazed at the streets below, she noticed several ponies creeping through the streets. One of them was spray-painting ‘Celestia rules forever,’ before a patrol of diamond dogs chased them away. She turned her gaze to Kodo, who stood right alongside her.

“This won’t work on all of them,” she noted. “There are some ponies who never give up.”

“Maybe,” Kodo admitted. “But this worked on the ponies of the Crystal Empire. And I just want to keep these ponies from doing something that’ll force me to use… less-than-savory methods.” He nudged her forward. “Go ahead. This is for both of our sakes.”

Biting back a growl from her inner darkness, Celestia stepped closer to the edge. Taking a deep breath, she let her Royal Canterlot Voice loose.

“Ponies of Canterlot,” she declared in a powerful voice. “Hear me now.”

The resistance ponies paused, as did their diamond dog pursuers. All eyes turned to her, as she flared her wings to make sure they saw her.

“The Son of the Howlite Howler knows of your attempts to resist his rule. Though your dedication to me is admirable, it is only going to get you hurt.”

The resistance ponies flattened their ears, as their diamond dog captors grinned in victory.

“As your Princess,” Celestia continued. “I ask that you work with the diamond dogs and changelings…” she grinned. “Until their rightful Alpha has been returned to their side.”

Kodo’s ears flicked, and darkness briefly flared around him, but hope still shined in the eyes of her subjects. They dropped their spray paint cans, and meandered away from the diamond dogs, who didn’t seem to understand the double meaning behind their words.

“Equestria will survive,” Celestia continued to assure the ponies. “Never doubt in the power of Harmony and Friendship.” She turned to Kodo with a perked eyebrow.

Kodo bowed his head in thanks, though his grin was fleeting. “Shiva was a far better ruler than me,” he noted. “Wasn’t she?”

Celestia’s gaze became piteous. She extended a wing over Kodo as they went back inside.

“My heart aches at your loss,” she said. “But rest assured; Fluttershy and Spike will do everything they can to get her back.”

“Even if she does…” Kodo noted, glancing up at Celestia with regret. “My dogs and I have done so much damage. I wouldn’t blame your subjects if they wanted me banished… or imprisoned…”

“Or banished and imprisoned?” Celestia asked coyly. Kodo blinked up at her.

“That’s a thing?” he asked.

“Some of my subjects seem to believe so,” she admitted with a laugh. Her laugh faded as she saw the nervousness in the young canine’s eyes. “But I have to admit you’re not like some of the other adversaries my ponies have faced.” She paused. “Actually… there is someone that would know what you are going through?” She leaned forward conspiratorially. “And there is a way you can talk to her.”

Kodo turned to her, suspicion battling intrigue. “Who?” he asked.

Celestia grinned… before the door before them burst open. Luke staggered in, gasping for breath.

“Dad?” Kodo asked, keeping a pack link wrapped around Celestia’s neck as he ran to his father’s side. “What happened? Where are the other princesses?”

Luke gazed up at Kodo. And in his father’s eyes, Kodo saw…

“We have a serious problem,” Luke admitted.


Every changeling that had sided with Kodo now stood before him. Each of them with a pack link wrapped around their necks.

“I swear to you,” the lead changeling insisted. “We had nothing to do with Chrysalis’ Hive. Just as they turned Celestia on us, they’re trying to turn you on us.”

Kodo’s ears remained flat. Though his pack links assured him he was telling the truth, fear still coursed through his gut.

Changelings,” Sombra spat. “Ever the deceitful little bugs. Your mother never should have sided with them.”

“These ones sided with me,” Kodo insisted. “They cared, despite…”

Kodo’s ears perked. “Has there been any word from your queen?” he demanded. “Vespin Hive?”

The changeling shook his head. “N-None,” he insisted.

“And Celine still hasn’t reported back…” Kodo admitted with a growl. He turned back to Luke. “Luna and Twilight are going to have to wait. We can’t march on them with a fractured army.”

Luke stepped forward. “We’re going to find your sister?” he asked.

Kodo, be careful,” Sombra advised. “If you leave Luna and Twilight unopposed...”

But what if Vespin doesn’t approve?” Kodo demanded. “I can’t have these changelings fight against their mother! And worse… what if something’s happened to Celine? What if she never made it!” He gazed towards Ponyville – towards the mirror that held his mother. “What if I’ve lost her and can’t get her back?”


Unknown to Kodo, Celine was currently tracking her way into the northeastern borders of Equestria. A large lake stood out before her, the moutains blocked her path north, and the Boreal forest covered the rest of her pathway. To her immense relief, she scented changelings, and swore she could see the green outlines of hidden changelings.

She tilted her head up. “Changelings of Vespin Hive,” she called. “I am Beta Celine; Daughter of Alpha Shiva of Outer Haven. I beseech you for your aid!”

On cue, the rocks around her erupted into green flames. The changelings of Vespin Hive appeared before her, a few with weapons, but more gazed on her with kindly eyes.

Celine bowed her head and showed her unarmed claws and chest in a show of submission.

“Please,” she asked. “Take me to the Queen.”

The changelings moved to her, when…


They looked up. Princess Scorpia raced towards them, followed by Skippy and Shining Armor.

“Princess!” the changelings whispered, bowing to her as Scorpia skidded to a halt before Celine.

“Celine, as much as it pains me to ask,” Scorpia said. “You must not let Kodo deceive you with Sombra’s lies. He…”

“Princess Scorpia,” Celine assured her. “Calm yourself. I’m not here to recruit the changelings for Kodo.”

They paused, every eye turning to her with shock. Shining stepped forward.

“But… he’s your brother,” he noted.

“Which is why I’m not going to fuel his delusions,” Celine replied, turning back to the changelings. “I wish to ask for your aid… in stopping his madness.”

Shining, Skippy and Scorpia almost deflated with relief.

“Then it sounds like we’re all on the same page,” Skippy noted.


A sentiment that sadly did not extend to Celine’s family.

If you go after your sister, Canterlot will not hold,” Sombra insisted.

And if Luna and Twilight are allowed to roam free, they will destroy my hold on it anyway,” Kodo repeated in a surly growl. “As if I didn’t hear it the first dozen times.” He walked out onto the balcony that overlooked Canterlot. “But if my sister is hurt, I can’t just stand by and let her die out there alone!”

She’ll die anyway if the ponies are allowed to overcome you!”Sombra pointed out.

Kodo growled, gazing up at the sky… only to notice an odd darkness falling over the sun. The diamond dogs and ponies noticed it as well. All eyes turned skyward as a dark cloud surged towards the balcony of the Canterlot Palace.

Sombra, are you doing that?” Kodo asked.

“No…” Sombra admitted. “This is… something else.”

Soon enough, the cloud parted – and a strange airship came out of its dark folds.
Kodo snarled. His pack link spiraled out, linking to his father, his diamond dogs... and to the ponies.

Ponies of Canterlot,” he boomed through his link. “Whatever this threat is, let us face it together. Whatever qualms you have with me can and will be settled. But not if whatever this is subjects you to a fate worse than death!”

Reluctantly, the ponies agreed, taking comfort as his link wrapped around them and empowered them with the strength of the diamond dogs and changelings.

Kodo stepped forward, a bright ball of energy once again making him look like Shiva reborn, while the airship settled before his balcony, and a ramp descended to the marble surface.

Kodo narrowed his eyes, twin axes of magic spiraling to life in his claws, as… a small hedgehog like creature waddled out with some kind of box. Settling it on the ground, the box turned into some kind of microphone, which he promptly began speaking into.

“Ponies… and… otherwise… of Equestria,” the hedgehog creature lisped. “We come on behalf of the fearsome, the powerful, the almighty… Storm King!”

The airship unfurled some sort of banner, depicting a yeti-like creature in dark armor that clashed greatly with his white fur. Kodo perked an eyebrow as the diamond dogs growled and the ponies nickered.

“This is terrible,” Kodo heard one pony whisper.

Stand fast,” he assured her. “These fiends are no match for a unified front.”

“And now,” the hedgehog continued. “To deliver the evil-evil message…”

“Evil?” Kodo muttered. “Really?”

“Put your hooves… and uh, claws, I guess,” he admitted, glancing at the diamond dogs slowly gathering around him. “For Commander Tempest Shadow!”

Behind him, a dark purple pony strolled out, clad in the same dark armor as the yeti on the banners above her. Strangely, Kodo noticed a cracked horn on her head, crackling and sparking with magic. It went well with an additional scar down one of her gray-green eyes.

Huffing, Kodo shoved the hedgehog out of the way, stepping up the ramp before the unicorn could descend.

“So,” Kodo noted. “Evil Storm King, huh?”

The unicorn rolled her eyes. “He used to be a theater major,” she replied.

Kodo nodded. “Understandable.” He grinned. “So, let me guess: you’re here to take over Canterlot? Steal something from the princesses?” Kodo cracked his knuckles. “Because I’m afraid you’re going to have to wait in line.”

“Not a problem,” Tempest replied with a breezy tone. “The Storm King heard about your little conquest, and he was hoping you'd be a little more agreeable than the Princesses."

"Depends," Kodo replied. "What does he want."

"The princesses," Tempest replied, before pausing. "Well, not even them, just their magic. Hand them over like a good dog, and I’ll consider letting you keep this…” She shot Canterlot a slightly disguised look. “’Eyesore’ of a palace.”

Kodo narrowed his eyes. He felt Celestia among his links. A strange… dual feeling sparked with her. Kodo felt a slight hint of fear, and yet also of rage. Of disbelief that some whelp controlled her fate.

Kodo, however, kept his eyes on the unicorn.

“Even if I had all the princesses,” he replied. “I’m afraid I have my own use for them. They took my mother from me, and I intend to get her back.”

Tempest raised an eyebrow. “They took your mother?”

No, we didn’t!” Celestia’s thoughts snapped before she could stop them. But Tempest tsked before Kodo could think on that.

“Low,” she admitted. “But not my problem.” She stepped closer. “Either give them up nicely, or we make this difficult.”

Kodo peered into her eyes. “I get the sense that you want us to choose difficult,” he noted, before sending a thought to his pack. As one, they lifted their spears, and fired...

Only for the spells to fizzle out as they struck what had to be at least a dozen ships. Ships that promptly deposited several yeti like creatures. One diamond dog blasted another spell at them, but the spell fizzled out against the yeti’s armor.

“It’s magic resistant!” Kodo yelled. “Aim for their white…”

But before he could continue, Tempest withdrew a strange green ball, hurling it at Kodo. Dodging, Kodo briefly saw the orb explode in a burst of obsidian before he caught the ramp with his axes.

Flipping over to the other side, he kicked Tempest onto the balcony and began dueling fiercely with her, as his diamond dogs engaged the yetis.

Forgetting their spells, several diamond dogs dove into the ground, yanking down the yetis as they engaged with either the ponies or the changelings. Luke himself seized the hedgehog creature and used him as a ball and chain, bashing several of the yetis to the ground.

However, Kodo didn’t have long to watch his army. His main problem was Tempest. The unicorn was unlike anything he had ever fought. Foregoing her magic aside from the strange obsidian orbs, she enveloped him in a barrage of kicks and judo-throws that left him skidding and bouncing around the balcony like a rag doll.

Snarling at his lack of progress, Kodo blasted one of the orbs out of the air, and called upon Sombra. Seizing control of the obsidian that came from the orb, the dark king managed to catch Tempest off guard with a barrage of obsidian spears. The unicorn backflipped to avoid them, only for Kodo to catch her with a slash across the shoulder.

Her shoulder pad came away with his claws, and he promptly used it to bat aside a fourth orb. Spinning, he threw the shoulder pad right into her neck, knocking the wind from her and allowing him to go for a hopefully fatal bite to the eyes.

However, as he lunged at her, her horn lit up like a firework, blasting him back again while also knocking her against the balcony.

Catching the balcony bannister with his axes, Kodo smashed his way through the balcony floor and hurled two pack links at Tempest. Though she managed to catch one with another orb, the other pack link caught her around her neck.

And Kodo dove into her mind. He saw a scared filly. An Ursa Major bearing down on her. Her horn snapping in half. Other ponies abandoning her. Leaving her because she couldn’t use magic. Because she was different. Leaving her alone.

Kodo paused, carefully exerting control over her so she couldn’t attack him.

“That’s why you joined this Storm King,” he realized. “Friendship failed you.”

Tempest blinked up at him. “W-What are you talking about?” she demanded.

Kodo concentrated, and let his memories burrow into her mind. His mother’s suffering. Carving a life out for herself. Having him and his sister.

And then… Kodo flinched as it spiraled out before him. The ponies blasting at him. Shiva leaping to his defense. And her vanishing in a blinding flash of light.

Tempest’s struggles ceased. Her frown was almost… piteous.

“And it seems it failed you too,” she noted.

Kodo nodded… before an idea occurred to him. He gazed up at her, letting the memory of Celestia in a cell and Cadence in obsidian flash before her eyes.

“I have two of the princesses,” he bartered. “Two more remain free.”

He let her see his memories of them, hiding in Ponyville, before adding the thought of his sister. Alone and forsaken.

“Take the princesses,” Kodo offered. “Let me concentrate on finding my family. And their magic is yours.”

Tempest nodded. Adding her strength to his link, he extended his pack link to the yetis – Storm Creatures, Tempest called them.

Forget Canterlot,” Tempest ordered through the link. “We march on Ponyville.”

The Storm Creatures obeyed, stepping back from the diamond dogs.

Yet, as the two sides stood down, and Tempest and Kodo shook claw and hoof, Kodo still felt Celestia watching him.

Staring at him in utter betrayal. While her mane started to glow golden. And her look of betrayal and sadness turned to rage.

Apologies, Celestia,” Kodo whispered. “But I need to find my sister. And this… Tempest Shadow is the perfect distraction.”

Author's Note:

So, yeah, Tempest and her cronies show up a little earlier in this version, and are going to be a problem for Twilight and Luna.

What do you guys think of this change to the timeline? I'd really love to hear your feedback.

Thanks as always for reading. :pinkiehappy: