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What can you do when the girl who falls into your life, changing everything for the better. Suddenly breaks your heart and leaves?

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 33 )

Wait, so is the entire story just a flashback?

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Nov 12th, 2020

I don't recall what you said your name is. Let's start over. I am Twilight Sparkle.

Actually, I think he did.

I’m not cruel, just cynical. It come with the territory… When life keeps you down… You know the old saying?

Twilight’s expression softens.

I’m not familiar with those sayings in particular… but I understand the meaning. I am sorry.

I don’t know the saying. Also, aren’t they the same thing?

Eternally sorry?

What does that mean?

Her voluminous hair thins out into a main while a purple pink streaked tail sprouts from her rear.

What does that mean?

Your cheeks dampen. Tears break free. Tiny twinkling motes refracting the innocence of a new dawn.

What does that mean?

The pening is in the present. Then he thinks back on their first meeting togeteher. I felt the first meeting is the most important so it is fleshed out in the first 3 chapters.Chapter 4 will lead back into the present. I have some other ideas but I don't want to spoil anything quite yet.

Thanks for the suggestions. I fixed my wording in these spots. I hope they are easier to understand.

The point I am trying to make in the last line is that even with all the hardships in his life Alex hasn't lost his innosence. I changed dawn to new sunrise but it means the same thing. The main chracter now has a fresh start or a new outlook onlife. I may have gone a little overboard with the poetry aspect of it:rainbowlaugh:

Going by how the reader is basically Alex, this story seems like it should have a "second person" tag since it's a second-person, not first or third person.

After an hour-long discussion, you managed to partially smooth thing of with the landlord. She was still angry you quit your job and had no money for rent. Luckily, depending on how you looked at, you had a one-month deadline to find a source of income. With that head out of the way you entered your apartment. The red light on your answering machine was blinking. Begrudgingly, you press the play button.

Wait, no apology or nothing?

Recreating an ancient spell, written by an arch mage.

When did that happen?

I am the Princess of Friendship after all…

I thought she was a unicorn.

Your right Twilight, I have never been afraid. I have never been able to take that next step. Until I met you… I am a better man because of you. I agree this isn’t a game anymore. I want to change all of that.

I don’t think that’s what she said.

I love you Twilight! My sole is yours now and forever!

There is slight color shift in the gem. Whether by your tears or the suns rays refracting off its faucets you don’t know.

Wow, that took a depressing turn.

Good catch. Tag has been added :twilightsmile:

The section with with the arch mage refers to starswirls spell when she become an alicorn. to the show same as the princss of friendship stuff. Rather than write out every conversation and intereaction they shared. I did a breif recap of kep events in the show. As he told her earlier on his life wasnt very interesting..
good catch It. I need to remove the never part.

The last part I was going for sad but as I wrote it got extremely depressing. I did re work a bit of it. The first draft had me wanting to jump it was that depressings :facehoof:

Ohh, I assumed she never went back over those nine years. Also, what never part?

In the flask back after he leads her away the small section is where he learns her stories.

The part that had never was fixed already. So it wont be found.

I may have something else in the works pertaining to this story depending on how well it is recieved or even readers want more. :twilightblush:

Sorry, you didn’t push the reply button so I didn’t see this. Also, what tag did you added?

The second person tag was added

Nice catch. I added the 2nd person tag I hope you enjoyed the read :)

Ohh, I thought it was already there.

Damn, I don’t know who’s break down was worse.

I said the same thing when I was writing it. It was paintful to put Twilight through that :raritycry:

Why are there no quotation marks for a majority of the story? I don’t know why you did that, it makes it hard to tell which are the inner thoughts and which are actual lines of dialogue. If you’re trying to make this like it was the past or something, then you still need quotations regardless.

Sorry for the confusion, and thanks for the advice I will add the quotations in tomorrow after work.

The dialog has been fixed. All internal thought are qoute free. All outword conversations and shouts now have quotation marks.

The aftermath of your outcry shook Equestria to its core. Canterlot City was in shambles and the outlying towns were also a mess. Canterlot took brunt of the magical discharge. Several days had passed since the incident. Suffering from serious injuries you were quarantined to your bed chambers. Royal meetings and court proceedings were split up amongst your advisors and overseen by Spike himself.

Damn, I knew it was bad, but I didn’t think it was that bad.

Your wounds were healing, and you were breathing on your own, but for some reason the doctors were unable to figure out why you were still in a vegetative state. Magical scans showed no sign of brain trauma and your magic aura was at stable levels.

What does that mean?

Starlight, glaring at the dragon, spoke using her principal voice.

"No more questions Spike. Go and get Sunset."

B*tch, you in my castle.

Spike relaxed his guard a bit, nodding his agreement. Starlight watched the little dragon go. When the doors closed Starlight spoke.

"Good... He doesn't need to see what comes next."

What are they planning on doing?

"I never once brought up your… Ahem… Posterior."

He hasn’t?

"Silly princess I have been waiting ten years for you to say those words."


I’m actually glad the story ended this way, because he did not deserve to be in that world.

I'm glad you liked it. When I finished the revesion I thought about going back to Earth or maybe sowhere inbetween. I have some ideas floating around, but I have put off my main story for too long and it is time to continue with that one. Maybe I might revist this one with a sequal. It seemed to get quite a bit of attention.

Although just out of curiosity, how did Alex get to equestria?

The crown. Its tied to Twi. When his tears touch the gem his love and longing allowed the crown to pull him through.

Ohh. Because that was a little bit confusing for me.

Yea I made it vague so as not to spoil it early on. I may have to take a look at that scene again.

Yea, i wasn’t really able to tell if the spell did it or anything. It also made it confusing on who was supposed to teleport to who.

9 outta 10 to me. I understand the whole thing and it's a relaxing story to read. Excluding the horrible thoughts, but still, I didn't regret to put this on my "read it later" list cuz it's a great story. Keep on the good work bud!!

Thanks for the like and the kind words. Iam glad you liked it :)

I love that you chose the Kotobukiya Twilight statue for the cover art! I actually have the Luna one with the Celestia one on the way!

Thanks 😄
I wrote this story at the same time I recieved my LE variant and I shaded the picture to represent the feelings I got from the story 😄
Grats on the Luna. She is amazing as a piece. I Have a few still on preorder.

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