• Published 17th Nov 2020
  • 4,473 Views, 919 Comments

Worlds Apart: The Chosen of the Prognosticus - GMSeskii

A Void appears, threatening to destroy all worlds. Twilight is chosen to travel the multiverse and save it from an untimely demise. A reimagining of Super Paper Mario with ponies and a few twists. Each world is a different crossover. Complete!

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The Ultimate Show

Author's Note:

Been a while since I thought something needed boss music...

-GM, master of ENJOY!

Without Tippi, Twilight knew the Elements couldn’t be focused properly in the way she’d been using them, so she didn’t even try. Sensing the same barrier around Dimentio that had been around Count Bleck, she knew she needed to try something desperate. She focused all her energy into the Element of Magic and turned it all pitch black. Her eyes became inky pits of nothingness and she pointed her horn right at the monstrosity that was Dimentio.

“My my, what forbidden magic you know!” Dimentio cackled. “I do wonder, where did you pick up that one?”

“You’d be surprised what you can find in the restricted section.”

“The Death of Time has generally unpleasant consequences whenever cast… I think I’ll just…” Dimentio clapped his massive hands together and suddenly all Twilight’s built up dark magic was gone, just like that. “Yes, that’s much better.”

Twilight stared at him in shocked fear. “How did…”

“I am one of the oldest magicians in the multiverse and I have the direct power of the Chaos Heart and this baffles you? C'est la vie…” He flicked her to the side like a fly. “I invented the precursor to that spell, Princess. I’ve been through many separate systems of magic from before your world was even born, and I’ve synthesized them together through the bonds of realities that don’t exist anymore. I am the magician! You’re just an imitation of the art I’ve perfected. How about a demonstration?” He cocked his massive head, and suddenly Twilight was frozen solid. Then she was on fire. Then she was made entirely out of bees. Then she was back to her normal self except she had no eyes. He restored her eyes, but drained her energy to an absolutely basic level, she couldn’t even stand.

“Do you understand now?”

“Y-yes…” Twilight said.

“If only our precious Count had the required background to truly make use of this Heart. Such a shame it will never choose me directly, I’m the only one who actually knows how to use it. Those Ancients were amateurs. So!” He turned to the rest of the heroes. “Who wants to go next?”

Toph and Vivian attacked in unison, launching fire and massive chunks of the wall at him. He let them hit him, bouncing right off his dark barrier. “I was hoping for a better show, but clearly only Twilight knows anything interesting…” He slapped Toph aside, embedding her in one of the room’s pillars. With his other hand, he grabbed Vivian.

“I’m going to keep you in the darkness forever,” Vivian spat, grabbing him and entering the shadow. Suddenly, there was no Vivian or Dimentio.

“There is no way that worked,” Data said. “...Right?”

His assessment was correct. Dimentio burst out of the shadow, flinging Vivian into the air as he did. “More boring down there than I was expecting.”

Vivian clutched the gem Blumiere had given her. “If this is the mantle of the Tribe of Darkness… do something!

The Castle heeded her instruction. It summoned a great dragon into the room from the ghosts of Gaia and turned it on Dimentio. A brilliant blue flare erupted from its mouth, engulfing Dimentio’s entire monstrous form.

Dimentio emerged unharmed and teleported the great dragon far, far away. Then he stomped on Vivian before she had a chance to vanish into the shadow, flattening her purple form. “I don’t need you turning this Castle into a merry-go-round…”

“Aaaaaaa!” Cosmo shouted, somehow having got ahold of the entire Prognosticus. She slapped Dimentio across the face with it. It did nothing more than be annoying.

“You really do have a thing for disrespecting holy texts, don’t you?” Dimentio asked, grabbing hold of her by one of the leaves that made up her dress. She froze solid. “Perhaps, like a wilting flower, you need to understand your own mortality.”

He plucked the leaf. She let out an inhuman scream and fell back, inner water leaking out from the now severed stem.

Holding the Prognosticus on his finger, Dimentio chuckled. “You know, I hated this book when I wrote it. It told me things I didn’t want to hear. Prophecies I despised for their nature. But now, I understand. I understand how to bend them, how I was always supposed to bend them. I was always meant to take creation in a new direction, away from his cryptic, shallow, impossible pain. I am the editor, hired to change the book for public consumption.”

Dimentio turned to Caspian suddenly, staring him down. “What say you, King?”

“I can do nothing.” Caspian threw down his sword and shield. “I am at your mercy.”

“A smart one.”

“But I also know that Aslan will not permit this.”

“Really? You know that for a fact?” Dimentio dropped the Prognosticus in front of Caspian. “By what power do you think I wrote this Prophecy? Do you not know what it takes to be a prophet?

Caspian took a step back. “You... can’t be.”

“Oh yes, I used to be quite different. Until I wrote this. Until he revealed to me what it all actually was. All this love… it’s a lie. He claims it’s not, he claims it’s perfect just the way it is, but I know better! I’ve seen better! I’ve been to the mountain and had the purposes revealed to me, and I rejected them!”

Caspian took a step back.

“If you saw the full truth of the matter, you would flee as well. You would turn your back on your precious little lion and join me in my crusade to remake the worlds without mistakes!”

“I do not serve because of what I see! I serve because of who he is!”

“Then you are a terrible judge of character.” Dimentio grew bored with Caspian and threw him away, knocking the wind out of him with ease. He turned to the last one standing—Data, who was coddling Twilight, shivering. “And you… you’re just afraid.”

“Y-yes…” Data said. “It is… pointless to resist you. All we can do… is beg.”

“Then beg.”


“No,” Twilight said, breathing. “Data, I’ll do it.” She took a few steps out of Data’s arms and collapsed in front of Dimentio. “Dimentio… I do not understand why you’re doing this. I don’t think any of us can, your words are strange and it doesn’t make sense to us. We… we are too small. But I beg you, don’t destroy the worlds. There’s so much history, so much experience, so many people, and so much love put into them. They are powered by the connections between us all. Please, do not do this evil—you know it is wrong.”

“I would listen to you,” Dimentio said. “But, there is a small problem. The worlds cannot be shaped until they are all erased. All I can do… is bring a few with me. Do not worry, I will take you into the new worlds. Perhaps a few others. Those who are the most… interesting.” With a wave of his hand, suddenly Picard was standing in front of them.

“What in the—” He took one look at Dimentio and tensed. “What is the meaning of this?!”

“Congratulations, Captain!” Dimentio said, grinning. “You have been chosen to emigrate to the new worlds! I’m making selections from the rest of your fleet now, saving them from the Void’s consumptions. Since I don’t want a crowd I’m moving most of them to random spots in the castle, you understand.”

“I do not understand what is going on, but I refuse,” Picard said. “I will not benefit from this genocide of all existence!”

“I’m not giving you a choice,” Dimentio cackled. “You will survive! And when I’m given control, I will reshape everything however I see fit. I’ll remake existence to be better. Clean up every mistake of pain, judgment, choice…”

“How can you know those are mistakes?” Picard shouted.

“They are what make us who we are!” Twilight added.

Dimentio shrugged. “See, the Count was right, but for the wrong reason. He saw the world through a single tragedy and it colored everything. He had no objectivity. I’ve seen all tragedy. You couldn’t possibly hope to comprehend what it means to have that revelation. You write a massive, holy book dictating the end times of all worlds… and only then are you told. Told what was hidden from you.”

Twilight shook her head. “I… please. Stop this.”

“I know I asked for begging, but like a mother offering her children sweets, I grow tired of the nagging.” He shot a lightning bolt at Twilight, immobilizing Data in the process. Only Picard remained standing in the room. “Lucky you, Captain Jean-Luc Picard. Perhaps you were the hero after all.”

Picard set his jaw. “I am no hero. I am just a man.”

“One of the best. The Count thought you were dangerous. I find you… fascinating. The product of a series of impossible events, intertwining deeper and deeper like the DNA of all species. You are too good to be a man. But not perfect enough to be… what I am trying to be. You… make the perfect voice of reason.”

“If you want a voice of reason, stop this madness!”

“Your services are currently not required! That will come when it is time to create what has been lost anew. Now…” He clapped his hands. “Let’s see… Diqiu, Narnia, the Ninth World, and Earth still remain, with a few pockets of Gaia clinging here and there. Looks like the Ninth World is going to go soon… Sit, Picard, and watch the end of all things with me.”

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