• Published 25th Dec 2020
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Harmony of Heroes: Ultimate Multiverse Explorers - Lucar

Several months after her adventures on Popstar, Sweetie Belle decides it's time to start new adventures in new universes

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Chapter 57: Eggman's Trap

As soon as they came out of the portal in exactly the same room than in the other version of Mobius, Sweetie Belle searched for the powerful chaotic energy of the Emeralds.

She immediately felt it. Or rather, them. Two huge concentrations of energy, from two different directions, one upward and one downward.

When she told the others about this, Tails said, "The first one must be the Master Emerald, still in its shrine on Angel Island. It means that Eggman hasn't yet gone after it."

"Then the other must be the seven Chaos Emeralds together," Past Tails concluded.

"Let's not lose time then," Phantom said before she ran in the direction of the exit of Past Tails' workshop, the others quickly following her.

Once outside, Sweetie Belle moved in the direction where she was feeling the energy of the Chaos Emeralds, toward the ocean. Most of the team could fly above the water, the Tails using their tails as a propeller like an helicopter. Sonic, however, had to run on the water, and after some time, the foxes got tired and had to be transported by Sweetie Belle and Phantom.

It wasn't long before Sweetie Belle stopped in the middle of nowhere above the ocean and looked down at the water. At the same time, she levitated Sonic once he stopped running so he wouldn't sink.

"The Emeralds are down there."

"An underwater base? Aww man. I hate when he does that," Sonic complained. "Water. My only weakness."

"As well as spikes, blades, bullets, energy projectiles, rockets, fire, lava, electricity, space vacuum, quicksands, Amy R-" Phantom began to list.

"Okay okay! I get it!"

Sweetie Belle gathered everyone inside a single bubble shield before she moved it alongside the group into the ocean. Half a minute later, they reached Eggman's base, a huge facility kept dry by a solid dome of glass with two hatches, a small one at the side and a larger one at the top (probably to let out and in vehicles). Instead of going toward one of the hatches or breaking the glass dome, Sweetie Belle teleported them through it, reappearing on some platform with a ship/submarine.

"We will have to explore the facility. I don't think that Eggman put Past Sonic with the Chaos Emeralds," Tails said.

"Uh... It makes me think... What if Eggman put other me inside another base?" Sonic remarked.

This made Past Tails worry. "I hope that's not the case."

At this instant, an alarm started blaring, warning everyone and everything in the base of their presence. Almost immediately, robots of all shapes approached the platform.

"Alright, let's not dilly-dally here," Sonic said as he crouched. "Time to go everyone!" Then, he curled into a ball and rolled on place, accumulating energy, before he took off very rapidly, blasting his way through the robots which freed a lot of animals that had been trapped in them.

The Tails didn't lose time going after him, using their tails to propel themselves forward and keep up. Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle and Phantom stared at each other and smirked before the orange filly materialized with her Phantom powers a red sword and moved after the others, slashing at some remaining robots on the way. Sweetie Belle flew after her, firing from her fingers small lasers at flying robots that approached. She also made sure to teleport the freed animals back to the surface, on land.

The exploration started with some platforming on the roof of the base before Sonic reached an entrance, allowing them to enter the facility itself.

The inside was a maze of pathways going in all directions, even upward and downward, with loops and corkscrews and other weird layout choices that made Sweetie Belle wonder just... why?

Some parts of the facility were filled with water, forcing Sweetie Belle to create bubbles of air around Sonic and the Tails' head so they could breathe.

Traps such as spikes or electric barriers were also present a little everywhere along seemingly bottomless pits, often forcing Sonic and the foxes to slowdown to avoid them, sometimes doing more platforming or even having to bounce on robots.

After exploring a good part of the base, finding man rooms that were full of machinery or crates or robots or capsules with trapped animals or other stuff, they eventually reached a room where they finally found Past Sonic unconscious on a table beside a terminal and under a device with several mechanical arms with tools and pincers. The hedgehog was, thankfully, still fully organic.

However, beside the terminal was a robot hedgehog looking like Sonic, ready to press a button.

"Hey, you stupid copy! I advice you to not touch this button if you don't want to be turned into a pile of scraps!" Sonic shouted.

Metal Sonic simply stared at him wordlessly, everyone seeing its smirk despite the robot having no mouth, before he pressed the button, activating the Roboticizer. Metal Sonic then placed himself between the group and the table, ready to sacrifice himself to ensure that they won't be able to stop the machine in time.

In a blink of an eye, Phantom charged at him with her sword at a speed that made it look like she warped behind the robot, and Metal Sonic was vertically sliced in two.

Tails immediately moved to deactivate the Roboticizer while the others joined the orange filly, remaining on guard in case more robots came.

"It's scary how you destroyed Metal Sonic so easily," Past Tails said to Phantom.

Phantom smirked at him. "When you don't let your ego get in the way, almost nothing can stand against the power of the Phantom Ruby."

She didn't see small coils coming out of the ground at everyone's feet. Before they knew it, high-voltage electricity came out of them and electrified everyone excepted Tails who was deactivating the Roboticizer. While the group was getting shocked, a hole opened in the ceiling, and out of it fell several nets which were electrified too, trapping the group.

"Oh no! Everyone!" Tails shouted in panic, now hesitating between saving the group or finishing deactivating the Roboticizer.

He judged that the Roboticizer was the more pressing matter at the moment.

"Hold on guys! Give me a minute!"

But at this moment, a half-mechanical black hedgehog with eyes replaced by a visor glowing red, his left arm replaced by a cannon, and a jet pack on his back, warped in the room right behind Tails and grabbed him by the neck, almost choking him.

A large screen then came out of the hole in the ceiling and activated, revealing Eggman's upper body.

"Mwahahahahaha!! Right in my trap!" the mustachioed bald mad scientist shouted victoriously.

"T-trap?" Tails was barely able to ask.

"That's right, fox boy. Why do you think I let your counterpart escape? Thanks to a mini-camera robot, I saw that portal that he built in his workshop and I understood where it led to. I knew that he would go to search help in the other worlds after I captured Sonic. So I used him as a bait to gather all of you here where I set up this trap! And now, you are all at my mercy! Even this pony girl! Mwahaha! Oh, I'm such a genius! And even if someone were to come to help, like that knucklehead echidna, I doubt that they would be able to do anything against Shadow. So, you know what this means? I win!"

"I don't think so."


Suddenly, a beam destroyed the Roboticizer just before it could cut Past Sonic's legs. Then, Sweetie Belle, now entirely made of stone, tore off the net trapping her with her bare hands before she materialized her sword and cut the nets trapping the others.

She giggled. "Too bad for you, as soon as I felt the electricity, I turned myself into stone with just a thought. With all these electric traps we saw on the way, I had prepared the mental command just in case."

"Grrrr... Shadow! Plan B!"

"Yes, Doctor," Shadow replied with a half-robotic, monotonous voice before he dropped Tails who immediately ran to the others who recovered from the electricity.

"Man... I can't believe we fell for it," Sonic said. "Thank you Sweetie Belle."

"Eggman, you are so dead..." Phantom growled. Her growl quickly stopped however when she saw what Robo Shadow was doing. "Oh shit..."

Robo Shadow now had the seven Chaos Emeralds orbiting him and he was in the process of absorbing their energy. A few seconds later, he turned entirely golden (excepted the red parts on his quills and his mechanical parts).

Phantom could perfectly fight the power of the Emeralds, even someone in their Super State, but she knew that it will still be a hard battle, especially against a master of Chaos Control like Shadow.

"So, if I remember correctly, when someone uses the power of all seven Emeralds, they are pretty much invincible, right?" Sweetie Belle asked. Without waiting for an answer, she then grinned and said, "Cool!"

She then tackled Super Robo Shadow and rammed the wall behind the Roboticizer with him, blasting a hole through it. Sounds of explosions and of stuff hitting metal then followed, the base beginning to shake.

"She's crazy! She really thinks she can take on Super Shadow?" Eggman wondered.

Phantom remembered the list Sweetie Belle made her read and said, "Yes, she can." Then, she lifted Past Sonic from the Roboticizer's table and turned to the others. "We should leave. I don't think that we want to remain around with these two going at it. Their fight will certainly cause the base to be flooded."

Everyone agreed, especially Sonic.

Shadow used his power over chaos to send several blasts of red energy that homed in at Sweetie Belle who dodged them expertly, the blasts instead creating several big holes in the wall and the floor. Sweetie Belle countered with a giant beam that Robo Shadow avoided by warping, the beam going through all the walls of the base in its way and blasting a hole in the glass dome surrounding it, causing water to start to flood it.

The hedgehog appeared behind the filly and charged energy in his arm cannon before firing a huge red ball of energy that also homed in. Sweetie Belle avoided it, but the ball exploded into a firework of red energy blasts that flew in all directions, and Sweetie Belle had to use a shield to protect herself. Shadow fired more of these balls, and after avoiding two of these and the blasts they created, Sweetie Belle kicked one back at him, catching the hedgehog off guard as the ball hit him before exploding. Before he could recover, Sweetie Belle punched him with a giant fist-shaped shield, sending him flying through one of the holes in the wall behind. She then charged after him, her ten swords appearing around her before Shadow sent more red energy blasts at her.

Energy blasts flew in all directions, either avoided or deflected. Pathways and other elements of the base dropped as they were accidentally sliced by the swords or destroyed by the blasts while Sweetie Belle and Shadow flew and clashed everywhere. Water filled the base more and more, waterfalls appearing a little everywhere, to the point that the fight now happened partially underwater. Shadow made sure to pick up the rings that were floating a little everywhere to continue to power his Super State. Then there was a "Chaos Control!" and everything stopped as time itself stopped.

Sweetie Belle was able to free herself from the time stop, but not before taking several hits. She then made Robo Shadow pay by turning half of her swords back into their cannon mode before firing powerful lasers as the two clashed and clashed again, warping and attacking and warping and attacking. Eventually, time returned to normal and all the damage that the base took while it was stopped happened at once, parts being cut, exploding, or being propelled around without apparent reason.

Shadow sent more of his giant red energy balls, and Sweetie Belle fired this time her own giant energy balls to counter them, the resulting explosions propelling the two of them backward. But Shadow then warped right behind Sweetie Belle and put his cannon on her back as she recovered. He then fired a huge chaos blast from it that entirely enveloped the filly, but she resisted it, turned around, and gave an uppercut in Shadow's gut before she teleported behind him and kicked him on the back, sending him crashing on a wall. She then teleported beside him again while she gathered a lot of energy into a small ball in her hand and hit him with it, the ball exploding. despite it, Shadow managed to fly to Sweetie Belle and headbutted her in the gut before they both crashed into another wall. The filly punched him away right into a black hole that spat him out after a few seconds. Shadow immediately recovered, and the two clashed again as Sweetie Belle created more black holes a little everywhere to hinder him, the holes sucking up many debris and some water.

In the middle of one of their clashes, Shadow suddenly fired a red beam from his visor, hitting Sweetie Belle right on the chest. She was propelled through several falling debris before she crashed into the water. The hedgehog waited for her to come out, but instead of a filly, a huge pillar of water came and hit him like a train, sending him crashing into the ceiling. Sweetie Belle then came out of the water and used aquakinesis to send arrows of water as well as giant tentacles of water after him. The arrows were the first to hit Shadow just as he recovered from the previous hit, and the tentacles then wrapped him. Sweetie Belle then used her ten cannons to send huge quantity of electricity at the water, the electricity spreading everywhere and Shadow ended up badly electrified, which caused some of his mechanised parts to smoke.

Despite the pain of the electricity coursing through him, Robo Shadow managed to accumulate a huge quantity of energy as he said with some difficulty, "Chaos... BLAST!"

And a huge part of the base blew up in a huge explosion of chaos energy, the majority of the glass dome, already badly damaged, finally breaking in pieces, resulting in what remained of the base being totally flooded.

Robo Shadow quickly saw that Sweetie Belle survived the explosion, but not without burns as she had put a shield that hadn't been able to resist the explosion. The burns rapidly disappeared however thanks to Sweetie Belle healing herself.

Sweetie Belle then surrounded herself in purple Dynamax Energy as she smirked at Robo Shadow.

And she used the Crash Ability.

Phantom and the others were back at Past Tails' workshop, all facing the ocean as they waited for Sweetie Belle to finish her fight. Phantom wanted to join, but she estimated that Sweetie Belle didn't need her help.

Suddenly, there was a giant, miles wide explosion followed by an as huge column of purple energy going all the way to the sky in the distance that sent hundreds of thousand of tons of water into the sky, a lot of it as vapor and some of it raining back on the Mystic Ruins. The big hole that was left behind in the ocean quickly closed back, forming a huge maelstrom for a moment.

"Holy...! What was that?!" Sonic asked. "Not even Shadow's Chaos Control can create explosions that big! Not even explosions from nuclear missiles are that big!"

At this moment, Sweetie Belle teleported beside them.

"Shadow used Chaos Control to warp away with the Chaos Emeralds. I can feel that they are now somewhere above our heads, in space," she informed.

Tails groaned. "The ARK..."

"Hey! That explosion! Was that you?" Sonic asked.

"Yup! It was nice. It's not everyday that I get to unleash my powers a bit. That Super State is no joke."

Sonic was about to say something but was interrupted by Tails.

"We have no time to talk about that explosion! If the Chaos Emeralds are in the ARK and if Eggman is in there too, then he will certainly try to use the Eclipse Cannon! We must do something before this happens!"


The ARK was a giant space station that looked like a perfectly spherical space boulder from outside. Inside it, Eggman was walking back and forth in the main control room, on the half-circular walkway in front of the main computer of the station.

Robo Shadow then appeared above the platform before he floated down on it, deactivating his Super State. He then dropped a knee on the ground, too weak to remain up as smoke escaped from his damaged mechanical parts and his organic parts were badly injured. The seven Chaos Emeralds dropped around him.

"I'm sorry Doctor. The white pony was too powerful," he said.

"HOW?!" the doctor yelled. "She doesn't have the ruby contrary to the other one, so how is she able to face someone in Super State?!"

"Energy readings overloaded when I tried to analyse her," Robo Shadow said.

Eggman growled. "These ponies... Alright! Plan C! Insert the Emeralds in these slots!" he said as he pointed at the seven slots in the pillar-like terminal in the center of the room. "Activate the Eclipse Cannon! We will force them to surrender!"

"Yes, Doctor."

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