• Published 10th Jan 2021
  • 6,357 Views, 496 Comments

A Demon's Second Chance - Perfectly Insane

Humans, monsters, both of which I've spent so much time with. Too much. Eventually, I stopped expecting anything new. Then, there were ponies.

  • ...

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Chapter Eight: Beguile.

Author's Note:

Yahallo! Sorry to this took longer than I thought it would. With college stuff, along with the second chapter of Delta Rune coming out, I got super distracted. I'll also say that this is the second to last chapter before arc 2 really starts, it should be pretty obvious what the next chapter is going to be by the time you're done with this one.

Please tell me if you spot any issues such as grammar or plot holes, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments, and enjoy!

Pinkie’s party was a few days ago, but remained pretty high on my list of memories I’m fond of. I almost didn’t want to leave when it was over. Then I reminded myself that Pinkie would throw another party if I asked in a heartbeat.

The conversation with Fluttershy when we got home was as awkward as I expected it to be. That said, at least by then I had an extremely rough idea of what to say. She wanted me to talk about my problems, so I basically rehashed the advice Pinkie gave me about waiting to talk when I’m ready. She understood, but, even now, I could tell she was worried about me and wanted to help me however she can.

At times, it’s overwhelming. I never felt like I deserved her kindness, and I still couldn't come up with a way to pay her back for everything she’s done for me.

I also decided that I wanted to work on being able to go to Ponyville by myself. Not only that, but I didn't enjoy having to drag Fluttershy with me everywhere and rely on her more than I already did. There are a few ponies I met there that I really liked, not to mention Twilight’s library. Sure, there were a couple of books at Fluttershy’s cottage, but those were all about animals. As much as I liked animals, there were dozens of other things I wanted to know.

Fluttershy was hesitant about me doing something that clearly made me so uncomfortable, but I convinced her it was what I needed to get better. It was hard and took almost two weeks. I'd get right on the edge of town and see various ponies walk by and already be inches away from a breakdown. It got a little easier each time, and I got a little farther every day. It helped a lot that the more I went there, the less they paid attention to me. After a while, they didn’t even stare at me anymore.

Thankfully Twilight’s library is pretty close to the edge of Ponyville, so I didn't have to go too far to get to the safety of being inside. Once I managed to make that much progress, she let me read her books, and even got a little excited when I asked.

I sat in Twilight’s library, reading through another book. I rarely stayed long, mostly just a few hours at a time, and then I took a pile of books with me back to Fluttershy’s and finished them there. The anxiety of being away from somewhere safe and in somewhere I didn't entirely know yet would get to be too much, but each time I lasted a little longer until I could be out for a handful of hours at a time.

It didn’t take me long to get through the kids' section that was labeled ‘Fables For Foals!”, most of them were pop-up books or drawings with few words, but they gave me a good idea on the kinds of stories that were told in Equestria. None of them had any similarities to the ones I knew. Then again, the ones I knew were made for monsters, so it was hard to say for certain if there are parallels or not.

The history section was a bit more lengthy, but they only focused on events in Equestria, rarely touching on anything else. Other nations clearly existed but only briefly mentioned, like the Kingdom of Abyssinia, full of cat people called Abyssinians, but very little was stated about them. I found it strange with how much they wrote about Equestria, but I guess it didn't really matter if I never go anywhere else.

What I’ve been reading recently were the books in the ‘Relationships & Romance’ section. The name itself sparked my curiosity. My experience with romance as a whole was extremely limited, limited to what I saw through Frisk’s eyes. I didn’t understand how anyone could make an entire book about it, even more so enough to fill a section in a library; So I started reading them.

And kept reading, then I got hooked on them.

There was a pile of books beside me as I flipped through one, the library empty of anyone but me. Usually, Spike would be here awkwardly chatting with me, but not today for some reason. I could tell he’s still scared of me. However, he’s trying to get over it, and I guess that was the most I can ask for.

Twilight was typically in her ‘secret lab’, upstairs, or just not there. She has only actually talked to me a couple of times, one of which was me telling her I didn’t want to have anything to do with magic, and she responded by pouting and giving me an extremely dejected ‘ok’. Despite being the most intelligent pony I’ve met so far, she might also be the most childish.

“Oh, hello Chara.” Twilight said with a yawn as she walked down the stairs, taking a sip from a steaming cup of coffee hovering right beside her. Her mane was somewhat frizzled so she must have just woken up, which would be strange since it was almost midday, but she was apparently trying out something called a ‘Biphasic Sleep Schedule.’ “Good morning.”

“It was past noon when I left Fluttershy’s, so good evening.”


She scanned the room as she got to the bottom. “Spike’s not here? Must be doing chores for Rarity again. I’m glad he’s getting out more, at least.”

As she took another sip from her coffee and walked towards her lab, she paused and her ears flicked as I flipped the page of the book I was reading. I saw her glance at the title, and then her eyebrows raised as she turned to face me.

“‘Withering Heights’? That’s a romance book. I thought you were reading history?”

“I was, I got done with them.”

“All of them? Already?”

She turned around and began walking towards me. Despite her movements being sluggish since she just woke up, Twilight’ visibly pretty relaxed as she gets closer. I admit that I was really worried about coming back here daily, but she got over any fear she had of me pretty quickly.

I’ve come to think of this library as one of only two places I particularly enjoy being at. Other than the constant background anxiety I had from being away from Fluttershy, I could actually relax there. For a little while, at least.

“Yeah. Is it that surprising?”

“A little. While most of those books don’t go nearly as in detail as I’d like them to, there’s still a lot. I just meant,” Twilight peered over at the history section as she sat, sipping the coffee again as she turned back to me. “That’s impressive reading speed and comprehension, especially for someone recovering from amnesia.”

I almost asked her what she was talking about, then I froze and remembered that I said I have amnesia. It’d been so long since someone brought it up, I almost forgot. However, I couldn’t tell her that I spent a lot of my time at Mt. Ebott reading dozens of books, and then dozens more when there weren’t any more books about snails. It made sense I got good at reading when it's almost all I used to do, but now it's pretty much all I could do.

“I used to read a lot... I think. I can’t say for sure, but it rarely takes me long to get through a book and I haven’t found a word I don’t know yet.”

“That’s great! I can test your reading level for you if you’d like? The library sadly doesn’t get many visitors, so having someone other than Spike to talk about books with would be wonderful.”

“Maybe later. I’m a little more interested in actually reading at the moment.”

Twilight pouted a bit, but spun her attention to the pile of books I’d picked out. “What stories did you pick out? I can tell you the best ones, I’ve read every book here.” she darted her eyes to the side almost shamefully. “...twice.” she muttered.

Hearing that she’d read every book in a library of this size more than once shocked me a bit. There were easily hundreds of books in here, and some of them I struggled to get through as the content was boring. Did she really like learning that much, or was she just bored?

“Well, I kind of just picked out the ones that have the most interesting titles. I’ve only read a couple so far.” I decided it would be better not to question it. I grabbed the pile of books and read through some of them out loud. “‘Ponies We Meet On Vacation’, ‘The Lusty Draconian Maid’, ‘Outr-”

“The Lusty Draconian Maid!?” Twilight screamed as a bit of coffee spilled from her cup, the magic around her horn flaring as it enveloped the book and also the coffee, putting it back in the cup.

The sudden shout made me jump, the book in my lap falling shut under the disturbance and caused me to lose my place. She brought the book really close to her face like she’s trying to make sure I couldn't see what’s inside and opened it, the floating cup shaking a bit.

“How did this get in here? It wasn’t with the rest when I read them! Then again, that was a few months ago. And why was it in that section of the library!? I would never categorize something this…” her eyes rapidly danced back and forth as she skimmed the book, her cheeks blushing and getting redder with each passing second until her entire face was flushed. “Salacious!

My curiosity about whatever was in that book only grew, but I’m almost certain I couldn’t convince her to let me read it if I tried. Twilight slammed the book shut and floated it up the stairs to what I presume was her room, mumbling something along the lines of ‘when Spike gets home’.

“SO!” Twilight said with emphasis and an extremely forced smile. “What got you into romance?” she asked calmly as her face slowly faded back to its normal color.

As tempting as it would be to push the topic a bit, even I could see how little she wanted to talk about whatever is in that book. It’s really entertaining, and even a little funny, to see her freak out like that. But it would be really hypocritical of me to knowingly make someone that uncomfortable, especially just for my amusement.

“Honestly? I’m not really sure.” I opened the book and tried to find my place again, briefly considering just dropping it since it’s quickly losing my interest. “It just doesn’t make any sense to me. I get liking someone a lot, but how it’s described is in a way I don’t understand. Why is holding hands with one person romantic, but nothing special if it's with a family member? And what’s so passionate about pushing your lips against someone else’s? That just...sounds kind of gross to me.”

What made me so frustrated was that I’ve had relationships similar to what the books are talking about. I was close to Asriel, we held hands a couple of times when he got scared of things, but our relationship was entirely platonic. I understood caring about people, but the connection that’s being described in the books was obviously different, and I couldn't quite comprehend why. It’s sucked me in and keeps me reading more, hoping that one of them will clarify what I’m not getting.

It’s like I have all the pieces of a puzzle laid out in front of me, but I’m missing just one piece. I’m so close to getting it, I almost understand it. That might be more irritating to me than anything else.

“Trust me, I get it. Before coming to Ponyville, I was a complete shut-in and had no real friends. Even after making some, there’s still a lot about friendship and relationships I don’t understand. It's hard sometimes, but I always learn and write a letter to Celestia about it.”

I felt one book in the pile hover past me and float in front of Twilight. She opened it to the first page and smiled slightly. “Rarity has told me a mare my age should be going out and looking for a stallion while I can, but it's not that easy for me. When it comes to romance, I know even less than the average pony.”

I think this was the first time I’ve heard Twilight actually sad. She spends a lot of time in this library. I kind of just assumed she’s an introvert; But she clearly wanted to be social and was just as bad at it as I am.

I had to stop making assumptions about others, along with half a dozen other bad habits I needed to break.

“It's just, what makes it so different from being friends? They do almost all the same stuff friends do, but there’s a bond there that’s special? If there weren’t so many books about it, I’d assume they were just making it up.”

“Well, hold on. I’m never one to turn down a mystery. How about we...hm,” Twilight flipped through the pages of her book with her lips pressed together, then abruptly shutting it when she got to the end. “What do you like most about them? That might help.”

I’d asked myself that same question a couple of times, rarely giving it enough thought to come up with an answer. A few scenes from the ones I’ve read played in my mind, most of them having a couple of constants, like they all followed the same formula. I could mark off a few for certain. Kissing is gross, hand holding could be nice, but it's clearly portrayed as different between a couple than two friends or family.

My fingers tapped rhythmically against the bottom of the book as I tried to organize my thoughts, resisting the urge to chew on my fingernails. Fluttershy told me that’s a gross habit to have and that I should stop while I could.

“Hugging. I like it when they hug.”

“Really? Huh, that’s a first. Why hugging?”

“It's...hm, how do I put it into words?” The tapping stopped as I closed my eyes, trying to envision being hugged. When I was with The Dreemurr Family, they held me multiple times, especially Toriel, but I never hugged back. I’d never gotten physical affection like that before. I was afraid and completely froze up.

Now, I wish I had hugged them when I could.

“For me, hugging someone else, not an animal like Harry or Angel, would mean I trust them a lot. It’s hard for me to be ok with touching or being touched, as much as I hate it. Having someone that I feel a connection with already sounds like it's hard to find. The idea of someone I feel so comfortable with that I let them pull me close, hearing their heartbeat and feeling their warmth. Holding each other as tightly as we can with no fear they’ll hurt me, knowing without a doubt they care about me and actually enjoy being with me. That…” a memory of Asriel and Frisk hugging came to mind. Another instance of him experiencing something I didn’t get to. “Sounds too good to be true to me.”

As I opened my eyes and turned to Twilight, I noticed my hand had drifted to my necklace. Twilight herself said nothing. Her head dropped to where I could only see the almost unnoticeable frown. If it weren’t for the coffee still floating beside her, I might have assumed she passed out or something.

“Chara,” Twilight’s voice was extremely quiet and somewhat rough, hesitant to even speak. “What does love mean to you?”

I immediately tensed up at the question, my grip tightening on the sides of the book and wrinkling the paper. Despite the word ‘love’ showing up many times in what I’ve read so far, some part of me desperately hoped I wouldn’t hear it. Of course, I know now that it meant something else entirely. But, because of my first experience with it, I can’t help but regress to that first definition.

I can remember his monologue word for word, at least I never have to see his never shifting smile or haunting eyes again. Outside my nightmares, anyway.

“Something terrible.”

“I...see.” Twilight muttered, bringing the coffee to her mouth and taking out a drawn out sip. “Maybe it's a good thing you have amnesia, then.”

My eyebrows raised as I opened my mouth, the words not getting the chance to leave as she stood up and began slowly walking over to the door that led to her lab.

“It's been nice, Chara, but I should really get to work. I’ve got a...project I need to get done today.”

Twilight made nervous gestures as she faced away from me, something I said must have bothered her. I don’t know what it was, but I should at least apologize. I really thought my social skills had improved over the last couple of days.

“Wait!” I shut and placed the book in my lap with the others. “I’m...sorry for whatever I said. I di-”

“Chara, you didn’t say anything wrong, really. I just,” Twilight hesitantly looked over her shoulder at me, her gaze then drifting over to the side as she contemplated something. “Realized something is all.”

“Well, can you at least tell me where books about stars are? I’ve looked and I can’t find any.”

“Books about s-you mean like astronomy? What are you interested in astronomy for?” she flipped around to face me, tilting her head as the magic around her horn faded as she opted to just hold her cup.

“I...:” Crap, I really should have expected she’d ask that. My interest in them was mainly because I always found them beautiful at night, one of the few things I looked forward to at the end of every day. Drawing shapes with them was entertaining. Reading some books in The Underground and learning those shapes were real things called constellations, and Asriel’s desire to see them just reinforced that for me. “Like them a lot. They’re pretty and I read about constellations in a couple of the books and I want to know the stories behind them.”

“Oh! Some of them are fascinating, like Porion! Hmm, if I remember correctly, Dark Moon checked them all out a couple of weeks ago. They’re overdue, but he was the first one to check them out for a while, so I wasn’t going to bother getting them back until someone else wanted them. I’ll have Spike go pick them up when he returns.”

“Actually, I can go pick them up for you if you want. It would probably be easier for me to just get the books now instead of having to wait for them tomorrow, it's not like I have anything better to do.”

“I don’t mind, but are you sure? You’d have to walk to the observatory, that’s ten minutes south of here, where he works and should be right now. I know it wasn’t easy for you just to make it here.”

While she’s entirely right, I’ve been meaning to explore more of Ponyville, but I keep coming up with excuses not to. I’m going to be living here now so I should at least get used to it, with a goal and place in mind. That should be all the motivation I needed to go through with it.

“Yeah, I think so. I’ll be in and out, a ten-minute adventure.”

“Well, if you’re certain. It's ok if you can’t go through with it. Believe me, you do not want to push yourself when it comes to your social comfort zone.”

I nodded and got up with the pile of books, taking them to where I got them and put them back. My backpack wasn't with me today, I rarely took it with me to the library, so I’ll just have to carry the books. Here’s hoping they weren't big and there weren't a lot of them.


Twilight called out to me right as my hand grabbed the knob. She looked at me in concern for a brief moment, about to say something, before closing her mouth again and shaking her head dismissively.

“Never mind. Just be careful, though I don’t see how you’d run into any danger in Ponyville as long as you stay away from The Everfree.”

“Thanks. Good luck with your project, or whatever you’ve got going on in your lab.”

It really did only take me ten minutes to get to the observatory, though I’d only seen them in one of the history books, so this was my first time seeing it in person. On top of a small hill overlooking Ponyville, it almost looked like a giant metal eyeball with a slit for the pupil and a telescope coming out of it, but smaller than I thought it would be.

Other than some intense heart palpitations and relatively minor anxiety, it wasn’t as hard for me to get here as I expected it to be. I was getting to the point where none of the residents of Ponyville pay any special attention to me and gave more than a glance, though I still wish I could bring Angel with me sometimes. His soft fur soothes me no matter what I’m doing, most of the time.

I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing to calm myself down as much as I could, cathartically rubbing the pendant of my necklace. When I opened them, I recognized some nearby birds as Fluttershys, who had been following me ever since I started going out by myself. She insisted on at least having some of her animals near me at all times so they could tell her if anything happened, and also so she knows I’m safe. I’m sure she’d worry herself sick otherwise.

I let out a sigh of relief as some tension finally left. Fluttershy really was my guardian angel with how she watched over me.

The sign on the door read ‘Ponyville Observatory: Open To The Public’, which I’m pretty sure meant I could just walk in. Sure enough, I turned the knob, and the door was unlocked. Somehow, the inside was even smaller than I expected. Roof and walls of the top half being one and the same in the shape of an enormous dome, the primary light source being the sunlight shining through the slit and a couple of lamps that weren't turned on.

There wasn't a lot inside besides the giant telescope. It actually looked a little abandoned. The second floor didn't have anything on it that I could see, and the first one had very little. The walls were covered in pictures of stars and comets, each one having a plaque, and none of which have been cleaned recently since I could tell from here how dusty they were.

A large cabinet with clothes sticking out of it, and what looked like a mini fridge beside it were on the right side of the room. Even some various sized boxes are spread around, some of them with stuff sticking out like plates and forks. There’s a door on the left side of the room that, I’m guessing, was some sort of storage room for stuff.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d say it looks like someone’s living here.

“Hello? Is anyone here?” I asked, my voice echoing a bit.

“Oh crap, someone actually showed up?”

I raised my head to the second floor, seeing someone peek over the rails and then rush down the stairs. He looked male, and not much bigger than me. Spiked and raggedy smoke grey hair with a matching tail, his coat a shade of gray so dark it's almost black. Wearing a rose-red t-shirt and white sweatpants, he frantically ran down the stairs towards me. His cerulean eyes wide and panicked, his horn now visible.

“Frick, there’s like a whole spiel I’m supposed to give that I totally forgot.” he said out loud, talking more to himself than me.

He walked towards me and looked around, exhaling and visibly relaxing when his gaze turned to me. “Good, it’s not a tour group or something. Oh hey, you’re the human girl, right? What are you doing here?”

“Uhm, Twilight sent me to pick up some overdue books on astronomy. Are you…” I glanced over his body. His casual clothing didn’t look like something someone who worked here would wear. “Living here?”

The stallion noticeably tensed up. “Why? Are you an inspector or something?”

“No, just a little concerned.” I said hesitantly. The worried tone in his voice unsettled me a bit. Twilight said this guy worked here, did he want to keep it a secret that it's also his home? “That sounds like it would break some rules, and it’s probably not the best place to live either.”

“I mean, it does, yeah. But, I’m not sure if you noticed,” he gestured to the rest of the room, spinning around until he faced me again. “This place is pretty much abandoned. Ever since Princess Luna came back, ponies in Ponyville just lost interest in the stars, I guess, not that it was popular around here in the first place. So, rather than having to pay rent, I just…moved in here. It’s got everything I need.”

“What about bathing? Cleaning your clothes and stuff? Wait, if no one comes here, how do you make any money?”

He tilted his head and raised his eyebrow. “You ask a lot of questions…?”

I didn’t get why he trailed off like that and then gestured towards me, then realization hit, and I realized I hadn’t given him my name yet. After clearing my throat and keeping my left hand on my necklace to keep the anxiety from overwhelming me, I extended my other hand.

“Chara Dreemurr.”

“Dark Moon.” he shook my hand, his grip a lot firmer than I expected it to be. “Ponyville’s resident astronomer, as little as that’s worth.” Dark muttered begrudgingly.

“And, well, technically, I’m on unemployment.” he retracted his hand and shrugged. I brought mine to my side, finding myself growing more nervous the longer I’m here. “But, since I don’t have to pay bills or anything, I get by. I use the laundromat for my laundry. After moving some stuff around, a buddy of mine installed a shower in the bathroom here. I got everything I need and pretty much all the free time I could ask for.”

“That sounds kind of boring, and lonely.”

I crossed my arms, making sure to keep the necklace in one of my hands.

“It is sometimes. Which is why I read a lot. Speaking of which, gimme a sec.” he ran over to the cabinet, opening it and confirming my suspicion that he’s been using it as a wardrobe. Clearly looking for something, he moved around his clothes until abruptly stopping, receding from it and now holding three books.

“Got done with these a while ago. They’re pretty good, but the ones in Canterlot are a lot better. Kind of expected Spike to come pick these up actually, how’s he doing?”

“Thanks.” I said as I took the books, finding myself thankful they’re light. “He’s doing fine. Though he’s started spending more time with Rarity than at the library recently.”

“Pfft, please. Like he has a chance with Rarity. I love the little guy, but he’s a hopeless romantic sometimes.” his eyes drifted to the books. “What got you interested in astronomy, anyway?”

This time I expected the question, more or less.

“I’ve been learning a lot about Equestria, but I find constellations really interesting. I enjoy learning about their shapes and history.”

“One of those books will tell you a bit about all of them, and some comets. Sadly, the illustrations kind of suck and don’t even have any color. They’re way better to see in person.”

“Yeah, I thought that might be the case.” I glimpsed through the books. Only one of them focused on the history of constellations and comets judging from the titles, and that's the biggest one. The other two were much smaller and just talk about stars generally. “The drawings in the books I’ve read so far are all lacking, except the ones for children funnily enough. I wish there was a way to see them better.”

“There is.” he said as he pointed to the giant telescope behind him. “This baby still works, it's pretty much just a giant rod with magnifying glasses on both ends. You can come back later tonight, and I can show you pretty much anything you want to see.”

His offer excited me at first, then I realized that it meant I would be alone with him for some time, and that I’d have to come back out. If I go back and pet Angel for a while, I think I could handle it for an hour or two. But I was usually terrible at being alone with others if we’re not doing something. My small talk skills were absolutely awful. Which is partly why conversations with Fluttershy were always awkward.

Dark noticed how quiet I’d gotten and furrowed his eyebrows. “What’s wrong? Are you scared I’m going to do something to you? Don’t worry, I’d never hurt a cute girl.”

Everything froze.

For one of the first times since I’ve come to this world, every thought going through my head stopped, and there was briefly nothing. My breath hitched in my throat, and I’m certain my heart didn’t beat for a few seconds. The books pressed against my chest as I gripped them tighter. My entire body, primarily my face, got numbingly warm.

I’d never been called cute before, not by Toriel or anyone. Never. Nor did I ever go out of my way to make myself look good. I borderline hate seeing my reflection. Even Rarity’s compliment about my eyes was something I still didn’t get. Yet this guy found me...cute?

“I...” the bones in my legs turned to jelly as they shook, threatening to give out. What should I say? Do I compliment him back? Is he flirting with me, or am I looking too into it? The books make it a lot easier to tell than it is. I don’t want to assume and say the wrong thing and come off as a total weirdo, so what do I say?

I buried my face in the books, opening my mouth, but nothing came out.

“Oh man, was it something I said? You got really quiet all of a sudden.” he asked in concern, reaching forward and resting his hand on my shoulder.

The embarrassment and confusion that filled me was quickly stifled, being replaced with an almost nauseating sense of fear and panic at the contact. I bit the inside of my cheek to prevent myself from making any noise, reflexively backing away from him.

I clenched my necklace, my palms sweaty and knees still a bit weak. While I would never say I’m thankful for it, my near inability to tolerate touch made it a bit easier to calm down. At least nigh crippling terror I know how to deal with, to an extent.

“Oh crap! Sorry, I di-”


Dark paused as he retracted his arm, understandably perplexed by my behavior. “...What?”

“I’ll come by later tonight. I’d really like to see them. Just…” my meek voice trailed off as I backed up, reaching around for the knob and opening the door once my back hit it. “I need to go home first.”

I didn’t give him time to respond as I left, just barely hearing him about to say something before the door closed. After going over to the nearest tree, I fell to my knees while lying against it, finding it hard to relax my grip on the pendant. My exhaling was a lot heavier than I’d like, struggling to get my breathing under control.

Once I did, and my lower body didn’t feel like it could turn into slime at any given moment, I started making my way to Fluttershy’s. I started reading the top book to try to get my mind off what happened until I got home. Which, since it wasn't very far, worked well enough.

The gorgeous cottage and various animals scampering about was an extremely comforting sight, the kind that would make anyone forget about their worries. As I let myself in, I couldn’t help but smile at seeing Angel napping on the couch. I put the books beside the couch next to my backpack, sitting down and holding him in my arms.

“Hey buddy, I missed you today.”

He opened his eyes and snuggled up to my chest, chittering something.

“I still don’t know what you’re saying, so I’m just going to assume it was ‘you too.’”

“Oh, welcome home, Chara!”

Fluttershy entered the room holding a cup of something, then sitting down beside me. “How was your day?”

“It was fine, mostly.” I could never get used to the fluffiness of Angel's fur. A pillow made of something even half as soft would make falling asleep a lot easier. “Met someone new today. He’s a friend, I think.”

“I’m glad you’re meeting new ponies. It's good for you to get out, even if Angel gets lonely without you.”

In response, Angel angrily chirped and pointed at her, making several expressions and gestures. Fluttershy’s eyes widened and she turned away, pressing her lips together and then taking a sip from her cup.

“I don’t do that...much.”

As entertaining as the exchange was, I had to interrupt and tell her now or I’d forget. “Actually, I’ll be going back out later. Dark said he wanted me to come back later tonight. So, even if Angel gets lonely,“ I played with the edges of his ear, running the tip of my finger against it, which he enjoyed a lot. “I’ll be back soon. No longer than an hour or so.”

“Did he ask you to come back by yourself?” she asked as she turned to me.

“Not the by myself part, but I get the feeling it’d be awkward if others were there. More than it already is, anyway.”

Fluttershy said nothing for a few seconds. “Chara,” she paused as she placed the cup on the table beside her. “ I could be wrong, but it sounds like he asked you on a date.”

“It’s not…”

There was a strange sensation in the back of my mind when she said that, like the feeling I get when I understand something I was struggling with before. To Angel’s dismay, I stopped playing with his ear. My smirk dropped as my lips parted.

“Oh crap, it might be a date.”

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