• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 2,493 Views, 34 Comments

I have to say, "I love you," in a song. - SparityLoveisForever

At Spike's birthday he wants to tell Rarity something. The evening doesn't go as planned.

  • ...

On the way to a trap, an exchange, and dinner.


Ok, everypony seems to be on board with my story so far despite my WOTS(Wall of text syndrome) and very improved grammar as of late. I'd like to say that I feel my severe WOTS is improving with every chapter. In this chapter I have a unique kind of break happening, and it's one that would combine two different perspectives happening at the same time. The break will look like this:

I have not done something quite like this before, and I'm certain it will receive positive and negative criticism. With that out of the way, I'm going to say that this will happen for the next three chapters. It will only be going on with the same two characters, but it is something I feel needs to come out the way I have planned. Without further ado here is chapter 4.

Chapter 4
On the way to a trap,
an exchange, and dinner.

Party music was pounding from the speakers placed around the stage. Ponies were dancing magnificently in the center of the oaken floor. There was a group ponies playing party games scattered about on the sides of the barn. All of these things typically lead one to believe a party was going off without a hitch. With Spike having left, Sweetie Belle had begun her set. She had captured the attention of every pony with the first song she sang, and with every song after. Sweetie Belle brought the party to life regardless of the sad beginnings. She dedicated almost every song she sang to somepony who was there and part of her close group of friends. Sweetie Belle's voice could excite or bring to tears any group of ponies, though.

Twilight Sparkle had been tapping her hoof gently to the music in silent thought about what needed doing at Spike's signal. She didn't even have to focus too hard to keep the gentle warming blanket around Soarin. His condition was improving with Spitfire huddling close to him and helping him get to the pie Applejack had brought. Twilight felt like she had done everything in her power so far to help Spike, but somewhere deep inside her it didn't feel like enough for her “little brother.” As she thought, she didn't think about having fun or enjoying herself, not until her friends were back. Suddenly there was a hoof tapping her shoulder. “My faithful student, our dragon has grown quite a bit in these last few years. He is heading towards the biggest moment in his life. He is counting on us to be ready to help him when that time comes. Are you ready, Twilight Sparkle?” Princess Celestia asked looking confident.

Looking back up at her teacher and mentor Twilight knew she was right about everything answering, “I'm not ready, Princess, but when the time comes, I will be.”

“We'll all be ready, Twilight.” came a group statement from Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash. They soon crowded around Twilight in a big hug.

As the group of friends embraced momentarily trying to support Twilight another pony arrived at the party. Creme Brulee's creamy orange coat, off-set by his dark brown hair, his green eyes staring around at the ponies who were there already. Coming in, he noted the tender moment of friends, deciding to go over to the snack table. There was an astounding array of treats left, as he looked over the table, taking some punch, holding it gently in his hooves, pouring the liquid into the cup.

He was about to turn around when a particular Pink mare came up to him with a bright smile saying, “Hey, Creme, party crashing? Didja help get Berry to the hospital?”

“I hope you don't mind, Pinkie. I most certainly did. I was kind of wondering what was going on. If you could tell me, that is, Pinkie?” He just looked back into her eyes gently as he took a sip from his punch.

Pinkie just looked back at him, “Well, only if you Pinkie Promise to tell nopony. I need to get back to Twilight, though, so I'll talk to you after that.”

He made the motions for the promise finishing by saying, “I Pinkie Promise to tell nopony.”

With that, she bounded back over to the group who barely seemed to notice her absence. Twilight was only just beginning to plan, anyway, starting to explain her thoughts to her friends using a table as a strategy board. Creme just went back to observing the snack table doing his best not to disturb any pony.

Sweetie Belle was looking out over the crowd. From the stage, she could see Twilight and the others starting to plan something. Sweetie Belle made a motion to Vinyl Scratch to continue without her for a few beats. She then sent up a magical flare at the end of her last song which alerted the other crusaders. They soon joined her at the table where the signal had died out. Sweetie Belle was the first one there followed by Apple Bloom, and then lastly Scootaloo. With everyone there, Sweetie Belle began, “Cutie mark crusaders, we have to help Twilight's plans to aid Spike. Since I promised Spike, I'd keep the party going, and I can't help. You two have to help keep an eye on them.”

“Oh hey, I could keep an eye on mah big sis. Whatever Twilight has in mind for her, another earth pony should be no problem,” replied a smiling Apple Bloom

“I can keep my eye on Rainbow Dash better than any other pony. I'll bet what Twilight has planned for her is super awesome,” said a very energetic-looking Scootaloo.

“Thanks, girls, I knew I could count on you,” Sweetie Bell put her hoof out and said, “Cutie Mark Crusaders Rescue Aiders.” The other two repeated this and tapped their hooves to Sweetie Belle's.

<><><> <><><> <><><>

“Don't call me that, you brute! You have no right...” As she said this, Rarity was sick of Blueblood calling her his dove.

Blueblood smacked her face as hard as he could again in the middle of her objection saying, “A mare like you should really know her place. Treating a stallion with the proper respect is something you should be aware how to do. Especially when I'm going to have, you join me for dinner.”

“How dare you! I am a lady. If I saw a proper stallion, I'd treat him with respect. But I don't see one, and I see the same spoiled brat I met at the gala. Spike is more of a proper stallion and gentlecolt than you could be with a full dragon's lifetime of etiquette training!” Rarity was yelling back at him despite being powerless and chained to the ground.

“Don't rile me, my dove, after all; I want you to understand your love's demise before making you mine...” Blueblood was about to continue. The sounds of hoofbeats started to drown out his voice; then they stopped as a voice called down the stairs, “Sir, the dragon has entered our section of the forest.”

“ All according to plan. Now the next step is giving you a romantic dinner, my soon-to-be bride. A meal you'll never forget.” His voice was full of pride as things were going so well for him.

“A what, now?” said Rarity.

“A meal you'll never forget!” Blueblood said again, this time raising his tone.

“What's, that?” said Rarity putting one of her hooves up to her ear like she hadn't heard a thing.

“I said. A meal you'll... Ugh... Fine, be an ungrateful whore to the end. Once you're mine, you won't have a second thought about that dragon. I must prepare for his arrival. Why don't you freshen up for dinner? Oh, and I thank you in advance for the use of your clothes. I'm confident you'll enjoy the main topic of discussion for dinner -- the death of a dragon.” With that, he chuckled and stomped over the Wonderbolt as he headed back upstairs.

Rarity was pleased with her dispatch of Blueblood for the time being; however, seeing him reminded her of the last time she had seen him up close. It was just after the Wonderbolt's Derby, where Fleetfoot took the day. Now she knew why she had recognized the Wonderbolt, Fleetfoot. Though looking at her now, her injuries were quite severe; if she didn't get to a hospital before morning, it would be hard to say that she would survive the night.

Rarity glanced back up at the window, her only glimmer of hope in the dark dank dungeon. She steadied herself and concentrated her magic reserves. She had one shot at this. She had to get the message perfect!


Sweetie Belle had since returned to the stage, calling out on the microphone, on center stage, “Everypony, gather around. Now, Spike wanted you all to have a good time while I'm here. I made a lot of time in my schedule to be here all night. I hadn't expected to sing tonight, but you've been a gracious audience, I feel ready to continue my set now.” With that, Sweetie Belle motioned her hoof to Vinyl signaling the next song in the set she had been prepared to sing tonight on short notice.

A light set of musical tones fills the barn, as Sweetie Belle counts off the beats in her head signaling her starting point. Her voice suddenly catches the air from the microphone on stage.

“Tell everypony I'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
With blue skies ahead, yes I'm on my way
And there's nowhere else I'd rather be...”

The night was never the best time to be venturing into the Everfree Forest. Spike, however, had no choice in the matter this evening. The dark purple night-scape was a fitting backdrop to his perilous journey. No familiar sights or places for him to visit as he slowly trudged along with the hefty applecart, the dark, dismal forest expanding out around him. His adversaries already knew he was coming closer with every step he took. He didn't look at the treeline filled with eyes watching his every step. Spike could feel the eyes boring into his back as he moved towards the castle.

“... Tell everypony I'm on my way
And I'm loving every step I take
With the sun beating down, yes I'm on my way
And I can't keep this smile off my face...”

Spike was walking into the belly of the beast, so to speak. The moon shone down on his back, still having a long trek ahead of him. The rock-covered road was not conducive to travel for the cart, every over-extraneous movement taking an additional strain on his strength. The cart would rock to one side or the other with the dips and hills in the old dirt road. His eyes forward on the path, his mouth in a scowl at the thought of the ponies who had kidnapped his love. He had to get to Rarity, who was the only thing that would break him out of his trance.

“...'Cause there's nothing like, seeing each other again
No matter what the distance between
And the stories that we tell, will make you smile
Or it really lifts my heart...”

Every step taken felt like another weight on Spike's heart, yet he could feel that his love was getting closer with every movement. Seeing her again was the primary thing on his mind at the moment. Her purple mane, her alabaster coat color, the gleaming sapphires she called her eyes, and the gentle light blue of her diamond-shaped cutie mark were all on his mind with each step. Coming around the next bend in the path, the journey still weighing on his heart, he was worrying again about seeing her beautiful face.

“...So tell'em all I'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
And to sleep under the stars who could ask for more
With the moon keeping watch over me...”

The extra weight of the massive quantity of bits and gems adding to the time it was taking to reach the old ruins, Spike moved through the Everfree forest noticing the distinct lack of wildlife. Every one of the eyes following him felt like a predatory animal; strange, it felt like all of them were unnatural. The roots of the trees along the path were adding to the bumpy road. The only sleep that night that might beckon him here in the Everfree Forest was the eternal sleep. He wiped his brow for a moment before continuing on his way, Luna's moon starting to float through the sky just behind him.

“...Not the snow, not the rain, can change my mind
The sun will come out, wait and see
And the feeling of the wind
In your face, can lift your heart...”

A muddy patch of earth had stuck one of the applecart's wheels. Spike moved around behind the cart starting to struggle to push it out carefully. Finally, he got a good grip on it and got it moving again. “It figured I would run into something like this near the midway point on my journey.” Spike just shook his head, trudging on in his journey, the moon shining brightly in the cloudless night just overhead. Spike could see the destination at the top of a hill, the rocky path still challenging him with every step. An icy gust of wind sweeping across his face, he started down the hill.

“...Oh... there's nowhere I'd rather be
'Cause I'm on my way now
Well and truly
And, I'm my way now...”

Spike continued along the winding rocky road. The feeling of being watched never stopped as he worked with the cart to arrive at the bridge connecting the two cliff sides. The path never felt free or alive, only feeling cold and unreasonable; this night in the Everfree Forest felt different than it normally would, the air even exerting pressure over Spike's walk. He came to another twist in the road; the cart snapped a trip wire he had stepped over accidentally. A rush of air to his right told him to duck behind the applecart to the left, just barely missing the flurry of arrows meant to weaken him. He would get this cart there and safely if only to see Rarity's face again. Suddenly a bright blue light in the shape of a letter, which was a “T,” burst through the night over the castle.

“...I'm on my way now...”

Spike continued forward glancing at the sky every so often to see there were suddenly more letters every time he checked. The blue hue could only mean it was a message from Rarity, who was trying to tell him something with what little magic they left her. Soon the letters read, “They.” He realized she wanted him to know about her captors.

“...I'm on my way now...”

It almost felt like she was with him the more Spike read her message. The moon was hanging in the center of the night sky provided light for his journey. He followed the path as best he could, making sure he didn't miss a single letter; she might not be able to maintain the message for long. It filled him with hope to see her trying to help in the rescue as well; the meaning becoming clearer as the second word formed “took.”.

“...I'm on my way now...”

The view of her words to him only drove Spike on his way with renewed vigor. It reminded him of what he was fighting for spurring him on despite the heavy load he bore. The way the letters lit up the night was like a gentle, bright blue beckon of hope. Checking the letters again the following had added “my cl.”

“...Tell everypony I'm on my way
And I just can't wait to be there, just can't wait to be there
With blue skies ahead, yes I'm on my way
And nothing but good times to share...”

The ruins were getting closer with each step Spike took. He wasn't too concerned about that, though, his mind instead of focusing on the sky writing that appeared to be just for him. He continued ongoing over another tree root. The cart rocking with the heavy load, Spike managed to steady it with his strength. He looked up again, and the message was complete, “They took my clothing!” While watching the exclamation point pop into being, the entire message flickered and faded into the night like a light going out. “It must have taken all the magical power she could use to summon it,”Spike thought. This idea only sped him on his way, since she was weak, cold, and without clothes; it must be horrible for her.

“...So tell everypony I'm on my way, I'm on my way
And I just can't wait to be home, just can't wait to be home
With the sun beating down, yes I'm on my way
And nothing but good times to show...”

Spike was determined to reach his love in time despite all the hang-ups on his journey through the forest. He continued on his way; he started to think, “Why they would take her clothes?” The only possible thoughts disturbed him. Then again whoever kidnapped her didn't like being beaten in any way, the villain’s murderous intent proven when he killed his messenger. Spike continued on undaunted by these troubling revelations. He climbed over another hill, and could finally see the path leading to two bridges and the old castle. 'Hang on, my lady, I'm coming,' thought Spike.

“...I'm on my way
Yes, I'm on my way...”

Sweetie Bell finished the song, and the music slowly came to a stop. She bowed before thunderous hoof stomps of applause. She raised her hoof to try to silence the crowd for a moment as she needed to say something,“On my way, by Filly Coltins, everypony.” After this light reflection of the original artist, there was another resounding applause in appreciation of her talents and those of the real artists.

<><><> <><><> <><><>

Rarity had strained herself to the limits of her magical potential to get that message out. She wasn't sure if Spike had even seen it, she was only able to hope he had; the whole message only being in the sky for a few moments. Now exhausted, she had to ready herself not to eat anything that brute, Blueblood, brought to her. The underhanded tactics he used to take her here made her think, 'Surely, anything he would give me to eat or drink would be laced with a love potion. Like I haven't read that story before.' She shook her head at this thought.

Before Rarity could think much longer on the fact, another sound of laughter rang out from the top of the steps. The laughter followed by hoofbeats on the stairs. Two unicorn stallions came down the stairs hoods hiding their identities. Rarity tried to pull away, but the chains kept her in place as they approached. They had the task of uncoupling her from the floor and taking her upstairs to the dining area. Two magical auras formed around her in different ways. The first one was used to unchain her shackles from the ground. The second aura started to lift her off the ground and was now joined with the other as the stallions began to float her up the stairs. They held her at length from them, as they slowly started to move back up the stairs with her in tow. She couldn't fight it with her magic depleted, during transport she could see many corridors and suits of armor lining the halls.

Parts of the old castle appeared to be restored many looking like certain parts of the castle in Canterlot. The stallion's carrying Rarity in their magic stopped before a large set of doors which lead to the dining hall; however, her eyes had fixated on another set of doors entirely, they were just down the way from the dining room. That set of large doors looked to be a way out as the moonlight shone like a beam through one of the cracks in doors. She didn't have much time to go over this though as she floated into the dining hall with little effort suspended in the two magic fields. Rarity was set down at one end of a long flat table, where her shackles now attached to a grate in the floor. The two stallion's quickly headed back out the doors through which they had entered, using their magic to close the doors behind them.

Rarity looked over the dining room, noticing a large set of torches along the walls with a magical silvery blue glow to them. On the table were two, five candle candelabras which were lit using fire. Other than the steadily flickering candles the huge table set for two; yet at such a long table how two ponies were going to have an adequate conversation was beyond her. She couldn't see her host with the least, but she was not looking forward to it. “Maybe him being late means Spike is more dragon than him and his flunkies can handle,” Rarity thought.

As Rarity was smiling at her, “Spikey-wikie's” potential victories over her captor so far; Blueblood barged in with a look of rage on his face that only compounded her smile. Before he could say anything to her, she offered, “Having a hard time slaying the dragon?”

“Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you. Hearing all about how the dragon is on the way here to rescue his fair damsel. Well, don't hold your breath it's not even halftime. There are still plenty of opportunities for his 'Sudden Death.” Blueblood let out another cold bit of laughter at his joke. Moving around to the side of the table set for him he clicked a servant's summoning bell near the side of his plate.

Instantly a wave of twenty unicorns stallions entered from a set of double doors that was likely leading to the kitchen. Every stallion held two covered silver platters in their magic as half of them moved to either long side of the table. The stallions proceeded to put their trays down and lift up the covers with their magic. Before Rarity now sat the most impressive array of food she had seen in her life. The dish closest to Rarity was a sensual salad with emerald green lettuce and an array of fresh juicy vegetables. She could also see a roasted carrot thick as a stallion's neck basted with a mushroom gravy sliced into rounds an inch thick, a platter of a golden brown cheese topped potato gratin the tender slices of potato stacking perfectly, and a creamy vegetable lasagna with a decadent, delicious Alfredo sauce. The food closer to Blueblood she could see was, a platter of a golden brown cheese topped potato gratin the tender slices of potato stacking perfectly, and a tasty hearty mushroom stew containing (portobello, shiitake, and button mushrooms). The dish center table held an amalgamation of sliced baked to perfection vegetables(zucchini, eggplant, yellow squash, and Roma tomatoes) separated into two servings of many slices. All of these wonderfully crafted meals now put in front of Rarity who hadn't realized until just now she had missed lunch. Her mouth salivated a little bit, managing to stifle her her stomach rumblings for now.

Another ring of the bell dismissed the stallions from the dining area; bringing back the two stallion's who had brought her into the dining hall in the first place. These stallions were now carrying bottles of wine in their green auras, filling glasses they had brought with them. Setting the full glasses on the table in front of both Rarity and Blueblood. They left the wine bottles in ice buckets near the center of the table, leaving again without another bell to dismiss them.

“Surely, your dragon can't offer you a dinner like this one. After all, only the best stallion's in all of Equestria make this kind of a meal,” said a confident Blueblood.

“If you think, I'm touching one crumb of your gluttonous feast; while chained like a prisoner; you're mad. Spike could make something ten times as luxurious if I asked him to. Also, I don't usually stay for a meal if I don't enjoy the company. Not that I could think of eating with my friend in serious need of medical attention,” said a very resolved Rarity.

“Psh, I doubt that. As far as your chains, my dear, I might be more willing to relinquish them; if you were to say give me a kiss,” Blueblood said smugly.

“Not for every last gem in Equestria!” Rarity shouted.

Blueblood just chuckled at her response and set about eating from his end of the meal. As he started to work on the third platter before him, a stallion burst into the dining hall going right over to him. Blueblood listened to everything he said as he continued his meal and then spat out what he was eating for a moment and said, “Return her to the dungeon. Well, my dear, your dragon is just about here. Soon you'll be hearing the sweet sounds of his demise. He won't even know what hit him. Sorry to cut our first dinner date short, I need to supervise this to make sure he's finished properly.”

“Good riddance to you. When Spike breaks into this castle to save me. You won't know what hit you,” Rarity said this with conviction as she turned her head from the meal her stomach letting out a low rumble. She couldn't have any of this food it was all prepared for her to give in but she wouldn't not if it would mean hurting her, “Spikie-wikie.”

With that dinner was over, Blueblood left his seat and walked through the doors he had come through in the first place. Rarity was left to sit in front of the food for the time being as it took two stallions to take her back to the dungeons as the one given the order went to fetch the two who did it in the first place. Rarity couldn't help but feel glad; Spike was almost here for her. It seemed like nothing could go wrong, that soon she would be safe in his arms. For the first time sharing a loving embrace and a kiss of mutual affection. It sounded like something out of a storybook. There might not be time for anything like that though she thought. Surely, Blueblood wouldn't make it that easy. She had to hope, though, that he wouldn't be successful in thwarting her love.

<^v><^v> <^v><^v> <^v><^v>

Blueblood came into another room off the main chamber of the castle and said in a steady voice, “Are you ready for the performance of your lifetime, and to repay your debt to me for keeping you safe.”

“I suppose, dahling. How do I look?” Coming out into the light of the room was white unicorn mare with a purple mane and tail in stylish curves wearing, a purple rose dress, a purple cape, and a necklace with a heart-shaped fire ruby at the center.

“Ravishing my dear. I'm certain this will fool that brainless dragon of hers,” Blueblood let out a wicked howl of laughter that echoed through the halls of the castle.



Author's Note:

Well, well, here we are again everypony. End of another chapter I hope you've enjoyed it. Ahh, yes the song I used was On My Way, Phil Colin's version. Correct copyrights wherever they need to go, I ponyfied the lyrics a bit, but this is not my song. A link is here if you'd like to listen to it.
here This is how I want you to hear the song yet with Sweetie Belle's voice. The journey was supposed to be contradictory to the brilliant song. Other than that I'm not sure there is much more to say so. The grammar update for this chapter is live. Comment time for everypony.