• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 205 Views, 1 Comments

Scroll of the Thorn of the Frozen Star - Sanxa

A long time ago, one kirin was chosen to save the grove from an ice wyrm. Original settings, characters and composition of Frozen Night.

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Everywhere in the grove, snow was falling, and creatures were confused by this brutal change.
Some of the creatures witnessed the passage of one of their guardian, running back to the village.

Ivory was running as fast as she could. Some tears were trying to appear in the corner of her eyes, but she shook them off each time.

At the entrance of the village, one nirik was melting the snow and reverted back to her kirin form when she saw Ivory coming back.
She saw the look in Ivory's eyes. She followed her, like any other kirins who wanted to know... every kirin.

Ivory arrived at the central place, near the fountain. She was panting, eyes closed.
She shivered.
They all saw it was not from cold, and looked at each other.
She opened her eyes.
Her leader was before her, a gentle look on her face :"Ivory, I am glad you are fine. What troubles you?"
The words flied out of Ivory's mouth :"It's an ice wyrm! Zuriak! He is making himself home with that weather! He does not care of the harm he will provoked! We need to... We need to do something!"
She was panting.
Every kirins were looking at their leader.

Her composed smile vanished slowly. Her eyes went blank an instant. Her lips moved a little, but her words were kept silent.
Green eyes were watching her, worried. More worried eyes were looking at her.
She coughed, to refocus herself :"My little kirins, the time is serious. Use your anger against the frost that menace our homes. Ivory..."
The young kirin tilted her head to her leader.
"Ivory, please come with me." And the leader turn towards her own shack.

Ivory was at the same time honored and worried to follow her leader. This did not look right.
Her friends just put their hooves on her, one nuzzled her too, all worried but smiling timidly.
Ivory trotted to catch up with her leader.

"Ivory...", started the leader, as they were entering the shack, "I would like to share with you only some stories that were left to my care."
The leader looked at Ivory, and her face soften before the worried look.
"Our course of action to deal with that ice wyrm may depend of the result of our conversation. Or maybe it has already been decided."
Ivory tilted her head, frowning a little.

"Let me tell you a story, slightly different from the one you might know:
Once upon a time saw the birth of the first kirin within the ungulates.
The father of our kind was trying to help all species survive through the harsh challenges of the ages, fighting calamities after calamities.
As he was powerless by himself, he created us, as an harmonious element of fire. This is why we, kirins, tend to ignite when we are frustrated." A shared smile.

"We weren't alone in this fight, but we grew in importance, as chosen ones began to appear among us.
Be it fate, destiny or father's ultimate goal, no one really knew who they were and why they were more powerful."
The leader paused a moment.

As Ivory stood silent, her attention focused on her leader, who continued:
"The chosen ones were characterized by three possible singularities: their aura, their horn and-or their markings.
Color of the aura matching the eyes, symmetry or complex marking, sometimes the three at the same time, confirmed a link to energy far beyond the usual grasp.
Ivory Frost, can you come here and lit your horn?"

Her leader moved to lie before a tall mirror, and lit her own horn. The two inversed and wide-spaced v-shape marking lit in the same color of the leader eyes.
Ivory moved next to her, and lit her own horn, curious.
The two inversed and close v-shape marking lit with the green neon light matching her own eyes. But other marks appeared, extending the light on more parts of her horn.

There were unique symbols, most extending from her markings, but one stood above the 'v' ones in front of her horn. It had two horizontal bars attached by another one, coming from the tips of the bottom right to the top left.
She also guessed and feel the little threads of energy connecting that mark to all others within the horn. All her horn was more elaborate than she had thought.

Suddenly, she felt something else, far above her, then around, massive, distant, yet so close.
She unlit her horn, cowering and looking to the ceiling and around, the eyes wide.
Her eyes met her leader gaze, and she blocked, her body shaking.
Her leader's head close the gap between them, nuzzling her: "It is fine, Ivory. It just confirms... what I suspected."

When Ivory felt able to listen to the next part, she ended the nuzzle: "Thank you..."
"Everything for my little kirins. Come."
This time, the leader put an old 'book' from a shelf on the floor, lying it between her and the mirror.
It had strange ring of metal and looked old, yet it was in a good state.
Ivory came closer and sat next to her leader, looking curiously.

"The chosen ones can have an affinity with more elements than fire."
"But... aren't we creature of fire?"
"Oh, ho ho ho, it is true, but know also this: if the affinity with fire was strenghten, becoming a nirik would be more devastating under some conditions. It is said here."
"Terrifying... I'm glad that symbol is not matching my... mark?"
"Here," and two pairs of eyes scanned the page. "The note say: 'Power related to ice. Other study of the aspects need a chosen one to appear.' Oh no, don't do me that."
"Do not worry, Ivory, I know how to train a chosen one, hahaha... but going like that from mere scratch. We will have to take utmost care, as I do not know what effects it could have."

Her leader was looking through the pages of the 'book', before putting it back into the shelf, a little abruptly.
She was standing before the shelf, likely in deep thoughts, the gaze on the book. Was she biting her own lips?
Ivory approached and nuzzled against her leg, pleading eyes towards the kirin leader.
She sighed: "I can train you, or...", she bit her lips again.
"Leader, it's okay. You said you knew how to train. So let's take the time we need?"
Widened eyes looked at the little kirin, before softening.

The leaders head came down, reposing on the back of Ivory.
"You may have to fight that ice wyrm."
"I'm aware...", answered Ivory, eyes closed.
"You may probably be injured."
"I'm aware..."
"Even if I train you to master the cosmic force, you may overuse it and..."
"I'm... the cosmic force?"
"Yes, what you felt and scared you when you kept your horn lit without using your powers for any action."
"Is it that dangerous?"
"As using it taps into your life force, it can be..."
"I understand..."

"Leader...", Ivory muttered, breaking the nuzzle to stand before her leader.
And before her was a shaking little kirin, but the green eyes were now strongly focused into hers. Little flames could be seen, dancing with teardrops in their corner.

After a moment of silence, the leader nodded and walked for the door.
"This will be harsh training, as I do not want to lose anykirin... any."
"Yes, count on me!", the voice still shaking a bit.

As they went outside, they saw a collection of kirins with a few niriks reverting back as they approached the crowd, waiting for them.
"We have secured the village... but outside, it is becoming really difficult, with the continuous fall of snow."
"Then secure the zone of the village. Allow to any creature the possibility to shelter there. I will have to train Ivory Frost, as signs are clear: she is our chosen one."

Whispers could be heard.
"WHY?", a mare kirin cried, turning into a nirik, stomping once, shaking, before collapsing back to her kirin form.
Some kirins took care of her under the look of a worried male, who decided to close the gap with Ivory: "Take care of yourself, ok?"
A quick nuzzle: "You're strong. If we can help...", he attempted.
A few kirins were already stepping forwards...
But their leader shook her head: "I am afraid not that way. You shall protect the vulnerables of the village, while I will take care of the training of your daughter. You can still bring us food to the old pond. We will be there."

The leader decided to entrust the guard of the village to the father of Ivory and a few volunteers, to keep things running during her absence.
Looking to the sky, it wasn't as dark as she feared the first time. But persistent clouds were looming over some summits.
Even with all the questions blowing through her mind, the leader did what she had to :"Ivory, let's go."
"It'll be fine, dad, lads! Coming!"

Thus they left the village for the old pond. On one occasion during the trip, the leader and the kirin turned into niriks, to dry their furs.
Arrived at their destination, the leader explained to Ivory Frost how to tap into the cosmic force.
While she was following her leader directions, some kirins from the village came to prepare the shack near the old pond, so both master and student wouldn't suffer too much from the cold, providing them additional protection, and fresh supplies.

The first day, she learned to tap into the cosmic force, gathering it.
"This process do not harm the body of the creature performing it, but it is the first step to perform the next one. Using it in a beam of energy, like in a normal attack."
And the day finished with the leader performing some spells, showing Ivory some of the possibilities she had: "Be warned: I used them at really minor levels, which would barely reduce my life force."
"WHAT?", shouted the kirin, suddenly testing her leader with her hooves. "Are you okay?"
"I am just a bit tired. But most of it was due to make sure you were fine. We've got our share of emotions. However, know that using too much of it may lead one kirin to..."

The leader felt silent.
Ivory Frost lied against her leader, silent too.
"What can it lead to?"
"Because the cosmic power is far beyond the reach of mortal creatures. We shall accept our place, and never attempt to go break the balance of harmony."
"Was it in the book?"
"Yes. The Fire Star gave its blessing to a kirin. Notes of its last use were short... From its horn to the star, a ray of cosmic energy connected. After its attack was launched... the kirin was nowhere to be found..."

"We will learn what your marking really means when you apply it to your magic, in due time. Now, we sleep. You need to be strong and cautious. I will be there to prevent anything going cold."
Both kirins shared a laugh before coming to sleep, one against another.

The second day came up, and when the leader awoke, Ivory was not in the hut.
A breakfast was already prepared for her, and after eating a wonderful salad of fruits, she came outside to see Ivory training in the gathering of the cosmic energy.
She slowly approached of the kirin. The ears of Ivory flickered, already aware of her presence.
She took a piece of wood that she left floating into her corona above where was a depression in the ground.
"Shoot only a tiny part of the cosmic force towards that piece of wood, Ivory."

The eyes of Ivory suddenly open, complete ball of green lights directed on the piece of wood.
The usual trait of fire was distorted, imperfect, jagged.
A thorny red vine trait was shot, combining ice and fire, but the aim was not perfect. It hit the base of a tree. A little ball of red spiky ice formed.
Ivory collapsed on the ground.
The corona of her leader envelopped the little kirin and brought her back to the shack.

The nostrils of the little kirin awoke her. Her stomach grumbled.
Ivory's eyes opened, and she saw her leader humming while she was finishing some plate of food.
She drooled, but quickly felt ashamed when her leader eyes focused her.
"I am glad that you are okay this quick, Ivory Frost," but now with a worrying face: "You collapsed. We need to allow your body to be used to the cosmic force. No more training without my presence. No buts."
A plate was put before her face on the ground: "No more spells today, but a lot of energy gathering. Eat, you will need this."

As Ivory ate, she asked :"Was it that bad?"
"It could have been really worse," answered the leader, while pulling out the old book, some ink and a feather. "I noticed some details and I need to note them."
"It's okay... I guess?" she replied, finishing a third bowl. "I am amazed I was so hungry..."
"Because you are not used to that power. Let's get back to your training. Today, meditation, getting familiar with the cosmic energy. I will tell you more later."
"Fiiine...", pouted a smiling Ivory, testing her articulations.

As the evening came, Ivory asked a question:"So, what did you see this morning?"
"It was like a red vine, with thorns, and seemingly freezing the touched target."
"... I don't really like this description."
"Now, let's get some sleep. Tomorrow, no initiative like today."
"I've learned my lesson," grumbled Ivory, as she stretched.
A little nuzzle from her leader made her smile before they went to sleep.

The third day, the leader was awoken first, Ivory wedged into her fur.
She used her corona to prepare the breakfast, as she was making sure to not disturb the sleep of her protégée.
She would need all of her energy for the upcoming days. The cold was not as strong as she was expecting it to be.
Whatever reason had delayed the change of weather was welcomed. It left her more time to prepare Ivory, and avoid any loss.

After all, she had only suppositions, no real timeline of what would happen. But looking outside, it was a weird mixture of green and white. Beautiful in one way, terrible when knowing what was causing it.

Even with the sky covered by the dark clouds, she could see the moon coming down, and the sun rising up.
She could not guess why or how, but she guessed that the beings in charge of the astral brought the sun a bit closer... maybe?

Before she realized it, two bowls lied before her and the sleeping Ivory. Nostrils made there moves first, before the green eyes slowly opened.
"Good morning, Ivory. I hope you have slept well."
" 'orning", yawned the awakening kirin, getting up and stretching. The leader followed the same way, and they ate their first meal of the day.

They munched a moment in a peaceful silence.
"Say, leader... how are leader chosen?"
"Bigger horns, wider markings."
Wide eyes, followed by a laugh:"That cannot be all."
"Oh yes, color of the corona matching the eyes can be an indication too, but this is more of a supposition."

As they finished their meal, they went out to find some kirins, bringing fresh food.
Among them were the parents of Ivory.
"Her mom needed to be reassured", explained the father, a shy smile on his face. "The village is safe and the snow is not that strong for now. The village is safe."
"That's good to know. I am proud of you all. If everything goes well on our side, I may be back in the village after the end of the week."
"What do you mean?", dared the kirin mare, stepping a hoof forward between Ivory and the leader, a worried look on her face.
"I need to make sure that your daughter will be fine by mastering her powers. I told already that. I would not like to lose anykirin and will do everything for that to not happen."
"I do not like that... Ivory...", the mare nuzzled her daughter. "Is that the only way?"
"That's the only one I know..."
"But could you..."

"I am afraid not.", and the leader, for the first time of her leadership, diverted her gaze, closing her eyes.
"My apologies", came the words from Ivory's mother after a moment. "I did not want to hurt you. I guess this is something outside of our capacities."
A sad smile on a nod.
"Don't worry, mama. I will protect our peace!"

For two hours, the leader let Ivory share time with her family. She noted she avoided to mention the faint & collapsing.

She spoke with the other kirins too. Apparently, a newborn was awaited for the next month. And there was a new couple too. Well, it was expected, it just took an unusual event to bring those two shy kirins closer that quick.
She also answered multiple of the questions of the kirins, and made the promise to tell them everything in the form of an event after everything was finished.

After the departure of the kirins, they went back to the meditation exercises.

As the seventh day was coming to an end, and Ivory frowned.
"Focus on your medidation, Ivory," eyes looking for the shift between day and night.
Green eyes closed again.

Ivory could feel the cosmic energy running alongside her horn and her marking - even if it was intricate, it was only one pattern, very complex.
"I feel the energy in my body and in my horn really clearly."
A shift in light and temperature. The sun had dropped, the moon was high.
"I would like you to repeat what we had previously done, just shoot at the same place."

This time, Ivory eyes were not brighten by lights. She was able to aim correctly. She was able to see the spell she launched.
She saw the little previous spot of red ice being covered by bigger spikes of the same colored ice.

Mouth open, she turned her head several times from the red ice to her leader, who nodded.
"I succeeded! Did you see? I succee..."
The world was suddenly blurry and Ivory knees folded. Her eyes closed.
"Shh... it's okay, Ivory, this is just how those spells work. You can sleep. I will take care of the rest. Congratulations."
The kirin was already asleep. "Just be careful..."
A crescent moon could be seen, lighting the clouds and the night.

The eyes of the leader watched. White light could be seen, coming from a flying silhouette and going into the clouds.