• Published 24th Jan 2021
  • 7,599 Views, 230 Comments

What Once Was Lost - The Crazed Werewolf

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Chapter 2: Correspondence

Rarity couldn't sleep. It wasn't helping that her phone was buzzing nonstop. Groggily, she reached for her phone from her night stand. It took her nearly a minute to realize that her phone wasn't the source of the infernal buzzing. Wha-where is that coming from? She looked around her darkened room, Why is my backpack glowing? Cautiously, she opened her backpack and looked in. Sunset's journal was the source of the buzzing sound and the glow. I guess they do have cell phones where she's from.

She lifted the journal out of her bookbag and opened it up to the most recent entry. The light that the page was giving up illuminated her entire room and Rarity had to briefly shield her eyes. After her eyes had time to adjust the began to read the words on the page.

Dear Sunset,

I'm sorry that this is happening to you. If you want me to, I will come over there to help you discover the identity of Anon-A-Miss. Just please don't do any desperate. There are ponies here who love you and they would be most upset if something happens to you.

Your Friend,
Princess Twilight Sparkle

Rarity read the entry several times. Princess Twilight doesn't believe that Sunset is Anon-A-Miss, she realized. Reaching back into her bookbag, Rarity fished out a pen. I hope that this works.

Dear Her Royal Highness Princess Twilight Sparkle,

I wish that I had better news, but Sunset has gone missing. Until yesterday I was convinced that Sunset was indeed Anon-A-Miss, but I started having doubts and reading your letter just now has me convinced that she isn't. Unfortunately, that puts me at odd with the rest of Canterlot High. I think that for now it might be best if you stay in your world, just in case Sunset shows up there. I will look for her and do my best to find a way to prove her innocence on this end.

You humble servant,

Rarity wondered how long she would have to wait until she got a reply. As it turned out, she didn't have to wait long.


Please don't be so formal, I'm still your friend, though I am disappointed that you and the rest of the girls abandoned Sunset in her time of need. Hopefully we can resolve this matter quickly. If you think that I should stay here for now I will, but I will be sending some pony, or should I say somedragon, to assist you with your search for Sunset. Try to get the rest of the girls to see the truth, I doubt that you can complete this task alone.

Twilight Sparkle

P.S. Spike said that he would meet you by the portal tomorrow morning. And it might be a good idea to go back and read Sunset's last few entries in the journal.

The light that the journal was giving off began to fade, so Rarity turned on her bedside lamp and went back a few pages and began to read. By the time she had finished, she couldn't stop thinking about how betrayed Sunset must have felt after the five of her closest and only friends had accused her of being something that she wasn't. Wiping the tears from her eyes, Rarity made a promise to never abandon Sunset ever again.

Rarity pulled out her phone and used the map app on her phone to try to guess where in Canterlot Sunset could have gone. She began to realize that if she could figure out where Sunset was hiding, then it wouldn't take long for other students at CHS to do the same. She was certain that some of them may already be looking. Anon-A-Miss had started a fucking god-damned witch hunt and an innocent is on trial, Rarity thought, sad thing is that I'm the only one who seems to care.

Rarity decided that she could come up with a better plan if she left the distractions of her bedroom. Wandering down to the kitchen, Rarity made herself a Peanut butter and jelly sandwich before taking a seat at the counter. Twilight said that I should try to convince my friends of Sunset's innocence. She does have a point, the more people out looking for her, the quicker we can find her. Rarity scrolled through the contact information for her friends on her phone. Who do I convince first? Rainbow Dash is clearly only seeing red, so she is out. Applejack? She was Anon-A-Miss' first victim, well technically second, Sunset was the first victim. I doubt that she is ready to see reason, not after her remarks yesterday, that also leaves out Pinkie Pie. And that only leaves Fluttershy, makes sense, she was the first one to extend the hand of friendship to Sunset. She took a bite from her sandwich, and realized at that point that she had used her father's jalapeno jelly on her sandwich instead of grape jelly. Shrugging she continued to eat the sandwich, it was actually pretty good. After wiping off her hands and her mouth, Rarity reached for her phone. I could send her a text, but I know that she is more likely going to answer it if I call her.

She hit the dial button and listened to it ring. On the fifth ring Fluttershy answered.

"Sorry I dropped my phone. Do you have any idea what time it is." Fluttershy said, a rare twinge of anger in her voice.

"Sorry for waking you up at this ungodly hour Fluttershy," Rarity said, "but I have evidence that Sunset is innocent. Could you please meet me by the Wondercolt Statue before school tomorrow?"

"Yes I'll meet you by the statue," Fluttershy said with a yawn, "is that all you needed?"

"Yes," Rarity said before adding, "the reason we're meeting at the statue is because someone is coming from Equestria to help us look for Sunset."

"Wait, who is coming from Equestria?" Fluttershy asked.

"You'll see tomorrow," Rarity said before ending the call, Right now I need to come up with a plan.

Author's Note:

I'm really enjoying writing this story. Where oh where can Sunset be? Anon-A-Miss took her away from me...

I am surprised by the response that this story is getting. I posted the first chapter at midnight last night and I woke up with 74 new notifications in my feed.