• Published 4th Feb 2021
  • 12,686 Views, 1,084 Comments

Choice - zelkova48

When the time came, choices needed to be made. Consequences be damned. A series of short vignettes set in the Negotiationverse by Rated Pony

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Among the regal alicorns, Princess Luna is arguably the most feared among the battlefield. Bold, headstrong and impetuous, she is both Equestria's mighty sword arm and the edge of their blade of conquest. But at home, she is simply auntie Luna, a tired alicorn with problems of her own.

A long airy sigh of complete and utterly incomparable bliss escaped Princess Luna's lips as she sank deep into the hot rejuvenating waters of her inordinately large bathtub. She slowly eased herself in, taking the time to truly appreciate the gentle warmth washing over her as it soothed her aching muscles and weary soul.

"Ah... I needed this..." She breathed and reclined up against the tub, closing her eyes and enjoying her precious 'me time' amidst the serene peace of the night.

Luna had just returned from another successful, if unnecessarily drawn out, battle in South America and needed to unwind after such a tiring ordeal. The city of Rio de Janeiro was her target this time around and although she was once again victorious the heavy amount of human resistance she'd encountered had continually proven to be as irksome as ever, if not moreso this time around.

The opposition had fought hard for upwards to a week with every ounce of strength they could muster, bringing in tanks, planes and more, all in an effort to defend the city and their ostentatious statue of Jesus Christ, the so called 'Son of God.' It was a commendable effort, if somewhat misplaced.

Unsurprisingly, Luna had scoured them effortlessly with nary a feather out of place and made sure to demolish that laughable monument to hypocrisy (admittedly by complete accident) before teleporting her troops back to the safety of Equestria. Rio de Janeiro was left ruined and in total disarray with several hundred humans converted into newfoals in their wake.

At a glance, this was yet another decisive victory for the ponies of Equestria, and many would agree with that assessment. However, Luna didn't feel quite as accomplished as she had hoped to be upon returning to the castle.

A small frown formed on her lips, and her muscles tensed.

It had been four years now.

Four agonizing years of meat grinder engagements and tiresome siege breaking.

Even with the barrier slowly gaining ground across the entire planet the battles taking place beyond its impenetrable magical field were becoming increasingly more difficult the longer the war continued, with conflicts dragging out for days or even weeks on end. Perhaps worst of all, each subsequent victory had grown considerably less and less gratifying to her. Even if the outcome was almost always the same the effort required to actually achieve it had long since passed the point of general tedium.

Waging war had become just another chore to her, and an aggravating one at that.

Ashamed as she was to admit it, she had grown weary of the conflict. If only because whatever glory there was to be had in the conversion of humanity had been soured by their ceaseless floundering in the face of inevitability and the scores of dull successes she'd accrued.

When Equestria emerges triumphant from beyond the ashes of war she wondered if it would be a victory worth lauding. Her sister and fellow nobles may be content to celebrate the completion of their most hallowed task, but songs were not sung about the righteous stomping on ants.

There was no honor to be had in pest control.

More than likely their historians will attempt make the war appear grander than it really was. A bit of embellishment about their heroism and self sacrifice would certainly help to inspire the future generations of the new era.

Alas, she will persist in spite of her personal feelings. Destiny wills her to remain diligent. No matter how many more battles it may take, how many more foolish humans she will have to put to the sword until they learn their lesson, she will claim victory for Equestria.

Humanity can only resist for so long, and she was no stranger to the ebb and flow of time.

Luna stayed in the tub for half an hour longer, humming a quiet lullaby to herself, vigorously scrubbing away the flecks of dried blood from her fur and lathering up her glorious mane.

After some time she rose from the waters before she could prune up and casually trotted over to the towel rack dripping wet where she began drying herself off. Sure, she could've used magic to expedite the process, but her fur and mane and didn't achieve such a lustrous shine without careful grooming practices.

Wrapping a towel over her head and slipping into a light blue robe she wandered back into her absurdly spacious bedroom and sat down by the bedding where she began idly sifting through her recently acquired trophies that were strewn across the silken sheets. The climax of the battle where she heroically beheaded the Brazilian UN forces' forward command unit in a single burst of magical ordinance had allowed her to swipe a few mementos to add to her ever-growing wartime collection.

There was the commander's cap, a professional green and gold trimmed symbol of office that was only partly singed in the firefight. It was always so hard to keep one intact after blasting the person wearing it, but this time she had gotten quite lucky. There were also a small collection of ribbons and medals, and a chunk of the statue of Jesus Christ, specifically the left eye.

Quietly, she began to organize them as she had done many times before.

The ribbons and medals she'd acquired were all gathered along a large corkboard set up nearby that had a map of the world carved onto it. They've been arranged by country of origin, which was further divided into individual cities where she had won her battles. There was a section for Spain, Russia, North America, Japan, Egypt and so forth, all pinned with military honors of each respective country.

She'd gather enough of the colorful middling trinkets over the last four years to fully cover herself from tail to nose like a jingling ill-fitted bodysuit if she wanted to... And perhaps she had at one point, not that anypony will ever find out. She was beginning to wonder if she should get a new board soon seeing as the current one was positively full to bursting with the things.

And who knew when the war was going to end?

As for the cap, she casually tossed it atop the head of a ponnequin, one of many, where it spun to a clean stop in the correct position.

The rest of the ponnequins were adorned with an eclectic assortment of absconded weapons and gears the opposition carried on them. Entrenching tools, helmets, army knives, etcetera. Any form of higher technology were strictly prohibited however. Firearms in particular brought a certain disgust to her, citing them to be coward's weapons that didn't belong in the new era, let alone in the collection of one of its venerable princesses.

Her personal favorite of the bunch was a crude iron machete with a heavy black blade that tapered out halfway up, giving it more the appearance of a cleaver or coconut knife. There was spots of rust from the dried blood she hadn't bothered to clean off since she acquired it, she felt it gave the weapon more character.

There was a story behind it that she had yet to reveal to anyone. If told, perhaps it wouldn't be nearly as exciting as some might expect, even with Luna's profound talent in the time-honored art of oration, but she wouldn't have prized it so if there weren't any sentimental attachment.

The machete had belonged to a particularly brave and burly Kenyan soldier who had managed to get the drop on her during the assault on Nairobi.

It was during the third year of the war, some time before Fluttershy turned traitor and ran off with the treacherous Resistance. Nairobi was a periphery target she'd been charged with assailing during one of their rare multi-target attacks. She hadn't expect much resistance from the heat blasted backwater city once she teleported in, let alone any meaningful test of her prodigious skills, but fate had a way of surprising her with small graces.

After tearing their way across the city to the Kenyan parliament buildings Luna momentarily stepped away from her unit in order to level the main structure as a show of might in the hopes that it would convince the people of Kenya to understand the folly of their resistance and willingly give themselves over to conversion.

That was when an injured man, either bold or foolish, more than likely both, erupted from out of the nearby debris in a burst of dust and rushed at her blind spot with his machete. The surprise alone was enough to give her pause for the first time since her arrival on this planet.

His blow found purchase, striking at her exposed neck with all the strength she'd expect from a violent ape. Unfortunately for him, Luna had managed to raise her magical barrier mere moments before the weapon's edge could bite into her flesh, but not before shearing off a few flecks of blue fur.

Furious, Luna retaliated with a swing of her own crescent shaped sword, hoping to behead the audacious man in a single swipe. Undeterred and fueled by adrenaline, the man desperately kicked up a cloud of debris and ducked away from the strike, leaving the mare dirty and fuming... And yet, unusually excited.

The rest of the 'duel' however ended far quicker than she had liked it to, lasting exactly ten seconds and with the soldier only getting another hit on her before she put him down.

It was a blunder on her part really, instinct wrapped up in honed reflexes. Spying an opening her body went on autopilot and she loosed a single concentrated arcane blast straight at the soldier who collapsed onto the floor with a smoking hole in his chest, gasping his final breath as his machete clattered noisily to the ground.

In that pulse pounding ten seconds she felt more alive than she had in years. And, up until that point, it was the only time an opponent had managed to touch her not once, but twice in a single confrontation. She believed that even as a warmongering primate the cunning and determination he displayed in the face of battle had earned him a swift and painless death and a place in her memories. That was about the depths of kindness she was willing to extend to a human worthy of earning a modicum of her respect.

But just like that, the sensation faded away, like a foggy breath in the cold, and she found herself amidst the fires of Nairobi unfulfilled and listless, with only a bloodied machete as a sole reminder of her brief but memorable encounter.

And thus, the war went on.

Another victory, another addition to Luna's glorious unbroken streak.

Luna sighed at the memory and returned the machete to its spot on the ponnequin. She can be nostalgic some other time.

With the eye chunk of Jesus Christ, she merely chucked it haphazardly into an open chest labelled: spoils of war, other, along with other miscellaneous objects of inquiry. Here were random things she picked up that piqued her interest at the time that haven't been properly categorized yet. Peeking out from the pile were a bundle of torn flags, some cultural artifacts she personally liberated from unworthy hands and the odd bauble here and there.

A rhythmic knock on Luna's door turned her attention away from her collection.

"Who is it?" Luna asked, closing the chest.

"Princess Luna, tis I, Shade," the voice called from the other side, one of her personal batpony butlers. "I've come to inform you that supper has been prepared and that your family is patiently awaiting your arrival."

"Tell them I'll be there shortly, Shade. I require a moment to make myself look proper."

"Very good, your majesty." the voice concluded as his hoofsteps echoed away down the hall.

Luna began preparing herself for dinner, wicking away the residual moisture that clung to her fur and tidying up her mane. After fumbling with her fineries, she gave herself a quick once-over in the mirror and departed from her room once she deemed her appearance satisfactory.

Luna arrived at the dinner room some time later, clean, sparkling and smelling of expensive soaps. Prince Shining Armor, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, Princess Flurry Heart, Princess Twilight Sparkle, Royal Attendant Spike, and Princess Celestia all greeted her warmly as she seated herself along the long dining room table, just opposite of her sister. They began chatting amongst themselves, enjoying each other's company after having been apart for a spell.

"How nice of you to finally join us, sister," said Celestia, smiling gently. She gestured to the extravagant meal laid out before them. Steaming foodstuffs expertly cooked and beautifully plated rested upon exquisite royal dining-ware that glisten like diamonds in the light. "Come, eat. You must be terribly hungry after returning from that arduous battle. The chefs have prepared your favorite; braised hay and daffodil pinwheels dressed in a savory wine cream sauce served with a side of slow roasted root vegetables. For refreshments, we've a chilled bottle of 1409 Canterlot White. And for dessert, you can expect a decadent slice of blueberry cheesecake."

"It looks delightful, my compliments to the chef," Luna smiled as she began hastily cutting at her meal, her ravenous hunger casting good table manners asides. Thankfully she was among family and could afford to be uncouth in their presence. "After the week I've had, I deserved this."

"Oh, do tell!" Flurry Heart beamed beside her father, setting her cutlery down. "Please, Auntie Luna. Tell us about your amazing victory! What tales of valour and bravery have you to share with us this night?"

Luna blushed and looked away, stifling a giggle at her niece's unbridled enthusiasm. Flurry Heart was a light in the shadow of war and her innocent heart almost made her forget about the aggravation staining part of her mood. "Oh, it was just another victory in the name of Equestria, Flurry. In and out within a week, nothing truly riveting to speak of. In fact, it was all quite..." Luna's visage twitched momentarily, her lips pursed a thin line before returning to a smile, "routine."

She let out a sigh and started to eat, perhaps quicker than she would've liked. The food was good, real good. Cooked to perfection by some of the best chefs the kingdom could afford (even if the kingdom's coffers were starting to feel a little light by this point). But while it sated her hunger it did little to alleviate her mood. Grumbling something inaudible beneath her breath she took a quick sip of her wine, relishing the bold taste and smacking her lips in contentment before resuming her meal like clockwork.

Her family immediately picked up on her visible malaise and traded concerned looks with one another. Twilight was the first to speak up about it, if only to stop Spike from nudging at her side with his scaly elbow. Rolling her eyes, Twilight cleared her throat before addressing Luna.

"Ahem. Er, Luna. For someone who just returned from an overwhelmingly decisive victory, you sure don't look like a winner. If something is bothering you perhaps it would help whatever it is you're feeling by speaking about it? If not for your sake, then why not Flurry Heart's? Surely she deserves that kindness?" Twilight suggested. She brought her niece over to her side, they both put on their best puppy dog eyes to try and persuade Luna to open up to them.

To their credit, they were both very adorably persuasive, and Luna was nothing if not a sucker for the potent effects of the puppy dog eyes. She groaned and gave into their request, sighing as she did.

"...They put up a fight, they always do," Luna began, clasping both her hooves together.

“The humans, you mean?” Celestia inquired with a raised brow, dabbing at her lips with her napkin.

“Who else?” Luna scoffed as she began regaling her family of her brave assault on Rio di Janeiro. “Look, I mean it when I say there isn't much to talk about, and what there is I feel I'd told it a hundred if not thousands of times already. We teleported in, routed their vanguard forces, began converting as much of the humans as we could before repelling their retaliatory force, then escaped back Equestria with minimal casualties, all in that order. Oh, and I destroyed that gaudy statue of 'Heysoos Kristoph' or whatever his name was, if that's worth bringing up. You know, the one the humans are so sure to return one day."

"Uh, was that really necessary?" Spike asked, hiding his discomfort at the casual destruction of such revered human landmarks.

"...Okay, so it might've been collateral damage during the fighting, but saying you did something by accident isn't prime storytelling. However, it did wonders for crushing our opponent's morale," Luna admitted.

"But the point is; I crushed the opposition. They threw everything they had at us and even then our forces proved superior in the end. It was..." she chose her words carefully, "predictable. Obvious. Boring. I feel frustrated, that we've been forced to take such drastic measures against these misguided creatures, and morose at the thought that I am little more than a landscaper ripping weeds out of a garden rather than a gallant hero making history and setting an example as a Princess of Equestria."

She paused, feeling the full weight of her confession press down on her.

"What I mean to say throughout my impassioned ranting is that I feel my efforts aren't as rewarding as they used to be, selfish as it may seem. Instead of being overwhelmed with joy and excitement at vanquishing our foes in the name of Equestria I'm left feeling hollow and, more often than not, annoyed at how trivial it is to conquer said foes. Where is the sport in slaying these dullards? The honor? Why should I continue to devote my time and effort hastening the downfall of an already doomed species?" She concluded, patiently awaiting the response, or lecture, that was sure to come her way.

"...Because it our hallowed duty, simple as," replied Shining armor, playfully ruffling his daughter's mane. "Princess Luna, you claim your efforts aren't rewarding, and pardon my language, but that's horseapples. Rio di Janeiro may just have been another battle to you, but your success goes beyond simply defeating a rabble of obstinate primates. It is the heroism and leadership you displayed out in the battlefront that matters most. The men see you as the shining sword of Equestria, her strength and pride made manifest. You inspire them to remain steadfast in the face of overwhelming adversity and embolden their waning spirits."

"And it's not just the royal guard that appreciate your efforts either, Auntie," Cadence added, taking a sip from her glass of white wine. "It's no secret that the war has sunk our economy. The people are suffering from the heavy taxation and tithes we enforced on them, yet they soldier on in spite it. And you know why? Because they believe is us, in Equestria, in you. So long as you continue to righteously uphold the Equestrian ideal our people's spirit will never be broken."

"Oh, stop it. This is all too much," Luna wave it off. her cheeks dusted with a light lavender. "I get it, I get it. I should appreciate myself more and all I do for our people. As a princess of Equestria it is unbecoming of me to act like such a foal after having experienced so much across the millennia."

"Furthermore, whether or not a battle is easy or boring is completely irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Human resistance shouldn't be seen as a worthy challenge, they're a hurdle that must be overcome for the good of all in as efficient a manner as possible," Twilight lectured.

"Twilight is right," Celestia nodded along. "It's dangerous to think of such things and to expect the same from the humans. They fight with cowardly tactics, striking from behind and from afar with their terrible weapons of war. Wreaking havoc with such little regard to others or the world around them. You feel no honor from your engagements because they have none to give. It is your own honor and the honor of Equestria you must uphold above all else. In time, perhaps those who stubbornly resist may finally understand the importance of conversion through your example."

"Hmph," Luna harrumphed, turning her head to the side. Her mood taking a sudden change at the mention. "I'm afraid I don't share your optimism, sister. Need I remind you all that this blasted war has been going on for four years!" She slammed her hoof on the table, causing all the plates and glasses to rattle. Her voice increased in volume with each word spoken until they just barely reached the decibel of the royal 'we,' the sudden outburst caused her family to flinch at the sound. "If they can resist us for four years, then they can resist us for five, ten, a hundred, even a thousand years if they could!"

"But they can't," Celestia stated firmly, idly pushing her plate back into position. "The only reason why they've been able to continue resisting for so long is because they outnumber us a hundred to one."

"An advantage that is slowly waning by the day," Shining Armor added, a smug grin on his face. "We hold all the cards in this conflict, humanity fights on our terms. So long as we continue to dictate the flow of battle we will triumph. It will be any day now, humanity will surrender and accept the ponification potion with open arms soon. Just you wait."

"Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm," Luna deadpanned, crossing her forelegs.

"Auntie, why are you being so negative?" Cadence raised a curious brow, concern laced in her voice. "Do you lack confidence in how we've been handling the war?"

Luna's expression quickly turned to shock. She hadn't meant to sound as harsh as she did. "No! No, not at all! You've all done phenomenally since we've began. The masses are practically dripping with pride at the thought of having such competent, charismatic leaders be at the forefront of Equestria. It's just..." she flared her nostril and scowled, her anger flaring up momentarily. "They know they cannot win, why do they continue to resist?! At this rate we'll have buried more humans than we would've converted!"

A pregnant silence filled the air as Luna finished, and an expression of sudden realization slowly dawned on everypony's faces, barring Celestia's own curiously enough. Over the past four years it had never occurred to any of them that they may very well have to cull the entire human race if it came to it, a number that sat uncomfortably in the billions. And even though the thought didn't perturb them as deeply as somepony such as, say, Lyra Heartstring, it did leave a bad taste in their mouths.

"...She does have a point," Twilight agreed reluctantly as she swept her gaze across the table, meeting the eyes of her peers. "Our goal is conversion, not slaughter. It would reflect poorly on us, and by extension Equestria, if our careful methods were reduced to tasteless butchering. However, converting individual humans out on the frontlines is too much work, it would be far more efficient to have them willingly turn themselves over to us."

"Perhaps we should attempt more shock operations in order to break the hold over the asinine beliefs and ideologies they foolishly cling too?" Shining Armor suggested before turning to his wife. "What do think, dear?"

"I'm under the impression that we should continue spreading our message by scattering informative leaflets across major metropolitan areas. Educating the misguided to the ways of friendship and harmony will ensure we capture their hearts and minds without bloodshed," replied Cadence, her mind already rife with plans to do just that.

"Enough!" Celestia exclaimed, shooting a disappointed look towards everypony. "This is suppertime, and I will not have such a sacred occasion within the household be besmirched by talks of war and the like. This had begun as a way to assuage Luna of her troubles, but has segued beyond that. While I appreciate everyone's resolve and unwavering devotion to the Equestrian ideal, our meals have unfortunately gotten cold and the wine warm." She frowned as everyone look down in embarrassment.

"My apologies, Princess Celestia," Twilight apologized, lowering her head. "However, you cannot fault our excitability when it comes to matters of family." Her lips curled into a small smile.

"You are all forgiven," Celestia's smile returned as she cleared her throat. "Ahem. Now, I will make this quick, my cream of mushroom soup tastes greasy when it gets cold. First, whatever ideas you have, please hold onto them until after we've had our fill. Wars are not won on empty stomachs. And second," she turned a soft gaze over to Luna. "I understand your troubles, dear sister, and you have been heard. You are not alone in this conflict and we are all supportive of you. Know that you are loved no matter what and your actions are appreciated by everypony from here in Equestria to the colonies beyond our borders. Personal glory should stay exactly that, personal. Keep in mind that we are all in this together, and only through our unity may we succeed. Am I clear?"

"...Crystal, sister," Luna bowed her head and let out a breath she didn't even know she had been holding. In truth, she really did feel better now that she had laid out all her issues bare and talked it out. Now she felt bad for sounding imprudent through their conversation. "My resolve has been steeled, and you can all expect song-worthy victories from me in the near future."

"Wonderful!" Celestia beamed as she turned her gaze over to Flurry Heart. "Oh, one more thing. I believe a certain little filly deserves a story from her auntie for being such a well mannered sweetie pie."

Flurry Heart's smile was wide as a mile at the mention, and she looked onward towards Luna with starry-eyed anticipation. "Pleeeeeeeease, auntie Luna?"

Spike chuckled at Flurry's contagious excitement. "Come on, Princess Luna. She said please."

Luna bellowed with jovial laughter as mirth was restored once again. She laughed and laughed joyously as she prepared herself to speak. "How could I say no to such a polite little filly? Ahem. So, there we were, steely eyed and confident as we appeared in the heart of the filthy favela in a bright flash of starlight..."