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Dewdrops on the Grass

A lady in her 30s who likes to write. Like my works? Feel free to donate to my Ko-Fi account. :twilightsmile:



Sunset Shimmer gets set up on a blind date. She just didn't realize it would be with two people. Two very incompatible people.

Sex tag for implications only.

This story has a sequel: Blind Dates Ii: Fireworks in the Home, which covers the missing moment in the jump cut near the end of the first chapter of this story. Be aware: it is rated Mature.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 26 )

Would really love to see a sequel to this epilogue where either:
1. Dash somehow manages to worm her way out of having to date Zephyr, especially since things for the three worked out in the end.
2. Dash manages to get a revenge prank on the three of them for THEIR revenge prank.

Neither of those are probably going to happen, but I have a bias towards Dash, and this little scene at the end kinda hurts the story for me.
Not to the point that I don't like the first part (and if I ever reread it, I'm just going to pretend this part doesn't exist), though.

That, and I feel like it kinda comes out of nowhere


That, and I feel like it kinda comes out of nowhere

That's fair. It kind of does, when presented like this. But when I was throwing around ideas with Rainstorm, I presented this as the idea of Rainbow and Pinkie pranking Sunset together. And then I decided it was just Rainbow, hence this second bit.

EDIT: To clarify, what I mean is, Pinkie was being genuine, so when Sunset went to ask her what happened, and found out Rainbow was the one who suggested things, she decided she wanted a bit of revenge.

I will give Rainbow some good time in the sun in one of my shorts sooner or later, don't worry.

I look forward to it.

not really a fan of polyships, but i'd be lying if i said i didn't enjoy this .... i have a strong bias towards sundagio еъеъеъе stuff, you know that

I didn't get to have a polyamorous SunTrixDazzle in Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake.

i think that'd be completely unnecessary .. not because i just don't like suntrix !! but because that'd be too much romance involving main character and too much romance in general, it's a dark thriller not a harem story

the ending tho .... rd kinda deserved it ?????:rainbowlaugh: i mean, she should've expected something like this, she knew what she was doing

That was delightful madness. And of course Dash was behind it all.

No, the better plan would have been getting Dash locked into a challenge or dare and being led by her ego to a blind date. Let her suspect Soaring or Lightning Dust or any number of red herrings. THEN, when her pride and ego are on the line, she meets her date (Zephyr, Mudbriar, ect), and like Sunset, has to make it through the whole thing, or 'lose' somehow.

I dunno.
I mean, did they deserve some payback on her? Probably

But forcing her on a date with Zephyr was taking things just a bit too far

Lowkey, feels like something that would fit in the same universe as the DRonpa story, a pre-ship prequel. Imagine SunDagIxie finding out about it after/if they make it off the ship alive.

All the puns somewhat intended. Lol

Was a cute little story though!


i think that'd be completely unnecessary .. not because i just don't like suntrix !! but because that'd be too much romance involving main character and too much romance in general, it's a dark thriller not a harem story

I agree with you. That's one of several reasons why I didn't actually end up doing it. But I wanted to while I was writing that story. Hence why I indulged here.

True, but that would've lead to me writing a followup, and I'm not really intending a followup to this. T'was, as I said, just a bit of indulging.

Alright, this was fun. 😄

I liked this! :heart:

This was a nice, light-hearted break from the dark tones of your Danganronpa story.

While this may be a one shot, I hope that we can see a few more stories featuring these three in the future.

Great work. 👍

Oh yeah. You better believe I'm gonna feature this trio again. They're too much fun.

"The next day, Sunset awoke to find herself curled up in bed between a naked Trixie and an equally naked Adagio, both slumbering away peacefully like little angels."

Oh, yay. Let's just do THAT with two photon torpedoes that have very sensitive detonators...:twilightoops:

Nah, it's fine. They already exploded a few times before the morning. :rainbowlaugh: (Sorry, not sorry.)

I have been hung on my own petard...

Well Done, Son...!!!

Comment posted by Heavyhauler75622 deleted Feb 26th, 2021

:rainbowlaugh: Of course it was Dash! :rainbowlaugh:

Whoops, somehow missed this comment. Thank you! :twilightsmile: I wish I could say it was canon to IHW, but sadly I cannot, since Trixie is ace in that story. If it weren't for that (and one other thing that is spoilery) I would totally say it is though.

Poly Sunset FTW!

This is absolutely great. From Sunset's silent panic, to both Adagio and Trixie's personalities in full display. I like that you took the time to give both of them, (especially Trixie since she's the most difficult to pair) good groundwork for Sunset to consider dating them. I also loved the kiss, and the way you set it up was perfectly in character for both.

I loved this new bit (love the idea of Adagio being strong enough to lift an entire person) and god damn was it a great way of revenge! (Sorry Rainbow, but even if things ended up okay, your intentions weren't that, so punishment earned!)

Howdy, hi!

Oh my gosh, Dew this was amazing. The absolute trainwreck of this triad is delightful and I love how everyone bounces off each other. Trixie and Adagio are just perfect in this and I love Sunset just desperately trying to keep everything together. They have a lot of chemistry surprisingly and I like the idea that they're catty to start but over time just lovingly teases each other, mainly Trixie and Adagio to drive Sunset up the wall. Ah, its just so good.

Thank you so much for the read, Dews!

If I get out of this alive I’m going to kill you, Pinkie Pie.

oh yeah, that definitely sounds like a Pinkie thing

“Trixie is not a child!”

ah, love this dynamic already!

“I, the Great and Powerful Trixie, performed a dazzling display of devilish deception to delight the masses. As always.”

Trixie's a great excuse to use alliteration!

A growl rippled from Adagio’s throat. “I agreed to this date because the pink one talked me into it. I still don’t know how.

ah, the contempt is so good!

Giving the magician a flat look, Sunset replied, “I’m a former villain who’s not even human. Did you forget that?”

ha! but yes, that is certainly a thing that makes Sunset x siren ships work well

Sure, we talk on Snapgap or Mystable or Flitter but it’s not the same thing.

ugh, zoomers and their trademark-friendly versions of social media!

The siren’s eyes fell upon Sunset, this time with a cold, calculating look that filled Sunset with a substantial amount of unease.

oof, sociopathy!

“R-right,” Sunset said with a nervous laugh. Her whole body heated up like fire. I… I need a moment.

oh yeah, you are really playing up the whole Adagio as a demon lady thing very well here!

“You want to make a decision so we don’t have to hear you talk to yourself, lady?!” shouted an elderly voice from one of the stalls.

i like to think this is the audience surrogate

So I thought I’d prove her wrong.

i do love how incredibly devious and Trixie this is

“Oh no,” Sunset said, shaking her head. “No way. We are not going to my place together. Not happening.”

and the absolutely classic cutaway gag!

Adagio arched an eyebrow, her voice coated with ice as she replied, “I don’t think she needs to eat anything you’d cook for her.”

and i love how their dynamic continues even in this context. poor Sunset! poor, lucky Sunset

“Sunny’s too grumpy and lonely!”

aww! very Pinkie thing to say

Rainbow let out a wordless scream.

and the perfect revenge!

so i absolutely love this dynamic! your Adagio and Trixie really leap off the page with their interactions, and Sunset as the everywoman/"straight"(heh) woman was the perfect choice. just the idea of having to manage these two very different yet equally ridiculous lovers is so very fun, and something i could definitely read more of (and very much look forward to doing so, with the pendant!) just a fantastic shipfic all around, and a very enjoyable read. thank you for it!

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